rofl this is so funy!!


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Jul 9, 2005
15 Ways to Drive your Parents Crazy...

1.Follow them around the house wherever they go
2. Moo when they say your name
3. Run into walls
4. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion
5. Stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin on your face and say, good morning sunshine
6. Pluck someone's hair out and yell, "DNA"
7. Wear a sticker that says, "I'm a retard" 8. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to all the time
9. In public yell, "No Mom/Dad, I will not make out with you!!"
10. Do what they actually tell you.
11. Jump off the roof, trying to fly
12. Hold their hand and whisper to them, I see dead people
13. At everything they say yell, Liar!
14. Try to swim in the floor
15. Tap on their door all night

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: i couldn't breath after i red this
16. Say that waking up at 6am and going to school goes against your religion and culture.
17. Say "No mommy see? My imaginary friends are on tv! They have their own show called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends! You can see them on Tv but not in person!"
18. Be like that one person in your family your parents always say "Look at <person> you should be more like <person>
I don't think I will let WildCatKris read this thread. lol.

He actually had a book once that was called 101 ways to drive your parents crazy. (I told him, he could have written that book)

Now I should post 15 ways to drive your kids crazy!! lol
MaliaMichelle said:
I don't think I will let WildCatKris read this thread. lol.

He actually had a book once that was called 101 ways to drive your parents crazy. (I told him, he could have written that book)

Now I should post 15 ways to drive your kids crazy!! lol

Here's one...

Give them everything they want for a day! I swear i was all crazy on that day until i found out it was my birthday... :rotfl:
Nanoer said:
16. Say that waking up at 6am and going to school goes against your religion and culture.
17. Say "No mommy see? My imaginary friends are on tv! They have their own show called Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends! You can see them on Tv but not in person!"
:lmao: Good one.
I like to be as random as humanly possible. Someone will ask a question, and usually I'll anwser it normal like, but if like, I've had waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much caffine or something and couldn't sleep before or something, I end up just being anwsering with some random thing.
Replys I've made in the past:
"Marsupials are freakin' scary. They're all fast and stuff."
"Dude, my dog can balance on it's butt."
"Please hang up and try again."
That's about all I can remember now, but I think that the idea there is kinda obvious. Randomness is awesome.
19-'' Mom and daddo these pants make my butt as big as a baboons?
20-Sing barny while skipping around the house with only underware on and a sock on your arm.
21- Tell your parents that u want to sell all your clothes and use the money to by laffy taffy's
22 - Cut out a circle from a paper big enough to write ''im with dumbo'' and when your friend in over go to your parents together with the paper on the front of the shirt, and lean back a little so the shirt stands out
23 - put all your clothes on back woards and tell your parents u want coke and taco for break fast
24- before u go to school tell them you need to wear under wear on your head for a special event at schoo;
25 - Find out what your parents are scred of and if it is a frog or snake, bye a toy of it, over night leave it in the refigerator and the next night after that leave it under there covers a little. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
mewmewpwr said:
15 Ways to Drive your Parents Crazy...

15. Tap on their door all night

I actually know this girl, who said that her brother sleep walk and knocks on her door and he won't stop until she open it to let him in and then sits in her room all night....I think it is quite creepy.

* The only thing you do is play vmk (my parent can't stand it)
* Complain that your car is haunted by your grandpa
* Only talk about disney..
* Say random things, like boogies...
* Buy a male gerbil and a female gerbil(enough said)
* Sing Disney songs all the time..
jazstar87 said:
I actually know this girl, who said that her brother sleep walk and knocks on her door and he won't stop until she open it to let him in and then sits in her room all night....I think it is quite creepy.

* The only thing you do is play vmk (my parent can't stand it)
* Complain that your car is haunted by your grandpa
* Only talk about disney..
* Say random things, like boogies...
* Buy a male gerbil and a female gerbil(enough said)
* Sing Disney songs all the time..

Yes I would be a little scared if someone came and sat in my room all night.
* Mine Too
* Interesting is all that I am going to say....
* My mom is more obsessed with Disney than I am
* I say random stuff like j/k or lol ( yes i have really said that )
* hahahaha
* I don't sing


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