Newsies: From Scratch - May And September 2024! - FINISHED! 09/07

Hooray for your single digit dance (and even closer now!) despite your last few days of craziness before your trip!

Also, hooray for your MNNSHP ticket! I hope Disney is able to work with you to “exchange” for a second party ticket - it would be a nicer experience at both parties if you could take your time enjoying them rather than smush everything in to one night.
Exciting days for you - your trip will be here before you know it! Will be anxiously awaiting your TR!

I'm so excited!!! :cool1:

Hooray for your single digit dance (and even closer now!) despite your last few days of craziness before your trip!

Also, hooray for your MNNSHP ticket! I hope Disney is able to work with you to “exchange” for a second party ticket - it would be a nicer experience at both parties if you could take your time enjoying them rather than smush everything in to one night.

It has been so crazy! So excited to do the Halloween party. I'll call Disney re: my second party once I'm back from... well, Disney!
The Final Countdown for May
Okay, DISboards: we, as a community, simply do not talk enough about how insane those last few days before your Disney vacation feels. Or maybe I'm the insane one and nobody else can relate to this -- I find this is the case more often than not. But there's a not-so-sweet spot in between the single digit dance -- particularly when we get to the 5 day mark -- and the time you leave for Disney that just drives me wild!

I've been simultaneously not thinking about our vacation and only thinking about our vacation for the last 72 hours. Even when I think I'm locked in and focused on getting my work done this week, there's a buzzing noise in the back of my head reminding me that I'm going to be a 27-year-old in Epcot this time next week. It's not like it's preventing me from getting my work done -- I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how productive I've been these past two days! -- but the thoughts are just... there, running in the background. And now I'm home from work, and I have all this downtime to myself, and every time I think about everything I'll be doing this time next week, I overwhelm myself and don't want to think about any of it. :faint:

Don't even get me started about my sleep schedule. I can barely sleep, and when I do sleep: I dream exclusively about being at Walt Disney World. My brain is a wreck right now!

I am also steadfast in my belief that these last few days before the trip are the worst days of the year for anyone with as much anxiety as I have. These are the last few days where your planning and preparations really come down to the wire and you start to second guess everything you've done and you're like, "okay, what am I forgetting?", especially in regards to packing. I have a really good track record with not forgetting important things (knock on wood), but it's the truly random things I forget to do before we leave that get to me. I'll be sitting in my car halfway through North Carolina and think "D'oh! Three months ago I swore I was going to get a plain canvas tote for the characters to autograph this time! :headache:"

I think I've mitigated as much of that as possible this trip because I'm actively trying to pack as little as possible. There are still a few things I have to pack (all articles of clothing), and I need to charge my camera battery and fuel rods for the car ride, but other than that, I think I'm golden.

This past weekend was, predictably, as busy as you'd expect it to be. Started off bright and early Saturday morning by taking my car to get a little washy-wash, then we went out as a family to pick up something at Harbor Freight (mom needed carabiners for something), dad got his truck washed, we stopped at AAA and Five Below to grab a few last-minute odds and ends. Later that night, we went food shopping for our final round of groceries before the trip, including all the ingredients needed to operate the Newsies Sisters Trail Mix Factory, opening Thursday evening. Sunday was a bit more relaxed, and a very lovely Mother's Day despite all the rain here in NJ. Mom was treated to a lovely breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and hash browns, and a lovely-er dinner of prime rib, baked potatoes, and brussel sprouts. And we all sat together and watched TV all day, including American Idol, which we haven't watched in maybe 20 years but wanted to see the Tiana's Bayou Adventure opening day announcement.

By the way-- did anyone watch Idol? Who else was super underwhelmed by Seacrest rushing through the announcement before commercial break? Granted, Disney really botched this one, but given how they hyped it up that day. I thought we would at least get some type of video message from Josh D'Amaro or someone.

