Newsies: From Scratch - May And September 2024! - FINISHED! 09/07

Kait, good for you on making these changes! Changing habits is a huge part of turning small steps into big changes - I’m very impressed that you’re sticking with it!

Also, hooray for Hokas! My husband is a runner and LOVES his Hokas - he even has Hokas for his trail running shoes. Going to get a professional opinion was absolutely the right way to go and I’m glad you love your shoes.

I’m sure these changes will make an impact on your Disney trip but I bet the overall life difference will be even bigger. :goodvibes
:hug: THANK YOU for sharing your story with me and for the words of encouragement! I tried what was supposed to be the best fitness and diet program in NJ, and while the community was super encouraging and positive, I just couldn't get into the program like that. I'm seeing more success just popping in my earbuds and taking a few walks around the block until I close my rings for the day. I'm so relieved to hear that getting into a walking routine with your dog was able to help you enjoy WDW better -- I really appreciate you sharing this with me! You rock.

I personally don’t like fitness groups or communities. I enjoy working out alone and doing my own thing. I don’t even go to the gym. I do everything at home. I even walk the dog alone. It’s my me time. Even though I have my peloton I don’t interact with any members. When I did beach body I didn’t even interact with the “coach” they automatically give you. Just let me do my thing on my own. lol I’ve also been thinking of getting a pair of Hoka’s so I’m glad to hear you like them!

As a fellow Jersey girl I always enjoy reading your trip reports!!
Glad you found a program that works for you. Learning new healthy habits will benefit you the rest of your life and, more importantly, help you more fully enjoy Disney :-) WTG!
GO KAIT! I'm glad that walking and eating in a more balanced way has brought you joy :goodvibes Food has always been tricky for me as well; absolutely NOTHING good comes from deprivation and rigidity surrounding healthy choices. Balance and moderation has always worked the best for me, and I'm glad that you have figured this out early on. Always remember to be kind and gentle to yourself throughout your journey!! :love:

My mom and I started walking 4 miles per day in 2016 to prepare for our WDW trip, and that habit has stuck with me even 8 years later!! I look forward to my daily walk (whether it be on the treadmill, outside, alone, with someone else) and it has really shaped my life in more positive ways than I can count!!
Kait, good for you on making these changes! Changing habits is a huge part of turning small steps into big changes - I’m very impressed that you’re sticking with it!

:hug: Thanks so much, Jenny! You rock!

Also, hooray for Hokas! My husband is a runner and LOVES his Hokas - he even has Hokas for his trail running shoes. Going to get a professional opinion was absolutely the right way to go and I’m glad you love your shoes.

They are awesome! I never expected to like them so much, but they feel so different when I'm out walking in the morning! I had a lot of fun at the fitting -- I just went in there to see if they had anything in stock in my size, but the store team members were super helpful and I'm glad I took their recommendations on the inserts, too.

I’m sure these changes will make an impact on your Disney trip but I bet the overall life difference will be even bigger. :goodvibes

:cool1: Very true -- just waking up in the morning has felt different lately. I'm very happy to be on this journey and see what the quality of my life will be like this time next year!

I personally don’t like fitness groups or communities. I enjoy working out alone and doing my own thing. I don’t even go to the gym. I do everything at home. I even walk the dog alone. It’s my me time. Even though I have my peloton I don’t interact with any members. When I did beach body I didn’t even interact with the “coach” they automatically give you. Just let me do my thing on my own. lol I’ve also been thinking of getting a pair of Hoka’s so I’m glad to hear you like them!

I think I'm with you there, especially now that I'm walking in the morning on weekends/my WFH days. Getting up early, enjoying the morning air, walking along the trail while the owls and foxes in my neighborhood are still active -- it's been a moment of mindfulness for me and I'm glad I'm doing this alone versus going to the gym with other people every day or even with a running club, though I loved those people and their support.

