They let us in! Trip report! - COMPLETED! Updated with DDs Adventures


DIS Veteran
Jun 13, 2008
Hello All!

We are back from DLP after having an amazing 4 days there.

We got sorted on Monday 21st and set off for Newcastle. This was to be our first time flying from there - we had previously gone from Manchester and Leeds/Bradford.

We made good time and decided to pop in at the Metro Centre. We didn't do any shopping because we were too excited to be going shopping in DLP but we had a nice look around and a tasty lunch at the Handmade Burger restaurant.

We then went to check in at the Newcastle Airport Premier Inn for the night - now we didn't really expect much from this hotel, just somewhere to crash for the night. But we were pleasantly surprised. The staff were very friendly and the room was lovely and clean - and very purple!:love:


We had a really delicious meal in the hotel here, watched Glee and then tried to get some sleep. We had three separate alarms set for 3:15am:scared1: I was really worried we'd sleep in and miss our flight!

But we managed to get some shut eye and woke up on the alarm. Very excited! We got sorted and checked out. With a short hop, skip, jump over to the airport we were checking our baggage in at 4am!

We also liked Newcastle Airport - it was quite small and intimate - as friendly as an airport can be. We found some comfy chairs and had a cup of tea and a coffee for Simon.



Just what the doctor ordered!

We waited for our plane to start boarding - it was 20 minutes late which wasn't too bad. Although, the airport board didn't say our flight was boarding - and then it suddenly went to Last Call! So off we went to get onto our little Air France plane.

Did I mention how much I hate flying??


Don't be fooled by the smile - I'm screaming inside! I just hate flying - it all feels so......unnatural!

Anyway, despite some turbulance, it was a good flight and we were landing in Paris at about 9:15am local time - result!

It took a long bus ride to get to the terminal - Charles de Gaulle is huge! But we eventually made it and collected our bags.

Next up we went to find the Disney shuttle. It was just about full - but wait! There was room for 2 more! Was their a party of 2 anywhere? Oh yes! That would be Simon and me! Travelling sans enfants certainly had some perks!

The roads were very busy but we eventually got to Sequoia Lodge. We checked in and then dropped our bags off. Then it was time to hit the parks!! But not before we had our only character encounter of the holiday:


First up - we decided to experience something new. As shareholders we were entitled to visit Salon Mickey at the gate to the Disneyland Parc. We went and tentatively knocked on the door knocker. A very nice man let us in and showed us where everything was.



Then we went out into the Disneyland Parc. The castle was being painted. This meant it looked like this:


It didn't bother us too much - but I expect there would have been some children who were disappointed.

Our first ride ended up being Casey Jnr - one of my favourites!


I love this ride - I don't know why. It's just harmless and fun. We had grabbed a couple of fastpasses for Big Thunder Mountain railroad so we went to use them now. I had never been on BTMRR at DLP so I was looking forward to it.


I loved it! It was so much fun in the dark bits when you go under the lake.

We had a bit of a wander and a look in some shops. Then it was time to go for our meal at Walts. We had eaten there in 2003 and enjoyed it - now I was really looking forward to going back.

It was really quiet when we got there - about 4pm. We had to order all our food at once because the server said they wanted to shut the kitchen.

I think we were both slightly concerned that we would be rushed or that the food would not be good or freshly prepared. There was only one other family in the same room with us. We were given a really lovely table by the window.


Even Sarah and Kate enjoyed the view of main street:


We had a lovely meal here - after all our travelling and early start, it was very restful. Our server did not rush us and the food was amazing. I had salmon with a chestnut crust and Simon had steak with a cabernet sauce.



I may have even had a glowtini cocktail:


We were also given warm crusty rolls to enjoy. For dessert, Simon had the chocolate cake and I had the gourmet coffee:



I loved this! A delicious sorbet with raspberry sauce and popcorn, a panacotta with caramalised sugar and a square of rich, dark chocolate.

After the wonderful meal we went off to use our Buzz fastpasses - I had also bought a Tigger hat on the way - after seeing it on here:


We did some bits of shopping and then we noticed the Star Tours line wasn't very long so we hopped on a tour to Endor.

In WDW in August we had attended the Last Tour to Endor Star Wars party as they have now closed it to upgrade it. We thought we would never get the chance to ride the original version again - but we did! (Even if it was in French!)

By now we were flagging slightly, so we decided to go back to the hotel and get into our room. Our room was number 2166 and it was on the ground floor which was a first for us. It was right at the end of the south wing. To our delight, we had scored a kingsize bed. (Two doubles would have made us feel guilty thinking about where the kids would have slept!)


