Potomac Mills Disney Outlet


Feb 1, 2001
Hey all you bargain hunters! I live in Md. and it is about a 1 1/2 hr drive to Potomac Mills for me. The only reason I would go would be for the Disney Store. Is it worth it? How are the prices? Mercandise? Is it large?
Trying to prepare for our May trip and want to find out if I should make the drive to check it out! I have 3 kids and do daycare so I would have to go on one of my weekends. Let me know!
Hi there! To be honest, I wouldn't make the trip just for that. I live 20 minutes away, and go often. You definetly can get GREAT deals there, but on a weekend? I just don't know.... I would go to a local DS and try to get things on sale. I was there on Monday, and they had a lot of Disneyland Merchandise, and winter garb. I am looking for tanks, etc for warmer weather in June.
You probably are too. It isn't very big either. I would try and go during the week if I were you.


All Star Sports 95
Shades of Green 98
Swan 2000
AKL 2001
I have to agree - never go to Potomac Mills on a weekend - tons of busloads of folks - if you can get a day off during the week go after washington rush hour - you will have the whole place to yourself. The Disney Outlet store there is wonderful - great buys - but I still recommend a day during the week for shopping the Mills!
I live 5 minutes away from Potomac Mills and visit there often, I always stop in the Disney Outlet Store when I'm there but I don't think I would drive that far to come to it and like everyone else recommended definetly NOT on a weekend, that place is unbelievably crowded on the weekends, it's crazy! They do occassionally have some good deals and some nice stuff but it really is just luck on your timing to find it - like someone else mentioned they do have a whole lot of Disneyland merchandise right now but I left there the other day without buying a thing as I have many times before. It's up to you though but I really don't think it is worth the trip.
Just a tip. They get their shipments on Mondays and Thursdays so you want to plan your trip to go at least the day after shipments. I find Fridays are the best day to go. They usually have weekend sales that usually begin on Friday (but they do occassionally start on Wednesday). The drive isn't that bad. My sister lives in Glen Burnie, MD and goes to the Mills on Saturday. She is there when it opens and leaves by noon. I live further away and go often too. The sales were good last month when they had tons of winter clothes and had it all marked down for 50% off.


<font color=3300ff>PO/Riverside 5/01
Dixie Landing 11/00, 9/00, 8/00, 1/00, 10/99, 10/98, 6/94
All Star Sport 10/01,5/00, 12/99
All Star Music 7/01, 4/01, 4/00, 5/99, 5/97, 5/96, 4/95
All Star Movie 11/00, 4/99
Caribbean Beach 5/96, 11/90, 5/89
Coronado Spring 5/98
Wilderness Lodge 7/99, 11/95
WDW Hotel Village 10/87
Disneyland 5/86


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