Oculus Quest at Disney Resorts


DIS Veteran
Apr 14, 2018
The Oculus Quest is a stand alone virtual reality headset. That means you put the headset on and you are in a completely different world. It works without being plugged into anything. We brought it with us during our last WDW trip in September and it worked out pretty well. DS13 would stand in a corning in our tiny room in Pop Century and other hotels and wave his arm around like he's swatting flies. He played online games and the wifi was barely strong enough to make it playable. We took it as carryon luggage through airport security without trouble. It's good for keeping DS13 busy when he has nothing to do. I recommend it, now that Disney Quest is gone and replaced by the worthless NBA experience.
Wow. We barely have time eat and sleep much less leave the real Disney world for gamer heaven VR.
@Jadyreen1282, I agree, but maybe I'm just old-school. Seems the younger generations are more open to VR headsets though I prefer to be immersed in a more tangible environment. 😊
Sorry, ain't playing no video games on Disney trips. Dang, we don't even turn on the TV. DGD(11) wouldn't even dream of wanting to play a video game at Disney! All the parks, pools, games, movies on the green, etc there's never "nothing to do" at Disney.
Seriously, can't that be done at home, where you haven't paid an arm and a leg to be there.
We barely have time eat and sleep much less leave the real Disney world for gamer heaven VR.
Seems the younger generations are more open to VR headsets though I prefer to be immersed in a more tangible environment.

I tend to agree. But the technology is really cool. I recieved a HoloLens2 Dev Kit a couple months ago and have just started to dig into it. It's phenomenal. I personally deal with a condition that causes 'face blindness' and I expect to have a program written that will recognize people I know and impose a "nametag" on them for me.

I was thinking about this on my trip to WDW a few weeks ago. We have a friend with a lower functioning autistic child who can't stand to be around people in line. I'm thinking I could come up with a program that puts a visual wall around you except for the queue railings and handholds. Imagine being completely isolated audio and video for most of the 7DMT queue.
I tend to agree. But the technology is really cool. I recieved a HoloLens2 Dev Kit a couple months ago and have just started to dig into it. It's phenomenal. I personally deal with a condition that causes 'face blindness' and I expect to have a program written that will recognize people I know and impose a "nametag" on them for me.

I was thinking about this on my trip to WDW a few weeks ago. We have a friend with a lower functioning autistic child who can't stand to be around people in line. I'm thinking I could come up with a program that puts a visual wall around you except for the queue railings and handholds. Imagine being completely isolated audio and video for most of the 7DMT queue.
That's awesome and totally different than just playing video games while at Disney.
Imagine being completely isolated audio and video for most of the 7DMT queue.
That's really interesting because I was discussing with my dad a similar concept. I wonder if we'll see a day where the ride queues include a moving sidewalk with VR headsets that give you a pre-show leading up to the main attraction. :stitch2:
That's really interesting because I was discussing with my dad a similar concept. I wonder if we'll see a day where the ride queues include a moving sidewalk with VR headsets that give you a pre-show leading up to the main attraction. :stitch2:
Maybe, but I really hope not. I think the tech is neat and potentially useful but it's not really what I go to WDW for.


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