We like the Sequioa Lodge rooms but they are beginning to look a little jaded. The paint is chipping off and everything has just seen better days. But our room was very clean, housekeeping did a great job every day and the bed was very comfortable.

We discovered one very major problem with the room though..........

During the night we heard strange noises. Our room must have been near some kind of service area or machinery because all through the night we would hear this kind of mechanical noise - almost like a lift going up or down. It would sometimes last a few seconds or sometimes a couple of minutes. There was no rhyme or reason to when it went off. It just did it - All. The. Time.

We contemplated complaining the next morning and trying to move rooms. But we really liked our room other than that - and we didn't want to spend precious time sorting it out. If we had been there more than another couple of nights we would have thought differently. But mainly, we were so exhausted at night that we just fell into a deep sleep and it didn't bother us.

It did make us fall out of love with Sequoia Lodge a bit though.

Coming up: More Disney fun. Shari and Simon go for the burn as they accidentally spend 12 hours straight in the park!
Oh someone who goes from my UK airports:woohoo:

When I go back to the UK I'm either into Leeds or Newcastle

That salmon was lovely (I had it 2 weeks ago) and I'm very jealous that you got to go on Casey Jnr as I've never been on it all year and I bet next week it will be closed as the school holidays are over :sad1:

Looking forward to part 2
Wow - your Casey Junior photo is fab, mine always turn out as a blur. Also very impressed with the food photos. I intended to do this too but each time our plates arrived we just tucked straight in so I have 2 photos of untouched plates of food and several missing a few bites.:rotfl:
We took all our castle photos from the other side this year and now I am home I realised I have never done that before and they look lovely.

Cant wait to hear more.
Hoorah - they let you in!! :thumbsup2

Walts looks as wonderful as ever! :cloud9: Looking forward to the next instalment! :goodvibes
ah, another one at Walt's. Salmon looks really nice.
Welcome home! It is so hard isn't it am enjoying reading a few trip reports to keep the magical feeling! We loved Walts too and voted it our favourite meal of this trip! Love your photos - I kept forgetting to take food pics like other poster we tucked right in! We like Casey Petite train too but could not justify the q more than once! Well done getting the kingsize bed! pity about the noise - The new upgraded rooms look lovely so they might entice you to fall back in love with the Sequoia Lodge? Looking forward to reading more!
Oh someone who goes from my UK airports:woohoo:

When I go back to the UK I'm either into Leeds or Newcastle

That salmon was lovely (I had it 2 weeks ago) and I'm very jealous that you got to go on Casey Jnr as I've never been on it all year and I bet next week it will be closed as the school holidays are over :sad1:

Looking forward to part 2

Thanks! I love Casey Jnr and you have to grab your chance to get on it don't you?

Wow - your Casey Junior photo is fab, mine always turn out as a blur. Also very impressed with the food photos. I intended to do this too but each time our plates arrived we just tucked straight in so I have 2 photos of untouched plates of food and several missing a few bites.:rotfl:
We took all our castle photos from the other side this year and now I am home I realised I have never done that before and they look lovely.

Cant wait to hear more.

I didn't always remember to take photos!:sad2: Thanks for reading - I have to give the credit for the Casey Jnr photo to Simon.

Hoorah - they let you in!! :thumbsup2

Walts looks as wonderful as ever! :cloud9: Looking forward to the next instalment! :goodvibes

Thank you! Walt's was wonderful.:lovestruc

ah, another one at Walt's. Salmon looks really nice.

I was disappointed that they didn't have the duck on the menu but the salmon was absolutely delicious.

Welcome home! It is so hard isn't it am enjoying reading a few trip reports to keep the magical feeling! We loved Walts too and voted it our favourite meal of this trip! Love your photos - I kept forgetting to take food pics like other poster we tucked right in! We like Casey Petite train too but could not justify the q more than once! Well done getting the kingsize bed! pity about the noise - The new upgraded rooms look lovely so they might entice you to fall back in love with the Sequoia Lodge? Looking forward to reading more!

I still have love for Sequoia Lodge - and the upgraded rooms do look very nice. But we have our eye on the Hotel New York for next year....:rolleyes1
We were so exhausted that we fell into a deep sleep - despite the funny noises! We had a breakfast slot at 7:30am so we got downstairs in time for that. It was quite busy even at that early time.

The breakfast was nice - I had grapefruit juice and cafe au lait along with a croissant and a crusty roll. Simon had a pile of pain au chocolat!

Then we headed to the park for EMH



Nice and quiet! First up was a trip on the flying elephant:



And a ride on a very quiet carousel:



I gave my horse a pat:



We also hopped onto Peter Pan and then headed over to DiscoveryLand and had a spin on Buzz.



We both had very low scores!