Let's put a pin in TBA -- I am very excited for this ride to open and very, VERY excited to ride it on my September trip! :cool1:

Yesterday was fine, although my left earbud died on me while I was listening to music on my walk and I panic-bought a new set from Amazon. Tomorrow and Thursday are going to be very, very, very, very, long. In fact, today was very long. I can't believe it's only 6:45 in the evening??? Even dad was confused when we were planning out our dinners for the rest of the week and I had to remind him that today was Tuesday, not Wednesday like he thought it was. Here are my priorities for the rest of the week:


  • One last load of laundry​
  • Packing the rest of my suitcase​
  • Charging my camera battery​
  • Charging my second Fuelrod​
  • Finish up work priorities while I'm in office
  • Bring suitcase downstairs
  • Charge and set-up new earbuds
  • Pack Fuelrods and camera
  • Open (and close) the Newsies Sisters Trail Mix Factory so we can make our world-famous batch of road trip trail mix!


  • Survive the morning at work!
  • Finish packing overnight bag with my toiletries
  • Nail/Eyebrow appointment
  • Pack all my chargers
  • Go to Disney World!
Your plans for your last few prep days sound great!

I agree that the last few days before a trip are stressful - there’s always 1,001 things to do. I actually feel more on top of our Disney trip than other recent trips as my excitement got my butt in gear early. I’ve already ordered our new clothes, purchased our park must-haves, and done my Target run(s). As long as I can get packing going a few days in advance I may find myself with nothing left to do the day before we leave!*

I hope you’re able to sleep (that’s the worst!) and get everything wrapped up with as little stress as possible. At least your nail appointment should allow for some R&R!

*If that’s the case, this alone may convince my husband to make more frequent Disney trips. I’m a last-minute packer and he is not - his anxiety will ratchet way down if we’re all set more than 12 hours in advance! :laughing:
Your plans for your last few prep days sound great!

I agree that the last few days before a trip are stressful - there’s always 1,001 things to do. I actually feel more on top of our Disney trip than other recent trips as my excitement got my butt in gear early. I’ve already ordered our new clothes, purchased our park must-haves, and done my Target run(s). As long as I can get packing going a few days in advance I may find myself with nothing left to do the day before we leave!*

I couldn't agree with you more! I kicked it into high gear today and finished up basically all of my packing -- just need to put away a few of my skincare products once I'm done using them Friday morning. You're completely right: now that I'm all packed, I feel a lot better and almost like there's nothing left for me to do!

I hope you’re able to sleep (that’s the worst!) and get everything wrapped up with as little stress as possible. At least your nail appointment should allow for some R&R!

Thank you! I had yet another productive day at work and finished up basically everything I had prioritized to get done before I left, and I have a fun day at work ahead of me tomorrow (company-wide event, all of my friends will be in the office) which will take my mind off of Disney, but now I need to focus on getting some sleep tonight!

*If that’s the case, this alone may convince my husband to make more frequent Disney trips. I’m a last-minute packer and he is not - his anxiety will ratchet way down if we’re all set more than 12 hours in advance! :laughing:

YES! Exactly!!!
May 2024: All Systems Go
Tomorrow is the big day for the Newsies family!

I finished packing my suitcase and brought it downstairs yesterday, alongside my overnight bag and the garment bag that's protecting a floofy top I'm wearing to my birthday dinner. And I also finished setting up my Travel Journal for this trip!


As predicted, I got very little sleep last night and woke up around 4:30 this morning, finding myself unable to fall back asleep, which is very rare for me. Went downstairs close to 5:30, watched some TV with dad and Roxie for a little bit, then had breakfast and got ready for my day.

Long day in the office but exciting day in the office. We had catered lunch and an ice cream truck to celebrate the company special event today, and I finished up loose ends at work that I needed to tie off before we load up the truck tomorrow.

