Uggs outlet prices?


DIS Veteran
Mar 29, 2007
Hey all
I'm just trying to decide if a trip to the Uggs outlet (specifically the one at the Jersey Shore outlets) is worth it... Has anyone been to one recently? I'm looking at the classic cardy style for my DDs which are $140 on the official Uggs website. Another "Uggs outlet" website has them for $99 but I'm really leery of buying something that seems to good to be true, ya know?
Online "Ugg Outlets" probably do not carry authentic Uggs. You'll be paying through the nose for fakes.

Here is a list of authorized online stores: . Notice that only the official Ugg store has the word "ugg" in the store name. That's a BIG tip-off they are fake.

Retail locations:

Good luck and keep your ear to the ground here. When someone finds a good deal on Uggs it spreads on the DIS pretty fast :).
I saw on the Budget Board, someone mentioned that the Outlets were really not worth it.

If you are at the OFFICIAL Uggs site, you can enter any URL to see if they are an 'authorized' dealer. There are so many fake sites that seem real. If it is authorized then I would, if not, then I would not give my CC information or any other information. It screams scammer to me.

I just went through all this last week. Hours and hours pouring over sites. I ended up ordering from the official site.
Thanks so much for the quick responses! I was sitting here "Googling" to no avail! Knew I would get a great answer from Dissers! Thanks. :)
I went to the Ugg outlet in Orlando in October and I was not impressed with the prices. The classic short boots that I was looking had had the retail and outlet prices listed on the sticker. . . Retail Price: $140.00, Outlet Price: $139.99. :rotfl: I did notice slighly better prices on a few styles and colors, but they were the odd ones like purple or teal. And even then, the discounts weren't what I was expecting. I've seen much better deals at other authorized retailers.
MinnieTink: Don't forget to look at pricing for children's sizing! My 11-year old can wear both adult sizes and children's sizes. Children's sizes are cheaper than adult sizes.


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