Saratoga Springs Resort question about Bell Hop Services


DIS Veteran
Mar 16, 2002

I have an upcoming trip with family taking up 5 studios at SSR. Our flights get in at 10:30 so I assume we will be at WDW by noon.

We plan on checking in and having over our luggage to bell hop and then head to a park for the day. When we are done with our day at the park, how do we get our luggage? Can we call bell hop and have it delivered? Or do we need to get it from bell hop and then drag it to wherever our rooms are?

Hubby and I are the only ones out of our group that have been to WDW before. We will be going to the Informer Meet Up the day we get in, so I wouldn't be around to help folks get their luggage to their rooms when they are done at the parks on our arrival day.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Went to SSR for the first time last month. We just went to the bell services counter, they loaded up our stuff on a big golf cart and drove us to the room. Even gave us a little tour first as we told the guy it was our first time there.

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