Trip Report - Boardwalk Villas early September


Jul 2, 2004
This could just as easily go in the Trip Reports section but I thought since it involved 4 gay men, I would put it here. Enjoy!

Boardwalk Villas, September 4-9, 2014

Travel Dates: September 4-September 9, 2014
Travel Method: Plane, Rental Car
Resort: Disneys Boardwalk Villas
Accommodations: Two bedroom lock-off villa
Ages Represented: 4 Male Adults ages 27- mid 50s
WDW Experience: My 11th visit since 1996, my partners 4th visit, and two newbies who are DL regulars
Comments: This is our second visit to WDW specifically to attend a pin trading event, but we find plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the resort as well.

Cast of Characters:

Kelly, 43 (author) 10 WDW Trips since 1996 and countless Disneyland visits as a local since 1971
Jaime, 27 (partner) Fourth trip to Florida (3 WDW visits, 1 Universal/Busch Gardens/Sea World visit), Disneyland local
Patrick and Brad Pin trader friends who are also attending the pin trading event but have never been to WDW

Advance Planning:

Our September 2013 trip was the first time I didnt write a trip report and post online. It just became too much of a burden. We were attending our first pin trading event and I didnt know how much time or energy that was going to take so rather than worry about taking notes for 7 days, I just enjoyed myself. We had a great time and stayed at Beach Club Villas for the first time. I loved the resort, but have to admit that honestly, the rooms are a big letdown. The dcor is horribly tired and in need of some serious redecorating. The carpet was wet from the refrigerator condensation. For such a perfect location, the rooms themselves are really lacking. At the time, they had installed some sections of new carpet in the corridors as a test, but even that didnt really look much better. Stormalong Bay, (the pool area) however, was fantastic and I couldve spent my entire vacation right there wading in the pools with my feet in the sand and riding the waterslide.

After that fun time, Jaime and I knew that we wanted to return in 2014 for the next pin event if finances would allow. Granted, as new DVC owners I had basically committed myself to at least one Florida trip per year regardless, but now we had a specific reason to return during a certain time period. Dates were released and after several months, I booked us another studio, but this time at the Boardwalk. Id done some research online and found an overall preference for the condition of the rooms there vs. at the Beach Club, so it seemed a practical option. Honestly, Im not thrilled about the clown feature pool as compared to the lovely, relaxed Stormalong Bay but at the same time, itll be another resort I can check off my list. The Epcot Resort area is not my favorite it is very pretty with lovely water views and is very convenient to Epcot and DHS, but the themes of the resorts dont do much for me. I would much rather be at Bay Lake Tower with awesome water or park views, the Wilderness Lodge surrounded by pine trees, or at my ultimate grail hotel, the Polynesian. But, none of those make sense when our activities are centered around the World Showcase area of Epcot, so they will have to wait for another trip.

I booked the studio some time in March. Then, in late April, I found out that Pat and Brad were planning to attend the event as well, and that it would be their first time in WDW. They mentioned wanting to stay at the Grand Floridian. LOL clearly newbies; they had no clue how far that was from Epcot, nor how expensive it was. I lightly suggested that they consider Beach Club or Boardwalk to be more conveniently located. Sure enough, they were a little taken aback even by that room price, and thats when I decided to offer up DVC: I figured I could switch my studio booking to a 2-bedroom, we could all share one place, and they would simply pay me the difference in dues cost. I explained how it all works, how nice the villas are, toting the benefits of the inside laundry and kitchen, and they were very enthusiastic. It would cost them about a quarter of what a retail room would have cost, so they jumped on board. It turns out that they had previously stayed in a Grand Villa at Aulani, so they were well aware of what DVC rooms were like.

At this point its late May, and I feel like I need to really educate this couple on WDW. Pat is the fellow pin trader and collector, while Brad is older and is mostly looking forward to time at the pool with cocktails in hand. I dont want to overwhelm them, but at the same time dont want them showing up completely oblivious to the size and scope of the place, not to mention the need for advance planning in everything from attractions to dining reservations. As a token of their appreciation, they want to take Jaime and myself to one dinner at one of the really nice places. Well, Im not sure they realize how expensive really nice can be at WDW, so well exclude Victoria & Alberts for now (lol). I cant drink I get that horrible Asian Flush on my face so a restaurants wine list means nothing to me, but I know that they enjoy a nice drink with dinner so I narrowed it down to three places that I knew had great wine lists: California Grill, Artist Point and Jiko. They chose Jiko, so I booked it and am very excited to finally go there. My best friend, who currently lives in New York but visits WDW every few years, cannot praise Jiko enough, so I will be happy to get to experience what hes been talking about. I also booked dinners for Jaime and myself for the other 4 nights. I debated buying the Tables in Wonderland card, but for $100, it would break even at best and Id feel obligated to spend more to save more. So, cash it is. This will be the first time since 2003 that Im paying full price for table service meals at WDW and its going to hurt lol! But, well always have the option of cancelling and switching to counter service if were not that hungry or dont feel like spending so much on food. Theres several offsite places Id like to try but theyre not priorities Id rather be on property longer than spend precious vacation time driving around.

We decided to rent a car this trip after dealing with buses 100% for the past three trips and just really becoming aggravated by how slow they are, how long it takes to board, and how erratic their schedules can be. Its not that were park commandos anymore its no big deal if it takes 45 minutes to get to the Magic Kingdom but its time wasted and it causes frustration thats not needed while on a vacation. Plus, the cost of an economy car from MCO is so cheap, its almost silly not to. And with a full kitchen in our villa, I intend to make good use of the facilities and cook breakfast most, if not all mornings so with the car, we can conveniently head off property to get groceries as we need them. Pat and Brad will be welcome to join us in the car, or use Magical Express and the bus system as they please. Its totally up to them.

