Reviews on our recent trip!


DIS Veteran
Mar 22, 2006
Reviews on our recent trip!

We just got back on Friday from our first ever Disney trip! We did the Dining Plan and LOVED IT!!!! I just wanted to give a quick review of our eating at Disney.

First we had the dining plan for:
DS12 - Agreed to try new foods on this trip; not picky but not does not like normal veggies
DS7 - not picky; does not like tomatoes or mustard; not happy with the dining plan. He is a really big eater for such a small kid. He eats more than me and DH and we are pooh sized to his piglet size.

We arrived on Friday, June 9th, had ressies at:
O'hana's - DH, Myself and DS12 loved it. DS7 had an upset stomach from the plane ride and just ate the shrimp. All of the food was great. We all agreed that the meats were the best. DH liked the beef and sausage better than the turkey and pork, while me and DS loved the beef and pork better than the turkey. Everything was wonderful. Total bill: 112.00

lunch at backlot express- DH & DS12 Double cheeseburger w/ fries Both liked
Me Hotdog w/ fries- very good, DH finished my Hotdog.
DS7 - kids chicken nuggets and fries- wanted the rest of DS12's burger and the fries that we did not eat.
Total: 47.07

Dinner: Prime Time Cafe
Me - Potroast and shrimp cocktail, angel food cake w/ berries
DH - Shrimp cocktail and Prime rib, brownie sundae
DS12 - Shrimp and Fried Chicken, build your own sundae
DS7 - salad and chicken nuggets- he ate my shrimp :sad2:, build your own sundae.
We all enjoyed the food. Our waitress was new but not really into the role. It was fun to watch the other servers and it was a nice dinner.
total: 127.63

lunch- flame tree barbeque
3 rib meals with chocolate cake
3 chocolate cakes
1 key lime pie
1 kid hot dog meal - DH had to eat this and share his ribs with the DS7. DS refused to eat a hot dog while we ate ribs. Do you see a theme thru the thread yet?
We all enjoyed this meal. Unfortunely, the ribs liked me so much that I tasted them all day. :rolleyes:
total: 49.27

Concourse Steakhouse
DS12 - Prime Sirloin, Shellfish Bisque, chocolate dessert
DH - Ribeye steak, scallops, cheesecake
DS7 - Kids shrimp, steak and chocolate dessert
Me - filet steak, shellfish bisque and creme brulee
We were disappointed with this meal. DS12's steak was burned. He ordered it med and it was burned. He will not eat anything that is black, so his whole steak when back uneaten. He liked the bisque and dessert. DS7 - he liked the shrimp but did not care for his steak for it came with a sauce that he did not care for. DH did not really care for the sauce that came on top of his ribeye either but said the steak was good and the scallops were wonderful. My steak was very good.
Total: 175.00 Not worth the price. Thank God for the meal plan.
I also had a chocolate martini not included in the price, it was an extra $11.21

Tropical storm Alberto came today
Lunch ?? I don't remember, sorry but I can't find the reciept for it.
Boma: We loved it. My DS7 still talks about it. He loved the cream of mushroom soup and if anyone asks him about his trip that is the first thing he talks about. I am going to have to find the recipe. Every ressie that we had they mention at check in that it was the boys birthday week but Boma's was the only one that brought them a cupcake on a plate that was decorated for their birthdays. :cloud9:
Total: 112.00

Went to Downtown Disney to watch Cars. Loved the movie and got a snack at Candy Cauldron. The fudge and the candy apple was to die for. Wonderful and a must try.
Total with drinks: 11.21


Pecos Bill: We had burgers and fries. Sorry can't find the rec. but the food was good.

Coral Reef:
3 calamari rings
1 shrimp cocktail - he also ate some of my calamari rings.
DS12 Penne pasta with chicken, he liked it. it was good.
Me - Mahi Mahi grilled. I did not care for it and the fish was under cooked.
DH - Flounder, he did not care for it either, he says it was underseasoned.
DS7 - kid pizza, he ate it.
2 make your own sundaes
Butterscotch brulee
chocolate wave.
total: 175.28
My far the worst meal that we ate all week. I will never go back for the food was not good at all. 30 minutes after I ate, I was sick as a dog. :furious: Just nasty.

