Enter (Spring) promo code for 50% off gift certificates.
Expires 5/31/2009
Certificates good for 1 year after printing.
I use them all the time with great rewards.
Good Luck.
Those aren't really gift certificates. They are coupons that you pay for individually, because a $25 certificate can only be used with a minimum $50 purchase. It is setting a minimum purchase for you in order to get the discount and it forces an 18% tip on the check. Real gift certificates have no such limitations.
With the 2-1 coupons from the Entertainment book, you can choose whatever two entrees that happen to be about the same price, with no minimum purchase, and still get one free.
Not that the coupons are a bad deal, since it could work out well if there's certain restaurants you like, and you will get full value for the discount without ordering any differently than you normally would. It also could work better if you normally add wine, appetizers, deserts, or other items besides entrees.
I'm just pointing out the differences, not criticizing the information. Either way you can save money. One reason I like the Entertainment book is that it is only $15 and it's easy for me to keep in my car to find and use restaurants as I'm driving around. It also has discounts on fast food, casual dining, and other cheaper food, as well as other entertainment and services.