Airfare is always a sore spot when traveling to Orlando from the West Coast. 10 years ago, the fares were a great bargain at $150 to $200 round trip. This year we werent so lucky. Jaime checked the flights on his phone almost daily for months ahead of time, only to find a variance of about 10 bucks total from week to week. We prefer to take nonstops, of course, if feasible, but the rate was hovering around $408. Some weeks it would change to $398. Taking the red eye has worked out well for us in the past, since we arrive first thing in the morning and dont lose any vacation time in the air. Delta is the only airline that offers this anymore we used to be able to choose between Delta, American and United so I looked at Deltas seat availability for our outbound flight. They were filling up pretty quickly, so I decided we should at least book the outbound flight to Orlando sooner than later. That was booked the week of June 23rd at $198 per person.

I continued to check fares for the return flight but they just sat stagnant, or went up a few dollars. Its now August 1st and Im still hoping for a miracle in that department. Meanwhile, Ive gotten Pat and Brad up to speed on My Disney Experience, FP+, Magic Bands, and have booked Magical Express for them in both directions since they gave me their flight info. I booked Jaime and myself a compact car thru E-Z Rent a Car for an amazing price. In fact, if it werent for all the airport and 9/11 fees imposed, it would be practically free, lol. I like them because they have the best rates for an in-airport location. I dont need to be dealing with shuttles to and from a rental facility in 95 degree heat when theres still some companies that are located onsite and Im not a frequent enough renter to be loyal to any one particular firms perks programs, so why not.
The MDE website is really great, however, Im still not seeing what I perceive as a great tool: the ability to print out ones entire schedule and all park hours on a single sheet of paper. Yes, most people will simply refer to their smart phones nowadays, but I cant see everything at once that way. For instance, yes I can see where my dinner reservation is and where my three FastPass plusses are booked, but can I also see what time the Electrical Parade starts, should I choose to run over to the Magic Kingdom that night? So instead, I make a simple spreadsheet showing all plans, as well as any options, right there on one page and print it. This way, even though my plans are semi-regimented, Im still viewing other options to keep the vacation somewhat on the fly.

FP+ was all booked about 6 weeks in advance, taking into consideration which park our dining reservations were at as well as the fact that wed be exclusively at Epcot for the two pin trading event days. I dont like this tiered FP system at Epcot where you can only book one good pass out of three. Granted at this time of year, lines are pretty short everywhere but still, its the principle.

Im still unclear as to how to link MDE accounts, though. Id like for Pat and Brad to be able to see our reservation, but then be able to make their own FP+ and dining reservations as they please, so I had Pat create his own account. Then, when I gave him our confirmation number, the website told him that it was already linked to my account. So then, I tried sending him an invitation to be my friend/whatever so he could see our plans. Its a bit confusing when not all 4 guests in the room have the same itinerary, so Im still looking into all the details for that. Worst case, they will have to book their Fast Passes at the kiosks as they enter each park.

A little bit further into August, I randomly checked fares online again and found that the flight home had DROPPED! All my patience had paid off. Were now flying home on Virgin America for $157 instead of $198. Every little bit helps, and I like Virgin. The departing and arriving times are also really good and will allow us almost a full day at WDW even on our final day of vacation.

Magic Bands and Magical Express tickets arrived the week of August 11th and we met up with Pat and Brad to give them their credentials and explain how it all works. I think were all set and just need to wait 3 more weeks until its time to leave.

The week of August 25th, I got an email from the rental car company that they were having a sale. I mean, theyre always having a sale, but this one looked to be even lower than I had locked in before. I checked again, and ended up rebooking the reservation at a $20 savings. Things just keep getting cheaper! I also looked up the grocery ads for Publix and Winn Dixie, trying to decide where Im going to load up on breakfast food.

As Murphys Law would have it, the week before departure became increasingly stressful. People at work were getting sick and staying home, I was feeling a sore throat and canker sores, the Fall semester at school started and I was NOT ready to be going to a college campus after an 8-hour day of work and was very cranky, I had to take the car in for maintenance, I was chosen to be a guest caller on the Suze Orman show (not a bad thing but the timing couldnt have been worse), I had to meet and arrange things with a new cat sitter, and had a wedding to attend on the Friday before Labor Day, right at 7pm, right when the entire state was driving on that same freeway to try to get out of town for the holiday. Work, after being as slow as death for most of August, suddenly got very busy and deadlines were almost unattainable, plus my counterpart chose to take days off to turn the Labor Day weekend into a 5-day vacation for himself, leaving me to service 250 employees alone. To top it off, I stopped the medication I had been taking for the past several months, mostly meant to smooth out my temperament and keep depression under control. This was done under my doctors care and I tapered off very slowly, but it didnt help that stressful situations had to present themselves up until the minute I began the weaning process. I have a new medication Im supposed to try but honestly, Im getting sick of taking manmade drugs to alter my mood. Maybe I just need to suck it up and try to be nicer, lol. Then again, after only one week without, I can feel the difference in how little annoyances trigger my temper. No, Im not a violent person lol hardly but it would be nice not to let small things affect me so dramatically. Maybe I will try that new medication after all, lol! NOTE: I did try it after we got home and even on the first day, it made me so nauseous, I said forget it!
Jaime was experiencing a few symptoms of being worn down as well such as cold sores, inability to sleep well, and general stress from making sure we have everything ready to go. Why are vacations like this? Weve both been pounding down the Lysine to keep the mouth sores at bay. It didnt help that on the night of Sept 1st, we both were up very late trying to order a new pin on that ended up selling out before it went live. There are many, many devious folks in the pin world who get product SKUs before they are released and are able to buy things online before theyre available to the public and those of us who play by the rules end up losing out. Its fine its just a piece of metal but its the principle.

