Thanksgiving in my happy place?? Don't mind if I do! (Updated 2/21)

I’m glad you have good luck with TP for room requests. I use to have really good luck and lately not so much. We did get our room request this December at Destino Tower! I was happy with that!
I’m craving corn dog nuggets now and plastic cheese!
I love FoF parade but despise curb sitting, lol 😂
I’m glad you have good luck with TP for room requests. I use to have really good luck and lately not so much. We did get our room request this December at Destino Tower! I was happy with that!
I’m craving corn dog nuggets now and plastic cheese!
I love FoF parade but despise curb sitting, lol 😂
Well, so far so good with TP room requests - 2 for 2. I probably just jinxed myself for the May trip though.
It's so funny - the ONLY place I will eat anything hotdog is at Disney. My mom tried to get corn dog nuggets for our Christmas Eve spread and I was all "ugg. NO thanks." Disney makes everything better!
I love to sit on the curb for a parade. I despise getting up!! I am far too old, fluffy, and out of shape to be getting up off the ground but I do it anyway. Hippos in motion and all that. But I have adopted the philosophy "I don't know any of these people and I'll never see them again so who cares what they think?"
Sorry to hear about your moms injuries, glad she is doing better. I hear you on having aging parents, my moms health took a turn for the worse so we moved her in with us. Let me tell you, 3 generations of women under one roof is not for the weak lol. Love that you got your touringplan room (or close to), such a good website for those who love to plan it all out. You really had the transportation Gods shining down on you so far this trip, hoping it lasts the whole adventure :)
I just love the idea of working at Disney. I mean if you got to get it done anyway who wouldn't rather be doing in while at Disney.
Looking forward to your next update... your ending just reminded me of the meme "can i pet that dawg" lol im so curious.
Sorry to hear about your moms injuries, glad she is doing better. I hear you on having aging parents, my moms health took a turn for the worse so we moved her in with us. Let me tell you, 3 generations of women under one roof is not for the weak lol. Love that you got your touringplan room (or close to), such a good website for those who love to plan it all out. You really had the transportation Gods shining down on you so far this trip, hoping it lasts the whole adventure :)
I just love the idea of working at Disney. I mean if you got to get it done anyway who wouldn't rather be doing in while at Disney.
Looking forward to your next update... your ending just reminded me of the meme "can i pet that dawg" lol im so curious.
Oy!! I hear you about moving your mom in. That's the future plan for my family when my dad passes - mom moves in with me. My poor neighbors at that point. I don't know what will be worse - the yelling or them having to listen to Harry Potter on repeat.

And I LOVE "Can I pet that dawg." I use it all the time and my coworkers look at me like I have 2 heads. I'll have to find the video and send it to all of them so they understand.

Day One, Part Three
Some rides, a dog, and the first time our plans derail

When we last left off (why do I enjoy saying that so much??), the parade was over and Scotty had joined us for a bit before he had to clock in to work. He was working the Christmas Party that evening. He is a leader in parades so he was very busy with the Christmas parade! We decided that our first ride that afternoon should be Pirates so we headed that way.

I should probably mention that we had decided not to do fast pass for cash (TM DisneyAndi) because a) it was a party day so we were leaving before 6pm and b) we knew we would be back to MK for the Christmas party (and I would also be back on Thanksgiving Day). The line wasn't long and soon we were adventuring with the pirates. I made sure to say hi to George in the fortress tower after the ship (do you all know the story of the ghost George on Pirates??). I also muttered under my breath "We wants the red head" in the auction scene (like always) and again under my breath joined in with "Here kitty, kitty" as well as singing along to the song (also under my breath). I don't want to do these things too loudly because I don't want to spoil the ride for others. Just because I've ridden it eleventy billion times doesn't mean that it isn't the first ride for someone else on the boat. *and I jump down from my soap box*
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A quick check of wait times when we got off Pirates and we headed to Haunted Mansion to see if we could become the 1000 haunt. Once again, I wasn't chosen for this esteemed position but I loved the ride all the same. Except, when did they change the ghosts at the end?? I liked it better when they would "interact" with you - like take your head off, etc. Oh well.
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After finishing the mansion (where, yes, I did do the stretching room voice over under my breath), Scotty said "Hey, Kate is working today. Want to see if she can come out and say hi?" Kate is one of Scotty's CM friends who was in his wedding party in April with me. She is a leader with MK characters. AND she has Sully - her service dog. Sully is a large golden doodle who is just a sweetheart. She was able to step out and talk with us for a few minutes so we headed up toward the circus area to one of the CM gates to enter "onstage."