I got home normal time, went on a little walk before the rain returned, and we had pancakes for dinner before Grace and I opened up the Newsies Sisters Trail Mix Factory:



The mix changes every year based off of what we're in the mood for, but this year, it's pretzel rounds, bugles, chex, goldfish, m&ms, popcorn, and honey-roasted peanuts! All mixed up and packaged in ziplock bags and ready to pack into the car.

Here's the itinerary for me tomorrow:

  • 6:00 wake up, quick walk​
  • 7:00 protein shake/shower/finish packing the last of my toiletries​
  • 9:00 first meeting of the day​
  • 11:30-12:00 last meeting of the day (TBD when I actually log off for the day, but it will be sometime between 12:00-2:30 depending on how much work I have left to do)​
  • 3:00 nail appointment​
  • 6:00 dinner​
  • 11:30 we leave for Disney!​
And with all of that being said, I'm off to bed and I'll see you all tomorrow for a quick post before we head off! Still feels so surreal that the big day is upon us and I'll be in "TR Territory" when I wake up!
HOORAY - it’s your Disney travel day today!!! :woohoo:

Have a great (and fast-moving!) day and have safe travels. And more importantly, have a FABULOUS time at Disney World! I hope your dad gets all the snacks he’s hoping for at the Flower and Garden Festival and the Poly brings back a bit of magic for you. Hopefully we’ll cross paths in less than a week! :goodvibes
I can't wait to hear all bout your trip! I've followed along on many of your other trips back in "the day" 🤣 . Hope you have so much magic!
Woohoo! 🎉🎉🎉 Travel safe and have fun!!

Thank you very, very much! Hope to see you soon!

HOORAY - it’s your Disney travel day today!!! :woohoo:

Have a great (and fast-moving!) day and have safe travels. And more importantly, have a FABULOUS time at Disney World! I hope your dad gets all the snacks he’s hoping for at the Flower and Garden Festival and the Poly brings back a bit of magic for you. Hopefully we’ll cross paths in less than a week! :goodvibes

HOORAY! :cool1:

Thank you very, very much Jenny -- hope to see you real soon!

I can't wait to hear all bout your trip! I've followed along on many of your other trips back in "the day" 🤣 . Hope you have so much magic!

Thank you so much, Katie! You are the best -- appreciate the kind words!
What a Fine Evening for a Drive
The Conclusion of our May 2024 PTR

Well, here we are: technically, we've concluded my first PTR in five years (though this thread will live on through September).

We've had a pleasant day so far. It's 7:32 PM here in New Jersey and the Newsies family can't sleep, despite all of us trying our hardest to get some shut-eye in before the Big Migration tonight. I'm in my pajamas and I keep yawning, so maybe I'll fall asleep soon -- on the couch, with the Poly candle lit, while I watch the Full House episode where they go to Disney. Mom is awake down here with me. 3 hours from now, we'll be back in the truck and I95 bound. 48 hours from now, we'll be checking in to our dinner reservation at 1900 Park Fare.

Planning this trip has been fun, and updating this PTR has been even more fun, even though it's different now than it was back in 2019 when I did my last PTR. I was thinking about it earlier actually, this is not just my first PTR in 5 years -- this is really the first trip where I feel as excited to visit Walt Disney World as I did before COVID. I was really excited to visit Disneyland for the first time back in 2022, but I've just been lukewarm to the East Coast park in the past few years. At first, it was a mix of post-pandemic "I-don't-want-to-get-COVID-from-Disney-World" jitters (sidenote: looking back at our March 2021 trip is crazy, it feels like a fever dream). But last year just really felt different for me, in spite of everything being back to 100% normal at the Parks. No masks, no social distancing, characters were giving us hugs again -- but I just wasn't into it.

But this morning, I was in the car thinking about how Disney doesn't feel the same anymore, and I realized... it kind of does feel the same this year. I'm excited for a lot of little things this year, the same way I was when I was in high school.

In fact, this little therapy session ends right now, and I'm going to tell you what I'm most excited for this year!

