The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

Image result for disney chicken moana


I saw this guy -- a few times -- at World of Disney and finally had to ask a cast member who it was. Of course I remembered once he told me, but when you don't have kids at home you don't watch movies over and over and over.
I saw this guy -- a few times -- at World of Disney and finally had to ask a cast member who it was. Of course I remembered once he told me, but when you don't have kids at home you don't watch movies over and over and over.
Hei Hei!!
Ok! First I'll go without making any advance reservations.

That'll set up a tick off pretty quickly.

So, none whatsoever, then.

That is correct.

Always planning ahead. A true DIS veteran.

Kids exist only to not listen or follow good advice.

Why would they? They already know everything!

Never once seen Snapchat...and I have no idea what a duck face is supposed to do for you, other than make you look like an idiot. I have fully become a Grumpy Old Man.®

Nor have I. I did recently get an instagram for my kids. They stay off my lawn.

:rotfl2: It was sitting in the refrigerator for the last 7 weeks.


Wow. Passive-aggressive much?

I thought so. I mean, other than a pop shot, what was the point of that remark? :confused3
Your phone?

No, but I did recently misplace my phone in the work fridge for an hour. :rolleyes: It was taking me a few seconds longer than usual to find and gather my lunch out of there and I'd set it down with my OJ. Took me a LONG time to find it by pinging it with my apple watch. I literally don't know how I function at all anymore.

I agree with 1) completely, it's worth asking since you paid for it. I also agree with 2). There has to be a way to check. With 3) I would have reluctantly given in...after all, it is my fault I didn't have it. But his comment was annoying.

Yep, my fault, but I can see this happening enough that they'd have surely figured out a way to match guests with cards. Then again, if they did that, they'd lose all that money. Which is NOT the Disney way.

But he's not...instead, it's some characters you've never heard of.

Sigh... this too is correct.

Hey, a nice and helpful CM! That's more like it.

The kind of CM that should be the norm.

Oh, that's no fun. My wife has a hard time covering the parks due to arthritis in her feet. It's hard.

My back is in the same boat. Just not as easy to go the distance. I can, but sure feel it.

Well, there was the time my dad left his bag at BTMRR while he rode the train and then made me walk from Fantasyland to retrieve it for him...
I remember that well... :headache:
First of all, blisters can ruin a vacation sorry you had to deal with that for 5 days, ouch!

I was glad they turned the corner and eventually got better. T'was not fun!

Second, I was so forgetful in August, not sure why, the heat maybe? I left my little blue blanket at US and didn’t bother trying to recover it.

OH no. :( I'm getting that way too, my kids sucked out most of my brain cells so am left with the dregs.

I lost my phone and thankfully did get it back

Done that too. 2016- first ride of the trip on TT. Thankfully, I trotted back from The Land and it'd fallen out into the car and the exit folks had it. Ugh!! Scared the crap out of me.

I lost 2 of my hand sanitizers didn’t get back

Phone > Hand sanitizer!!
I hid a bunch of cash in my suitcase when we transferred from US to WDW and had a panic attack trying to find it, thank goodness “young” Andi remembered where it was in the suitcase, yikes! I was bad this last trip.
Oh man!! That would give me a full blown panic attack too! As for "young" Andi... sigh.... I know that feeling of forgetting stuff like that.
So, does saying "xyzzy" help you escape DTD?

I'm so far behind, I didn't want to multi-quote, but congrats on your new grandbaby! He's just darling. And the poem was awesome.

Hmm... possibly? But, I'm not sure of this reference.... is it a secret plan for escapement I should know about?!