Love the Hoka sneakers so far!!! I'm no running sneaker expert but they were comparable to the Brooks I tried on and a bit cheaper. I can really feel the difference when I wear them in the morning versus when I was just walking in Nike trainers.

As a fellow Jersey girl I always enjoy reading your trip reports!!

:hug: You are the best! Thanks for being so supportive!

Glad you found a program that works for you. Learning new healthy habits will benefit you the rest of your life and, more importantly, help you more fully enjoy Disney :-) WTG!

:hug: Thank you so much! You are always so supportive -- I really appreciate your comments, especially this one!

GO KAIT! I'm glad that walking and eating in a more balanced way has brought you joy :goodvibes Food has always been tricky for me as well; absolutely NOTHING good comes from deprivation and rigidity surrounding healthy choices. Balance and moderation has always worked the best for me, and I'm glad that you have figured this out early on. Always remember to be kind and gentle to yourself throughout your journey!! :love:

My mom and I started walking 4 miles per day in 2016 to prepare for our WDW trip, and that habit has stuck with me even 8 years later!! I look forward to my daily walk (whether it be on the treadmill, outside, alone, with someone else) and it has really shaped my life in more positive ways than I can count!!

:hug: MOLLY!!! Love you so much!!!

You said it best -- deprivation, restriction, etc. just doesn't work. I know one (1) person in my life who found that total restriction was the only way to keep her weight off and stay on the right path. It's the balance and finding different choices to cut the worst of the worst for my habits that's been working for me so far and I'm glad I'm going down this route too. And yes: being kind to ourselves and focusing on our wins is what really matters!

Four miles a day is AWESOME! My daily walk is definitely improving my life already, especially when I do it first thing in the morning and feel like I'm setting a great example for the rest of my day. It's been super helpful for me so far and I'm really happy you're in the same boat! Congrats on 8 years of daily walks, can't wait to celebrate the same milestone one day!
May the Fifth Be With You
We did it, you guys! Two weeks from today, we'll be back at our happy place. Our May countdown can officially no longer drink, vote, or drive!


As you can imagine, this weekend and last have been whirlwinds of final preparations. Last weekend we went to BJ's to get cases of water for the trip (SIDENOTE: Thank you @elsbit for letting me know that Fairlife Shakes could be found at big box stores -- our local BJ's had cases of Chocolate for much cheaper than what I've been buying at Amazon!), and we went on THE Target Run.

You know, THE Target Run? The one where you stock up everything you need before you head out on vacation? I posted a TikTok to clarify:

Everyone say "hi" to Grace!
That was last week and we got everything we needed except for a few things I had to order off of Amazon, namely a universal hair diffuser. I've been looking for a curly hair diffuser that would work with any hotel hair dryer so I don't have to lug my giant diffuser and hairdryer everywhere I go, and I think this guy fits the bill. I got this and some other odds and ends I couldn't find and then yesterday, I started the painstaking process of packing toiletries. :faint:

Packing clothes is fine (I'm actually basically done packing my suitcase!), it's ALWAYS the toiletries and other odds and ends that kill me. I always tell myself, "Oh, I can fit them in my overnight bag!" and then... the overnight bag can't fit everything, and I have to move some things to a THIRD bag. And can someone explain to me why me, a girl who almost never wears jewelry at home, always feels the urge to bring every piece of jewelry she owns on vacation??? :mic:

Rant over! Long story short, I'm like 90-ish percent packed and ready to go to WDW this May.

HOWEVER... May's thunder is being stolen just a little bit, as Disney teased a VERY special announcement on their instagram today!


Halfway to Halloween starts tomorrow, and hopefully, MNSSHP dates will be announced alongside with it! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

I am VEEERRRY eager to see these dates, as this is really the last step in finalizing my plans for my September trip popcorn:: Hopefully, I'll be able to do the party twice during my week there. I'm not going to lie to you guys, with the speed at which Disney is delivering announcements this year, I was unsure we'd even get MNSSHP dates until during my trip/afterwards -- so I'm thrilled I'll have it taken care of before I go!

