slo’s THURSDAY 7/25 poll - Pineapple 🍍

Pineapple - What is your opinion & How do you buy it? (m.c.)

  • I love it ❤️

    Votes: 65 60.7%
  • I like it 🙂👍🏻

    Votes: 32 29.9%
  • It’s just ok 😐

    Votes: 5 4.7%
  • I don’t like it 🙁👎🏻

    Votes: 4 3.7%
  • I’ve never had actual pineapple

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I buy it fresh and cut it myself

    Votes: 56 52.3%
  • I buy it fresh - it’s already cut at the grocery store

    Votes: 33 30.8%
  • I buy it canned

    Votes: 37 34.6%
  • I don’t buy it - I only eat it other places

    Votes: 14 13.1%
  • Other - please post your answer

    Votes: 8 7.5%

  • Total voters


My tag used to say - I'm a Tonga Toast Junkie 😁
Feb 28, 2004
Pineapple is a tropical treat with a lot of good health qualities. You can buy a whole pineapple and cut it yourself, buy it already cut up at the grocery store or buy it canned. So tell us today…..

What is your opinion of pineapple (the fruit 🍍, not the flavor)?
If you buy it - what do you buy?
(multiple choice)

For Me……I like pineapple, but only buy it canned at Christmas and Easter (I like pineapple rings on our ham). I don’t buy it fresh because it burns my mouth if I eat to much (which I read is normal for some people), DD20 doesn’t like it and my DH only somewhat likes it. If I’m at buffet where fresh pineapple is served, I will always take a few pieces to enjoy.

My fav is when my BIL returns from his home country of Antigua and brings fresh pineapple products back. Even the peelings are deliriously good when soaked in water, strained and drunk. Now if he would just give me his recipe for pineapple dukanah all would be well.
LOVE pineapple 🍍 I eat it all the time - mostly canned but will buy fresh and grill or fry it with sugar !! I absolutely love frozen pineapple drinks !!! For tropical fruits it’s my favorite ❤️!!! I keep at least 6 cans stocked at all times in my house !!! Chunky style !!
I buy fresh pineapple sometimes because it's my husband's absolute favorite, and the kids like it... but I'm not personally a fan.

Fresh pineapple does weird things to my mouth, too. And I think the flavor is just OK, so it's an easy pass for me. Cooked pineapple doesn't bother me, and I like pineapple upsideside down cake pretty well, so I'll eat that. But otherwise, meh...
I enjoy pineapple. Mostly I buy fresh, and cut it myself or DH cuts it. I have bought it already peeled and cored. I buy canned, crushed when we want it with cottage cheese.
I'll go do far as to check off that I love it. It's so refreshing. Marie will frequently buy the fresh cut up from the produce section at the grocery store. We both like it.
I am fine with pineapple, but can take or leave it. Bromelain is the enzyme that is in pineapple, and is what makes it so hard on your mouth. Actually, bromelain is extracted and used as a meat tenderizer- explains a lot. The resident 8 year old loves pineapple and would eat an entire fruit in one sitting, if we'd let him!
The only pineapple I ever liked was as a kid, Big Stick popsicles. Dad enjoys real pineapple at times. I love plain just apple no pine sauce daily. Have a sweet and good Thursday, friends.
I like it and usually buy fresh. I don’t buy it as often as I used to because the kids that love it aren’t here as much and I can’t eat a whole one by myself. Youngest DD doesn’t eat most fruit.

It does the weird thing to my mouth too. I only eat a little bit at a time.
Love it!

Usually fresh already cut, but sometimes I’ll also buy it frozen. I almost never buy canned because it changes the flavor and texture.
I like it. I eat it very seldom because it raises blood sugar.
I always have canned on hand for salads for family gatherings.
If it is on sale and we are having a family lunch or other occasion, I will buy fresh and cut it. The grand kids love it.
I have a pineapple corer that makes it very easy to slice up
I love fresh pineapple, canned is just ok. I usually buy a whole pineapple at the grocery store and cut it myself. The vending machine at work sometimes has a fruit bowl including fresh cut pineapple, I get that when I can.
As a single person, buying a large fruit like a pineapple or watermelon is a problem. I just don't get a chance to eat it all before it goes bad. I do like the small personal watermelons that have come out of late.
I love fresh pineapple and buy it often, already cored and sliced. I eat it with cottage cheese, in fruit salad, and love having it grilled.
Like it, but typically don't eat it fresh. I prefer it as an ingredient in something else (Pineapple upside down cake.)
I like fresh pineapple and prefer to buy it whole and cut it myself. The second option is to buy it precut in the store. I don't buy canned pineapple unless I need it in a recipe.


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