We split up this day with me and DS7 going back to Magic Kingdom and DS12 and DH going to Epcot.
DH and DS12 ate at Electric Umbrella:
Chicken strips and a Double bacon cheeseburger. They said that it was very good.

Me and DS7 went to Main street bakery for breakfast:
I had a plain bagel for my stomach was still unsettelted from the night before. He had a egg and cheese crossiant. He loved it and it was huge. He ate every bite. If it was mine I could not have eaten half. This kid must be going thru a growth spurt again. :rolleyes:
Sorry no total on the rec.

Lunch for us was at el pirata
I had a taco salad which he ate half of and a churro. (yes he ate half of it to)
DS7 had a Kid's taco meal and see above. :rolleyes:
It was very good but again the rec is 0.00. That is the only thing I do not like on the dining plan is the rec.'s are 0.00 unless you write on them.

Dinner we met up with DH and DS12 at Epcot. I had forgotten to make ADR's for this night so we went into the first res that we came to, against my DS12's judgement. I should have listened to him. :blush: We ate at Nine Dragons. I do not remember what we ate but it was not good. It was not as bad as the Coral reef but was definely nothing to write home about.
Total: 120.00

Casey's Corner:
2 corndog nuggets for the kids
2 grand slam dogs for us
1 side of chili for DH
This was good. My DH says it reminded him of Sonic. I liked it. Again no prices sorry.

It started to rain, so we went into El Pirata for a drink to get out of the rain. DS7 got a taco salad for a snack, :rotfl2: DH got a ice cream bar and DS12 and I just got water and ate the brownies left over from Casey's.

DS12 came down with a headache after being in the parks all day so we went back to the hotel.(all star sports) :sad2: After a nice nap we just ate at the food court.
I had the baked chicken, DH had the chicken quesdilla and the boys had pizza. I loved the baked chicken. DH said the quesdilla was just ok, not bad but not the best he ever had. The pizza was good.

On Friday 16th we left but ate breakfast at the food court, again the food was very good.

My DH laughs about the Dining Plan, He says that he found the servers would recommend the most expensive thing on the menu for they knew that on the dining plan their tip is based on the total bill. That said we did not have a bad server all trip. Every cast member that we met was extremely nice and helpful, whether it was the servers or the cast members in the parks. We can not wait to go back. When we do we will get the dining plan again. :banana:
Great job! Nice reviews. I think if my DS12 were younger (like your younger son) he'd be miffed that was I getting "real food" and he was getting burgers and nuggets. My DD8 is thrilled with the kids menus :confused3
Enjoyed reading your reviews ~ Thanx for sharing.
We had a similar experience at Concourse SH. We will not return there. Both of our steaks were severely overcooked and the service was terrible.

We were there for Alberto too! Miserable! Luckily he came and went quickly!
I really enjoyed reading your reviews. I was debating about Coral Reef and Concourse but I think I'll have to cross them off my list.
Thanks for the reviews! I feel the same way as your DS7 about the children's menus most places. :sad2: All that cruddy processed food. We love Buffets and family style meals anyways, so we usually just don't tell ds4 about the children's section. If he's stuck, I get him the pasta and sauce but I just don't want him to eat chicken and fries all week. I'm a MEAN MOM! :furious: Oh well. If we never get to be on "Honey We're Killing Our Kids", he can thank me then. :rotfl:

Beth :crazy:
:thanks: for the great reviews! Luckily, my DD6, while she is a good eater, she is also a small eater. Most of the times my DM, DD, and myself order 2 meals and share them. She shares with me at home, so why not on vacation-right? At Kona, for example, her dinner will consist of some of the sticky wings (with enough left over for me to share) and some white rice. Along with the bread they serve, that'll fill her up!
Last month DH and I dined at the Coral Reef and I also had the flounder. I have to agree with your DH that it was bland. My DH had the Mahi-Mahi and said it was just ok, but it was cooked through (unlike yours).

Over-all, the meal was very disappointing. Even though we were on the dining plan, I still feel it was a waste of money. We will not go back. We did end up getting food at the ESPN club later that night because we were still hungry after eating at the Coral Reef.

We also had a disappointing meal at Concourse SH. But, I would be willing to give that another try. All of our other meals were very good.


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