I totallly get that! I got super behind last couple of weeks and had to pare down my quoting everywhere. My caughtupedness should last a few minutes. :rolleyes2

Thank you so much. I love that he lives close by and I can see him more often! And I'm glad you enjoyed the Batuu chapter! It was fun to put together.
I saw this guy -- a few times -- at World of Disney and finally had to ask a cast member who it was. Of course I remembered once he told me, but when you don't have kids at home you don't watch movies over and over and over.
I have never seen that movie even once. I had to ask my kids which is even more embarassing. :blush:
I saw this guy -- a few times -- at World of Disney and finally had to ask a cast member who it was. Of course I remembered once he told me, but when you don't have kids at home you don't watch movies over and over and over.
My oldest DD is 22 (how the heck did that happen???) but she's a big Disney animated movies fan. When one comes out, she insists we see it. Haven't seen Frozen II though yet.
I'm so lost!! Help!!!
Sorry Liesa.
@franandaj mentioned playing the game adventure. I too had played it quite a bit (and obviously @irene_dsc has as well).

There is one part in the game where you can get lost in a maze of twisty little passages all alike. The words are sometimes slightly changed or in a different order (i.e. twisting vs. twisty). xyzzy and plugh are both magic words in the game that will transport you to/from different rooms.
My oldest DD is 22 (how the heck did that happen???) but she's a big Disney animated movies fan. When one comes out, she insists we see it. Haven't seen Frozen II though yet.
Nice! None of my kids caught the bug, although I'm still working on Zach who, like Obi Wan, is my only hope. I finally caved and got Disney + but don't seem to have the time to watch much.
Sorry Liesa.
@franandaj mentioned playing the game adventure. I too had played it quite a bit (and obviously @irene_dsc has as well).

There is one part in the game where you can get lost in a maze of twisty little passages all alike. The words are sometimes slightly changed or in a different order (i.e. twisting vs. twisty). xyzzy and plugh are both magic words in the game that will transport you to/from different rooms.
I see! Okay, maybe someday I'll take a peek at it and see what you are talking about. :) Thanks!
C is for: Carefree at Caribbean Beach

For those of you who are just joining, or don’t remember, I’d left on this trip with yet another SteppeScavengerHunt. In years past, I’ve done several of these fun little adventures including Drinking from A-Z and Disney Objects A-Z. This year I went with something a little different and chose to find places or areas around the Disney Properties that begin with the Letters of the Alphabet. In most cases, I tried to take a selfie (because I’m so good at that…. Not. :rolleyes: ) just for fun. Surprisingly, my kids even got involved to a small extent and offered to take my photo on occasion or would blurt out, “Hey Mom, do you have Letter (?) yet?”

Obviously, some were super easy and I have multiples such as Adventureland and Asia; others were nearly impossible. But I got creative and found workable solutions that satisfied my highly technical and stringent game rules which were: find a place for each letter and take a photo. It was even okay if some of the places were places within places because sometimes these games can begin to simply bog you down and cease to be fun.

So far, I’ve written Chapters ‘A’ and ‘B’ and included the airport (yes, I have more official ‘A’s that I’ll post) and ‘B’ for Batuu. Now... let’s get on a bus, because we couldn’t get on a Skyliner because it wasn’t open yet, even though I’d booked that resort in high hopes it would be :rolleyes2 ) and travel to the Caribbean Beach Resort!!

(With the usual early morning lens fog that happens in Central FL)​

Here is some background music for you to play while you read this drivel.

In my quest to stay at all the Disney resorts, I chose Caribbean Beach, not only to knock one more off the list, but because it was in our price range and, as I said, is on the Skyliner. We arrived to the easy-going, utterly relaxing vibe of Calypso music, soft colors, and friendly Cast Members at Old Port Royal where we checked in.

Our room was ready and was beautifully situated exactly where I had requested. No! Even better! I almost always ask for a top floor because I like the view and it tends to be quieter. I wanted a corner room and someplace near an umbrella’d patio because I think they are charming.

(to the right)​

Instead, we were given exactly that with a stunning water view. It was pure Heaven being greeted each morning to views like this:

(to the left)

The Welcoming Committee was large and impressive as well!