I have yet another crazy week at work, so I don't think I'm going to be able to wait in any virtual queues this week. Wednesday is another team-wide monthly learnings meeting I have to present out at, Tuesday is an "on-site off-site" all day meeting for my team, and tomorrow will be a very long, crazy, exciting day for me at work for many reasons. Can't say much about it but in semi-related news, I'm also really excited for some pop culture ongoings tomorrow ::yes::

This week and next, I also start the process of training one of our customer service agents to take on some of my responsibilities so I have some coverage while I'm on vacation. This is crazy because I've never trained anyone, and I've never been a role that's needed coverage while I'm gone! I'm actually really excited for this opportunity.

But you know what I'm even more excited for? Disney :thumbsup2
Eek, just two weeks to go! You’re so close!

My goodness, your clothes are already packed?! I’m impressed! I’m sure with your Target run and Amazon order your toiletries will come together quickly - and yes, I also do THE Target run for vacations.

I wanted to mention that if you spot us at Disney World, please say hello! It’s possible we’ll cross paths on either your Poly pool day (we arrive at Disney World/the Poly early that afternoon and will hang around until our dinner ADR) or at MK on Saturday night (we’re eating dinner and catching the fireworks after a day at Epcot). It’s always fun to meet a fellow DIS-er!
Eek, just two weeks to go! You’re so close!

So close I can taste it!!! :bounce:

My goodness, your clothes are already packed?! I’m impressed! I’m sure with your Target run and Amazon order your toiletries will come together quickly - and yes, I also do THE Target run for vacations.

Okay, confession time... it's a BIT deceitful for me to brag about being all packed for this vacation when there's nothing in my suitcase I'd ever wear at home within the next two weeks :rolleyes1 Disney T-Shirts? Wouldn't wear to the office and have an abundance of band tees to hold me over for the weekends. Shorts? It's still 50 degrees here in NJ. So really I've just taken the pieces of my wardrobe that won't be utilized at home for a while and put them in a box on wheels :o ANYTHING that I'd wear at home likely won't be packed until the night before!

I wanted to mention that if you spot us at Disney World, please say hello! It’s possible we’ll cross paths on either your Poly pool day (we arrive at Disney World/the Poly early that afternoon and will hang around until our dinner ADR) or at MK on Saturday night (we’re eating dinner and catching the fireworks after a day at Epcot). It’s always fun to meet a fellow DIS-er!

Yes, of course Jenny!!! And the same goes to you -- if you see me and the family, please say hello! I love meeting DIS friends and would love to say hi :)
Your trip is getting close! The days leading up to vacation are stressful but also very exciting! Wrapping things up can be a pain but knowing what's ahead makes it worth all the work and planning. I think it's wonderful you have Disney that you can enjoy as a family. My DH is kind of done with Disney but recently my sister asked if she and I could plan a trip next year - yes, of course! We (DH and I) are leaving in 10 days for 3 weeks in England. So, I'm also in the midst of all the pre trip excitement :-)
Hi! I've been a silent lurker on many of your trip reports! I have enjoyed them all and was excited to see this pre-trip report. As a fellow curly-haired person, I sympathize with the need to bring so many hair related products and items, such as a diffuser with a hair dryer. We go at the end.of July so please let me know how the universal diffuser works out for you. I would love not to have to pack so much additional stuff!
Your trip is getting close! The days leading up to vacation are stressful but also very exciting! Wrapping things up can be a pain but knowing what's ahead makes it worth all the work and planning. I think it's wonderful you have Disney that you can enjoy as a family. My DH is kind of done with Disney but recently my sister asked if she and I could plan a trip next year - yes, of course! We (DH and I) are leaving in 10 days for 3 weeks in England. So, I'm also in the midst of all the pre trip excitement :-)

We're sooooo close! Totally agree... today was crazy, as well expected, but all I could think about amidst the insanity was; "I'll be celebrating my birthday in Epcot two weeks from today" :cloud9:

I am so very jealous of your trip to England! Such a bucket list place for me to visit! Soooo very exciting and I know you're going to have the best time ever. I'd love to hear more about what you have planned!

