To follow-up, I did summarize a number of the concerns that have been raised regarding beverage coolers, presence of microwave and location of plug (outlet position requires hanging cord over beverage center), overall design of beverage center relative to
DVC guests, and noise in rooms. The email that I received in return was relatively generic, but I suspect that they did send these concerns up the management chain.
I agree that many of the concerns that owners have shared here should also be expressed in writing to DVC. This may be especially true as construction is ongoing at Grand Floridian in general - some of the design elements and concerns could potentially be remedied by the construction crew that is currently on site. Putting a new outlet above an existing outlet is a relatively easy fix, for example. Installing real refrigerators instead of a beverage cooler, is also relatively easily done without taking rooms off-line for a significant period of time. Placing a toaster in the room takes no time at all, really. Noise - probably not very easy to fix at this point other than some modifications to doors and/or soundproofing of existing walls that have access points (such as the bathroom in some circumstances).