Ron Jon Resort/Isle of Bali


Earning My Ears
Mar 17, 2001
Has anyone ever stayed at Ron Jon Resort/Isle of Bali? We're planning a trip to WDW in November. Just starting to look for a place to stay. Would like a suite or condo , at a reasonable cost, preferably under $100/night. I know Ron Jon Resort is a timeshare. They offer $40.90 for the first 4 nights and $76.90 for additional nights, up to a 7 night maximum. Its advertised that in order to get those rates, you must attend a 90 minute presentation. I don't want to spend any longer than 90 minutes. I would like to hear from people who have stayed there, if it lasted any longer than whats advertised. ANd also, how long of a drive is it to WDW?
Welcome to the DIS! At the top of the screen in a pink strip is the search function. If you click on it and do a search on Ron Jon, you'll get several posts (81 to be exact). One of them has my user name on it. If you click on it, you'll get some answers to what you're asking. As far as the resort itself, it sounds great. You might also want to search on Isle of Bali for more info on the resort. Good luck!
Okay, Thanks! I got a lot of research to do. Really hoping to find a nice place at a reasonable cost. Not so sure I want to sit through a time share speech though.
There are lots of suites that include a full American breakfast for under $100 a night. Also, we've rented a house several times for less than that amount (3BR/2BA with private pool). Check out (vacation rentals by owner - don't be afraid to negotiate) or (her prices include taxes, and I think she has some discounts you can ask about).

Have a great trip! You've found the place to get lots of help (these boards!).
My sister and family just stayed there this past week and loved it. She had a two bedroom villa that was huge. Two bedrooms upstairs and a bathroom, main floor had a huge eat in kitchen, living room with tv pull out couch an another bathroom. She also said the pool was awesome. It's only ten minutes to disney...but beware they are redoing the road and one morning it took them almost 50mins.

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CBR Dec '95, Sept '97
BWV Aug '98, Mar '99
ASM Nov '99
BWV Oct '00, Mar 01
Zurg, Barbie, Buzz, Buzz, Jessie & Tinkerbell

Thanks, these boards are such a great help!! It really makes me anxious for November!!
we went there for a timeshare presentation w/friends(we already own a timeshare and weren't looking to purhase one). The guy who was trying to sell us, was incredibly pushy..he outtimeshared any salesman we have ever encountered! He kept telling us how people who bought from him invited him to stay in their homes, and took him out for expensive meals. This blarny was bad enough, but then, while we're touring(we had 4 kids w/us, 19, 17, 12, 7, he starts going on about security and why you need it. Then he gives this really graphic account of how a woman was raped (and i mean it was graphic) all because she stayed somewhere where there wasn't security. WOW were we out of there in a hurry!!! I'll never stay there, because god forbid, the guy probably still works there! He really upset a couple of the girls who were where they could hear everything he said! so beware!
I have not been here in months, and just now decided to vacation vicariously through everyone else (plus I am totally bored and looking for something to do). So, I come here and see someone ask about the Isle of Bali. Well, we stayed there last June for 1 week, and if you do a search, you will probably find my comments on it posted last July.

To summarize though, we hated it. Yes, the salesman was incredibly pushy, to the point of being very obnoxious, then we were handed off to other salesmen who were more obnoxious, and it took about 2 hours before we were out of there. Oh, and breakfast, which they advertise as part of the sales pitch, was dried bagels and butter. Not appetizing, in my opinion.

The price you have is good, and you may like the resort, others have, but we found our room, which was a 1-bedroom in the newest building at the time, to be filled with problems, plus we heard the neighbours upstairs at all hours, and if you read my old post, you will get the rest of my complaints.

My biggest gripe, though, was that management did nothing, not even an apology. I figure that if I am at a hotel, and something is not right, I will let management know, just as I would let them know when something is right. Well, I was told that the resort manager would call, he never did, I wrote 2 letters after we arrived home, no response, needless to say, this is not how I perceive a resort that wants people to buy into their timeshare should treat their guests. Plus, there was road construction, so we never made it on to the highway within 10 minutes, as the resort says you will.

However, time has passed, so perhaps they have had enough complaints and changed a few things, I do not know for sure. Just watch out for the spiders!
We have decided against staying at the Ron Jon Resort. We have decided to stay at the Orange Lake Country club. I think we got a great rate. $469 for the week(including tax), for a 1 bedroom villa. We are required to attend the timeshare presentation for 90 minutes. But for that rate, I don't mind. It sounds really nice with all the resort amenities. Thanks, these boards are wonderful. What a great help in vacation planning.
Good choice. We stayed there a few years ago and it was very nice. We had a huge two bedroom villa. The pool area is great and they have a lake where you can rent watersports stuff. Have fun.


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