Places to charge POC?


Earning My Ears
Sep 17, 1999
I will be using a POC for the first time this trip, is there a place to plug in to charge the battery? they don't last very long. I will purchase a second battery for use while the other charges.
Is it your personal PC* that runs out of power quickly? Generally, unless you're driving continually for hours at a time, batteries last a full park day.

Anyway, there isn't a specific spot to recharge PC's. You can ask when you're somewhere for a fair period of time - i.e. dining - if you can plug it in somewhere. Have you checked with the manufacturer to see why the battery won't last you a full day?

*assuming the item being discussed is a Power Chair.
I will be using a POC for the first time this trip, is there a place to plug in to charge the battery? they don't last very long. I will purchase a second battery for use while the other charges.

You might be able to leave it at First Aid to charge, since it is part of your medical device. I don't think I'd leave it at Guest Services or the Child Care Center - those places can get really busy, and it would stink to have your battery go missing.
POC = portable oxygen concentrator
oh then maybe first aid for charging, but I have tried to charge a medical device at the first aid in HS and was told no, likely a nice CM let me use her office ( she took the medical device for me) now every time I am at HS she comes up to me and ask how I am doing.
So what is a POC?

Thanks, I should have explained, it is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator - an Inogen One G3. Because I have to use a high setting it only lasts 2 maybe 3 hours. I'm thinking of back when you could leave your camcorder batteries charging at (I think) the Kodak station and come back later to pick them up. Yes, I'm very old/low tech.:)
Thanks, I should have explained, it is a Portable Oxygen Concentrator - an Inogen One G3. Because I have to use a high setting it only lasts 2 maybe 3 hours. I'm thinking of back when you could leave your camcorder batteries charging at (I think) the Kodak station and come back later to pick them up. Yes, I'm very old/low tech.:)
I remember those days vaguely, A few places that I can think of first aid but like I said I was told no when I asked could have been the CM. I know GR you can leave your phone and they will charge it for you ( they will give you a rain check and I felt safe leaving my phone there.), also I have heard stroller wheelchair rental will charge ECV not sure if they will charge this. If you are eating at a sit-down restaurant ask your server if there is a table next to a plug and let then know why. I am sure you will not want this out of your sight but I think buying an extra one and changing it would with were ever you can find to charge it would be good/
I remember those days vaguely, A few places that I can think of first aid but like I said I was told no when I asked could have been the CM. I know GR you can leave your phone and they will charge it for you ( they will give you a rain check and I felt safe leaving my phone there.), also I have heard stroller wheelchair rental will charge ECV not sure if they will charge this. If you are eating at a sit-down restaurant ask your server if there is a table next to a plug and let then know why. I am sure you will not want this out of your sight but I think buying an extra one and changing it would with were ever you can find to charge it would be good/

Thanks. You're right - leaving it could be unsafe. I'll just have to plug in where ever I can. I'm just nervous about running out, sometimes takes an hour just to get to the park! Might have to get a 3rd battery.
Thanks. You're right - leaving it could be unsafe. I'll just have to plug in where ever I can. I'm just nervous about running out, sometimes takes an hour just to get to the park! Might have to get a 3rd battery.
I would stop at Guest relation when you get to the park they charged my phone behind the counter and I felt safe leaving it there. First aid I know they let you leaving things in the room but guest can go in the room if they need to use them for medical or other things I know at MK the place in the room is not locked as when I went in and needed something out of my medical bag the nurse just say it is in the room and in the cabinet just grab your bag. but yes it does take some time to get to and from the park to your hotel so I would ask one of the places I listed if you can charge your device I would.
I will be using a POC for the first time this trip, is there a place to plug in to charge the battery? they don't last very long. I will purchase a second battery for use while the other charges.

Instead of leaving your spare battery someplace out of your control, what about carrying something like this. (Found via an Amazon search for "portable battery ac outlet")

You would need to make sure whatever unit you purchased would be able to fully recharge your POC battery at least once, but it would make you *truly* independent during the day - just charge up all your batteries to 100% every night, and away you go the next day! :)
Turns out I'll need to order battery and charger from Inogen (price was the same from other sellers). Pretty expensive so I will be sure to watch it carefully. Peace of mind is worth it. Thanks to all for your suggestions on where to charge. :earsboy:
I noticed that in the hallways outside several of the rest rooms in Epcot WS, there were plugs. I specifically remember them at the US and Norway.
Generally speaking you can't plug anything in anywhere in the parks anymore unless they are specifically designated outlets because most of the outlets work on different voltage than the norm and they don't want to damage your equipment.

If you use an ECV, I know I have seen some rentals in the past that offered electrical outlets on them and you could plug into that, some of the companies even rented spare batteries, but this was a few years ago, so I don't know if that is still an option or not.

Also there are some locations that allow you to plugin cell phone chargers, any of those would be considered designated outlets and should let you plugin.

You can also go to the ECV rental location to have your ECV charged, so I would imagine they could charge your equipment.

But again be very careful plugging into random outlets in the park, they CAN damage your equipment.


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