Taking pictures during a medical episode

Team Wendy and Nana

Earning My Ears
Jul 21, 2024
My service dog and I were at Disneyland tonight, as we are most Fridays. I had an especially hard time this evening with my disabilities, and spent an hour in the esplanade letting my SD task for me. To do this I either sit or lie on the ground and he lies his body over my lap (if sitting) or my abdomen if lying down. I was really in a lot of pain and he spent a lot of the time on me while I lay flat tonight. I was sitting against a building, out of the way, but of course, people walk by not too far away as they make their way toward the buses. Generally this isn't an issue, but one woman decided to stop and take our picture (without asking or speaking to me) while he was helping me with my medical episode. So, just a PSA -- I know it may look funny or cute or novel when a service dog is helping their disabled handler, but it's quite rude to be taking pictures of them as they confront the emergency. I'm sure most people know that, but there are always some people who seem not to know, or not to care. (I also realize some people from other countries may not get it and may not speak the same language.) Too bad there aren't real PSA's on TV about this kind of thing! I try to take it as it comes now days because unusual things happen a lot, but I really wish people would be more thoughtful and respectful! Thank you for listening! <3 I'm sure all of you are lovely and would never do this, by the way!
I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m always a little surprised by how many people take photos or videos of people during a medical episode. On a recent DCL sailing, a guest had to disembark mid cruise due to a medical emergency and I was really disheartened to find out after our cruise that people had videoed the footage of them disembarking and posted it online on Vlogs and such.

I know the last thing I want to worry about if I’m having a medical problem is that strangers are going to video or take photos of me and post them on the Internet.
I’m always a little surprised by how many people take photos or videos of people during a medical episode
Just to add: probably an exception is epileptic seizures.

I had my first aid training at work last week, and the trainer said not to take videos, unless it is an epileptic seizure. As there are so many types of seizures doctors can determine better what is going on when they see what happened during a seizure.

Of course this should not be done by strangers who walk away afterwards but people who can give the video to the doctor.
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Just to add: probably an exception is epileptische seizures.

I had my first aid training at work last week, and the trainer said not to take videos, unless it is an epileptic seizure. As there are so many types of seizures doctors can determine better what is going on when they see what happened during a seizure.

Of course this should not be done by strangers who walk away afterwards but people who can give the video to the doctor.
Yes, as someone who has those and has had them in public plenty of times, that makes sense.
The taking pictures part is ridiculous. I'll have to say, if I saw someone alone lying on the ground with or without a dog, I'd probably be torn between going up and asking if they're ok vs getting a CM vs walking away. I'd probably be looking like I'm gawking at you while all this is going through my head.

One of my kids has type 1 diabetes and it's possible for people with that to have a low blood sugar and just sit or lie down, or act drunk, or zombie like, or what not as they're not really able to help themselves after a point. I'd imagine that happening to him and people think is fine just doing his thing...when he actually needs help. You read about people having a medical episode and no one helps them. Ugh.

I'm sure after stopping and having this big back and forth convo in my head of do I go over or do I wait, I'd have come over and asked if you are ok unless you were doing something to indicate you were likely ok (like looking at your phone or having a convo with your dog or otherwise seeming alert). But the picture thing ...what the heck!
The taking pictures part is ridiculous. I'll have to say, if I saw someone alone lying on the ground with or without a dog, I'd probably be torn between going up and asking if they're ok vs getting a CM vs walking away. I'd probably be looking like I'm gawking at you while all this is going through my head.

One of my kids has type 1 diabetes and it's possible for people with that to have a low blood sugar and just sit or lie down, or act drunk, or zombie like, or what not as they're not really able to help themselves after a point. I'd imagine that happening to him and people think is fine just doing his thing...when he actually needs help. You read about people having a medical episode and no one helps them. Ugh.

I'm sure after stopping and having this big back and forth convo in my head of do I go over or do I wait, I'd have come over and asked if you are ok unless you were doing something to indicate you were likely ok (like looking at your phone or having a convo with your dog or otherwise seeming alert). But the picture thing ...what the heck!

Yes this I too would try to figure out if I should help or find someone to help. I think I would take a cue from the dog. I believe some service dogs are trained to actually seek out someone to help and try to bring someone to the owner. I probably would try to ask the person once if they need help or need me to do anything but am unsure if that is the correct thing to do or not.
To OP I am very sorry someone took your photo as that is definitely not ok at all and shows the sad state of society
I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m always a little surprised by how many people take photos or videos of people during a medical episode. On a recent DCL sailing, a guest had to disembark mid cruise due to a medical emergency and I was really disheartened to find out after our cruise that people had videoed the footage of them disembarking and posted it online on Vlogs and such.

I know the last thing I want to worry about if I’m having a medical problem is that strangers are going to video or take photos of me and post them on the Internet.
Thank you! I'm so sorry to hear the people on the cruise did that. Not surprised of course, but it is sad!

Thank you to all of your for your kind responses! I want to add that where I sit in the esplanade, there are always a ton of cast members walking back and forth right there, so many of them made sure I was okay as they walked by, which I was really touched by. They always do when H tasks for me out there -- it's probably one of the safest places to sit for that reason. And I will assure you, I really was okay, just needed my SD's help for a while. Didn't need emergency services or anything. Unfortunately the woman who took our picture seemed to just be interested in the novelty of it or something, not if I needed help! I'm not too surprised by such things anymore.

This is a little different, but when I first got my service dog at the end of 2016, we went to Disney World about 6 months later. I had tourists (often from other countries like Japan) come up and ask (or not ask) to take our picture (or just his). It felt wrong, but I knew they didn't understand. I would probably react differently today than I did then. I allowed them to do it, but I'm sure I would politely decline today.

Thank you again, friends.
While I don’t condone what they did, I would like to offer an alternative point of view that may help you slightly: Them taking pictures and/or video could be used to help educate others on what to look for to see if maybe you need some assistance.

Of course, they should ask (it is the right thing to d0), but do keep in mind you are in a theme park and you have already said that you can be recorded just by entering the premises, so legally they don’t have to ask, but again it would be the polite and right thing to do and again, I am in no way condoning the behavior.
Thank you! I'm so sorry to hear the people on the cruise did that. Not surprised of course, but it is sad!

Thank you to all of your for your kind responses! I want to add that where I sit in the esplanade, there are always a ton of cast members walking back and forth right there, so many of them made sure I was okay as they walked by, which I was really touched by. They always do when H tasks for me out there -- it's probably one of the safest places to sit for that reason. And I will assure you, I really was okay, just needed my SD's help for a while. Didn't need emergency services or anything. Unfortunately the woman who took our picture seemed to just be interested in the novelty of it or something, not if I needed help! I'm not too surprised by such things anymore.

This is a little different, but when I first got my service dog at the end of 2016, we went to Disney World about 6 months later. I had tourists (often from other countries like Japan) come up and ask (or not ask) to take our picture (or just his). It felt wrong, but I knew they didn't understand. I would probably react differently today than I did then. I allowed them to do it, but I'm sure I would politely decline today.

Thank you again, friends.
This used to happen to me constantly, particularly Japanese tourists taking my picture with or without permission. Sometimes blatantly, one time DH and one of these photographers got into a photo war……they lost, as he had a larger emory card and theirs filled up. Another time, one was setting up for a shot of Tower of Terror at DCA or so it appeared, so we were trying to wait for him to finish, he motioned us to proceed and only took the photo when we were directly in front of the camera. This happened anywhere there were Japanese (and to some extent Chinese) tourists, we still have no idea why to this date. This was before either of us needed ECVs, so that wasn’t even a factor.


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