Put On Your Sunday Clothes, There's Disney World Out There! - Wilderness Lodge

I'm so excited to read another report! Yours are my favorite and especially this report since I have a trip planned for the end of January 2019. I've never been in January so I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience. P.S. you and Jamie are absolutely adorable. :love:
A Dolly reference TR title? I'm in! Following!

Glad I won you over! :welcome:


Following along! I've thoroughly enjoyed your prior TRs, and I'm looking forward to this one. We were actually there at the same (at GF, though) - I wonder if our paths ever crossed!?

:welcome: Thank you! Oooh keep an eye out for yourself in the background of the photos!

Yay! So excited for another trip report of yours!

:welcome: and thank you!! I hope you enjoy! :lovestruc

YAY! A new trip report! Following along....can't wait for more :)

:welcome: and thank you for reading! :cool1:

Following along! :wave2:

Yay :welcome: back my dear! :hug:

Following. "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" was playing in MK one night recently after HEA and OUAT had finished. My daughter and I were making our way down Main Street and I was chatting with one of the HEA fireworks guys and neither of us could place the song. I said, "It's from a musical or movie, but I don't think it's Disney." He said, "It must be Disney, otherwise they wouldn't play it." He then recalled that it was the song in the video that Wall-E watched, which I then remembered was Hello Dolly, and suddenly we both knew it was "Put On Your Sunday Clothes" and we high-fived right in the middle of Main Street. It was a great WDW moment. Anyway, your TR title made me think of that fun memory. I look forward to reading about your trip.

Haha wow that is GREAT, yes it is in Wall-E very briefly!! It really reminds me of the Magic Kingdom now due to the instrumental they play on Main Street, and I was so happy to also hear it in the Trolley Show! :lovestruc The CM's comment "it must be Disney otherwise they wouldn't play it" is interesting because The Wells Fargo Wagon from The Music Man also plays on Main Street and I don't know what the Disney link is there!?! ANYWAY I'm glad my TR title brought back a nice Disney memory for you :goodvibes

Oh, and :welcome: Thanks for reading!
Yay! Following!

Woo :welcome: I'm glad to see you here! Also, your DISNEY WEDDING is very high on my list of DIS reading priorities!! :love: What an absolute dream!! I'll see you over there asap :lovestruc

I'm here!!! Following along! You two are the cutest! Can't wait to hear about your trip

:welcome: Eek thank you so much, that's so sweet! I hope you enjoy the TR! :flower1:

Hi Katie, I've lurked a little on your last thread and was waiting for a fresh start to join in. :) I try to keep up best I can around the DIS and will comment as I can. Meanwhile, looking forward to your stories!

:welcome: and thank you for coming out of lurkdom and commenting!! :laughing: I'm glad to have you here! :cool1:

I'm here! Can't wait to read about your January Adventures! I'm excited to hear what you and Jamie thought of Pandora, I was in WDW last summer when it had just opened and I loved it! Also, congrats on buying a house - that is so exciting!

ALISON!! :hug: how are you??! I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages! I guess I did disappear for a while :confused3 SO glad you found my new report though :goodvibes How was WDW last summer?? Gosh Pandora was so busy even when we went in January, every single walkway was like an extension of the queue! :faint: I can't imagine what it was like when it first opened?! But Flight of Passage was fantastic and made me cry haha! I loooved it. And thank you for the congrats! :hug:

Oh, and everyone needs a :welcome:

Hopping over from your last report. Looking forward to reading along about your adventures

Yay :welcome: back!! Thanks so much for reading :goodvibes
Yay! So excited for another one of your TRs! :D

:welcome: yay thank you!! By the way, your username is one of my favourite Disney songs at the moment, I've listened to it so much lately! :lovestruc So thank you for putting that back in my head! :cool1:

Just place holding for now. I have some other TRs to catch up with before I can get to this one. :)

Wooo Pedro is here!


:welcome: And that's ok dear, I'm sure you've probably written 10 trip reports since the last one of yours I read..! So there is certainly no rush to read mine :laughing:

I recently read your last report and am excited to read about this trip. We love WL!

:welcome: Thank you for reading, this and the last one! :lovestruc Oh my gosh, we LOVED the Wilderness Lodge too!! I took A LOT of pictures so I hope you enjoy them :goodvibes

Great to see you back online! I'd missed you.

YAY :welcome: and thank you!! I'm glad you found the new TR! Thanks for reading :hug:

Yay! New trip report! Can't wait to read more!

:welcome: Thank you! I can't wait to write it! :banana: thanks for reading!

Yay! Another report! I love reading about your adventures....and I'll be staying at Wilderness Lodge in June and am looking forward to hearing about your time at the resort!

