The Disney Movie Club: A How-To


Earning My Ears
Mar 29, 2010
Updated 5/12 with Blu-Ray Information at bottom of first post

Several weeks ago I was debating joining the Disney Movie Club. I searched the DIS forums assuming there would be a thread dedicated to it, but there was not. To quote one thread starter: “sure there's a DISer who's done a cost breakdown on the Disney Movie Club”. But it doesn’t seem anyone has. My hope is that this thread can become the go-to place for info on the DMC. Consider it my thank you for all of the info I have gleaned from the DIS to date.

What is the Disney Movie Club?

The DMC is a purchasing club similar to others, perhaps most notably Columbia House. The basic idea of these programs is to offer customers a “too-good-to-be-true” initial offer and then charge higher than normal prices for additional DVD’s that contractually must be purchased. –In college I remember joining Columbia House to get 4 DVD’s for $5 each but was then charge $30-$40 for my commitment DVD’s that normally cost $15-$20. In the end I got ripped off.- The DMC is not exactly such a program, although it has the potential to be. The DMC can either be a fantastic program that works very well for people if they do their homework or it can be a financial burden to the uninformed. Over the next week I will address the key components of the DMC in more detail to help people leverage the program to their advantage. Hopefully I will cover:

The Initial Offer:

One fact must be stated at the beginning of this analysis: The regular prices of DMC DVD’s are more expensive than you will find elsewhere (usually not by much). Additionally, there are shipping and handling charges that all but guarantee a “commitment” DVD purchase will be more expensive through DMC than it would be at Walmart or Amazon (my two cost comparisons throughout). For example, Pinocchio will cost you 25.90 at DMC, 21.49 at Amazon, and 21.32 at Walmart.
To make the DMC work, it is necessary to do two things:
1. Look for bonus discounts whenever possible, and
2. More importantly- find the best initial offer possible. Find the offer with the most DVD’s at the cheapest price, with the fewest number of commitment DVD’s.

Here are two common offers to compare:

“The Basic”- 4 DVD’s for 7.96, a 5th for 14.95, a 6th for 9.95, free S&H, and 4 more to purchase.
Summary: 6 DVD’s for 32.86 and 4 commitment DVD’s to buy

“The Better Deal”- 5 DVD’s for $1.00 total, a 6th for 11.95, a 7th for 8.95, free S&H, and only 3 more to purchase. Per RetailMeNot, try promo codes: 11302 or 10827
Summary: 7 DVD’s for 21.90 and 3 commitment DVD’s to buy

I have also seen other offers, but they usually fall somewhere between these two offers. If you find one, let me know, I will do the math and add it to the examples above.

To make the most out of the DMC, using the Better Deal describe above is in my opinion key.

NOTE: There is also a BluRay version of the DMC which I will talk about once I have analyzed the standard DMC.

Fulfilling Your Commitment:

To fulfill your commitment to the DMC, you are required to purchase a set number of DVD’s at the “Club Price” (usually 19.95 or 21.95) along with the 3.95 S&H fee. You also can not use any discounts on that specific DVD. The “Club Price” is usually the price in gray on the website, not the discounted price in red. It should be noted that the majority of DVD’s available to DMC members will qualify as a commitment purchase, though a number of them do not (ones that are regularly less than 19.95 or are being offered at a discount already). Also, whenever you purchase a Club Priced DVD, the rest of that order will be discounted (more on that below), because of this you are not able to purchase more than 1 commitment DVD per order. Additionally, you have 24 months from submitting you initial purchase to fulfill all of your requirements, otherwise there is a huge penalty.

Monthly Features:

Understanding this aspect of the DMC is extremely important for anyone considering joining. Every 4 weeks, the DMC will have a featured product for its members to consider purchasing. As a member you will receive a mailing, an email, and the website will also prominently highlight this featured item. If you do not tell the DMC otherwise, they will assume you want this item and will automatically mail it to you at the end of the four weeks. If you do not want the featured product, you must tell the DMC that. It is very easy to tell the DMC on their website- they do not hid it or anything, but it is also easy to let it slip you mind and receive a DVD you do not want or already have (they can be returned, but it is a headache).

Current Feature:

Toy Story 1 & 2 on DVD for 34.95 plus S&H (40.?? total)


Toy Story 1 & 2 DVD/BluRay Combo pack, with 2 tickets to Toy Store 3, and free S&H (49.95)

My suggestion: If you have either Toy Store 1 or 2, pass on this deal. If you do not have either & are already planning on seeing Toy Store 3, definitely get the DVD/BluRay combo pack. The free tickets and S&H already make it a better deal that the DVD only option, even if you do not have a BluRay player. Also, this purchase counts as 1 commitment DVD.