Now, I am a firm rule follower when it comes to service dogs. As much as I would happily pet every dog I ever see, I respect the vest and the "do not pet while working." However, Sully's favorite person in the world (other than Kate of course) is Scotty. You can see him visibly wanting to go to Scotty whenever Scotty appears but, as a very well-trained service animal, Sully resists. Once we got close however, Kate gave Sully the "all clear to play for a minute" command and Sully RAN to Scotty. After receiving all the love, he came over to Barb and I for some pets as well. It was great to catch up with Kate (and pet that dawg). And, as always, Kate said to let her know if she could help me meet any characters while I'm in Magic Kingdom during my visit. I so appreciate her saying this every trip but so far, I haven't taken advantage of it. Soon, it was time for Kate and Sully to get back to work and for Scotty to leave to go clock in and get the parade ready for the evening.

Barb and I wandered the rest of the way to the entrance to the Circus section and stopped at a cart to get some drinks. I needed water and she wanted a diet coke. I get she is a Floridian but how that woman managed to go through several days at Disney and never drink water is beyond me. This snack cart also had those wonderful sugared nuts. We got a pack (that were fresh and warm) and sat on a low wall to eat, drink, and plan. At this point, it was 4:30 or so. Our original plan was to head to Studios to get dinner and see Fantasmic. However, we decided to add a stop at Pop to grab more beverages for the evening and to switch shoes before jumping on the skyliner and heading over.

Once again, there was a bus waiting at the stop. However, it was pretty full - no seats available. I asked Barb is she wanted to wait for the next one but she really wanted to get back to Pop so we took up our standing positions toward the back by the stairs/back door. And off we went.

While on the trip back to Pop, I started to get the extreme leg cramps that I developed while training for the Princess Half years ago. The cramps start just above my knee and travel up the inside muscles of my thighs all the way to the groin. I can get them in either leg or in both. And all the doctors, my trainers, and I have ever been able to figure as the cause is dehydration. And while I had consumed mostly water all day, it wasn't anywhere near as much as I usually drink. At least the cramps were pretty mild. I could feel them starting but when they get fully going, I actually scream/cry and double over. I can't sit, I can't stand fully upright. I mostly stay in a bent over position and walk around all while crying. Thankfully, they didn't get to that point on the bus (because I can only imagine how people around me would act.) Anyway, I was pretty self-focused for the entire bus ride back and missed what was going on with Barb.

We got back to Pop and headed in to the food court. I don't remember why we did that but I know that's what we did. Barb said let's sit down for a minute. And then she said "I'm not going with you to Fantasmic." Her smart watch had alerted her to the fact that her heart was racing and her blood pressure had gone sky high. (She's been having some heart issues recently which also impacted the rides she could go on this trip.) She told me to go without her and that she was going to grab some dinner in the food court and then go back to the room to rest. I said sounds good. Let's go get some dinner. And she said "No. You need to head to the Skyliner to get to Fantasmic." And I explained that I wasn't going either. I was going to get dinner with her and hang at the room. I didn't mention my leg cramps at that point because I didn't think it mattered. But she didn't want me to miss Fantasmic so she then said - No. If you won't go without me, I'll go. No - we are both staying in the room for tonight. An argument was getting ready to kick off so I quickly explained the leg cramps and that it was probably best for me to not push more tonight and to go back, put my legs up, and do some rolling with my massage ball. And finally, it was settled. We quickly found food (burger for Barb and a slice of pepperoni pizza for me) and took our dinner back to the room and settled in for the night. Barb watched some TV and I rolled my muscles and read my book. It was early to bed so we could head to Animal Kingdom in the morning. And thus, the first time on this trip that our plans changed.

