Need Help With Housekeeping Tip Envelopes


DIS Veteran
Jun 13, 2000
Hi Guys!
I was just sitting down to do my envelopes for our upcoming trip and I thought I had better ask this question first. Is it okay to put "mousekeeping" on the front of the envelope instead of "housekeeping"?? I see on the Boards that some people refer to them as mousekeeping and by the way that is sooooo much cuter, but I sure don't want to offend anyone in housekeeping. Please steer me in the right direction!!! Thanks.


I think that whomever receives an envelope with a gratuity for housekeeping will be very appreciative and it won't matter that you address it to "Mousekeeper". Besides, I'm sure they've heard the term before. I don't even bother with envelopes; the gratuity goes directly from my (or the kids') hand to theirs so I get to see that special gleam in their eye.
Hi Carla,
That would be s-o-o cute, especially if you add Mickey Mouse stickers to the envelope!! :cool:

Hi Carla,
If you go to "heidi's magical world" (sorry I don't know how to link) she has mousekeeping envelopes that you can print.

Have a great time!

I'd love some advice on how much to tip the mousekeeper (one adult/one child in the room). Also, the idea of preparing envelopes in advance is so interesting---who else do you prepare them for? (or just the mousekeeper?--and do you put $ in in advance?) Intrigued, Judy


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