Extra Savings

In addition to the huge savings you receive via the initial offer, there are other additional savings you can take advantage of. The more you do this, the more likely you are to benefit financially from the DMC.

1. The biggest savings opportunity available to DMC members is a 25% discount off all additional DVD’s purchased in an order than contains a Club Priced DVD. For my money this works best with DVD’s that are already below the 19.95 level, or that you do not plan on purchasing as a commitment DVD. This can really save a DVD collector a significant amount of money (25%). For those looking to purchase only a limited number of DVD’s, I would resist the urge to purchase more than one expensive DVD at a time and instead purchase each DVD individually, helping you fulfill your commitment as early as possible.

2. Another area where significant savings can be found is on already discounted items. Just like any other store, the DMC has sales and clearance specials. These are usually very good deals, better than the 25% discount above. One note however, because they are already on sale, these type of purchases do not count towards your commitment.

3. One final area where additional savings can be found in on random items. Occasionally the DMC offers free S&H, other times free movie tickets, and other times other bonuses.


The biggest perk to joining the DMC, in addition to the potential savings, is the exclusive DVD’s. The DMC has a large selection of movies that cannot be purchased elsewhere, generally older live-action film. Additionally, the DMC also has special editions of more common DVD’s that cannot be purchased elsewhere. For true DVD/Disney collectors, this perk can well be worth the cost of the DMC alone. For the frugal, this perk is only helpful if there is a particular DVD you cannot find elsewhere but really want.

Another perk of the DMC, though not exclusive to the DMC, is the Disney Movie Rewards program. As the Rewards program can get you some pretty nice stuff for free, any true cost/benefit analysis of the DMC should include some consideration of the DMR.

A third perk of the DMC involves becoming a VIP. Once you have completed your commitment to the DMC and purchased your required number of DVD’s, you become a VIP. As a VIP you receive additional savings (as I am not a VIP yet, I do not know how much) and also receive a Disney Pin with each order that contains a regularly priced DVD. Because of the promised additional savings of a VIP, I would again encourage people to only order one commitment DVD at a time, without any discount DVD’s.

Cost Breakdown

As I mentioned above, the heart of the making the DMC a good deal is the initial offer. Let me run both offers above to demonstrate.
Basic Deal: 6 DVD’s for 32.86 and 4 commitment DVD’s to buy
4 Commitment DVD’s at 25.90 (minimum)= 103.60
103.60 + 32.86= 136.46
136.46 divided by 10 DVD’s total equals 13.65 per DVD.

Better Deal: 7 DVD’s for 21.90 and 3 commitment DVD’s to buy
3 Commitment DVD’s at 25.90 (minimum)= 77.70
77.70 + 21.90= 99.60
99.60 divided by 10 DVD’s total equals 9.96 per DVD
**That is a savings of 36.86 over the basic deal**

To the basic question of cost savings, the answer is obvious to me. 10 Disney DVD’s from 99.60, or even 136.46, is much better than you could do elsewhere. At Amazon or Walmart 10 Disney DVD’s could easily cost between $180-250. The DMC should save you between $45-150 depending on how savvy you are.

For a real world example, here is my current savings:

DMC Amazon
MM Clubhouse DVD 0.20 15.99
Monster's Inc 0.20 21.49
Muppets Treasure Island 0.20 17.49
Winnie the Poh 0.20 21.49
Ratatouee 11.95 21.49
Little Einstein DVD 0.20 16.49
Sword and the Stone 8.95 21.49
TS 1 w/BluRay and Tickets 49.95 16.99 No BluRay
TS 2 w/BluRay and Tickets 18.49 No BluRay
16.00 Movie Tickets
Robin Hood 23.90 21.49

Actual Total So Far 95.75 209.90

Price per DVD: 9.58 19.29

1 More DVD's Needed

Is the DMC for you?

Good question, but one that is tough to answer. Like all good questions, the real answer is “it depends”.

-Do you already have a significant Disney DVD collection and don’t plan on buying many more DVD’s, if that’s you, then no the DMC is not worth it.

-Do you obsess over finding the “rock-bottom” lowest price on every single DVD you purchase, then probably not (even though the DMC works out in the long run, it can be frustrating to pay $25.90 for a DVD you can find locally for 21.47).

-Are there only a few Disney DVD’s you want? Then no- buy them individually.

-Is money tight and you can only buy a few DVD’s? Then no- the cost per DVD of the DMC is great, but you need to spend a lot to get a lot.