Up next: Day Two Magic Animals!!!

Joining in for your latest trip report! I also went back and finished your trip report about Scotty and Stephen’s wedding - wow, what a beautiful wedding! I know I’ve read a prior trip reports about a Disney wedding but your friends added so many awesome elements to their day. The reception in particular was very well done! (Also, I love the Kardashian-style picture!)

I’m glad your travel day went well and you had a chance to catch up with Scotty and Stephen. I’m also glad your room was where you wanted and transportation was on your side. I’m sorry your leg cramps impeded your plans to see Fantasmic, but happy you fit a lot of fun into your day before you had to give them a rest.

Also, I’d caught that you were in theatre but didn’t realize you were in stage management! I was a theatre major in college and was a stage manager for several main stage and student productions. I loved it - it takes a special (crazy? :laughing: ) soul to be a stage manager. Reading this made me smile!
Also, I’d caught that you were in theatre but didn’t realize you were in stage management! I was a theatre major in college and was a stage manager for several main stage and student productions. I loved it - it takes a special (crazy? :laughing: ) soul to be a stage manager. Reading this made me smile!
Stage Manager's UNITE!!! Yes, we are special souls and very crazy. But honestly, I can't imagine doing anything else. I actually tried to leave theatre for a bit shortly after getting my MFA. I was tired and wanted to just get a waitressing job and save some money for a bit. That lasted ONE DAY. I stopped in for a visit at my undergrad school and walked out with a position as the TD for a year and adjucting for stage management class.
Good morning Stacybaeasm I am loving your trip report. I have to make a comment about your thigh cramp. OMG I thought I was the only person in the world suffering from that cramp. I have been to every type of Dr and had many tests done and every Dr says something different. I can deal with muscle cramps anywhere else on my leg, but the thigh one brings me to my knees screaming and crying. The are horrible. On our way home from disney in December, I could feel one brewing on the plane. I sat frozen in my seat almost afraid to breathe. Thank God, I did not get that thigh cramp on the full plane for the 2 hour flight. If you ever find a cure for that cramp let me know please

Good morning Stacybaeasm I am loving your trip report. I have to make a comment about your thigh cramp. OMG I thought I was the only person in the world suffering from that cramp. I have been to every type of Dr and had many tests done and every Dr says something different. I can deal with muscle cramps anywhere else on my leg, but the thigh one brings me to my knees screaming and crying. The are horrible. On our way home from disney in December, I could feel one brewing on the plane. I sat frozen in my seat almost afraid to breathe. Thank God, I did not get that thigh cramp on the full plane for the 2 hour flight. If you ever find a cure for that cramp let me know please

OMG. I truly also thought I was the only person who ever got these. And getting one on a plane is one of my greatest fears (along with getting one while I am driving!) Right now, I'm trying a potassium supplement to see if that will help. But since I only get them after a vigorous workout (which isn't happening right now), when I'm at Disney (not until May) or when I get really dehydrated while traveling, I haven't had one in awhile. However, I fly to Denver from VA on Tuesday so this could be a test. I'll let you know!

Real Life Update
Ok, I know I am due for the next part of this report. The start of this semester is kicking my butt. But I promise, an update is coming!!! After I finish my EFAR (our faculty evaluation report that we have to fill out every year, then write a report, then update our CV, and then fill out a bunch of extra forms) which is due TOMORROW, get the tech schedule done for the next show, maybe finish the syllabus for my 2nd year graduate student's studio, AND prepare for 2 upcoming job interviews - I promise to get an update out. It's coming, I promise!!! And thanks for hanging in and reading!

Day Two Part One
Magic Animals!!!

