Ohio is allowed for referrals again for DVC.


Dec 9, 2001
Just got in the mail today(1-6), that DVC is allowing referrals (new DVC members) in the state of OHIO again.So if any Ohio DVC members refer a new DVC customer, you will get the $200 credit towards dues,disney dollars,etc.The second referral is $350.:D
Whoo hoo! Thanks for the heads up! Now if only I could find someone to refer that would buy......:rolleyes:
Thanks for letting us know. I have plenty of family members that want to "vacation" with us but none that seem interested in buying their own membership. Oh well, maybe one day . . . :D
We get money if we get someone to buy? I never knew that!
That's great! I had no idea since I never read it anywhere or heard about it!
Thanks for sharing!

Originally posted by rae519
We get money if we get someone to buy? I never knew that!
That's great! I had no idea since I never read it anywhere or heard about it!
Thanks for sharing!


I didn't know that either. Now, if Ohio is back into referral mode, that means not all states allow it. Where can I find out which do?

There was a thread on this months back; probably long gone.

I am pretty sure I remember Pa and a number of other states do not.

Your guide should probably be able to tell you which ones do.

If you find out, please post it. Love to know!
Just got the letter(about referrals) and re-read it. These are the list of states that do "ALLOW" referrals.

New Hampshire,New Jersey,New Mexico,New York,North Dakota,Ohio,(Puerto Rico),Rhode Island,South Dakota and Wisconsin.

This is good as of 1-06-2003.;)
I also recieved this letter it was dated 11/19/2002, but just recieved it this week. Does anyone know when it took effect? I had a referral in September.
It figures. During the time that Ohio did NOT allow referrals, we actually were instrumental in getting three families to sign up with DVC. Now I am more likely to refer people to DVC resellers in order to save them a few dollars, so it is highly unlikely that I will ever see a referral bonus from DVC.

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