I booked my airport parking ahead of time on September 2nd. Theres a great website for Southern California area airports that consolidates all of the parking options into one website and they always have deals. I ended up choosing the Airport Hiltons lot for $7/day plus taxes. Its cheaper than booking a Super Shuttle each way, plus I dont have to bother anyone with giving us a ride. I also like knowing my car is at a hotel in an underground secured lot rather than many of these open-air lots that are right under flight paths where the cars end up covered in airplane soot after a few days. This way my car is waiting for me in the same condition in which I left it.


Finally, the day (or night) came to leave. We both had to work full days at work which sucked, but eventually it came to an end and we each made it home. Cars have to be off the street for sweeping every Tuesday, so since we have 3 cars and only 1 assigned space, Jaime had to park his car at his mothers house a few miles away. There was a notice at home saying that our entire parking garage needed to be vacated tomorrow due to some pipe cleaning. Too bad my 3rd car is staying in there while were gone and Ill plan to text the HOA manager that Im in Florida and sorry but I cant move my car from there. As it turns out, he said it was no problem as he didnt receive word from the plumbers that my car was in the way.

I checked in this morning with Delta and got a pop up screen saying that they were looking for customers to give up seats. The screen showed prices of $100-500 in $100 increments that you could check saying that youd be willing to give up your seat in exchange for that many Delta dollars to use in the next 365 days. I texted a picture of the screen to Jaime and he was confused but I eventually explained and told him that I put in $600 each just for fun. If you dont pick the 100-500 buttons they have, theres a space to enter your own figure. I assumed on the rare chance that they accepted, that $1200 in future flying credits plus a potential hotel night there by the airport until the next morning flight departed was well worth the inconvenience of arriving in Orlando 10 hours late. Well, Jaime was not pleased with this plan at all and proceeded to let me know about it. I just let it go since I knew there was no way Delta would accept there are plenty of other passengers that would probably be fine with $300 to change their schedules. Its now less than 6 hours before departure and they havent called even if they do at this point, Ill decline since it was clear that Jaime would rather be there earlier than later. We do have a full itinerary tomorrow, but Im sorry; 1200 bucks would make me forgive that! Oh well

I checked to see if the flight was on time and it was. However, they changed the departure from 9:55pm to 10:05 and didnt notify me. It amazes me how the airlines operate these days; they claim to be so state of the art and they collect every bit of information about you ahead of time, yet they cant email you of a change in flight time. Maybe its because its only ten minutes but Id still like to be informed without my having to find out on my own.

We got to the airport area a little early so we stopped to get a light dinner at The Habit. After a few too many tacos before a red eye flight to Chicago years ago, I learned that I cannot eat a big meal nor anything greasy before a flight so I was very careful to just get a small burger wrapped in lettuce with no bun. Ill never forget that Chicago flight the last 3 hours of it were spent in the lavatory, popping out only occasionally to let the flight attendants know I was still alive, but not comfortable enough to return to my seat, lol. We already had our boarding passes printed, so checking in was a breeze. There were several other pin trading folks on the same flight so we said hello to them in the terminal.
Incredibly, it turns out that my $600 offer was accepted! I went up to the counter and saw the list of all the other offers, mine being the only one that was so high. I was amazed that Delta was willing to compensate that much on a flight that only cost me $198. Anyway, I told the gate attendant that I had to decline and it was no problem. But wow Ill keep that in mind in the future that couldve paid for a trip to Hawaii next year, easily.

Due to the high demand for seats, they ended up moving all of our seats around and it turned out to benefit Jaime and me as we were moved to the 2nd row closest to the exit hatch near the front of the plane instead of of the way back where I had booked us. This was also the Economy Plus section that normally costs like 75 bucks more per seat. I didnt really notice much difference but appreciated the upgrade. Unfortunately, I wasnt able to sleep at ALL and thats rare normally on a red eye, Im asleep before we take off and dont wake up for a couple of hours. This time, I was writhing and struggling to find a comfortable position for the entire flight and was miserable. The lady in front of me, whom I also knew from pin trading, said the same thing. We still cant figure out why, but it is what it is. Jaime was able to doze a little bit, at least.


We arrived in Orlando on time and went to pick up the rental car. The whole area was deserted, which was great and we got the car fairly fast. As usual, they were out of Compact cars so they upgraded us to a Midsize free of charge. This happens more often than Id like I book Compact on purpose for the better gas mileage, but I half expected it since it always seems to happen. The car was in the other terminal, so we had to do a bit of a walk to the other side to retrieve it which was no big deal. I had the choice of an Altima or a Camry and chose the Altima. I drive a Sentra at home so I was trying to be loyal to Nissan, but I remembered that Id had an Altima as a rental for over a month and didnt really care for it. I shouldve tried the Camry but the Altima ended up being fine. It had good power, a push button starter, and good air conditioning what else could I need in Orlando? One thing it didnt have was a back-up camera and boy, have I gotten used to that on my Sentra! First World problems for sure.

Today, we had several things to accomplish but it was still so early that not much was open yet, so we drove to a Waffle House in Kissimmee for breakfast. Id never been to this location its the one right next to the big orange-shaped gift shop on 192. It ended up being a great choice as noone else was in there this early. I think we counted 8 employees either already there or coming in to clock in while we sat eating lol! The food was good as always (I realize its crap but its special because we dont have any in California) and we were on our way.

We drove to the Boardwalk and checked in. Ive read so many trip reports where Cast Members are outside waiting for your arrival, know your name, and take you aside before you even hit the front desk to check you in with lightning speed. Well, apparently Im not meant to experience this luxury because once again, as it has been on my last two trips, not a soul was around to intercept me. At this early hour noone was at the Online Check In counter either, so I proceeded to the regular front desk. I was helped by a CM that seemed to be fairly new, as she was being coached by a more senior CM through most of the check in process.