:welcome: Yay thank you for reading!! Oh I'm so happy for you, have you stayed at the Wilderness Lodge before? We absolutely LOOOVED it!! I have a crazy amount of photos so hopefully they get you super excited for your trip :hyper:


Ahh, congrats! Its so nice to be able to have a house that is your own... we bought our somewhat of a fixer upper almost 5 years ago and there is still so much to do! haha!

NOO! I'm so glad you got better in time for Disney!

:welcome: Thank you for the congrats! Haha that is totally understandable, I'm sure that will be us in 5 years too! Someone told me that with fixing up houses everything takes 3x as long and is 3x the price than what you plan.. That's been so true in our experience! :faint: But it's a GREAT feeling when we finish a room and it's exactly how we want it! :love: So it's worth it I think :goodvibes
Following along! Your title drew me in since I love musicals and Hello Dolly is one of my favorites!

Can't wait to hear about your trip!

:welcome: Haha brilliant, I love Hello Dolly too! Glad I could draw you in, and I hope the TR lives up to the title :rotfl: Thanks for reading! :flower1:

Ok, I am an impatient soul...I need more now, please ( and thank you...at least I am using my manners, lol)

Haha I have some posts written out already so it's coming asap!! :snail:

Hymie's put on a few pounds since last year. And... well... needs to wax.

He's never looked better in my opinion :laughing:


Good for you!! Congratulations!

Thank you!

Wow! That's huge news! Again, congratulations!!

Thank you again Pedro!



(Secret tip: It never ends.)

Oh I am prepared for this! I just want to buy pretty things but I've spent half of my money on PLUMBING. Of all the boring things to fix :sad: at least I got some nice new radiators in the process though :thumbsup2

I’m here - love your trip reports! Congratulations on your new home!

Wooo :welcome: aww thank you, I'm glad you enjoy them! And thank you for the congrats! :hug:

Following! I'm planning a Jan/Feb 2019 trip hoping for low crowds! This does not make me feel good :worried: but I'll manage.

I love your intro and can't wait to hear how it all went!

:welcome: Eek I hope you get low crowds too! I have no idea what was going on this year :confused3 I'll be interested to hear about crowds this September to see if that is busier too :confused3 hopefully it's quieter for your trip!

Thank you for reading!

Hi Katie! :wave2: My goodness, I haven't talked to you in forever!

I haven't been on the DIS in a while, so imagine my surprise when I log on and see you've finished your previous TR and started a new one!
A very nice surprise I must say :)

Congratulations to you and Hy-mee on your house! That's very exciting!

I had heard January was crazy busy :crowded: but I am sure you managed to have a great time nonetheless!

Can't wait to read all about it! And glad to see you back :hug:

Hello dear! :wave: :welcome:

Ha I know same, I disappeared for quite a while and then just MASS SPAMMED posts on my last report.. The trip reports board must've hated me..


Thank you for the congrats!! The house is a bit of a project, but it's totally liveable... Just slightly ugly :thumbsup2 so at least there's no structural problems or anything horrendous like that.
Oh yes it was busy but of course we still had a great time! :flower1:
ALISON!! :hug: how are you??! I feel like I haven't spoken to you in ages! I guess I did disappear for a while :confused3 SO glad you found my new report though :goodvibes How was WDW last summer?? Gosh Pandora was so busy even when we went in January, every single walkway was like an extension of the queue! :faint: I can't imagine what it was like when it first opened?! But Flight of Passage was fantastic and made me cry haha! I loooved it. And thank you for the congrats! :hug:

Oh, and everyone needs a :welcome:

I doing great! I am at my finals week at school, and will be home for summer break in less than a week, so I'm super excited about that! How are you?!:hug:
I disappeared for a LONG time as well - almost a year. College can just get so busy, and sometimes wonderful things such as the DIS have to be put aside for awhile. But with my semester almost over, I will have much more time to be here!

WDW was amazing last summer! No TR, sadly :sad1:, but I had a fantastic time! Yes Pandora was crazy when I went. It had only been open for over a month at that point. Thankfully, I was able to get FP's for FOP and only had to wait about 40 mins for the River Journey, which I was very happy with. Due to Pandora being so popular, I was also able to ride EE 3x in a row with very minimal wait, so that was very exciting!:hyper:

So looking forward to reading the rest of this TR!:goodvibes
Hooray for new trip reports!!! Following along!

:welcome: and thanks you! Glad you're here! :cool1:

Hi Katie :wave: I just finished your last report and I'm so happy to see there is another one. Congratulations on the house. What an exciting time.

