Severe Dry Skin Causing Scabs?


Always Dreaming of Disney Magic
Mar 31, 2005
I need some DISBoard medical advice (I know you aren't doctors)

My legs are always really itchy, due to dry skin. I hydrate well, but now that the weather has gotten dryer, my legs are entirely covered in red scabs! I'm trying not to itch. At times, I get these on my arms, or sometimes my stomach.
It's also not due to razor burn, because I haven't shaved them in 2 weeks. :rolleyes1
I have patches of this on my other leg as well. Also notice the redness at the very bottom of my leg. Its got a burning sensation.
I don't think its psoriasis, as it doesn't have the silver look.
Any ideas for over the counter creams? I'm sick of waking up to blood on my sheets.
I knew a lady that had them just like that on her legs, and she also got them on her head, behind her ears, went to many Doctors never able to get rid of them
my son has severe dry skin and he can end up like that also if he doesn't lotion immediately when he gets out of the shower. We have used Gold Bond in the white bottle for years and it works the best for him. He has had eczema for the majority of his life and this is all part of it. I too recommend that you see a dermatologist.
I have an unusually high histamine level which causes my legs to itch perpetually :crazy2: Are you issues simply dryness, or could there be an underlying issue (eczema, psoriasis, folliculitis, allergy)? Even without the typical stmptoms, you may have a mild case.

If it's just dryness, I recommend AHAVA Mineral Botanic Velvet Cream Wash for Very Dry Skin. It's pricey but amazing! Their lotion is also great, but I prefer "Circle of Friends" cooling spray lotion- it tingles as it absorbs and helps calm information. Both can be found at Ulta, and they always have printable coupons.

To calm the itch temporarily, rinse your legs with apple cider vinegar. It will sting like heck but helps soooo much! I also take Zyrtec daily and it helps, but certainly doesn't cure it.

Best of luck! I feel your pain- literally.
My mom said I had the p named skin thing, but it was what is coming up now.
I do have allergies. To about everything. When I wash dishes, my hands burn and itch, so I wear gloves!

I also have some sort of skin issues when I was younger on my arms. They were covered in raised tiny bumps, some a bit red. That has gone away!
Ok, I'm pretty sure this is what I had on my arms as a kid
keratosis pilaris alba

I happen to have perfectly clear face skin. People fall in love and oo and ahh over it!
Good luck. I know that there are several conditions you need to rule out with a dermatologist. I have bad skin too and I hate it.:headache:
Have you had allergy testing? Many of these skin issues are caused by allergies.

I don't have allergies, but my hands can get so dry they crack in the winter if I'm not careful. I have to make sure I don't use antibacterial soap often, because it seems to aggravate my hands in the winter. I get moisturizing soap instead and if I must use antibacterial soap, I always use lotion afterwards.


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