  • Sitting down at Kona Cafe for breakfast at the tail end of a 20 hour drive. It still hasn't sunk in that we're at Walt Disney World. I can't stop looking around because everything is so much brighter and louder at Walt Disney World, and despite the fact that I haven't been here in two years, every inch of this resort lobby looks, feels, smells like it did the last time I was here. And that's what makes it home to me.
  • Standing around in the Grand Floridian lobby before our 1900 Park Fare reservation, drinking in the ambiance and loving the fact that we have a whole week here.
  • Sitting in the boat headed to Magic Kingdom in the morning with the salty air breezing past my face
  • Heading to the Emporium and grabbing the monochrome Mickey Mouse shirt that's going viral on TikTok right now
  • Waking up on my 27th birthday and heading to my favorite Park.
  • Shula's. I can't wait to toast to my birthday here!
  • Heading back to the hotel room, being a little crisp from the pool, and taking a shower/quick nap before heading back out to the Park for the rest of the evening.
  • Slurping down a Lapu Lapu, and I don't even like rum that much.
  • Those random conversations you have with Cast Members that go on for way too long because you're both just having too much fun talking to each other.
  • That one character interaction I get every trip have where the character does something so goofy and unexpected I can't help but to burst into laughter.
  • Sitting on my pull-down bed late at night with Disney Resort TV on, my whole body hurts because I did 30,000 steps that day, and while I'm waiting to use the shower, I'm enjoying the treat that I picked up at the Confectionary on my way out of Magic Kingdom.
I'm getting really emotional. Maybe I need to go to Disney more often.

I already can't wait to tell you all about this trip. See ya real soon!

End of May 2024 PTR
Your most excited for list was such a sweet sweet post. This cheese ball was a little verklempt. That is why I enjoy this community, posts like this make me feel like I am amongst my people who 'get it." ❤️ Have a fabulous birthday! And eat some extra Newsie sister snack mix for me. That sounds delish.
Your most excited for list was such a sweet sweet post. This cheese ball was a little verklempt. That is why I enjoy this community, posts like this make me feel like I am amongst my people who 'get it." ❤️ Have a fabulous birthday! And eat some extra Newsie sister snack mix for me. That sounds delish.

So great seeing you this week!!! Thank you for the kind send-off :) Appreciate you following along so much!

Hope you have the most magical trip. Can’t wait for the TR after

Thank you very, very much! We had a great trip :) Will be posting TR soon!
Hi friends. Really quickly dropping in to let you know that we are home from Walt Disney World and had a blast! Funnily enough, there is an update for September 2024 as well, but for now, I just want to drop in the link to the May TR. I'll continue to update this TR for September soon, but for now, I'd like to humbly present for your consideration:

Birthdays. Back Pain. Battlestar Galactica. - Our May 2024 Adventure!

If you're visiting the Parks soon and have any time-sensitive questions about my trip, please feel free to ask here and I can get back to you before I include it in a future update on my TR!
Two Party!
On the heels of my family's May trip, I want to let everyone know that my second MNSSHP has been secured!

First, let me go back to a previous update for a second to recap a question I was going to call Disney and ask about eventually:

For my second ticket, I'm going to call Disney and see if there's any type of credit they can apply from the MNSSHP ticket I purchased last year but never used since I cancelled that trip. I know this type of transaction is technically possible for Special Event tickets, but I don't know what the statute of limitations is for this is -- either way, I'll go to the second party, but want to call Disney first to see if it's possible to turn my loss from last year into a potential win.

As you might remember from the very beginning of this thread, I jumped the gun last year and purchased a ticket to MNSSHP pretty early into the planning stages of my 2023 trip that was later cancelled for a combination of financial and work-related reasons. Considering that I used mostly Disney Reward Points to purchase my ticket, I ate the cost and didn't think anything of it, especially since I was already getting 100% of my trip deposit back and hadn't booked airfare yet, so I accepted my losses and moved on.

