Splitting vacation between WDW and Universal


DIS Veteran
Mar 13, 2001
OK, now that my vacation plans are set, I was wondering who else splits their stay between the two. We decided to try HRH for the first 2 nights, than we're moving to Disney's OKW for 8 nights. The FOTL and Entertainment rate lured us away from Disney for the whole trip. We will be there from Nov 2 til Nov 12. Anyone else here going at that time? Are you splitting too?
Welcome, EpcotBill!

I must say I split my stay every single time I go to Orlando... which explains why I'm the only moderator that splits time between both boards!

In May I will be spending two days at HRH and 5 at the Dolphin. I'll also be going in November but during the convention week.

Again, Welcome to the "Dark Side!" <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

We're "sharing our vacation dollars" between Disney and Universal next month. Only we're doing WDW first for 5 days, then 3 days at Universal. We decided to do it this way because we're staying at ASMovies at WDW and HRH at Universal. From what I've read the HRH is going to be a much nicer place (not that ASMo is bad mind you) so it will be somewhat of an upgradefor us.

1996 Bought New House
1997 Local Theme Park
1998 Watched Disney Videos
1999 Painted House
2000 Tent in Backyard
2001 ASMovies/HRH !!!
We're splitting! Usually, we just stay at Disney and shuttle back and forth to Universal. Since we love Universal soooo much, we decided to stay there--7 nights at WL, then 3 nights at Portofino. We're doing Disney first for the same reason as the above poster. We feel that Portofino will be one of the finest resorts we've ever stayed at!
We're doing the same thing as Mattman above - 5 nights at AS Movies and then moving to HRH. I wanted to do Disney first, because I was afraid if we had FOTL first, the Disney parks would be a disappointment with just the Fast Pass system. Unfortunately we are not going until next March, but we have already started the countdown.
Our trip a little different though. Going to HRH first for 3 nites, on to POly for 4 nites and ending up in BWV for 3 nights. Do I like convenience or what. Love Univ, but hated that walk from parking lot. I cannot wait until I can boat or get to a park in under 5 minutes. That is the reason for my 3 way split.

We doing something similar to Mattman. 5 nights at All Star Sports and then 2 nights at HRH.
We are doing dis first then universal because in January we did universal first and then dis and it was really hard to stand in those lines after FOTL at universal!!!

We're splitting, too, and we're going in a little over 2 months! We hadn't planned on going back to WDW until 2002, but looking at DH's vacation, there's a possibility next year he'll run short of vac days so we decided to go for it this year. In just this past week, I have Dreams Unlimited planning the WDW part, and I have already made reservs at HRH and purchased the USF/IOA passes. This afternoon I tackle airline reservations and look into a rental car for our trip to NASA. Have I been a busy girl or what? ;)

The best part is yet to come---we haven't told the kids yet; they think we're just going to Cedar Point. I bought the WDW For Kids By Kids books and plan to put them in their Easter baskets. This should get me the mother-of-the-year award!! :D

Wow Amy..that sounds great!!!! I must say the two Universal hotels have caught my attention and we may be possibly splitting our stay next trip....if I can get my wife to go to the dark side LOL -Cris

Co-moderator of Tips Board

We too are splitting. Three nights at HRH and four nights at Wyndham Palace. I think it will be more fun than staying in the same hotel for seven nights.

Can't wait!!
We are splitting 4 days at the beach and 5 days at universal. We have never packed up in the middle of vacation before. We are going in a little over 3 weeks!!!

Mom of teens
Staying 3 nights at Poly, 2 nights at AKL...then off to the Portofino for 3 nights...our first time at Univeral. Doing a lot of splitting, but hey...I have no idea when I am going to die! :D
Therefore...I do, just do,...simple as that!

"Tootles", uneamie,creator of:"Poetry Parlor", a romantic poetry reading room...come see!

when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, but if ya wanna discount ya better live in Florida!

3 nights at HRH and then moving to the Wyndam Palace for 5 nights. This will be the first time to split our stay between the two and I'm really excited to be staying at the HRH! :D
We're doing the opposite of EpcotBill - Staying first 8 nights at AKL and then last two at HRH.


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