I didn’t take photos of the room itself. It was a basic room with 2 queens and a pull down for our 5th sleeper. If you’ll recall, Karilynn shared our room for 4 nights, so she and I took one bed, my girls took the other, and Zach took the pull down. For 5 people it was adequate, but my kids are slobs and kept nothing inside their bags, so it basically looked like a bomb had gone off strewing crap all over the place for the week. But, this was vacation and I was at Disney, so I only got on their case once to do a tidy up and just…. Let it Go. What else can I say about the room? We did employ the coffee maker a few times which was nice saving us time on those early morings that we did RD at DHS, I liked that the tub was the kind you can lay back and relax in, and other than that, it was a typical Disney Mod and fit our needs. In the grand scheme of things, it was the resort location, pool, views, and general atmosphere that I enjoyed most about this place.

We were able to learn the bus service right way on our first day when we went to DTD and it didn’t take long to figure it out. Each of the 5 villages have their own stops like a few other of the Disney resorts. On our first morning to DHS however, we opted to take a Lyft, mostly because we were in a hurry and hadn’t bothered to find the Jamaica bus stop yet.

But coming home we did take the bus, got off at Jamaica, and used that one for the remainder of the stay. Well, except that one time... But that's getting ahead of myself (cue ominous music..)

Jamaica was the next to the last stop on the loop coming HOME from the parks. I have no idea where it ranked on the way TO the parks, but we never once had an issue with full or crowded buses going TO the parks each morning. Going home, there were a couple of times we had full buses but never so full we had to stand. Because I am poor and cheap, I did not upgrade to the VIP Transportation Package so there were a few long waits too. I know the size of this resort turns a lot of people off, and while I will say it is a pretty long walk (especially with blisters!!) from Jamaica to the pool or Old Port Royale, it is a lovely walk with great music, gorgeous landscaping, and water with turtles to stop and watch. It’s a resort that begs one to slow down and chill out.

Since we had a nice long vacation to work with, we did use the pool and hot tub quite a bit. Well, the kids never used the pool, but I sure did. Twice I went swimming and we all used the hot tub 3 evenings. There was always room in it and the view is a unique and fun one with the Skull and Crossbones and old Spanish fort theming. As for the pool, it’s pretty big with lots of room to spread out, but no matter how big the pool area is, there is simply no way to escape the ubiquitous and ever-present Dance with Miley Cyrus Hour that every Disney pool has, and whose volume is set to be heard the next county over. One afternoon I did lay around in a lounge chair but finding that lounge chair took me quite a bit of time. Yes, I was that chair stalker who hovered... waiting to swoop in for the kill. Here are the photos I took on my various visits to Fuente del Morro Pool. By the way, that means Fountain of the Nose in English. Please, will someone for the love of God tell me why they would name it that?! Are we swimming in snot? (The answer is probably yes and other body fluid as well, since it’s primarily used by kids.)

Banana Cabana is a pretty nice open air lounge right by the pool, which is both good and bad. It's close enough that you can grab a snack or drink and take to the pool area quickly and be with the kiddos, but it's also close enough to the pool area that if you don't want to be around the kiddos it's a bit noisy. But, it's bright and cheery with a fun color palette and well-themed decor.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a new favorite breakfast at Disney- Avocado Toast Caribbean-style. Well, okay, it’s not Cali Grill Brunch, but holy crap, this, given its supreme location, aesthetic gorgeousness, theming, and perfect portion size…. Wowza! This is (or quite possibly WAS, since I no longer see it on the menu) just an amazing presentation of a power breakfast that got me through an entire morning of park touring.

(Avocado, radishes, oranges, pickled onions, sundried tomatoes, sriracha mayo, and cilantro on whole grain toast)

Sadly, I was only able to get it once, but you can better believe I’m going to reproduce this here at home on occasion! I sat one unbelievably perfect morning away from the noise at 6:30AM on the outer edge of Banana Cabana looking towards the water and Trinidad beyond with soft steel drums accompanying my private reverie.