When I hopped into the "Official" Mickeys-Not-So-Scary Halloween Party thread this year, I read a few posts from different DISers detailing their experiences with being unable to attend a party they purchased tickets for, and having a credit from that unused ticket applied towards a new special event ticket as long as it wasn't sold out. Most of the DISers (if not all) that shared these experiences were successful in getting a new ticket for MNSSHP or MVMCP that same year, with many of them trying to get a new ticket for a different date that same week. Obviously, being that I was trying to apply a credit from 2023 to a 2024 date, I wasn't sure if Disney would be able to make any accommodations for me -- but I figured I would ask anyway while I was in Epcot last week.

It was a quiet morning during Early Entry and the GR cast members at the umbrella weren't busy, so I asked one of them if they would be able to help me with a MNSSHP ticket question. I told her that I bought a ticket that I was unable to use last year because I had to cancel my trip, but that I was 100% certain I was going to the party this year and I was curious to see if I could put the balance of the unused ticket towards a ticket this year. She said that something like this might be possible, and brought me inside so a GR CM at the counter could better assist.

The GR CM behind the counter was very lovely and able to assist me very efficiently, putting the balance of my unused ticket towards the Friday party date while I'm there, 09/13! There was a bit of a balance I had to pay ($8 and some change, plus $2 in fees) to account for the usual increase in ticket prices that the party sees every year, but I can girlmath my entire 2024 MNSSHP party experience out by saying I only paid $10.65 to go to two parties this year!

Now, girlmath aside -- I want to mention that the GR CM who helped me out politely explained that they can't guarantee they will be able to do this for me again. Naturally, these types of accommodation-based transactions take away the amount of tickets available for paying guests, so this is not something you can expect Disney to do 100% of the time. Disney was very kind in accommodating me for this but YMMV as tickets are, technically, nonrefundable and nontransferable once purchased.

Still... I found out last week that it is always worth asking!

I'm super grateful Disney was able to help me out and I'm THRILLED to have my parties locked and loaded for September! Now I can REALLY start planning! :cool1:

So my two party dates are now Tuesday, 09/10, and Friday, 09/13. I know I was on the fence about whether to do the Sunday or Friday party for my week, but given some learnings from last week (which I'll share out here and on my TR!), I definitely want to take it easy on my arrival day and then I can rest up on Friday morning, have some pool time, pack up the majority of my belongings, and then have fun on this Friday the 13th MNSSHP!

I also decided that I'm going to 86 Universal Studios, but given how much I saved on MNSSHP, I'm going to add a 4th ticket to my package. Right now, my plan is to head to Magic Kingdom on the morning of my first MNSSHP so I can get on Tiana's Bayou Adventure and Tron in the morning and not worry about having to do that during the party. Then, I can take a quick pool break/nap, and head back to MK in time for the party to start.

Now, it's time for me to start planning a few ADRs!
September ADR Business
Well, hello again!

Have been very excited to update this PTR again because now that September's up next, I can really start planning.


We're 78 days out today -- I've been so busy with concerts and work and my May TR that I've been letting time really slip away from me for this trip! I realized a few weeks ago that I'm really excited to get into the details for planning this solo trip. Without having to plan around my family or guess what they'll want to do at any given moment of any given day, I can really break out a spreadsheet and get to work planning my days!

We're getting close to the 60 day mark now, and I have a rough ADR plan:

Sunday 09/08
Arrival Day/Disney Springs/Resort Time

7:00 PM

What better way to celebrate a safe arrival to the happiest place on earth and a full week of magic ahead at DAKL than with dinner at Jiko?

I'm gonna get to Orlando super early on this day, so I want to make sure dinner isn't too late, but I'll still have plenty of time to unpack and take a nap/shower before dinner.