:welcome: and thanks for reading!! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my waffling TRs :rotfl:Cheers to more waffling, and thank you for the congrats!


Congratulations on your new home :cool1:

Getting sick in the street is no fun :sad1:. Glad you were feeling better by the time you needed to head to Disney. Can't wait to hear all about it! Er, the trip. Not the sick. :laughing:

:welcome: and thank you! Haha yes I will spare you the details about the sickness, it was not pretty :laughing: less sick, more Disney :thumbsup2 Thanks for reading!

I usually lurk on your trip reports, but I am trying to get more involved! Excited to see how you liked Disney in January! It is one of our favorite times to go due to the cooler temps and sometimes you can catch it not as busy, like in September! Sounds like you hit some crowds though :(. Can't wait to read more!

Wooo :welcome: and YES I approve of you getting more involved :thumbsup2


I loooved being at Disney in January, the weather was so nice and normal :laughing: honestly September can be unbearable sometimes, I really loved being nice and cool and hydrated in January :lovestruc we hit a few crowds but we definitely made it work! :cool1:

Thanks for reading!!

Following along too! Just finished up your previous TR and I loved all the photos of Paris at the end (I'm headed there in 1 month!)

:welcome: and yay for Disneyland Paris! I was just there with my friend 2 weeks ago, we were talking about it again today saying we need to go back already! :lovestruc have you been before? I hope you have a great time!
Thanks for reading my TRs! :hug:

Following along and looking forward to it! :)

:welcome: and thank you!! I hope you enjoy :goodvibes

Following along!

:welcome: and thanks!! :yay:

Woooo :welcome: :cool1:

I always love your reports...can't wait to read along!

:welcome: and thanks so much!! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading! :flower3:

Hurray!!! I LOVE your Trip Reports!!!

Yay :welcome: and thank you!! :hug: I'm so glad you enjoy them! :laughing:

Following! (And congrats on the new job and new house! Exciting!!)

:welcome: and thanks so much! It's been an exciting year! :lovestruc

Your trip reports are so fun! I always silently read them with a British accent!

:welcome:thank you! Hahaha well that's the way I read them too so I guess you're doing it right! :rotfl::thumbsup2

Can’t wait to read all about it!!

:welcome: Yay I'm so glad you're looking forward to it! :goodvibes:goodvibes
I'm so excited to read another report! Yours are my favorite and especially this report since I have a trip planned for the end of January 2019. I've never been in January so I'm looking forward to hearing about your experience. P.S. you and Jamie are absolutely adorable. :love:

:welcome: Aww thank you so much! You're so sweet! :hug: I loved January mainly for the weather, I don't know about you but I've only ever been to WDW in crazy heat, so January was really nice in comparison :goodvibes I think you will enjoy it :lovestruc

Yay! So excited to read another report!

:welcome: and YAY I'm glad you're looking forward to it!

I'm in! Congratulations on the new home!

:welcome: and thank you so much! :flower3:

Yeah!!! A new trip report. I can't wait to read about all the shenanigans.

:welcome: and thank you! Shenanigans is a great word haha :thumbsup2

Well, you have my attention! I'm seeing Hello, Dolly! this weekend and heading to Disney World the weekend after!

:welcome: and crikey that is a coincidence haha! What a great couple of weeks you have planned, I hope you have a fantastic time at BOTH! :yay:

I doing great! I am at my finals week at school, and will be home for summer break in less than a week, so I'm super excited about that! How are you?!:hug:
I disappeared for a LONG time as well - almost a year. College can just get so busy, and sometimes wonderful things such as the DIS have to be put aside for awhile. But with my semester almost over, I will have much more time to be here!

WDW was amazing last summer! No TR, sadly :sad1:, but I had a fantastic time! Yes Pandora was crazy when I went. It had only been open for over a month at that point. Thankfully, I was able to get FP's for FOP and only had to wait about 40 mins for the River Journey, which I was very happy with. Due to Pandora being so popular, I was also able to ride EE 3x in a row with very minimal wait, so that was very exciting!:hyper:

So looking forward to reading the rest of this TR!:goodvibes

Oh wow you do sound busy! I hope your finals week is going well!?


Summer break will be here before you know it, enjoy some rest and relaxation please! :goodvibes

I'm great thank you! It only feels like a couple of weeks ago that I was on this WDW trip so I'm still super excited to relive it and write this TR! Also I was just in Disneyland Paris with my friend too so I'm getting my regular Disney fixes :thumbsup2

Wow it sounds like you had a very successful time at Animal Kingdom! We only rode the Avatar rides with fastpasses because those lines are insane.. 40 minutes for River Journey is better than anything I saw! But I didn't get to see the avatar guy in the test tube things in the FoP line... I'd like to see that one day, I'm hoping the lines don't stay gigantic for TOO long, but I bet they do :faint: :laughing:
Oh wow you do sound busy! I hope your finals week is going well!?