-This plan works best in bulk. Basically, the DMC is good for someone who is looking to purchase a lot of Disney DVD’s and who is willing to crunch some numbers to see if each deal is really a deal. Personally, I have 40+ old Disney VHS tapes that are at the end of their life. As I now have a 2 year old and want him to experience the magic, I want to create an entire library of Disney DVD’s. For me this DMC is awesome, but for others it might not be.

Blu-ray Analysis

Here is a quick summary of the DMC Blu-Ray program.

1. Initial Offer: 3 Blu-Rays for 29.85 with 2 Commitment disks to purchase later (minimum 29.95 each plus S&H)

2. If you purchased 29.95 disks to meet your commitment, the total would be 97.65 or 19.53 per disk

3. Weaknesses of the program:
-Disney only has about 100 Blu-rays to choose from, selection is limited.
-Most Blu-rays are actually 31.95 or 34.95, not 29.95 brining the likely total to over $100 and the per disk cost over $20.
-Blu-ray prices vary dramatically depending where you shop. On Amazon many Disney Blu-rays are less then $20!!! But can be $30 or more if you buy retail.
-There are no DMC exclusive movies

Blu-ray Summary:

The true value of the regular DMC is all in the intial offer, unfortunately the Blu-ray offer is not all that great ($10 per disk compared to $3). Additionally, while most DMC DVD's are slightly more expensive than Amazon, the Blu-ray difference can be striking (upwards of $18 per disk in some extreme cases: Up, Snow White, and others). In my opinion, the majority of people should be able to "break even" with the Blu-ray DMC, but only very few people will see any significant savings.

A Final Note:

One additional perk of the DMC is that if you refer a friend and that friend joins the DMC, you get a free DVD. While that perk is not the reason I started this thread, if you have appreciated my information and are going to join the DMC because of it, send me a PM and I will refer you. Thanks :)
DVD's bought with bonus discounts do not count towards your membership fulfillment. You can buy many different DVD's that you cannot find in your local stores. Most prices are $19.95 and $21.95. Any of those will fulfill your membership agreement. I have been a member for 9 yrs under my DH's name. I also had one under my name until we moved in together. I just started a new one under my mother's name and her house. got the all for $1 and bought all the extra's then I could that would take movies off my membership. $21.40 and only 3 movies to buy. Debating canceling my DH's membership and getting one under my name to our house. I like the VIP status, get great deals and lots of little free things with my mailings. Also, I was able to opt out of feature mailings by saying no to all unless I log in and change my mind.

I think that it works out to a great deal in the end. Once you fulfill your membership you get great discounts. And a free pin with every order you place.
Thanks for starting this! I wish I'd seen it before I ordered 2 weeks ago! I joined through mypoints & got 5 DVD's for $15.97 total ($1 for 4 & 5th for $14.97, free shipping). I need to buy 4 more over the next 2 years. I think I worked it out to about $10 a movie, which seemed like a good deal but depends on shipping costs I guess.
StephMK: The commitment DVD's will cost you about 26 a pop with shipping, $104 total. That plus your initial deal will be 9 DVD's for $120. That is about $13 a DVD, not as good as it could be, but much much better than any retail option.

PrincessPeyton: Glad I could help. Should you go for it, PM me your emal and I will refer you :rolleyes1
This has been extremely informative, thanks! I'm eagerly awaiting your review of the Blu-ray version, as I just got DH a Blu-ray player for our anniversary...

Thanks for all of your effort!
I joined a few years ago and I got a special of 4 dvds for $1 plus free shipping and I could buy one more for $14.99 and it would count towards the commitment. Then I added the cost of them all up, plus what I would have to buy and divided it up and it was around $10 movie. It was worth it then.

This was also before all the heavy coupons and discounts they do know for new releases so it was worth it at the time. If you don't want to bother with the coupons and chasing sales, it's worth it. Otherwise, not as much as it used to be.
It may be worthwhile to acquire some "catalog" titles that aren't commonly available at the big-box stores, but with "Week 1" releases of Disney Blu-ray/DVD combo packs now being priced below $15 (with coupon), would joining such a club really be worth it?

Then, you have to consider the Blu-ray factor -- it's not going away.

Disney has pumped a lot of money into this new format and there will come a time when Disney (and the other major studios) will cease manufacturing DVDs (this same thing happened when DVDs first hit the scene in 1998).

Then what?
Not everyone gets a 6 or 7 (gasp) movie offer. I joined over 3 years ago and was only offered 4 DVDs for cheapcheap. Some of us are joining through other "rewards" sites where we are offered what we are offered, and using a coupon code stops the order from going through the rewards site.