A few passersby noticed and commented on how good it looked too. I told them they could get it right around the corner in the Centertown Market where they also had 8 or 10 other nice looking dishes from the Classic “Bounty Platter” to healthier options like oatmeal and fruit platters. As for the other dining options at the resort, I never tried them. Why would I when the colors of this one matched the colors of the resort so perfectly?

Beyond this, I can’t give you a more thorough review of the resort. I can say that the new Riviera tower does jarringly mar the view and takes you out of the village-y and isolated feel of the resort overall. Other general observations: the Skyliner is basically silent. Other than some baffling melodic jingle that chimed fairly regularly from the cars themselves as they glided over the resort, you’d hardly notice they were there. I do think that the Skyliner is going to add a massive appeal to this resort and I’d stay there again just for that. However, Jamaica would the wrong building to ask for; it was a long way from the station. Overall, I’m glad we chose this resort. It was clean, very pretty, close enough to never feel like we had long bus rides, and had a room big enough for the 5 of us.

Now, it's YOUR turn: What's your favorite form of Disney transportation to get around with? I'll leave it open-ended, so interpret anyway you want, but I am kinda thinking more along the lines of getting from resort to park or park to park. But hey, if you wanna share what your favorite one WITHIN a park is as well, by all means... :)
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In years past, I’ve done several of these fun little adventures including Drinking from A-Z and Disney Objects A-Z.
::yes:: I remember.
Surprisingly, my kids even got involved to a small extent and offered to take my photo on occasion or would blurt out, “Hey Mom, do you have Letter (?) yet?”
Wonderful! Makes it much more fun if others in the party participate.
But I got creative and found workable solutions that satisfied my highly technical and stringent game rules which were: find a place for each letter and take a photo.
I'm surprised the kids didn't revolt at these overbearing constraints.
because we couldn’t get on a Skyliner because it wasn’t open yet, even though I’d booked that resort in high hopes it would be :rolleyes2 )
Yeah... I remember thinking along the same lines... "Hey! I can ride the Skyliner!"

Maybe it was for the best. Getting stranded for several hours is not the best use of my time.
(With the usual early morning lens fog that happens in Central FL)
Nice photo, though.
Three pretty ladies. :)
What is that? Someone in a hammock?
Instead, we were given exactly that with a stunning water view. It was pure Heaven being greeted each morning to views like this:
Gorgeous shot!
The Welcoming Committee was large and impressive as well!
I take it, since we haven't seen him, that it took off with Zach in it's clutches?
If you’ll recall, Karilynn shared our room for 4 nights,
Well... I didn't know how long, but she did tell me she was sharing with you guys.
I asked her to say hi, but not sure if she remembered to. Not a big deal since we met up later.
so she and I took one bed, my girls took the other, and Zach took the pull down.
That works out just fine, then. :)
but my kids are slobs and kept nothing inside their bags, so it basically looked like a bomb had gone off strewing crap all over the place for the week.
Oh dear... :laughing:
I liked that the tub was the kind you can lay back and relax in,
Those are a lot better than the ones where you have to stand on your head.
But coming home we did take the bus, got off at Jamaica, and used that one for the remainder of the stay. Well, except that one time... But that's getting ahead of myself (cue ominous music..)
Uh, oh... dun, dun, dunnnnnn!!!!
I have no idea where it ranked on the way TO the parks, but we never once had an issue with full or crowded buses going TO the parks each morning.
Good to know!
Going home, there were a couple of times we had full buses but never so full we had to stand.
Also nice. I had to stand once or twice if memory serves.
Because I am poor and cheap, I did not upgrade to the VIP Transportation Package so there were a few long waits too.
it is a lovely walk with great music, gorgeous landscaping, and water with turtles to stop and watch. It’s a resort that begs one to slow down and chill out.
Sounds really nice. :)
Since we had a nice long vacation to work with, we did use the pool and hot tub quite a bit.
Went to Disney and found time to relax??? Wow!
there is simply no way to escape the ubiquitous and ever-present Dance with Miley Cyrus Hour that every Disney pool has, and whose volume is set to be heard the next county over.
<sigh> Yeah... I get it. Entertain the kids, but... Yeah...
By the way, that means Fountain of the Nose in English. Please, will someone for the love of God tell me why they would name it that?!
Oh, that's easy.
"Hey, Earl. What are we going to name the pool?"
"Nobody knows."
"What? Nose? Okay."
Are we swimming snot? (The answer is probably yes and other body fluid as well, since it’s primarily used by kids.)
Banana Cabana is a pretty nice open air lounge right by the pool,
While banana hammocks should be banned.
Love that! What a great idea for a lighting fixture!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a new favorite breakfast at Disney- Avocado Toast Caribbean-style. Well, okay, it’s not Cali Grill Brunch, but holy crap, this, given its supreme location, aesthetic gorgeousness, theming, and perfect portion size…. Wowza! This is (or quite possibly WAS, since I no longer see it on the menu) just an amazing presentation of a power breakfast that got me through an entire morning of park touring.

