Pleasant surprise, TJ Maxx


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2017
Returned an item the other day to TJ Maxx and the money was directly deposited back into my bank account immediately! That's a first for me. Any other retailers do this as well?
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I've recently returned stuff to Lowes & Target, right back right away....although with that said I don't usually look right away so I can't say for sure.
Hulu screwed up and charged me over $80 during a free trial. I chatted with customer service on tuesday afternoon while the charge was pending. Funds were back in my account on Thursday morning. I was very impressed with the turn around and the ease of dealing with their customer service. I'm sure part of that was that I was one week into a 30 day trial so they had no business charging me, but I was prepared that it was going to be a hassle. They were quite polite and prompt.
Any retailer using a POS system which has a separate card reader- chip reader- the batches close every few minutes to prevent fraud. Smaller places with an all in one machine and online will close at a set time each night however your charge will only be included if it is selected for shipping or the online has an auto select which means you will get a refund for items out of stock. With that the return time is based on the issuing bank of the card. It is not the retailer in other words… small returns will usually credit immediately larger ones will have a hold time this again is done to prevent fraud. There are many ways fraud can happen within was is listed above and did happen ranging from the customer, retailer and the bank that issues the card.


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