Whew! I am finally able to get an update out. All it took was for me to get sick AND have a snow day. That does not bode well for the semester, but what the heck? Next week is tech for our first show of the semester so I figured I'd better get an update out or I won't have this report finished before my next trip.

Monday arrives and we are off to Animal Kingdom (or Magic Animals as my friend Rob calls it). We decided not to worry too much about early entry today. Neither of us really wanted flights of passage and we had fast pass for cash so we took a bit of time to get up and out this morning. We stopped for breakfast at Pop before getting on the bus. We both basically just wanted some eggs and some bacon. Barb hasn't stayed anything but club level in a really long time so she was a bit put off looking at breakfast items because she didn't want tots or waffles or any of the platters. She was getting a little huffy when I said - Watch and learn grasshopper. I ordered two sides of eggs and two sides of bacon for us. And happiness ensued. She grabbed a diet coke and I grabbed an extra water (I had brought one from the room as well) and we paid and found seats. Did I mention that Barb was paying for all the food this trip? It was a trade off since I paid for the hotel. I think that worked well in my favor - especially since I booked and paid for the room before she even decided to come along so the entire cost of the hotel AND all my food was already factored into the trip budget. This just left me extra money for other stuff.breakfast.jpg

Anyway, breakfast consumed, we headed out to the buses and once again, a bus was waiting! I have never had such good bus luck in all of my trips. We jumped on, got seats, and took off. The plans were to head straight to our safari LL, then hit Lion King LL, and then maybe separate for a bit. Barb wanted to go do the animation drawings and I was going to hit Dinosaur and Everest. We stopped outside to get a couple of pictures in front of the Christmas tree (I was taking FULL advantage of the photo pass add on for my annual pass!!)
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We then headed up to the safari. The standby line was all the way back to Tusker House already. Barb paused and said "maybe we come back." No my love. We have an LL for this. I guided her to the correct line but we were 3 minutes early. She kept trying to head up to scan and I kept explaining - we have to wait. It isn't our time yet. We can scan in 5 minutes BEFORE or up to 15 AFTER our time. She really doesn't have to do any of this stuff when she goes to Disney with her other friends. Anyway, soon it was time and we moved quickly through the line and got on our safari jeep.

Each time I go on the safari, I say - "THIS time I will take pictures" and each time, I give up after the first animal. I am just not a good photographer. And it happened again. I got my phone out, took the first picture (which was AWFUL and I'm not sure the animal was even IN the picture) and then gave up. But I LOVE the safari. We had great luck with animals this morning. Everyone was out and moving around - even the cheetahs! Well, except the lions. We were there when the original lions had been retired and the new lions hadn't been introduced yet. I think we missed them by like 3 days?? Oh well, something to look forward to in May I guess.

After the safari, we stopped to get something to drink (water and diet coke) and I think Barb got some chips maybe?? And we headed over to Lion King. I haven't seen Lion King since before the pandemic and boy was I excited. This show is my 2nd favorite in all of Disney (Fantasmic is my all time favorite).

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Lion King completed and now it was decision time. The original plan was to split up for a bit. However, a) we were both hungry and b) Everest was down (it ended up being down for the entire day 👿 ) and Dinosaur had a long wait with no LL's left. So, once again we threw our original plans out and decided to head over to Flame Tree for some lunch. On the way, I messaged Stephan to see if he could take a break for a bit to come out (he was working characters at AK that day). He said he could head toward us in about 15 minutes so we proceeded to get our grub on at Flame Tree. I know I got the pulled pork sandwich (no coleslaw or beans) and I think I splurged and got a diet coke. Barb also got the sandwich but went with the slaw and the beans. We found a table down by the water and settled in to eat. Stephen joined us for about a half hour to just sit and chat. Soon, lunch was over, Stephen had to go back to work, and it was time for our LL for Navi. Now, I don't normally ride Navi at all. While it is pretty, it's also boring (in my opinion) and it is so short it just isn't worth any kind of a wait. But, since we had done the fast pass for cash for today, we had made a ressie for it. So we headed back to Pandora to ride. Barb had never ridden this one before. She thought it was beautiful but as we were getting off she was like "That's it????" Yep. Told you it wasn't worth any kind of a wait.