Monday 09/09

2:30 PM

Going to rope drop DAK and enjoy the park in the morning. I went back and forth between whether I wanted to do Yak & Yeti or Sanaa on this day, but given how things are going to pan out with other ADRs this week and the parties, I think I'm going to do a late lunch situation at Sanaa before taking a nap and enjoying Epcot for the rest of the evening, since I'll have Deluxe Magic Hours there. I didn't get to experience any of the Festival dishes during Flower & Garden this year, so I'm veeeery excited to snack around the Food & Wine booths for dinner on this evening!

Tuesday 09/10
Magic Kingdom (MNSSHP)

I added a fourth park day to my ticket package specifically to ensure I would be able to enjoy Tiana's Bayou Adventure and TRON on this day! The plan is to rope drop MK to get TBA and Tron done, enjoy a morning at MK, and then head back to DAKL for a pool and a nap before going full-MNSSHP mode.

I'm not going to book an ADR for this day just in the interest of timing -- I will sustain myself on Joffrey's, Cheeseburger Egg Rolls, maybe a grab-and-go option from The Mara, and of course: MNSSHP treats!

Wednesday 09/11
Epcot + potentially MK

6:00 PM
Chefs de France? Nine Dragons? Spice Road Table?

I'm going back to Epcot on this day and will definitely be doing Festival booth snacking in the morning/early afternoon, but I think I'm going to book a dinner ressie at Chefs de France. I haven't been here in a hot second and it's always been one of my favorites, there really isn't anything I love more than a glass of wine and the gratin de macaroni here. I might even go crazy and try escargot this time since they no longer serve lobster bisque and the Pre Fixe Menu still looks like a great deal.

On the other hand, I've never been to Nine Dragons before. It's a touch cheaper and I've always wanted to try it, but I hear mixed reviews.

The only thing that would throw a wrench into this decision would be if somehow, some way, there was some crazy Eat to the Beat performer (re: Joey Fatone & Friends) at any point Wednesday or Thursday that would cause me to switch up my plans. I don't know why there would be an Eat to the Beat performance on Wednesday or Thursday, but when it comes to Joey Fatone, I can dream.

Anyway, the reservation has to be late enough that I can take a break at the resort after enjoying a morning at Epcot but not so late that I risk missing Deluxe Hours at MK.

Thursday 09/12
Hollywood Studios

8:30 PM

10:00 PM
Starlight Safari

One thing I'm really excited to do this trip is book Starlight Safari, an enchanting extra at DAKL! Since I'm traveling solo, I'm confident enough in my ability to be able to book this at midnight on my 60 day mark with no troubles (knock on wood). I can have a ton of fun at DHS in the day, and then I can head to Boma for dinner at around 8:30, which will give me enough time to eat before heading to Kidani village to check in for the Safari.

Friday 09/13

10:00 AM

Back-to-back Boma ressies are going to round out the ADRs for this trip! I don't have a park ticket for Friday, I'm just going to relax at the resort and pack a little bit before heading to MNSSHP.

And that's what I'm thinking for ADRs!

Today I also (finally) booked Mears, which was super easy. My only concern is that the time I'm supposed to depart DAKL to head back to MCO at the end of my trip looks a little early -- does an 8:40 pick up time for a 12:40 flight sound right?
Today I also (finally) booked Mears, which was super easy. My only concern is that the time I'm supposed to depart DAKL to head back to MCO at the end of my trip looks a little early -- does an 8:40 pick up time for a 12:40 flight sound right?
Unfortunately this does sound right. I have an 11:50 pickup for a 3:10 flight. My guess is they want to make sure everyone arrives to MCO with plenty of time built in for unexpected traffic or possible delays in the airport? Plus, I don't know how many other stops the shuttle makes at other resorts.

10:00 PM
Starlight Safari

One thing I'm really excited to do this trip is book Starlight Safari, an enchanting extra at DAKL!
I've never heard about a starlight safari. That sounds like such a fun enchanting extra!
I can't wait to read about it when you get back!
Unfortunately this does sound right. I have an 11:50 pickup for a 3:10 flight. My guess is they want to make sure everyone arrives to MCO with plenty of time built in for unexpected traffic or possible delays in the airport? Plus, I don't know how many other stops the shuttle makes at other resorts.

