unerving alert from lifelock


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2001
we have lifelock watching over our accounts (we also watch them)

anyways I know there was recently a huge breach with social security numbers
so tonight I get an alert from lifelock I didnt click on the link in the email but went through the lifelock webiste
it says we have deceted information on the dark web which May belong to you
also we cant earse your information or that it has been misused
there is no need to talk to an agent unless you are awared that your information has been misused

I checked our accounts and they all seem ok
I also put a freeze on my credit and payroll accounts not sure if this was a good idea but figured it couldnt hurt
I know Im not the only one with the SS#s
just a little upset
has anyone else ever gotten anything about their info on the dark web
any thoughts
I guess its sounds pretty good that they used words like may belong to you
and we dont have to call unless we notice something but shouldnt lifelock be watching for this
thanks all
Everything is on the dark web.
Sadly true.
You can make it harder to be found but it’s not impossible.

I don’t participate in FB, Twitter, Tik Tok, LinkedIn, etc in an effort to limit my internet presence. When we moved, the man inadvertently disconnected our decades old landline. I thought this meant I’d have to contact overseas friends to give them updated contact info. Most found me before the “snail mail” arrived 🤷🏽‍♀️
I have Experian and I frequently get alerts like "your email address was found on the dark web" and I'm like "ok AND?"

I do a lot of secure things but it's just useless to tell me that without any further info. Who even decides what the "dark web" is? (this is rhetorical)
We also have a credit monitoring system that always alerts us that our info is on the dark web. It says to change your email password. We always do, but get the same alert the next month.
I think these are mostly advertisements designed to scare you into buying some sort of 'protection' service they offer.


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