I dont know if I have bad luck or its just Disneys overly complicated systems, but this took much longer than it should have. Everything was done online ahead of time all I should have had to do was show my ID and be told either my room was ready or that Id have to come back later. The number of buttons these people push, all the while mumbling questions to themselves, just baffles me. And this may sound bad but Im going to say it anyway: Disney should not be putting CMs for whom English is NOT their primary language at the front desk of an alleged 4-star hotel. Its absolutely ridiculous. The whole process was probably about 15 minutes, by which time I was irritated at the inefficiency of the entire front desk. Of course the villa was not ready, and once again I had to give my cell number (even though it was already in the reservation) to be contacted via text when it was. At one point I was told that the room I had was on the 4th floor with a pool view, which is correct, but that I could get a first floor parking lot view room now. I said that might be ok, but then minutes later, that was no longer an option. Its funny I can check into a Courtyard or Hilton Garden Inn in 30 seconds with an agent who can handle everything perfectly, in English, and without hesitation, who earns about the same salary. What am I missing here?

I noticed later that the more seasoned front desk CMs seem to come on duty well after 8am, so perhaps I got the newbie whom they put on early in the morning to train in relative peace and quiet, but I was still miffed. I also then saw two CMs per front entrance of every resort we visited throughout this trip with their Ipads waiting to check guests in at the front doors, so Im assuming that that shift also doesnt begin until 8 or 9am. Ill keep that in mind for future visits.
With that debacle taken care of, we decided to hit the Animal Kingdom Lodge to start looking for some pins. There was a series that had been released about a month prior that we couldnt buy at Disneyland so we were on the hunt to see if any were left, and thought that the more remote resort gift shops might be the best choice. No luck, so we then proceeded to enter DAK to check the shops there. They were also sold out but since it was so early, I suggested we at least get on one ride while we were there, so we did Dinosaur with no wait and then left.

One thing on the agenda for today was grocery shopping for the entire week but since we still didnt have a room number, it didnt make sense to do that yet. For those of you that have been reading my reports for years, youll remember my ex partner Bill, with whom I took several trips between 2003-2008. He passed away in 2013 and his family happens to live in central Florida, so I had planned to surprise his sister who lives and works in Oviedo by dropping in today. I had called her work the day before to ask if shed be on duty and she was, so we headed out using the maps on my iphone. It was fairly far from WDW, which was fine, but what I hadnt counted on was the ridiculous number of toll booths wed pass. OMG I could have gone broke getting there and back. Whats worse, the smaller stops are not manned, so if you dont have the exact change, you have to grab an envelope and mail in a check (in this case, for 75 cents, lol) to avoid being cited later. I thought it was silly that I couldnt slip a $1 bill into a machine and let them keep the other quarter. Oh well lesson learned. We are spoiled in California, I guess, since the only toll roads we have are optional ones you can take if you want to avoid the traffic in the regular lanes. I mailed 3 separate checks to Floridas Turnpike as soon as I got back home, hoping the rental car company would not get any citations for the Altima.

We arrived at the restaurant, Millers Ale House, right during the lunch rush and found Bills sister. We asked to be seated in her section and walked over there as clandestinely as possible. When she came by, I pounded on the table and said, WE WANT LUNCH! She did an, Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for a long time before realizing we were really there and then it was hugs and kisses all around. My plan had worked! She was happy to see us and, after getting over the initial shock, took our drink and food orders. She was super busy so we didnt get to talk much until we had to leave, but we tried to catch up as best as we could. The Ale House turned out to be better than I thought. Im not one for sports bars but the menu here is really big and they have great specials. I got a huge piece of meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy for $4.99 cant go wrong there! Jaime and I also shared their delicious onion rings. We were able to get 40% off the bill as she used her employee discount, which was an unexpected treat. She has been going through very rough times Bill had died almost one year ago to the day, and now her other brother and sister in law were both having surgery for different ailments, all the while she is trying to support herself and her disabled husband by working part time as a waitress. Its not an easy life and I feel for her as she has a heart of gold. I knew that they have no spare money, so I purchased a coupon for a breakfast place in Oviedo for her. The deal was that you spend $20 and get $10 off your bill, so I told her I wanted her to go use that with her husband and then I gave her $20 in cash to use to cover the rest. It was the least I could do but I hope she gets a chance to use it soon.

I asked if she knew a better way to get back to WDW without so many tolls and she sent over a younger kid who supposedly knew better. The path he told me to take was almost identical to the one Id used to get there, so so much for saving money on the way home, lol. We got back to the Disney area quicker this time, but its definitely not just around the block, thats for sure.

I still hadnt received a text from the Boardwalk, so I called the front desk. They had my room number with no problem and said it was ready. Why couldnt they have texted me? I had to wonder how many hours it had been ready that I could have been in it, putting groceries away earlier. Aaargh.

By this time it was too late to get the groceries because we had a dinner reservation at OHana that was only about 2 hours away. We drove back to the Boardwalk and went up to the villa. The room number I had been given was actually for the 2nd bedroom of the lock-off, so when we entered and saw the studio, I was a little nervous for a moment. I went and tried to open the connecting door to the living room but it was locked from the other side. I went back out into the hall and tried my Magic Band on the adjoining room and it worked whew! We were now in the complete 2 bedroom.

The villa was very nice and not as bad as I had feared from viewing pictures online. Sure, the dcor is rather boring and plain but the room condition was completely fine better than the Beach Club studio wed stayed in last year. I was relieved and no longer worried about wanting to switch resorts during the trip. The view was of the DVC pool through the trees, with the Tower of Terror in the distance very nice!