Hi! I've been a silent lurker on many of your trip reports! I have enjoyed them all and was excited to see this pre-trip report. As a fellow curly-haired person, I sympathize with the need to bring so many hair related products and items, such as a diffuser with a hair dryer. We go at the end.of July so please let me know how the universal diffuser works out for you. I would love not to have to pack so much additional stuff!

Hi Joy! It's so great to see you here -- thank you so much for checking in :cool1:

YES! There are MANY struggles to being a curly girl but the biggest one has to be the insane amount of products you have to bring on vacation JUST to tame the mane. My mother never understood why I insisted on bringing my own diffuser/hairdryer in the past! :sad2: I am alllllll about the packing tips and will certainly let you know how my universal diffuser works out!
It's Actually QUITE-So-Scary
So here we are, 11 days out from our May trip, with a vital update on my September trip... MNSSHP #1 of 2 has been secured, and -- GIRLMATH ALERT!!!! -- it was "free!"


As some of you know, MNSSHP dates were announced on Monday. There were three potential dates that aligned with my trip: 09/08 (my arrival date), 09/10, and 09/13.

09/10 was a no-brainer for me. I went online this morning when they went on sale for onsite guests at 6:00 AM and there was no virtual queue, no issues at all -- just signed into my Disney account and purchased a DVC discounted ticket at $119. I was able to use the Disney Reward Dollars I've been hoarding for the past year and a half to make this purchase, making my ticket "free" by girlmath standards!

Sooooo excited to have this ticket! I miss the Halloween Party so much and there are some great new offerings this year -- I hope I can meet Bruno and Mirabel! Also, it's definitely possible that Tiana's Bayou Adventure will be open for this party and I hope I'll be able to finally ride it in September, since it's looking very unlikely I'll be able to ride it in two weeks.

For my second ticket, I'm going to call Disney and see if there's any type of credit they can apply from the MNSSHP ticket I purchased last year but never used since I cancelled that trip. I know this type of transaction is technically possible for Special Event tickets, but I don't know what the statute of limitations is for this is -- either way, I'll go to the second party, but want to call Disney first to see if it's possible to turn my loss from last year into a potential win.

Now, for my second ticket, I was originally pretty hard set on going 09/13. I think I mentioned a few posts back that going to MNSSHP on my arrival evening was not ideal for me, obviously between the early morning flight and not being able to check into my room until potentially 3, I think it might get sticky. BUT! Now, I think I'm going to wait to see who the Eat to the Beat performer is that Friday. If it's someone I really want to see (translation: Joey Fatone & Friends, Boyz II Men, Hanson), then I'll go to Epcot that Friday and consider the ACTUALLY quite-so-scary possibility of doing my other not-so-scary party on my arrival night.

But yeah, that's it for September. Crazy day at work coming up with a learnings call and my first training session with my backfill. Mom and I are going to be the only two people home for dinner tonight, so I think I'm going to treat her to some takeout instead of cooking. We are halfway through what's technically my last full week at work!
Exciting update! I think going to 2 parties would be wonderful. If it were me, I would better be able to enjoy the experience and not stress about getting everything marked off the list during the 1st party. Good luck securing a discount on the 2nd ticket! I've been to 2 MVMCP's which were very fun but I've always wanted to try the Halloween party - hoping to do that next year.....
Exciting update! I think going to 2 parties would be wonderful. If it were me, I would better be able to enjoy the experience and not stress about getting everything marked off the list during the 1st party. Good luck securing a discount on the 2nd ticket! I've been to 2 MVMCP's which were very fun but I've always wanted to try the Halloween party - hoping to do that next year.....