(Avocado, radishes, oranges, pickled onions, sundried tomatoes, sriracha mayo, and cilantro on whole grain toast)
I don't care for avocado, but... even I think that looks (and sounds) good!
Really like this photo! :)
I sat one unbelievably perfect morning away from the noise at 6:30AM on the outer edge of Banana Cabana looking towards the water and Trinidad beyond with soft steel drums accompanying my private reverie.
Wow, that sounds wonderful. Just take the 6:30am part of it and shift it a few hours later...
I can say that the new Riviera tower does jarringly mar the view and takes you out of the village-y and isolated feel of the resort overall.
Which is really... un-Disney, wouldn't you say?
Now, it's YOUR turn: What's your favorite form of Disney transportation to get around with?
I should really say "Bus", since you never have to wait for one, but... I think I might put myself at risk for a beating if I do.

But what I really like are the boats. I love taking a boat to DTD or from DHS to Epcot or vice/versa. Or to the Boardwalk area.
But hey, if you wanna share what your favorite one WITHIN a park is as well, by all means... :)
I typically don't take Disney transpo in the parks, but I did take a car once down Main St, and that was pretty cool. :)
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We arrived to the easy-going, utterly relaxing vibe of Calypso music, soft colors, and friendly Cast Members at Old Port Royal where we checked in.
I really enjoyed this resort, although it was 2010 when I stayed there. It’s changed quite a bit since then. I liked the overall relaxing vibe and the look of the buildings.

But, this was vacation and I was at Disney, so I only got on their case once to do a tidy up and just…. Let it Go.
I can see that and I would be so tempted to harass my girls to tidy up. But you’re right, it’s vacation. Learning from Elsa is probably a good thing.

It’s a resort that begs one to slow down and chill out.
This is part of the reason why I liked the resort. Taking a relaxing walk listening to the Caribbean background music was a plus in my book. Unfortunately it was the reason my wife did not like the resort. Too big and spread out for her. We were in Trinidad North (which I think they renamed) so it wasn’t even the farthest building from Port Royale

Banana Cabana is a pretty nice open air lounge right by the pool, which is both good and bad.
It looks nice now. When I stayed there it was a fairly run of the mill outdoor bar.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a new favorite breakfast at Disney- Avocado Toast Caribbean-style.
But there’s green on that and it’s not shaped like Mickey 😅

Classic “Bounty Platter”
Yes please

healthier options
sorry? I don’t understand. 😝

actually I really have thought about having oatmeal or something a little better for me, but it’s hard to resist those darn Mickey waffles.

What's your favorite form of Disney transportation to get around with?
Probably boat. But the less travelled routes. Like PORS to DTD. Or the smaller boat that goes from MK to WL - I really liked that ride when I went to Mickey’s Backyard BBQ. I like seeing parts of WDW that I don’t normally see and are a bit more relaxing.
Surprisingly, my kids even got involved to a small extent and offered to take my photo on occasion or would blurt out, “Hey Mom, do you have Letter (?) yet?”