We took some time to unpack and straighten up the villa. I think we had time to shower quickly and change and then we were on our way over to the Poly for dinner. OMG the Poly is a disaster right now. The lobby is all boarded up in the center, the parking lot is torn up and the long houses that are being converted to DVC are completely gutted to a point where you can see through them from one side all the way out to Bay Lake. Its pretty much a war zone. Like most others Im not at all pleased about the reduction in size of the lobby waterfall but Im looking forward to everything being done. If I was a cash paying guest at this resort right now, Id be pissed!

We checked in and after they did the silly opening ceremony, were seated quickly. We sat in an area close to the window but behind the grill, which Id never sat in before. The servers were very friendly and efficient and the dishes began flying out of the kitchen. Everything was good but once again, theyve tweaked the menu a little bit. The salad has changed, and theres no longer chicken available from the grill; only pork, steak and shrimp. This is probably the first time weve been disappointed to come here. The price keeps going up, yet they keep shrinking the menu more and more. This was the first time Id paid cash to eat here in many, many years and boy the bill was not pleasant! I remember when this meal was 26.99, a relative bargain for everything you got but its not such a great deal anymore. I think well be skipping this unless were on the Dining Plan where the sting isnt quite as obvious.

After dinner, we took the Monorail to the Magic Kingdom to use a FP+ on Peter Pan. As much as I love this ride, its really showing its age. Especially with the new Fantasyland only steps away, it makes this attraction feel more like the 70s than it ever did before. Personally I dont mind, but Im sure Disney has plans in the works for the interior after they finish upgrading the queue line. I mean, we should not be able to see staircases throughout the attraction for emergency evacuations. The Disneyland version doesnt show any of that bad show!

After that, we rode Small World with no line. We had FP+ for Big Thunder as well but it was raining so we didnt even bother walking over there to see if it was running. Instead, we rode Pirates with no line and did a couple Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom stops in Adventureland. Our third FP+ was for the new Mine Coaster and we had to see that, so we made our way over there and got on very quickly. What a completely charming and cute ride! The coaster parts are very tame, like a junior Big Thunder, but the interior mine scene is fantastic. Luckily, the train slows down considerably in there so you can really see all thats going on. Its just beautiful. Then at the end, you can see a full size recreation of the cottage in the woods, and through the window you see Snow dancing with the dwarfs while the old hag looks on from outside. You could almost miss all of this if the train doesnt stop here and goes into the station too fast so make sure to look to your right and enjoy. Overall, I think they did a great job with this, although it could have been completed in a year and didnt have to come at the expense of the dark ride. Now that Ive ridden it, I would have converted the original dark ride to a dark ride of another, newer Disney film (Hello Frozen? Tangled?) and I think they really blew it by installing the Fairytale Hall there instead.

The plan had also been to stay for the Electrical Parade but with the rain, it was obvious that it wasnt going to happen tonight so we just left. We had done enough today anyway and were exhausted.
Back at the Villa, we eventually ran into Pat and Brad who had found their studio with no problem and had gotten unpacked and then had gone out to find dinner on the Boardwalk. By the time we made it to bed, we had been awake for 39 hours and were dead to the world.

DAYS 2-5

I faked it long enough on Day 1 but must confess I didnt take notes on this trip at all. It was simply too busy, too hot and too exhausting to pull out a note pad every two seconds or type into my tiny iphone. So, the rest of the report will be summary style to cover all that we did.


The weather sort of sucked for the entire trip. It rained long and hard every day except the last, and as much as I love the rain, it really got in the way of our touring plans. One especially difficult time was when we were walking back to the car in the Epcot parking lot and our shoes and socks had become totally soaked. Naturally, this was right before we had to be at a nice restaurant for dinner so our only remedy was to take everything off in the car and run the A/C on high to try to dry out. Pretty disgusting. It was also very, very hot for September. Ive been here many other times during this exact week and the weather was closer to 90 degrees and 90% humidity but this time it was more like 97 degrees most days, at least when the sun was out. Im not gonna lie it was hard to even walk about at certain times. Thank goodness A/C was easy to find everywhere. Im highly photosensitive, so I walk around carrying an umbrella everywhere I go. Im usually the only one it seems only the Asians are smart enough to realize the potential for skin cancer but Im right there with them. I can stand in one spot in the sun and within 30 seconds, can feel the burn all through my body. That umbrella saved my life. A few folks here and there would say, Ah, YOURE the smart one! to which I nodded but most apparently think its not cool to carry an umbrella in the sun. Ive always been the weirdo who stands out, so this was nothing new.

On the flipside, the stormy weather also meant many periods of cloud cover and thunder/lightning; all of which I found very exciting. After experiencing this weather, I got a better feel for what mid-Summer in Orlando is like and can honestly say that I could do it if I had to. Granted, with the difference in crowds I might have a different opinion!


Well, Im probably not qualified to say much about this since Ive never seen WDW at full capacity. With that said, Id say that this was probably a very low attendance week, but to me, it felt moderately busy. I cant even imagine what its like when this place is fully booked I would probably die as it is, theres always lines for shuttles, boats, monorails, food courts, elevators, etcno matter how empty the resort might be, so its hard for me to gage. I did take notice that not as many children were around since school had just started, but on the contrary, there were many kids from the U.K. Does their school year start later? Also, to make up for the missing American children there were TONS of toddlers and infants not yet of age for school. So while there wasnt as much of the 5-6 year olds running around unsupervised, there were plenty of screamers in strollers. Either way you really cant win if youre not a kid person. I tried a new technique of not really paying attention to guests around me and just turning a blind eye it sort of worked. Normally I examine other families very closely and sometimes get irritated with the way parents raise their children today, but this time I chose to ignore it and I think it served me better.