Ugh, okay, thank you :sad: Missing the days when DME picked you up two hours before a domestic flight! Was hoping I could sleep in a little bit on this day or at least have breakfast at Boma before leaving, but that's life.

I've never heard about a starlight safari. That sounds like such a fun enchanting extra!
I can't wait to read about it when you get back!

I heard about it very recently, this one is new to me as well! It's something that came up as I was researching DAKL since this whole resort is a brand-new one for me. It looks really interesting but it seems like it's pretty competitive re: booking, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it'll work out for the day I need it to work out!
Close Enough, Welcome Back FP+
Well, well, well. A scant 3(ish?) years after the introduction of Genie+, Disney appears to be walking back to a modified (re: paid) version of Fastpass+.

I don't know how many of you would NOT be following this story along here on the DISboards, but as a quick recap: Disney announced this week that changes would be coming to Genie+ effective July 24. These changes include the retirement of the Genie+ branding in favor of "Lightning Lane Single Pass" and "Lightning Lane Multi Pass." Lightning Lane Single Pass will continue to function the same way Individual Lightning Lane does now, you pay an absurd amount of money for one Lightning Lane redemption at GOTG and/or Tron. Lightning Lane Multi Pass will function similarly to how Genie+ Lightning Lane redemptions worked for other rides, except you'll be able to book up to 3 at a time, with the ability to book more throughout the day as you redeem your first three.

There is one big change that comes with LLSP and LLMP, which is that you'll be able to book your first selections up to a week in advance. Guests staying at Walt Disney World resort hotels can make selections up to 7 days in advance, all at once, for up to 14 days into their stay. Other guests can make selections up to 3 days in advance.

I am wildly, deliriously happy about this change. During our first two trips with Genie+, I was like, "Okay, this isn't horrible, I can get behind this." Then they took away the ability to pre-purchase it with your ticket package, so you'd have to buy it between midnight-7 AM every single day of your trip if you wanted to use this service, and I was like "Okay, this is a little annoying now." It was really not until our trip last month where we paid an absurd amount of money every day to pre-book 2 attractions because everything either sold out or unavailable until 10 minutes before park close that I thought to myself, "Hmm! I'm a Genie+ hater to my core!"

Disney has done a lot of crazy ish since they came back up from Covid. Like... a lot of it. This feels like a significantly large step in the right direction, at least in terms of the Lightning Lane experience. This one quote from Florida Today detailing the new changes is particularly impressive to me:

  • Guests will also be able to see prices and select attraction times before purchasing passes “so you know what you’re getting.” Currently, guests have to purchase Genie+ before they can see availability. Disney World’s app and website will be updated for easier planning and purchasing.

To me, this functionally guarantees your satisfaction with at least your first three choices before you even put a credit card down. Very unlike Disney to do something like this.

Long story short, I am verrrrrrrry excited to see how this turns out between July-August so I can start working these changes into my plans. I've really missed planning FP+! It's just so much easier and more fun to plan a full day at the Parks when you know exactly what you're getting into in the morning.

In non-LL news, I'm also taking a second pass at planning for this trip and looking to incorporate Universal Studios again, keeping my 4-day ticket package the same. Now my proposed touring plan is:

Sunday: Epcot
Monday: DAK/Epcot
Tuesday: MK/MNSSHP
Wednesday: Hollywood Studios (or Epcot again, still very lukewarm to the idea of visiting DHS this trip)/MK
Thursday: Universal Studios
Friday: MNSSHP

More to come on this later, but I keep going back-and-forth on visiting Universal Studios and I just haven't been there in sooooo long, plus I don't think I'll ever get a chance to visit while I'm with my family. I'd love to see the new Minion land, check out the new DreamWorks land, and re-visit Harry Potter.

Tomorrow will officially be 10 weeks until I leave!

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