Now it was decision time. Everest was still down, Dinosaur was still long, Barb wasn't sure she wanted to head up to draw, and it was already about 2pm. We had dinner ressies at Steakhouse 71 for tonight and we definitely wanted to head back to Pop to freshen up before that. However, Barb had seen a garden spinner thing up in Africa that she wanted to go back and look at. So we headed up that way so she could shop. Luckily, that little kiosk was right by Tamu Tamu so I wandered over and got myself a Dole Whip with rum and Barb got a Dole whip float. I sat in the shade while she shopped.
Dole Whips.jpg

Dole whips eaten and Barb successful at shopping, we headed back to the front to get a bus back. As we got up to in front of the tree of life, the magical menagerie was out!! I LOVE them!!! So we stopped for a couple of pictures.
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I really think these are a magical addition for the Holiday season! And, I later found out that some friends of mine had been the puppeteers who helped create them!! Small world, right? Soon it was time to head out to the buses and go back to Pop to relax for a bit before my favorite dinner in the all of Disney.

Up next: I pet another dog and eat cake!
Late to the party (how did I miss this?!?) but I'm here!!! Can't wait to read more!!
Welcome!!! Hey - better late than never, right? Also, I'm gonna need you to come get your weather and put it back in your yard. The freezing cold 2 weeks ago and now this snow storm?? I mean, I'll take the 2 snow days from school but it is messing with rehearsals for my next show. But I hear Minnesota has been in the deep freeze recently as well???
Welcome!!! Hey - better late than never, right? Also, I'm gonna need you to come get your weather and put it back in your yard. The freezing cold 2 weeks ago and now this snow storm?? I mean, I'll take the 2 snow days from school but it is messing with rehearsals for my next show. But I hear Minnesota has been in the deep freeze recently as well???
Girl you do not want our weather! This week has been miserable & not looking to get better any time soon! Yesterday was -6, AND on Friday it's supposed to snow- boo! Though overall I'd prefer the snow over the intense cold... ugh!
I love how you use the FP for cash acronym :rotfl:We just tell it like it is, right?
AK such a wonderful park, I love it 🥰 Boo on no Dinosaur ride this day and bummer EE was down for you! I don’t ride that one, the g force going backwards makes me feel like my neck is going to snap! Your aunt sounds a little salty at times, haha 🤣
I love how you use the FP for cash acronym :rotfl:We just tell it like it is, right?
AK such a wonderful park, I love it 🥰 Boo on no Dinosaur ride this day and bummer EE was down for you! I don’t ride that one, the g force going backwards makes me feel like my neck is going to snap! Your aunt sounds a little salty at times, haha 🤣
You trade marked that FP for cash and I will always use it!!!

I did not get on Dinosaur this trip but luckily, I still have the May trip to get a final goodbye on it. I WILL make that happen. I love EE! I can single rider that 4 times in a row before I have to tag out.

And a little salty?? Yep, that pretty much describes her. Gotta love her though.
Day Two, Part Two
A dog, a steak, and some cake

We left off heading out of Magic Animals to go back to the resort to rest for a bit. And, as luck would have it, there was a bus waiting!!! I mean really, what are the odds at this point?? It was probably about 3 by the time we got back to room. I debated going to the pool for a bit but our plan was to leave the room by 5:30. So instead, I settled on a refreshing shower and a bit of reading on the bed. Soon it was time to put clothes back on, refresh the makeup, and head out.