Id never stayed at the Boardwalk before but Id walked through it, shopped at its shops and eaten at its restaurants. Its a very nice resort but I dont feel like Im in anything deluxe, honestly. I was worried that Id hate the feature pool with the clown waterslide but it was actually pretty nice and not obnoxious. The DVC villas here have the same exact floorplan as those at the Beach Club and Saratoga Springs I honestly much prefer the rooms at Old Key West or Animal Kingdom Lodge, but each has its own pros and cons. I think this resort would be pretty low on my list of repeats, though, other than its good location near Epcot and the Studios. Once Beach Club receives a full remodel, I think Id be more apt to go back there if I wanted an Epcot resort. I did enjoy taking a couple complete loops around the entire resort area on evening walks, which are very pleasant because not too many guests are around.


Its so nice not having to rely on the buses. We didnt use a single Disney bus this entire trip and I didnt miss the experience at ALL! Having a car was great. That said, its still a pain to have to walk out to your car, find parking spaces and carry luggage long distances. At least the WDW bus stops are fairly close to each hotels entrance but that cant always be said for the parking lots. The worst part of all was having to use the parking lot trams. OMG, what a total JOKE! They wait for the trams to fill up completely before leaving rather than cycling them more often at more convenience to the guest. So, you can be in the middle of the DHS parking lot in blazing sun with no wind waiting on a filty tram (they are in horrible condition) while the slow, senior citizen cast waits for them to fill before they will leave. You can easily walk to the front gates faster, if not for the oppressive heat and eventual arrival at the parks covered in sweat. One time, our DHS parking lot tram took off (after we waited a good 15 minutes for the damn thing to leave) and proceeded to pop a tire, forcing everyone off and onto another tram. At that point we quickly decided to get over it and power walk to the park. Gee, do you think maybe these tires wouldnt burst if they werent left parked in one blazing hot spot for so long at one time? Just a thought! Major irritation. These engines are also the older, gas ones that we used to have at Disneyland but that have since been replaced by clean CNG-burning ones. I certainly did not miss those smoke belchers. They stink and theyre so unfriendly to the environment. Floridas smog laws may not be as stringent as Californias, but they would still be wise to convert over.

The Monorails were a mixed bag as they usually are these days. When they work, theyre amazing: you can leave the MK and be at the TTC in less than 5 minutes. However, more often than not youre sitting on a beam waiting for clearance and the A/C doesnt work in your cabin so you are suffocating as you look out a fogged up window wishing you were anywhere but at Disney World. Its horrible and its pure misery. Thats not what Disney Transportation is supposed to be. Then, of course we happened upon an express Monorail that had to be taken out of service which meant that everyone had to use the Resort line. From the TTC, that means stops at the Poly, Grand Flo and then finally the MK with a good 5 minute wait at each station for no reason. Its amazing how something so small can change ones entire mood for the day. I still say these Monorails havent been the same since they switched from DOS to Windows controls. They were built in the early 90s and are meant to run on early 90s software I wish they would have just left well enough alone.


Jaime had never been here, so we managed to fit in a morning visit for a few hours one day. He insisted we had been there, but he was confusing it with Typhoon Lagoon from the year before. He said he liked BB better; I prefer TL but honestly, theyre both great. I love the lush environments, the white sand beaches, the variety of slides and the great theming of both. If you get there right at opening, you can ride everything within a couple of hours. Again, I cannot imagine what this place is like on a capacity day but I think itd be miserable. The parking lot was 1/3 full at best and the crowd level seemed just about right to me. I noticed some areas around the back of the park where there were chaise lounges in sand with nice shade covers that not as many guests knew about. If I were a local with an annual pass, this is where Id be hanging out for sure!

It was interesting to note that the foreign guests of WDW seem to all be at the water parks, much more so than at the theme parks. There was little English to be heard at BB but plenty at, say, the Magic Kingdom. Maybe theyre so thrilled to be able to frolic in the hot sun and warm water now since back home, theyll be seeing snow within a month?

I also got a better look at the Winter Summerland golf course and it really does look cute. Ive wanted to play here and at Fantasia Gardens for years but there never seems to be enough time. Perhaps its time to MAKE time, especially on a trip where I have a rental car and dont have to invest an hour each way into getting to these places.


Well, the central Tree of Life area is all blocked off so it doesnt look so nice, but otherwise the park is in good shape. The lack of the Jammin Jungle Parade was very obvious and it left me feeling that the park was really just a 3 hour park once again. Other than Dinosaur, Everest, and the Festival of the Lion King show, theres not much here that I like to repeat over and over. The safari, the walking trails and Rafikis Planet Watch are all fun but I dont need to go every time Im there. I hope the Rivers of Light show changes all that. I did learn that Everest can run in the rain with no problem; even heavy rain. The one condition it cannot run in is lightning, and thats precisely when we hit it. The rule is that there must be no lightning flashes in a 10 mile radius for 15 minutes before the ride can reopen. Luckily, thats what happened to us so we were then able to ride a couple of times.

We had lunch at Flame Tree BBQ and I can honestly say that with this, is there anywhere else to have lunch here? Really? The other options are pizza and burgers, right? Or am I missing something? I just love Flame Tree, and it has the most picturesque seating ever.

The new area created for the FOLK is really nice and a big improvement over the original. It would have been nice if they upgraded the interior of the theatre with better seats and MORE seats, but oh well. The show still made me cry like it always does, and I think I noticed some new choreography which helped freshen up the show a bit. Best of all, the CMs werent teaching the stupid hand jive before the show.

On the flipside, the Nemo show is stillthe Nemo show. Its not that great, and its too long. It has good moments in it and yes, you will shed a tear or two at the relationship between Nemo and his father, but its getting a little long in the tooth.

You cant see anything going on with Avatar whatsoever. Theres a huge crane in the area but other than that, theres nothing to discover just yet.
I saw DeVine twice, for the first times ever. She is really cool.


