The "Wheelchairs Are Not Lame" Thread


<font color=green>I turn towards the wall and moo<
Dec 30, 2006
Ok, so, here goes: I am getting an elektic (sp on pourpose) wheelchair. This excites me. I am finally going to get some independance, and also my chair will not be mistaken for a stroller where ever we go.

However, many ECVs that I have found look like they are for old people (no offense). So, what does everyone else do to dress their chair up?

Let's ride in style!!! :moped:
I have a Quickie 2 HP. This is my second time around with this model and I like it.

As far as dressing it up, I don't. It's my way of getting around, not a car I need to put rims and bumper stickers on. No offense.

This picture is in EPCOT 2005.

I've got a normal Quickie 2 folding chair. I'm an old fart :rotfl2: ,well I'm 48, so I tend not to dress up my chair but I have seen some cool things done.

Have you seen the light up front wheels?


They light up as you wheel around sort of like the light up sneakers.

There are also various roller blade type casters that look cool:


I've seen people weave various things through the spokes of their back wheels like you would a bicycle. I've even seen people with battery powered Christmas lights at Christmas time.

How about these mag wheels. E.T.A. wow they're $600 and up per pair.

You can always sew patches onto the back of your upholstery. Or if you want try out pinstripes on your frame.

Just remember to be thankful you don't have one of these chairs. I ran into 3 different people with them at WDW in May. All of them this color and all are heavy steel. It seems the British health care system prescribes these wheelchairs.

I have casters (the small/front wheels) that light up in 3 different colors! :) I ordered mine from the place I got my wheelchair, but you can also get them online. :)
when i get my chair, i want it to be "pimp my chair" (you know, like pimp my ride?)

i want it to sparkle and i want to create custom seat covers for different occassions - like a mickey one for when i go to the park!

i cant wait to get my own chair so i can have a real social life again - and of course be able to do the mouse again!

i felt weird for a long time about wanting a chair, as if that was ammoral, but now i realize that i need to do whatever i need to live my life. my chair cant be invisible, so i want it to be awesome!

check out for some really cool chairs!
For me a wheelchair isn't just a way to get around, it's part of my life and therefor an important accesoire (spelling?), just like for instance my clothing, hear etc is. Just like I change them, I like to change my chairs appearance. My manual chair is great, I'm still in love with the thing after years. :) I never regretted getting this one and paying part of it myself. (well, other chairs that were covered simply were impossible for me to move around)

At the moment it's blue/purple with blue/black flamed fabric, the spokes are in a "tangled" pattern. Two spokes come together, twist around eachother and leave eachother again. The casters with lights in them (not only a great trick, but comes in very handy during my volunteerwork in a theater during the dark!), and one small blue flashing light in each big wheel, on the........ boy what do you call them in english.... the part you use to put some more air in the tire, that one. ;)

As far as lights go; there are smart systems which use batteries, and those that use a dynamo (will give light as soon as you drive). Some will react on driving, other on any moment. (tapping the chair will be enough).

Let's see if I can upload some pics later.

My health has gone down south, so I need an powerchair now. ECV won't cut it (been there, done that, also hate the look), neither will a wheelchairscooter anymore. They are like a scooter you can ride into with a manual chair and than drive, I'll post a pic of that later on. Anyhow back to the powerchair. I need it, so I'm getting it and will use it. But at the moment, it's a hate-relationship as far as the looks of it go. Most powerchairs just look plain ugly in my eyes. The few that are decent, are not covered overhere (off course). There are only 2 chairs covered, take it or leave it. Even in color there isn't much choice; black, black/grey dices, the same red they use for the 1 million aids all our elderly use for walking and ECV's had untill 2006-no way I'm getting that color!-, or the same blue color the new 2007 ECV's overhere have. Don't want to be associated with that either, I'm arrogant like that I guess. I just "simply" want a nice vibrant color like aqua-blue, lime, that kind of stuff. I also don't like the fact that there wasn't any choice in fabric-color, nor the possibility to change the look of the chair in a pretty easy way like the manual. For me it's the same as going to a shop for some nice clothes and being forced to wear brown and black drapes all the time.

Now, let's just post it before I try to figure out how to post some pics.



