Nuclear-at least pronounce it right!!!


<font color=green>Peacenik<br><font color=purple><
Aug 21, 1999
Call me crazy but I'd feel a little more
comfortable if our worshipped President
could show some signs of the education he
supposedly got. How can one come out of
the Ivy League and NOT know that the
word N-U-C-L-E-A-R is pronounced just as
it is spelled and not "NU - CU - LER". I find
myself wondering after what was announced
about N. Korea and their plutonium stash
yesterday IF the man even knows what weapons
of mass destruction ARE and who really could
endanger the earth with them- the guy who
we are watching like a hawk (oh yeah, I forgot,
he has oil too!:rolleyes: ) or the guy who we KNOW
has the capability NOW and is moving to make it
easier to accomplish. I was embarrased and ashamed
of our President when I heard Nelson Mandela's
words yesterday. He is making us look like a bunch
of yokels to the rest of the world-except Tony Blair, I
know. Wasn't it Tony Blair who left his wife 'alone'
with Bill Clinton?! Nuff said about Blair's judgement! lol
I must admit- NU-CU-LAR drives me nuts too! And do you know how many people pronounce it that way? I cringe whenever I hear someone say it! Along with LI-BERRY, FUSTRATED (notice the lack of an "r"), and birf-day.

I think Nelson Mandela's years of imprisonment made him a little whacko.

Tony Blair, that was a major faux pas- I wouldn't leave my female DOG alone with Bill Clinton!
Are you actually supporting what Mandella said the other day? :eek:

Oh well, to each his own I suppose. :rolleyes:
AHHHHHHHHHH!! Shortbun, that drives me absolutely batty also!! :crazy:
Listening to the President's speech the other night, he must have said it a hundred times!! I caught myself just short of yelling "NEW-CLEEE-ARRR" back at the television :p ;)
If we meet some day, mimi, and the talk of fissionable materials and the like comes up, hold your ears, because I say it too, "NU - CU - LER". And I would not want you to think less of me for my pronunciation of a word, for whatever the reason.

As for Mandela's thoughts, I think the Toronto Globe's, Rex Murphy (no relation that I know of) sums it up well in his column of today. Rex Murphy
by Shortbun
I was embarrased and ashamedof our President when I heard Nelson Mandela's words yesterday

from the time on line,00.html

Mr Mandela asked: “Why is the United States behaving so arrogantly?” Saying that all America wanted was Iraqi oil, he accused President Bush and Mr Blair of undermining the authority of the United Nations because Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General, was black.

“Is it because the Secretary-General of the United Nations is now a black man?” Mr Mandela said. “They never did that when secretary-generals were white.”

So playing the race card is OK with you?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I have heard others say NU-CU-LER before and while it does admittedly grate on my ears a little, I can't say that I find these people to be less educated. My DH and I grew up in different parts of the country and there are several words that he pronounces that just "aren't right in my eyes" and it does annoy me, obviously I don't think he is any less educated because he says something different. While I may not like some of what the President says or does, I guess that is one thing I won't "fault" him for doing.
Although it drives me crazy too, I don't see people as less intelligent because of it. Nor is it a democrat vs. republican problem - remember Jimmy Carter? - He was even worse than Bush because he said it slower. It bothered me more then than it does now that I'm married to a Nuc.

My dh is in the nuclear field - amazingly enough we had this discussion recently - it is not uncommon for his co-workers to pronouce it wrong. It must be more than intelligence if there are nuclear techs, scientists, physicists, and engineers who say it wrong too.
Just a thought....

I was watching the Simpsons the other day. It was the one with Homer on a Nuclear sub.

Well....maybe our president is watching too many Simpson episodes...cause that's the way Homer pronounced it!!!

LOL....Just thought I would pass that along!

I'm not sure where you are from Shortbun, but people from different parts of the country do pronounce many words differently. I was on a conference call yesterday with a guy who took a minute to "get a cup of quaffey." Obviously a Boston accent. If he was living here he would obviously drive his "caw to Iowar." We have friends from North Carolina who have definitely strange accents. People from Brooklyn always sound totally uneducated to me. Don't even talk about my Sister's friend from "Oklahauma." If we wanted to speak truly accurate English we would get out of our Lorry and take the lift to the third floor. Really what we need to do is get over it and realize that just because a person speaks a different accent, pronounces words differently or uses different words does not speak to their intelligence.
It personally bugs me when people can't pronouce Sony product names correctly. The computers are known as VAIOs. That's pronounced "Vai-oh." Some people say "Veharilo" or even "Vee-ay Ten!" Where did you get an L or an R? The PDAs are Clies, which is pronouced "Clee-ay." But people say "Cleo," "Click," or my favorite, "Cliche." So the PDAs are really a dollar saved is a dollar earned!

:) :) :)
We have had a very tragic day...truly sorrowful for America....I will post this now but I am not coming back to this thread because the last thing I want to read today is President bashing.....I truly do not why I even looked... Can't we just grieve for those that died today and let the government do what they have to do to find out what happened... I could care how he pronouces nuclear.. I do care that he seems to be a very moral man who is doing the best job he can to make America safe for us...

I would hate to have you hear my Boston accent.......sometimes I may pronouce words differently than the rest of US.. ask Snoopy she can never understand me.. LOL


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