Thank you! Going well so far, I just need to try and stay focused - I tend to procrastinate when it comes to studying lol:rolleyes1

Summer break will be here before you know it, enjoy some rest and relaxation please! :goodvibes
Yes, I can't wait! :flower1:
I'm great thank you! It only feels like a couple of weeks ago that I was on this WDW trip so I'm still super excited to relive it and write this TR! Also I was just in Disneyland Paris with my friend too so I'm getting my regular Disney fixes :thumbsup2
Ooh that's so nice you went to DLP! That is still on my Disney bucket list! ::yes::

Wow it sounds like you had a very successful time at Animal Kingdom! We only rode the Avatar rides with fastpasses because those lines are insane.. 40 minutes for River Journey is better than anything I saw! But I didn't get to see the avatar guy in the test tube things in the FoP line... I'd like to see that one day, I'm hoping the lines don't stay gigantic for TOO long, but I bet they do :faint: :laughing:
Yeah I wish I was able to see the FOP queue as well, but I would of had to have done RD or late EMH/park closing, but that just didn't happen. Maybe next time though! And for EE enthusiasts Pandora is great since everyone is over doing FOP while the Yeti is starting to feel lonely! I love EE so that was a great perk, hoping it will be like that the next time I'm there.
Day 0
Friday 19th January 2018
Part 1 – Pre-trip travel

So it’s January, and we’re going to Florida!
How weird!
Christmas has been and gone, everyone at work is miserable, and I’m just sat at my desk like:


On the Friday before our Saturday morning flight I went into work at 8am and worked half a day until 11:45am.
Then my mum picked me up, we grabbed Jamie and our luggage, and mum drove us to the train station!

We said goodbye, dragged our bags to a sandwich shop at the train station and had some lunch and coffee.

Our train to Manchester Airport was at 2:11pm!
We were spending the night at the hotel there before our flight tomorrow, which I much prefer to rushing around in the morning.

On the train I listed to Where You Are from Moana on repeat for a while :laughing:
And also Pogo, who makes really creative music using soundbites from Disney films!
Here’s an example of one of my favourites.
Check him out if you haven't!


At 3:30pm we checked into the Radisson Blu at Manchester Airport!
The guy who checked us in was really excited that we were going to Florida, and found it funny that we had “only just been” in September 2016.
Errrm… that was ages ago pal!

We were in room 520.




When I told Jamie I wanted a picture of the room and he was going to be in it he said,
“That’s fine. I’m dead sexy.”
in this voice:


That's what he's doing below :laughing:



Travel outfit: Comfy dress and leggings, and Minnie Mouse vans!



We chilled in the room a bit, then went for a walk to look at some restaurant menus.
We took the Skylink over to terminal 1 to see what food they had.


Then we went back to the hotel and checked out the health club (not that we had any intention of going…!)

Back in the room we watched some Jeremy Kyle and Take Me Out, which are so trashy and brilliant.

Jamie kept saying “accio remote!” like the Harry Potter spell, expecting me to go get the remote and make it “fly” over to him :laughing:
When I refused he accused me of ruining the magic of the entire trip :rotfl:



At 7pm we got dinner at the Little M bar.


I had the hot flaked salmon pizza and Jamie had the Philly cheese steak pizza, and we also shared some onion rings!


I enjoyed it although I’m not sure salmon belongs on a pizza.
But I like both of those things so… I think I liked it…


Then we went back to the room and booked our security fast track, watched Would I Lie To You and Family Guy, and went to sleep at around midnight!

Tomorrow is Disney Day!


Click for next post!
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Wow, Salmon Pizza...not so sure about that one! :scared:

:welcome: and yay for Disneyland Paris! I was just there with my friend 2 weeks ago, we were talking about it again today saying we need to go back already! :lovestruc have you been before? I hope you have a great time!
Thanks for reading my TRs! :hug:
It'll be my first visit! The family is doing a whole 2 week trip to France, so I'm staying for an extra visit to DLP - 4 nights, with 5 days of tickets, but I had a great 50% off deal (for room and tickets), so I took it!

Did you get to see the Princess and Pirates stuff? It look so pretty and fun; I actually switched up my schedule so I'm sneaking over to the park 1 morning to ride Hyperspace Mountain (it will be under refurb when I'm actually staying there), as well as see the parade/show! If you end up stopping by between June 10-14, let me know-I already have 2 dismeets planned!

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