Points for Rent - 300+ BRV ($18/pt.)


Oct 11, 2015
Points for Rent. Home Resort is BRV ($18/point). Have 300+ available. Can book BRV up to 11 months out or any other resort up to 7 months out.

Direct message me the following info if you'd like me to check availability:
- Resort
- Room Type (Please try to be resort specific where applicable – i.e. view, preferred area, etc.)
- Check In Date
- Check Out Date
- Number of Adults (age 18 and over)
- Number of Children (age 2-17)
- Number of Infants, if any

I have rented points for 7+ years now and can provide references. I also provide a rental agreement if requested. Full payment due when reservation confirmation received. Paypal or Venmo preferred. Again, please Direct Message me if possible as I do my best to follow the rules regarding private info within the general rent/trade boards.

Hi there, looking for:

Sept 16-23*
2 Bdrm, any view
4 adults
2 children (ages 6 and 10)

(*Dates are highly flexible but looking for 1 week in September)

(I'm a new account, so cannot DM unfortunately).
Hi there, looking for:

Sept 16-23*
2 Bdrm, any view
4 adults
2 children (ages 6 and 10)

(*Dates are highly flexible but looking for 1 week in September)

(I'm a new account, so cannot DM unfortunately).
18th 19th and 20th are booked on those dates. But you could get a Garden/Pool view any days Sept 7-17 right now. Would likely be around 215 points.

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