This has and will always be my least favorite park. The concept of a working studio where you get to go behind the scenes just doesnt work for me, especially when the studio that was here in the late 80s is now completely mothballed. The Tour is a joke, and now they dont even have a nice gift shop at the end of it. The Little Mermaid puppet show is terrible. The Indy and Lights..Motors..Action shows are fine once, but not that much fun to repeat. FROZEN is all over the place, from the temporary stage in front of the hat to the sing a long show to the decorations everywhere. Its all very temporary looking and just clutters up this already-disjointed park.

There are a few shining stars here, such as the vastly superior original Tower of Terror which has never been duplicated in any other Disney park worldwide. Thank goodness they havent found a way to save money and convert it to the same system as all the other incarnations. This is one of the rides that is worth coming to Orlando for, because its a one of a kind.

We ate a very early dinner at Mama Melrose with the Fantasmic Dinner Package, which we didnt even want nor use. I tried to cancel this the day before and was told it had a 48 hour cancel policy, so I was locked in. My mistake. We LOVE this restaurant and once again, it didnt disappoint, but we dont need the package deal unless were on the Dining Plan. Fantasmic is far inferior here to the original in California, and I meant to give away our two tickets to the show to a couple on our way out but then totally forgot. Oops

The Great Movie Ride, my favorite attraction in this park, was better this time than in years past. We had an overly enthusiastic CM driving our vehicle and while she was totally over the top, she was much better than some of the others who have no skills at delivering a script whatsoever. I just wish theyd swap out a few scenes in the ride to bring it more relevant with todays audiences.

It was great to use a FP+ on Toy Story Mania, as back at home, the attraction doesnt have Fast Pass so its actually easier to get on it here than in DCA. Rumor has it that theyre adding a third track to increase capacity.
The Frozen sing along wouldve been nice to see once, and we did have a FP+ for it, but we couldnt see waiting in the park that long when we could spend the evening elsewhere, so we had to skip it.


What is it about this park that makes me love it so much? Its not the lack of rides in World Showcase, or the current state of the rides in Future World, thats for sure. Theres just a feeling one gets here that cant be put to words not matched in any of the other parks. Its usually the last park we visit on any given trip and its always so sad to leave, looking at the beautiful lake around World Showcase and all the many views it offers at different times of day.

We had dinner at the San Angel Inn one night. The atmosphere in there is magical, but the menu wasnt that amazing. The food was delicious dont get me wrong but it just wasnt the prize winning dishes I had hoped for. Brad and Pat were celebrating their 10 year anniversary on this trip and had dinner one night at Monsieur Paul and said it was excellent. Id expect nothing less, and now Id really like to try it myself one time.

Poor Spice Road Table just has NO guests in it. Its so sad it looks great and the menu sounds good. Of course, World Showcase was the one place throughout this trip where it was obvious that crowds were low, so maybe it does pick up on busier days, but it was just sad to see this brand new facility not being used. One night, we strolled into Epcot just for Illuminations at about 8:45. Noone was around since it had just finished raining. We had WS to ourselves, and THAT was magical. We could have walked right into SRT and gotten a table one row back from the edge and seen the show with no crowds, no wait, and a perfect view 5 minutes before showtime. We were too full from dinner to do so, but what an opportunity for anyone else.

There was almost NO atmosphere talent in the park when we were walking past. The Off Kilter stage had the curtain down every day and I saw Serveur Amusant once for a few minutes. Oh, and the Japanese drummers were playing one day. Thats it.

As it turned out we still got to see Illuminations with no wait, right there from Japan at the front row. A few other guests showed up but it never got crowded. For a minute, I felt bad that Disney had to spend so much money to put on this show when only maybe 500 guests were seeing it, but then I realized this was not for me to feel bad about, but rather to enjoy, and that, I sure did, Kaki Gori in hand!

Universe of Energy was missing the Ellen animatronic in the diorama. I sure hope shes getting upgraded she looked terrible last year!

This is the first trip EVER where I havent ridden Test Track the timing just didnt work out.


Other than the massive undertaking at the central hub, the park is looking good. Most of the Halloween decorations were already out too early in my opinion but they were nice and festive. We missed Splash Mountain and the Haunted Mansion completely like Test Track, these are attractions that make the cut every year but we simply didnt have time. After two prior failed attempts, we finally caught the Electrical Parade on a nice, dry night and enjoyed that immensely. As a former performer in this parade I always like to check up to see how our old girl is doing and she looks pretty good. The only horrible, shocking news was that the finale patriotic float was cut completely, so after Elliott came and went I was shocked to see the two CMs carrying the former Spectro finale bar instead of the grand bacon float with the dancing finale girls. I dont think it had anything to do with rain since the ground was dry but it was nevertheless disappointing.

Space Mountain was fun but boy, is it jerky, especially in the front row which I always seem to get. The Peoplemover didnt have any noticeable changes after its rehab other than the new red paint around the escalators which was a bit weird, but actually does work. We got stuck in the final act of Carousel of Progress for a full 4 CYCLES. I had seen YouTube videos where this happens but had never experienced it before and can honestly say I never need to again! This is one of my favorite attractions but after two times in the same scene, youre ready to shoot yourself. A couple guests got up to leave but were yelled at by the loud speaker to sit back down until a CM came to escort us out, which happened fairly quickly thereafter. They really need to program an alternative when this happens I think the figures should still move and look at each other, but stop talking and just play some background music, not the actual show. It was really funny when a CM comes on the loudspeaker, the figures keep moving but the soundtrack gets blocked. All except the soundtrack of the mother. Picture sitting there as they all start to sing in unison, Theres a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow, then a CM comes on to announce that we will have to see the same show one more time, yet the mother keeps belting out, Shining at the End of Every Daylol! I guess youd have to be there.