You can even see one of the lights flickering on this one



As you can see; I can handle a chair with personality very well, I'm not the most silent person in the group. :rolleyes1
those are some awesome wheels, madenon :cheer2:

i am looking at getting a chair used, so i dont feel bad about putting stickers and such on them :)

i want a colours chair someday (since my problem will get steadily worse, i have decided to look forward to needing the really cool chairs, as opposed to dreading it - it is much easier that way :goodvibes )
You don't need to get a used one, just because you want to "influence" the look and think it's a shame to do that to a new one. Your new one won't stay new for along, that's a promiss! I got this one in september of 2004, and flew to portugal in october of that year. Guess what? They putt stickers on the chair to make sure it'll get to the right airport. Guess again; you might be lucky to get them off without leaving anything on, but as allways that seems to be the case for every other sticker than the one on your chair.

Using it in any type of car and not putting it in the trunk yourself? Ouch ouch for the look of the chair. It'll get bumped, pushed, chuffed, you name it! Especially cab-drivers tend to do a "kill the chair"-attempt most of the times. The color of my chair isn't painted on. That makes the chair about 1 kilo heavier (and therefor that bit more difficult to move around). I wanted this color-combination anyway and it turns out they do this one standard in a special way so that the color isn't ON the frame, but IN the outer part of the frame. It doesn't add any weight to the chair, and it makes it way harder to damage the color. It can't chip, you'll have to dig a whole or line into the chair before loosing the color. People manhandling the chair will definately do that for ya!

You can see the damage on the upper curve at the front of the frame. The silver lines; that's it.

If you ever do opt for a Colours one and don't get it through a Colours-dealer, just a tip; don't start out with a Zephyr as a first ever Colours chair. They're great, the lightest ones around but the downside is that to many sizes aren't ajustable anymore after it's been made. With a first chair, that's plain asking for trouble. The dealer in our country plain refuses to sell a Zephyr to a "first timer", seen too many problems. And did you know the Boingg yet? Great chair! The one posted is a Spazz, but I would love to get a Boingg after this one. (don't ask me how I'll ever pay for that one! Won't get it covered for even a penny as I've got a powerchair now, but it would be nice to have a "boincing" chair for the plenty moments a powerchair just doesn't come in handy)

Just be aware of a side-effect that a Colours chair comes with; you'll get recognized and greated all over the world by other Colours-believers. I've been around the globe in my chair, and I can't even count the times I've been greeted or even shouted at from across a street by complete strangers who also happen to be Colours-users.

Also; shop around!!! You can get great prizes by just looking around. For instance, in 2004 this chair in the way it was back than (other fabric, no lights, other cushion etc.) had a retailprice of €5000,-. That would be doing it the normall way overhere; ordering at the local place that deliveres and does all the work on the chairs that are covered. However, I called the dealer and went to them. Turns out if I buy the chair from them, and not from my local supplier, I get the discount they would've gotten. And 25% is a lot of money! Downside to it; the dealer doesn't come to my place if I need a repair, I'll need to go to them. For me that's no problem at all. The local supplier wouldn't have any knowledge of this chair, so probably would sent the chair to the dealer for the smallest things anyway. This is a lot quicker, simpler and the chair needs very little maintanence or repairs. I do about one check up per year, and that's it. I had a couple of flat tires, cabdrivers have killed some of my brakes (well the elastic in them) and that's it. My dad can do about 99% of anything that could possibly come up, so the 25% off was a great deal. I also keep getting the 25% on any parts, new fabric, whatever I fancy this time 'round. ;)

Most funny part of it all; the chair is made in America, than flown into Holland, where I get it. However, back than the chair was cheaper overhere than it was if I ordered it from Colours America directly. Just goes to show how much you can save if you shop around.

Especially those discounts! In our country it's very standard to have a discount percentage for the middle man, I haven't found a brand yet that doesn't do it. It isn't standard to go straigth to the dealer yourself, but it is an option. Turns out that a lot of brands than will offer you the discount (or at least a part of it). If they work with this kind of standard-discount-for-middle-man in your place also, it can be very worth while to contact the dealer and bypassing the middle man.
I like the colours chairs, especially their new ones... the shockblade looks quite cool, with the independent suspension - with EDS, getting bounced around really hurts, so reducing vibrations sounds great.

i dont need a chair in daily life yet, but i am getting there. i am looking at a used one because i can get it for next to nothing. my insurance is good about covering chairs, but my doctors seem to think that as long as they can drug me past the pain, that is a good enough solution. i cant take NSAIDs or opiates cause of GI issues, but they keep giving them to me anyway. i have accepted that i am not getting better, and i use a chair rented from various places when i go out... the only problem is that i have to spend money on it everywhere... so it is cheapier to spend $100 on a chair that is cheap until i find a dr who is willing to help me. they think that i cant go from nothing to a chair, but i cant use canes, crutches, or walkers cause of the EDS. doctor's solutions: just rest, just stay in bed....