Since it seems you're still in the thick of the club, not at VIP yet, can you please look around up towards the top of the screen, to see how to "erase" the deals from an order? When I was a normal member I could click to get rid of those offers, so I could order more than one DVD with NO discount, to lower my shipping cost and get the commitment done faster. I did it once in early '08, ordering Aladdin and Cinderella at full price at one time. But then I finished the commitment and became VIP, and I don't see that anymore.

So can you see if that's still possible?
bumbershoot- I messed around the website a little and was not able to find any way to cancel out the discounts. It would be nice if they still offered that option to keep down shipping costs.

Can you tell me what the VIP discount tends to be? Is it some standard discount on everything or a discount on 2nd and 3rd DVD's when you purchase one at regular price? Or something else
Right now, the deal is:

"Your highest-priced selection counts as your regular price movie (DVD must be $19.95 or more. Blu-ray must be $29.95 or more). All additional titles of equal or lesser value will have the 60% discount applied. Discounted titles are limited to 3 units per title. "50% OFF" Boxed Sets, Multipacks, CDs, Merchandise and Club Deals are not eligible for discounts. These offers cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion. Offer ends May 31,2010."

Sometimes it involves free shipping.

You can always throw a free pin into your order. :) YOu do have to place it in the cart, it won't just show up on its own. And if you accidentally miss a mailing/emailing and the current special is sent to you, it won't include the free pin. :headache:

Interesting you can't get rid of it. I think it used to involve clicking on the current deal up in the top banner, then there was a way to opt out of the deal.

I actually got an offer to rejoin (haven't ordered anything since last September)...they'd erase my VIP status but I would get a bunch of new cheapie movies, then have the commitment again...recently and I'm tempted, just to see! Their marketing people are BRILLIANT!
Okay, I have done this several times. The way to do it is use code 978283. You get 5 movies for $1, and two bonus movies for $14.95 and $9.95. Those two movies count as two of the four for the commitment. Free shipping. Total for 7 movies= $26 plus tax (let's say $30 to make things easier). Two more movies at $19.95 each, plus shipping and tax (let's say $50). 9 movies=$80, <$10 a movie. Not too bad of a deal.

Buy your two regualr priced movies, quit and rejoin until you have all your movies. Beware those movies you can buy for <$10 retail.
Okay, I have done this several times. The way to do it is use code 978283. You get 5 movies for $1, and two bonus movies for $14.95 and $9.95. Those two movies count as two of the four for the commitment. Free shipping. Total for 7 movies= $26 plus tax (let's say $30 to make things easier). Two more movies at $19.95 each, plus shipping and tax (let's say $50). 9 movies=$80, <$10 a movie. Not too bad of a deal.

Buy your two regualr priced movies, quit and rejoin until you have all your movies. Beware those movies you can buy for <$10 retail.

Just wanted to let you know that this offer code is still valid. I just ordered my 7 DVD's for $25.90 and only have to purchase 2 more movies over the next 24 months. Thanks so much for posting this offer code!
I am a member have been for several years, I did not do it for value...I joined bc there were a few movies that were not available in stores plus the DMR codes, (I have made bank at the time!) I want to convert some VHS movies to DVD and this seemed to be the best way to stock up. There are some exclusive titles that are worth it to me. Kim Possible, Lizze MCGuire series, Halloweentown series, and Tower of Terror to name a few. Now I just log in to decline my selection and only shop around the holidays.
Quick Question - for those of you that are members. Are you still able to earn Disney Movie Rewards on every movie you purchase through the club? I am contemplating joining but since I am only interested in Blu-ray, I am not sure if it is really a great deal.

Another thing, is there a delay between a movie being released on Blu-ray and when you can purchase it? Or, is that only a problem when you choose the initial movies for your special deal for joining?

Is the DVD club still a much better deal? I wish Disney would release more Blu-ray titles!
The movies you get from DMC are the same as if you bought them somewhere else. They have that page inside with the DMR code on it. They allow you to preorder Blu Rays before they are sold in stores but I know when I preordered Tangled I got it 2 weeks later than if I bought it in the store. I don't know if that was just me or not because when I called they said there was a glitch in the shipping and they had to manually correct it. After I called I got it in just a few days.
The movies you get from DMC are the same as if you bought them somewhere else. They have that page inside with the DMR code on it. They allow you to preorder Blu Rays before they are sold in stores but I know when I preordered Tangled I got it 2 weeks later than if I bought it in the store. I don't know if that was just me or not because when I called they said there was a glitch in the shipping and they had to manually correct it. After I called I got it in just a few days.

That would definitely be annoying if you had to wait extra time for a new release. I hope that they adjusted the shipping at least after all of that.

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