This is so fun! I love that your kids couldn't help but get involved in the alphabet search :)

Instead, we were given exactly that with a stunning water view. It was pure Heaven being greeted each morning to views like this:

This is so lovely! I'm obsessed with this beautiful view!

But coming home we did take the bus, got off at Jamaica, and used that one for the remainder of the stay. Well, except that one time... But that's getting ahead of myself (cue ominous music..)

Uh oh...this sounds ominous...must be the ominous music.

Please, will someone for the love of God tell me why they would name it that?! Are we swimming snot? (The answer is probably yes and other body fluid as well, since it’s primarily used by kids.)


But yes. Somehow I think the snot is probably the least gross fluid in that pool.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a new favorite breakfast at Disney- Avocado Toast Caribbean-style. Well, okay, it’s not Cali Grill Brunch, but holy crap, this, given its supreme location, aesthetic gorgeousness, theming, and perfect portion size…. Wowza! This is (or quite possibly WAS, since I no longer see it on the menu) just an amazing presentation of a power breakfast that got me through an entire morning of park touring.

Oh my goodness! This looks so yummy and aesthetically pleasing!

However, Jamaica would the wrong building to ask for; it was a long way from the station.

I'm not sure which building you were in, but we actually requested Jamaica 45 when we were there (I think we ended up being put in either 46 or 44 though, which still wasn't too too bad.)


I remember reading somewhere that if you didn't want to pay for a preferred room to request either this or Aruba 51, because then you're just across the little bridge/island from the main building and pool. But there can definitely be some serious variance within each section in terms of how far you are from everything! And with a resort that size, it might even be worth shelling out the difference to request a preferred room, I suppose.

Overall, I’m glad we chose this resort. It was clean, very pretty, close enough to never feel like we had long bus rides, and had a room big enough for the 5 of us.

Nice!! It's a really pretty resort. Nathan liked it a lot there as well, especially now that the rooms received an upgrade a while ago.

Now, it's YOUR turn: What's your favorite form of Disney transportation to get around with? I'll leave it open-ended, so interpret anyway you want, but I am kinda thinking more along the lines of getting from resort to park or park to park. But hey, if you wanna share what your favorite one WITHIN a park is as well, by all means... :)


Obviously Segweys! :lmao:

Aside from this? I'm a big fan of the monorail when it's feasible. And we often either bring our car or rent a car, so we do a lot of driving to parks unless we're staying onsite and going to Magic Kingdom.
Now... let’s get on a bus, because we couldn’t get on a Skyliner because it wasn’t open yet, even though I’d booked that resort in high hopes it would be :rolleyes2 ) and travel to the Caribbean Beach Resort!!

On the upside, at least you didn't get trapped on it.

Here is some background music for you to play while you read this drivel.

Ahhh...don't mind me if I snooze off.

Instead, we were given exactly that with a stunning water view. It was pure Heaven being greeted each morning to views like this:

Hey, that's a great spot!

it was a typical Disney Mod and fit our needs. In the grand scheme of things, it was the resort location, pool, views, and general atmosphere that I enjoyed most about this place.

I really like the mods. They're generally nicer than most places I get to stay. And the theming is really well done.

Because I am poor and cheap, I did not upgrade to the VIP Transportation Package so there were a few long waits too.

@pkondz is notoriously stingy on sharing his methods of procuring those.

I know the size of this resort turns a lot of people off, and while I will say it is a pretty long walk (especially with blisters!!) from Jamaica to the pool or Old Port Royale, it is a lovely walk with great music, gorgeous landscaping, and water with turtles to stop and watch. It’s a resort that begs one to slow down and chill out.

I never minded the long walks at those resorts. There's always something interesting to look at. Then again, I don't have arthritic feet, either.

