Anything related to Park tickets can be done at any of the following locations:
Any Park (including Water Parks) ticket booth. This includes the TTC and International Gateway.
Any Guest Relations Office (GRO) outside the parks. This includes the Water Parks, International Gateway, TTC and DTD.
Any GRO inside the Parks.
Guest Services/Concierge in the Resorts; however they cannot do anything related to Annual Passes or Armed Forces Salute tickets or YES tickets. Also if you are asking about remaining entitlements on old tickets they may not be able to give accurate information.
This includes "will-call", upgrading any tickets, replacing any tickets, converting an AP voucher to an AP, or selling an AP.
Anything that can be done related to tickets at a GRO can also be done at a regular ticket window. The ticket windows cannot do things such as make reservations, unscramble problems related to room keys, or handle Lost and Found or Guest Recovery.
At each Park there will always be at least one ticket window and one outside Guest Relations Office open at least 30 minutes prior to the first Guest being allowed into the Park. This takes into consideration both Morning EMH as well as any pre-opening restaurant reservations. Also, the Guest Relations Office will be open for at least 30 minutes after scheduled Park closing (and this takes into account both Evening EMH as well as any after-hours parties).