Playing any interesting card games?


Feb 1, 2001
My son and his friends don't like dealing with the high school traffic so they all got to school before the traffic and left after the traffic. In the morning and afternoon they played cards. So he has learned lots of different card games.

The last few nights we have been playing Kings in the Corners. It is a simple variation of solitaire that can be played by 2-4 people. I had never heard of it until he introduced us.

My DH and I play cribbage and 3-and-13 every morning(have been for years).
When we have 4 people we play hearts.
My M-I-L likes to play Hand and Foot.
You mean card games with a regular deck of cards or any card games? We got stuck in an airport one time and found you can pretty easily play UNO with a regular deck of cards. Aces are wild, kings are draw 2, queens are skip.
We like to play Nerts and Shanghai Rummy. We don't play to often, but I we need to get start playing more now that everyone's at home more often.
My son and his friends don't like dealing with the high school traffic so they all got to school before the traffic and left after the traffic. In the morning and afternoon they played cards. So he has learned lots of different card games.

The last few nights we have been playing Kings in the Corners. It is a simple variation of solitaire that can be played by 2-4 people. I had never heard of it until he introduced us.

:goodvibes My beloved Grandma used to play this with me on the living room couch while my A-type Grandpa played cut-throat Canasta with the "big" kids.

Since we've been on lock-down the three of us have been playing games every night; something we haven't done since DS ws a 'tween. It's sweet, really sweet. :cloud9: When it's my turn to pick, we play Skip-Bo as if our lives depended on it.
Ha, saw the title and as the thread opened, I thought Kings in the Corner.

Was hanging at mom's about 2 years after divorce and didn't have any cash to do anything and when I wasn't with the kids, played some cards with mom. She was always a big card player. She's the one that showed me this game and then we taught my girls when they were over. Youngest loves the game.

My girls introduced me to a game they play in study hall, except I already knew it. They called it President and butthole, we called it a different name but similar that I can't say, LOL. Made me look at them a little weird because it was a game that involved a LOT of alcohol when I played it in my younger years (at their age, LOL.)

They also absolutely love Texas Hold'em. They have a set of poker chips we just use, no actual gambling.
5 Crowns requires a special deck of cards but it's lots of fun

That's been our favorite for a few years now. I know someone who said they play it with a couple regular decks of cards, maybe more?, but I don't know the details.
a card game we were playing in Feburary at the peak of our full neighborhood was STicks, directions on what cards to draw and how to play them are written on a Popsicle stick. Great for social groups of 8 or more or if you are tired of competition around the game table and want a fun game purely created on luck, no skill involved. The loser can't help losing, it is the stick he drew and the winner needs to go out and buy a scratch ticket, lucky is their draw.


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