Simon then went for a go on Space Mountain - I had a wander while I waited - it was sooooooo cold!

When we met back up we went to Frontierland to grab some BTMRR fastpasses. We joined the queue and then a very kind man came over and asked us if we wanted his 4 fast passes - did we ever?!!:yay:

We wandered over to get on Pirates of the Carribbean - love it and then went back to Phantom Manor. Then it was time for our Big Thunder fastpasses. We went on twice - brilliant!

We needed sustinance after this so we paid a visit to Chalet au Marionette for a burger and fries. This was very nice but Simon's meal came with an ice cream!:scared1: It was too cold for ice cream so we gave it to the little girl at the next table - she soon gobbled it up!

During the afternoon we went on lots more rides including Pinnocchio and Snow White - and I forced Simon onto his favourite ride - It's a Small World!


Cheer up Simon! I quite enjoyed it:


Coming up: Another lovely meal....
Your smile made me smile :goodvibes wonderful :rotfl:

love the hat, I want one too :lmao: it looks soooo nice on you :goodvibes
Great trippie so far, looks like you had a great time and really made the most of it :cool1:
Mmm Walts :cloud9: Can't wait to see more yummy food pics and hear about the rest of your trip.
Your smile made me smile :goodvibes wonderful :rotfl:

love the hat, I want one too :lmao: it looks soooo nice on you :goodvibes

It's very unusual for me to wear anything that's not purple or black!:goodvibes But I knew I wanted one as soon as I saw it! And it was very warm!

Great trippie so far, looks like you had a great time and really made the most of it :cool1:
Mmm Walts :cloud9: Can't wait to see more yummy food pics and hear about the rest of your trip.

Thank you! Can't believe it's over :confused3 but we did have a lovely time.
So we went to check in at The Blue Lagoon. This is the restaurant that is inside the Pirates of the Carribbean ride. The nice lady at the check in desk asked us if we wanted 'a nice table next to the river' - yes please!

I had a bacardi mai tai - possibly my favourite cocktail of the trip:


I look like I've been crying (either that or I'm drunk!) but I think it's because the weather outside was so damp and cold.

Simon didn't look any better with his glass of white wine:


I had the pressed crab for starters - it was absolutely delicious with sun dried tomatoes underneath. It went really well with the warm crusty rolls they served.


Simon had the carribbean caresse mixed starter:


This was a lovely starter with all sorts of bits and pieces like black pudding, chicken skewers and prawn fritters. It was quite substantial!

For the main course, Simon had the veal which he really enjoyed:


I had the Captain's fish with rice and fried plaintain. It also came with some gambas - they freaked me out a bit!


But it was really tasty. We both had the gourmet coffee for dessert:


This was awesome! But neither of us could finish it.

We had such a lovely meal here - the atmosphere was very relaxing and it was fun seeing the boats coming round on the ride. Lots of people waved our shouted 'Bon Appetit!' The service was also excellent.

We had a reservation the next day for The Steakhouse in Disney village - but we decided then and there to try and book another meal at the Blue Lagoon instead - we had loved it that much! We got booked in, no problem.

After leaving the restaurant we nipped onto Pirates - it had been raining and the park was almost empty. We enjoyed seeing our table from the ride!

We went over for another ride on Big Thunder - it was awesome in the dark and the drizzle - I couldn't see a thing but it was such good fun!

We had another trip on Phantom Manor and then went for a quick spin on the orbitron - again we got very wet!

We then realised we had been in Disneyland Parc for over 12 hours - we had meant to go back to the hotel for a break before our meal but we just never ot round to it! And we realised that our feet were aching and we were rather tired! So we wended our way back to the hotel. After getting changed and drying off we went down to the Redwood Bar for a drink. It was still very busy with lots of families and children enjoying a drink. About 10pm it started to get a bit quieter.

I had a yellowstone cocktail - sorry -we forgot to take our cameras down!

Exhausted, we fell into a deep sleep back in our room. Here are some photos from the day:







what a lovely trip report:goodvibes. Unfortunately I don't think I would ever persuade my other half to go without the kids:sad2: I'm hoping the girls never get too old for it:)
what a lovely trip report:goodvibes. Unfortunately I don't think I would ever persuade my other half to go without the kids:sad2: I'm hoping the girls never get too old for it:)

Our kids are not so little (14 and 17) but we did miss them lots. There were enjoying a snowboarding holiday with their Dad - so we took the opportunity for some fun ourselves!

