planning for May '06


Jul 25, 2004
I know that we are going back to Disney in May '06. My question is, " If I rent points from somebody, do I have to stick to that exact week in May?" Is it possible to change to a different week in May? (If it is available) I want a studio at BWV or BC and it seems like you have to book far in advance. We know we want to go during the first 2 weeks in May, but we are not sure which. Also, is there a chart that lists the points for next year? One more quick question, I read that you can use the laundry facilities for free at WLV. Can you at the BWV or BC or is that only if you have the w/d in your room? Thanks. Sorry for the long post!
It is going to be between you and the owner of the points about having flexible weeks. Much of that decision will be based on what is available at BWV or BC during the time you wish to stay, and I think both of those resorts will have much more limited availability than you imagine, so booking "in advance" is really the best way to get what you want (last minute changes are 1. not always possible 2. a pain for the owner of the points 3. might land you in a resort you dont want to be in). If I were the owner, I would say no way because we are heavily penalized for less than 30 day reservation changes (unlike a traditional hotel where you can cancel almost up til arrival time). Most likely, you will have to pick a week and stick with it to get anyone to "rent" you points.

The points charts are at the top of the page here in a link. 2006 is on them.

Laundry facilities are always free at the DVC resorts (even though they LOOK like pay washers/dryers at some locations). You have to bring your own detergent and laundry supplies (or buy them there). If you rent a 1 bedroom or bigger, the washer/dryer is in your room. If you rent a studio, they are typically located by the pool areas so you can do a load while you swim if you would like.
Thanks for the info. I'm going to have to talk to my DH about picking a week. Everybody (family!!) keeps telling me that May is so far away, but I am realizing that you need to plan ahead especially when buying points!! {People think that I am obsessed with these boards and I guess I am. It is so much fun to read about everyone's experiences and you learn so much!! Thanks again.
I'm not sure how popular BCV and BWV are in early May. I know there is the flower and garden show going on at Epcot during that time, but I don't think they would be book up at 11 months .... maybe 7??

Remember only home resort members can reserve more then 7 months before their vacation. So you would need a BCV or BWV owner to rent points from inorder to reserve before then. If you wait and reserve at 7 months (or later) it doesn't matter what the home resort.

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