i dont want to stay at home, i dont want to spend my life in bed, i want to go out and do things! and i want the color pattern on your fabric! i want the coolest chair, and i cant wait to have my own, because i am stuck at home in bed whenever i am not at work. i think a wheelchair will improve my quality of life, and i cant wait to get back to living (i am only 22)!!
Ouch, that doesn't sound like a doc that knows his stuff about EDS. Pain-management is great and needed, but when it's intended to keep you doing too much, it's a garanteed recipe for permanent deterioration. And stay in bed, well ehm he could just as well sign you a recipe for bungeejumping ones a day. ;)

I know what you're saying about quality of life. Until 2000, nothing seems wrong. Sure I was in pain, dislocating, had the bruises, you name it, but I could live life as I thought I wanted (turnes out, that my natural instinct is to dislike stuff that's not too good of a combination with eds). From than on; down hill. I've been bedridden for almost a year and am now on a point of not able to live without my phentanyl patches, had to stop working, getting the powerchair, organproblems etc. Because of a struggle around the powerchair (which just keeps on going), I haven't been able to get out of the house on my own since january. Not something that fits my way of life at 28.

A good wheelchair can make life so much easier and give more quality. Not only that, but using the body with care (not too much, not too little) is key with eds and that's something a good wheelchair can help in tremendously.

By the way, did you know there are special systems for powerchairs and ecv's to make the bouncing less? It isn't very known, but it's out there and it started out as something made for those with EDS. Might be something to remember if the day ever comes that you need it.


In this picture it bounces a lot more than it does in practice. It works on air-pressure and will absorb the biggest part of bouncing. You'll be wobbling around in the chair, it'll last a tad bit longer, but that's comfortable wobbling that doesn't hurt or dislocate instead of the normall bouncing that will do it. I've (finally!!) got it on my chair and I love it! The rest of the chair is a disaster, but this works like a charm.
wow didn't even know you had EDS! I do not dislocate yet (my EDS isnt that severe) but I sublux everything constantly. Where I live it is very difficult to get a dr who kows about EDS, but I am moving, so I hope that changes...

see, I agree with you about the wheelchair. my lower limbs are a mess, cause they do all the work. i am hoping that a chair will "even out" the mess. also, when i sublux or finally dislocate something, i may not be able to walk, and crutches are certainly out of the question. i want to get out and live life, not sit at home being careful so i dont get hurt. the other side is that i have doctors who tell me to do everything normally, deal with the pain, and some day i will ne bad enough i cant do anything... a great plan, eh?
There is a place around here that makes some awesome chairs, it's basically the "pimp my ride" of wheelchairs. I've seen them outside testing some of the powered chairs doing donuts in the driveway :lmao: I don't need a chair but if I did, that is what I would want
i boughts a wheelchair! it was $100 on ebay so it is not the best chair in the world, but it will give me an idea if a good chair made for me will help me at all. if nothing else it is good for disney and the mall and zoo, where i tend to go with other people, so they can push me. i would rather have my own chair there than try to rent an icky huge vinyl one!

i definitely want a cool chair, if only so i dont get ignored. i have been ignored one too many times when i am in a chair (a rental) and you have no excuse for not seeing me if my chair is all pimped out!
i definitely want a cool chair, if only so i dont get ignored. i have been ignored one too many times when i am in a chair (a rental) and you have no excuse for not seeing me if my chair is all pimped out!
I hate to rain on your parade, but even folks in "cool" wheelchairs get ignored. It has nothing to do with whether your chair is black or neon green.
oh i know... i guess part of it is so i can rationalize that they are looking at my cool chair and not staring at me (unless of course they are distracted by my beauty :) )

that and i accessorize everything. i want to get some of those car decals that are just the white outlines of tinkerbell adn eeyore and put them on the back of my chair!
Kpeveler, do you mind if I ask how old you are?
I know i sound quite goofy and just a little manic about the whole wheelchair thing, but i am just trying to keep myself sane. facing declining mobility at age 22 is hard, and i am trying to look at things in the most positive way i can. one of the ways i find it easier to accept the wheelchair is if i make it "mine" by accessorizing it


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