Nobody ever gets too old for Disney!:lmao:
Nobody ever gets too old for Disney!:lmao:

Could not agree more! What another lovely day - we must have been almost in each others shadow! we were thrilled when the rain thinned the crowds so we could walk onto Pirates dh's favourite. We also loved our meal at Blue Lagoon but felt Walt's just pipped it for our best ever favourite! Your photos are lovely.
Welcome home :goodvibes

Looks like you are having a wonderful time in your photos, you have such a big smile on your face :)

Glad you had such lovely meals in the Blue Lagoon and Walts and VERY glad to see you are enjoying one or two cocktails :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading more popcorn::
Could not agree more! What another lovely day - we must have been almost in each others shadow! we were thrilled when the rain thinned the crowds so we could walk onto Pirates dh's favourite. We also loved our meal at Blue Lagoon but felt Walt's just pipped it for our best ever favourite! Your photos are lovely.

Yes, Walt's was my favourite too!

Welcome home :goodvibes

Looks like you are having a wonderful time in your photos, you have such a big smile on your face :)

Glad you had such lovely meals in the Blue Lagoon and Walts and VERY glad to see you are enjoying one or two cocktails :thumbsup2

Looking forward to reading more popcorn::

I DID enjoy the cocktails! We had a good time altogether!
We slept like logs after our marathon day yesterday. We planned to get up and go to EMH and then go for breakfast at The Plaza Gardens for 9:15am. But we were so tired that we turned the alarm off and had an extra hour in bed.

Then we headed in the Disneyland Parc for our breakfast. Stopping to see Buzz on the way:


I had debated the wisdom of doing this as I'd heard it could get very busy. I was worried when we got to the restaurant as there was a queue outside the door. But it went down quickly and we got seated quickly. It was a pretty restaurant and I was glad we'd seen it for the first time.

The breakfast was the same as in the hotel and it gave us a bit of extra energy to keep us going.

After breakfast we went over to the Walt Disney Studios just as it opened.


The girls love Phineas et Ferb!

Crush already had a long queue so we went round to Radiator Springs and the Cars ride. We'd previously gone on this with the girls in 2009 and really enjoyed it. There was only about a ten minute wait and then we were spun round - very funny!



After this ride we popped around to have a look at the new Toy Story Land. The theming for this was awesome. Everything had quite a long queue though so we didn't get on any of the rides there.




Next up was a trip to Armageddon - good fun - we were next to the flames - toasty hot! It seems like some poor child always ends up crying on this!

Then we went off to see Stitch live - we'd missed this in 2009 and I love stitch! It was great - very clever, quite like Crush in WDW. I loved it.


Simon and I then went to see Cinemagique - another favourite of ours. It's a good show.

After this Simon went off to use his Aerosmith fastpass and I went to see Animagique - it was a day of shows!


After looking in some shops we left the studios and went to Disney village. We ended up having lunch at New York Sandwiches. I had a hot dog and Simon had a chicken tandoori panini, both with fries. We thoroughly enjoyed this meal. Look! Earl of Sandwich! They are making good progress with this:



After more pressie buying we went back to the hotel for a bit of a rest. After a couple of hours we went back to Disneyland Parc. By this time it was mega busy and most rides had enormous queues. We did manage to get a go on the storybook boat ride and spotted lots of new things.


Then it was time to return to The Blue Lagoon for part 2.

We were once again seated by the water. The atmosphere in this restaurant is very relaxing. We decided to try something different to the previous evening. Although I did have another Bacardi mai tai - really liked these! tonight we also got served some tortilla chips with our drinks - result! As well as bread and butter with our meal.


Simon had prawn cocktail for starters and I had a delicious carribbean salad full of lettuce, hearts of palm, avocado, prawns and pineapple. Really fresh and delicious - and huge!

We were halfway through when I realised we hadn't taken any pictures! We just wanted to get stuck into the food!

For main course we both had the carribbean chicken with rice. This was very nice - the sauce was tasty but the chicken was slightly fatty and not as piping hot as I like food to be served. But still good.


I had a coffee to finish and Simon had a hot chocolate. Then we dashed off to have a turn on Pirates before it closed.


When we came out the park was closed so we wandered out via some shops.


On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Hotel New York so that we could try the New York City bar (recommended by Linda!)

We really liked this bar. It was a bit less frantic than the Redwood Bar at Sequioa Lodge. We were taken to a nice table for two and I had a Wall Street cocktail which included cranberry juice and peace schnapps - yummy! We even got olives and peanuts to nibble on.



After wending our way back to our own hotel (but VERY much liking the look of Hotel New York) we went to pack ready to leave tomorrow.:sad2:


Coming up : We can still cram lots into our final day!
Another great day Shari :goodvibes

The tigger hat really suits you :laughing:

Glad you enjoyed the New York City Bar, I thought the decor in there was lovely and the bar staff were a delight

Sounds like the parks were pretty busy when you were there but you look like you are having such fun :banana:


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