First stop of the evening was the pet place across from POFQ. Barb has a chihuahua, Lil Bit, who is her LIFE. Barb wanted to stop in to see her but was also adamant that I needed to meet my "cousin". I do believe I am the person who inherits the dog if she is still alive when Barb dies so she felt it was very important that we meet and start to bond. Which of course, prompted my smart *** comment "You planning to die sometime soon? Should I know about this?" Anyway, off we went in Barb's convertible. Now, I don't know if you have ever been to the My Best Friend's place, but I think some of those dogs live a better life than I do. Lil Bit had her own "suite" - a fairly large room with a HUGE bed (especially for a Chihuahua), a large screen TV that played Disney cartoons and movies 24/7 for her to watch, and her own outdoor PATIO with fake grass that she could access at any time and go sit outside. I am a dog person but even I was like "For real??" Anyway, one of the nice attendants took us back to her suite and let us in and showed us the outside park we could take Lil Bit to play for a bit. He also informed us that Lil Bit was the workers' favorite and she was getting plenty of attention, extra walks, and extra treats.

Barb picked up Lil Bit to head outside and I reached out to let her smell me and give her a pet. She JUMPED out of Barb's arms and into mine. Barb was shocked because Lil Bit apparently takes a LONG time to warm up to strangers. But she loved me and wanted me to carry her. We took her outside and ran her in the park for a bit until it was time for us to head to the Contemporary. Taking Lil Bit back inside and leaving her was heart breaking. She cried and cried and howled. Barb kept trying to go back and get her and I had to put my body in the way to block and herd her out. But we had to go - chocolate cake was waiting!!

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We got to the Contemporary to check in at the gate and there was a large white pickup in front of us. I think he wanted to park at the Contemporary and head to MK. The fight between the driver and the guard at the gate was epic and went on for like 10 minutes. I THINK the guard finally threatened to call security so the pickup guy gave up, made a U-turn and left - but not before making a not so nice gesture at the guard and also yelling something out the window at the now 5 cars behind him that were waiting to get in.

We were about 15 minutes early for our reservation at Steakhouse 71 so Barb went up to shop at the stores. I texted Scotty and Stephen to see if they were on the way. Scotty was just walking over from MK because he was just getting off of work and Stephen was on his way from their house. I got us checked in, everyone arrived, and soon it was time to head in to my favorite restaurant.

Our waiter was great - very friendly, engaged in conversation about our day and was very knowledgeable about the menu, and just flirty enough to make it fun without it being weird. I am a HUGE flirt and will flirt with anyone, any time - male, female, dog, cat - it doesn't matter. I'm just out to have fun. Anyway, we ordered the bread appetizer and drinks (I think Scotty and Stephen got cocktails and Barb and I got Diet cokes.) Barb doesn't drink and I wasn't wasting calories and stomach space on a cocktail when I knew dessert was coming up later. Once drinks and the bread came, the waiter grabbed our dinner orders. I know both Barb and I got steak (me with mashed potatoes and Barb with the au gratin potatoes.) I think Scotty got Prime Rib and I don't remember what Stephen got (bad trip reporter). I always have to apologize when I order steak because I am a medium well+ girlie and I know chefs HATE that. Sorry, I can't do pink in my meat. I think it's a family thing because Barb was the same!

Soon, it was time for dessert. The reason I go to this restaurant. The thing I dream about. The 17 layer chocolate cake!!! With 4 forks because you HAVE to share that thing.

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We had a great time talking and eating. Barb had met Scotty and Stephen in like 2018 so she fit in quickly with the group. We filled her in on their wedding and talked about so many other things. Scotty had a 50% off CM coupon for dinner and happily used it for our meal. As we were leaving the restaurant, Scotty said "you want to go up and look at the gingerbread house??" How did I not know there was a gingerbread house at the Contemporary?? Anyway, up we went and got some photopass pictures.
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Stephen got some gingerbread and then we said good night and went our separate ways. Barb and I headed back to Pop and went to bed. We had a long day the next day - Hollywood Studios in the morning and the Christmas Party!!!

Up next: Well, we did not time that well.
Awwww such a cute little pup! I’m glad he loved you since he could be yours some day! Aunty Barb looks like she will be around for quite sometime!
I have only eaten in Steakhouse 71 lounge and loved it. I need to try the restaurant one of these trips! I loved the new Gingerbread House display at CR this year!

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