That's my thought, too -- our last MNSSHP was suuuuper rushed and honestly not as enjoyable as it was in 2016 when I was working there. Two parties will allow me to regroup after the first and focus on what I really want to get done during my second party!

MNSSHP is so much fun, I hope you get to go next year!
The Single Digit Dance!
That's right! For the first time in five years on these boards... I get to share a Single Digit Dance post with you all! Let's party!






Feels so crazy to think that a week from right now, Grace and I will be lighting a Polynesian lobby scented candle in the living room, lounging on the couch, watching the Roseanne and Full House episodes where they go to Walt Disney World -- likely while I update this PTR for the last time before we head out and hit the I-95.

I had a really productive day at work today, mostly making preparations for the agent that'll be taking over some of my responsibilities while I'm gone. I have two more training sessions with her next week. Training with her has gone well so far! Today I finished up the guide I promised I'd update for her, and I also finished a proposed escalation plan for my team so she'll know who to talk to if she needs help while I'm gone.

I don't know what this weekend will have in store for us. I'm not sure what kind of errands have to be run this weekend, but usually the weekend before we leave is a whirlwind of running to and from the same store (usually a Kohl's or a Target) multiple times. Sunday, of course, is Mother's Day, and we're making a special dinner.

Next week is going to be one of the loooooongest weeks of the year for me (this week was pretty long, too). I'm absolutely elated to give my little "I'll be Out Of Office next week" spiel in all of my typical weekly meetings, though! It should be a relatively calm week, and ironically, I think I have the most meetings next Friday morning.

I typically would take this day off, what with me leaving for Disney World 6 hours after my typical work day concludes and what not, but I'm going to be out of office for so long this time that I figured I should probably stay online for the majority of this day. I'll WFH as I usually do on Fridays, and then at 3 PM I'll head to a nail appointment with mom and Grace.

And yeah. That's pretty much it for this update! Hope you can all take the time to do the single digit dance with me, and if I don't see you before Sunday, I hope you all have a very lovely Mother's Day :flower3:
I did my Disney Target run last night. Squeeee! Getting close! It will just be me and my 3 kids, but my 6 year old does not know as it is a birthday surprise. So I am having to pack, plan, and shop in secret.

I would have totally booked two Halloween parties as well. I LOVE the Halloween and Christmas party parades. Totally my happy happy joy joys. I have seriously considered doing solo trips for those events myself. :)

If I see you on your last two days, which will be our first two, I will say hi! We have the same resort and park plans those days. I have a ridiculous amount of freckles and will probably refer to you as Newsies instead of Kait. haha. Travel safe and have fun!!
I did my Disney Target run last night. Squeeee! Getting close! It will just be me and my 3 kids, but my 6 year old does not know as it is a birthday surprise. So I am having to pack, plan, and shop in secret.

YAY! I love the Target run... has to be one of my favorite parts of the pre-trip planning! So fun that you're surprising 6YO!

I would have totally booked two Halloween parties as well. I LOVE the Halloween and Christmas party parades. Totally my happy happy joy joys. I have seriously considered doing solo trips for those events myself. :)

Oh, I'm with you there. MNSSHP and MVMCP hold some of my fondest memories from my first DCP, even the nights I had to work them. This was basically the reason I wanted to do a fall vacation in the first place!

Solo traveling is a lot of fun for the Parties -- I find that it's easier to navigate MNSSHP as a solo traveler!

If I see you on your last two days, which will be our first two, I will say hi! We have the same resort and park plans those days. I have a ridiculous amount of freckles and will probably refer to you as Newsies instead of Kait. haha. Travel safe and have fun!!

Yes, please say "hi" and totally love to be called Newsies! Believe me... if I hear "Newsies" in public I will turn my head :laughing: I hope you have a great trip!

Elsbit, I hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day!
Exciting days for you - your trip will be here before you know it! Will be anxiously awaiting your TR!


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