Other places we ate that were not previously mentioned were Jiko and Cape May Buffet. Jiko was supposed to be a dinner with all four of us paid for by Brad and Pat as a thank you for sharing the villa with them, but when the check came, there was no indication that they were covering it so we ended up splitting it. No big deal; I actually thought it was kind of funny.

Anyway, Jiko is outstanding. The dcor is lovely and subdued and the staff are refined here. The menu is interesting and the on-stage kitchen is fun to look at. Rather than an entre, I opted for a flatbread appetizer and an amazing carrot soup. I forget what everyone else ordered here but noone was disappointed with their dishes. If you decide to go here, just be advised that each entre is at least 40 bucks so when combined with any drinks, appetizers and desserts it could get very expensive. They did accept our DVC discount which was a bit of a help.

Cape May is a longstanding favorite of mine because of the crab legs. Yes, crab legs are becoming a staple at many buffets across the country but the ones here are so sweet, you dont need butter or lemon. I dont know what it is I can have crab legs at a Las Vegas buffet and I need to douse them in butter to take away the fishy taste but here, theyre as sweet as candy. The other options were all good as well. Brad and Pat ended up joining us at this meal and while I could tell they werent thrilled with the buffet idea (we were all very tired for a long day at that point), they did enjoy the meal. Like OHana, its getting pricier every year, though, so Ill have to rethink if this is a must each year or just on special occasion.

In general, it was amazing how FEW WDW restaurants accept a DVC or an annual pass discount. Theyre pretty much all geared towards Tables in Wonderland, which makes great sense for locals with money but not so much for once yearly visitors. This is in sharp contrast to the Disneyland Resort where every location has a discount and many are larger than the piddly 10%. I guess that in Florida they figure they get enough tourists who wont care, whereas back at DLR theres so many locals that they realize they need to offer some sort of discount to keep us coming back.


The event this year was probably not as great as last years, but the theme changes every year and some are going to be more of a hit than others. The theming of the room (the old Millenium Village) was not much to speak of. One cool thing of note was that the spinning hippo and alligator from Spectromagic was on display, still spinning and with original lights working. Its nice to know that pieces were saved from this beloved parade, whose death I still mourn.

We spent most of the two full days trading pins with people from all over the world, which was a lot of fun. I feel like we came home with more than we arrived with, so I guess we did it right. There was an optional brown bag lunch available to attendees for $7/day comprised of a turkey wrap, pretzels, apples and chips which we really should have taken advantage of. I ended up running out to Katsura Grill one day and Electric Umbrella the next to get lunch for Jaime and I both which costed more money and cost a LOT more in sweat and energy to get and bring back. The quick service restaurants are not really known for having nice to-go containers, thats for sure.

The theme for next years event is lightly announced at the end of the current event, and so far it seems like its a Mickey-Through-The-Years theme. If thats the case, were not that enthused but will continue to watch as it evolves.
I have to say that the two days of the event cost us a lot in missed other attractions. This trip was shorter than most because of Jaimes reduced vacation hours available and it really showed. I think we may be better off just coming here for a quick 3-day trip for an event and then a separate, longer trip just for touring and without any commitments. Of course, itll all depend on available DVC points at the time.

The plans for 2015 are up in the air but were talking about Aulani and also going to Chicago. Jaime has never been to Chicago and Ive told him how much I love the area and hed like to see it. Plus, I have friends who own a B&B about two hours from downtown and its a wonderful respite from the big city. Maybe theres even an RCI exchange in Chicago that I could use for a couple nights will have to look into that. But most likely, even if one or both of those trips happen, well still make it back to WDW.

Our annual passes both expired the day we left Florida (Jaime) and the day after that (Me) so were without any admission right now. Well try to hold out for a month or so before purchasing new passes at DLR so that we can extend them out that much further for next year to also use in WDW.

The pictures for this trip can be found on Photobucket at

Until next time, thanks for reading and feel free to comment or ask any questions!
Wow! Awesome report. I enjoyed reading it!

We are staying at BWI in January, so I was particularly interested. I've heard the boat horns can be loud through the night. Did you experience this?
Hi Donna,

I didn't hear a single boat horn even during waking hours. It probably depends where in the hotel you are, though. Will you be in the Villas or the regular Inn? I could see a regular Inn room with BW view hearing horns and everything else for sure. We were on the backside facing the DVC pool, river (which boats do pass on but not that often) and Tower of Terror. It was quiet as a tomb the whole time, even when we'd prop the doors open to let some humidity in :)
Thanks Spectro!

We are staying at the Inn, I guess that is where the horn complaints came from… I wish the Villas, but on a budget, so oh well!!

Were you able to see Illuminations? I want to request a room where I at least have a partial view (we are staying in a standard room:mad:). Maybe high floor facing Epcot.

Your report was really awesome! Sorry all the questions! I felt like I was on the trip with you:hippie:
BWV -- ahhh love that place! My husband's second favourite resort after our home resorts. We find that we relax so much when we're there sitting on our balcony overlooking the lake and boardwalk.

Glad you had fun!
Loved this report! I also love that you carry an umbrella with you for shade. I have been living in China for the past 2 1/2 years and I see more umbrellas on a sunny day than a rainy one. I'm heading to WDW next week with my DBF and I've been debating on using an umbrella and think I will, based on your TR.:beach:

Thanks for sharing your experiences!!!:thumbsup2
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your trip report - thanks so much for posting!!

I wanted to take a look at your pictures, but when I click on the link I get an error message... Is there something I need to do before I click on the link?
Thank you for the trip report! It sounds like you had a very full trip! That first day would have killed me! I would have jumped at the $600 credits, but I also understand wanting to get the vacation started ASAP! Good call.

I'm glad you enjoyed the Boardwalk - that is our home resort, and we LOVE it! BCV is on my wish list though, oh...and POLY Villas too!

Thanks again for sharing your trip - it was fun to read along.


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