As for the pool, it’s pretty big with lots of room to spread out, but no matter how big the pool area is, there is simply no way to escape the ubiquitous and ever-present Dance with Miley Cyrus Hour that every Disney pool has, and whose volume is set to be heard the next county over.


By the way, that means Fountain of the Nose in English. Please, will someone for the love of God tell me why they would name it that?! Are we swimming snot? (The answer is probably yes and other body fluid as well, since it’s primarily used by kids.)

Sounds like this one is asked and answered.

I like those lights. Pretty cool.

I imagine it's nice to veg out and watch the Skyliner go lazily by here.

I do think that the Skyliner is going to add a massive appeal to this resort and I’d stay there again just for that.

::yes:: I can definitely see that! It would be more interesting to ride than the buses.

Now, it's YOUR turn: What's your favorite form of Disney transportation to get around with? I'll leave it open-ended, so interpret anyway you want, but I am kinda thinking more along the lines of getting from resort to park or park to park. But hey, if you wanna share what your favorite one WITHIN a park is as well, by all means... :)

Well, I'll answer with the qualification that everything is running like it should (no breakdowns, constantly "holding at the station for clearance", or waiting 30 minutes to get on).

The monorail has captivated me since I was a little boy, so I'll go with that. No Disney trip is complete without a spin on the monorail. Boats would be number 2. Buses are buses, so they'll never excite me, but if they could at least turn the air conditioners up above 48 degrees that would help.
Wonderful! Makes it much more fun if others in the party participate.

It sure does!

I'm surprised the kids didn't revolt at these overbearing constraints.

LOL! I was pretty tough on them you know... paying for their hotel, food, tickets.... etc... ;)

Yeah... I remember thinking along the same lines... "Hey! I can ride the Skyliner!"

Maybe it was for the best. Getting stranded for several hours is not the best use of my time.

I'm still going to ride it and predict I'll really love it. Every new system has to go through some growing pains; I'm really not too worried over this.

What is that? Someone in a hammock?

I think that is an impressionistic loose interpretation of exactly that. I don't particulary like it, but did feel it fit the theme.

Well... I didn't know how long, but she did tell me she was sharing with you guys.
I asked her to say hi, but not sure if she remembered to. Not a big deal since we met up later.

She did. :)

Those are a lot better than the ones where you have to stand on your head.

True. And better than the ones you can't recline in either.

Went to Disney and found time to relax??? Wow!

Yep! :)

<sigh> Yeah... I get it. Entertain the kids, but... Yeah...

I guess that's what quiet pools are for, but.... (cue a bit more ominous music).

Oh, that's easy.
"Hey, Earl. What are we going to name the pool?"
"Nobody knows."
"What? Nose? Okay."

That works about as well as any other explanation.

While banana hammocks should be banned.


You didn't!! LOL!

Love that! What a great idea for a lighting fixture!
Wasn't the amazingly clever!?! I loved it!

I don't care for avocado, but... even I think that looks (and sounds) good

Everything just worked so well together.

Really like this photo! :)

Thanks!! Such a relaxing space.

Wow, that sounds wonderful. Just take the 6:30am part of it and shift it a few hours later...

But if it'd been any other time, there'd have been a LOT more traffic and noice and the idyllic setting would have been shattered.

Which is really... un-Disney, wouldn't you say?

Yeah, I would. I think line of sight rules have been tossed out, much to the detriment of the aesthetics.

I should really say "Bus", since you never have to wait for one, but... I think I might put myself at risk for a beating if I do.

But what I really like are the boats. I love taking a boat to DTD or from DHS to Epcot or vice/versa. Or to the Boardwalk area.

The beatings will continue until you share your pass.

AS for boats... yessssssssssss....

I typically don't take Disney transpo in the parks, but I did take a car once down Main St, and that was pretty cool. :)

Really? I do! I fly in these cool pirate ships on PP, Doom Buggies in HM, even People Movers. ;)


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