My 4th running life !! (Comments Welcome)

Nice score on both the Gatorade and the treadmill. And I never knew there was such a thing as a walking pad.

I am weirdly dismissive of, but at the same time observant of, whatever stats Garmin throws my way. Right now I am ignoring mine because I had to pause my training and even though I know the numbers are not important, I don't want to look at anything that gets worse! Hope yours continues to improve.
So about a month from my last update here. Bit of a mixed bag but generally positive overall.

Finished out February with 34 miles, not what I was aiming for but still first consecutive months with 30+ miles since November 2023.

As can be seen from above around 2 weeks in my Garmin body battery was showing I was fatigued for the 2nd 2 weeks of the 4 week period. A combination of a low level Cough/Cold which I still have, Poor sleep and high stress levels.

The stress brought on by house renovations which required me to undertake quite a lot of work prior to flooring contractors arriving. So I ended up lifting flooring, removing skirting boards, Wallpapering and painting nearly all day everyday for 8 days so i had little time or energy for anything else. Another minor issue was by kneeling on concrete floors for first couple of days i ended up with a very painful left knee but thankfully pain disappeared after a couple of days.

So the gap in running activity can be seen here. The second gap was just the result of running at the beginning of 1 week and the end of the other.

I did manage a longer run of 6 miles which went fine and is my longest run since September 2023 😲

This past week specifically saw 3 runs total.
This week saw 1 X 4 mile run which 1 did with DS, 1 X 3 mile on treadmill and 1 x 3 mile today which was really nice as it was 55 degrees sunny with a fresh breeze.

On my treadmill run my Garmin messaged to tell me due to poor sleep my recovery is delayed and to take it easy (or words to that effect)

As I was already running at that time I took Saturday off and intended a 7 miler today however a couple of miles after rising I got the same message so decided to just do a 3 miler but try and run with a bit of pep in my step. I ran an 11.15 pace which is my fastest 3 miles since July 2024.

Weight loss continues to go in the right direction slow but steady progress.

In other news i have signed up to run a Half Marathon in 7 weeks time 😃

I have no goal other than to finish and get back to being able to run that distance. My son in running it also and it gives me a goal to work towards. It is the Blackpool Festival of running with 5k 10k Half and Full and this will be my 3rd time running the Half with the last time being in April 2023 which was last time I ran the distance.

There is a brand new hotel near the start that I wanted to try so we have booked in there for 2 nights.


So overall some encouraging signs and progress and also a goal to work towards. I have a 7 week plan which I will be posting here and happy for any critique on it or suggestions.

Upcoming week is a busy one, we have grandkids 4 days next week, we have some repairs taking place at our holiday place and then need to get it ready for the season, I will take my running gear and get a beach run in, it really is so enjoyable to and is good for my soul. Also plenty of DIY still left to do here 🤣

Also Wednesday will be my final day with my current employer and retirement begins.

Have a great week all
The plan ............ any suggestions welcome.

Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday SaturdaySundayTotal Miles
WC 10th March7Off5 (3-4 Long hill repeats)3OffOff520
WC 17th March8Off5 (tempo intervsls 2 x 1.5 miles)33Off423
WC 24th March9Off5 (2-4 x mile 5k - 10 - k pace)4OffOff523
WC 31st March10Off5 (3 mile tempo run)5OffOff525
WC 7th April12Off5 (4-6 x Half mile 5K pace)4Off3428
WC 14th April10Off5 (tempo run 4 miles half marathon pace)3OffOff422
WC 21nd AprilOffOff4 (Tempo intervals 6 x1/2 miles)22OffBlackpool 13.121.1
The plan ............ any suggestions welcome.

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayTotal Miles
WC 10th March7Off5 (3-4 Long hill repeats)3OffOff520
WC 17th March8Off5 (tempo intervsls 2 x 1.5 miles)33Off423
WC 24th March9Off5 (2-4 x mile 5k - 10 - k pace)4OffOff523
WC 31st March10Off5 (3 mile tempo run)5OffOff525
WC 7th April12Off5 (4-6 x Half mile 5K pace)4Off3428
WC 14th April10Off5 (tempo run 4 miles half marathon pace)3OffOff422
WC 21nd AprilOffOff4 (Tempo intervals 6 x1/2 miles)22OffBlackpool 13.121.1
I think it looks pretty good. I like that you have some HM pace work but also some faster intervals - that should make your race pace feel easier.

A few thoughts:
- Could you switch your Wednesday and Thursday runs? That would give you more time to recover after your long run, and you'd still have three days between the workout and the next long run.
- How are you calculating your paces for these? I find it's better to be conservative in training and surprise yourself in a race than trying to push training paces and then getting overcooked.
- Make sure you're including a warm-up/cool-down for your workouts - I would do at least 10-15 minutes for each of those. For your 4-mile tempo, for example, that would probably give you more like 6 miles total.

I'd also suggest having low expectations for your first couple of workouts, lol. I always find when I shift from just sort of maintenance training to an actual training block, it takes my body a couple of weeks to catch up. 🫠
Thanks for having a look and the feedback 🙏

“- Could you switch your Wednesday and Thursday runs? That would give you more time to recover after your long run, and you'd still have three days between the workout and the next long run.”

Yes makes total sense I will do exactly that 👍

- How are you calculating your paces for these? I find it's better to be conservative in training and surprise yourself in a race than trying to push training paces and then getting overcooked.

To be honest I haven’t done that yet , I will have to study that but I hear you on being conservative as I’m at the stage where it’s baby steps but I will have a look at pacing

- Make sure you're including a warm-up/cool-down for your workouts - I would do at least 10-15 minutes for each of those. For your 4-mile tempo, for example, that would probably give you more like 6 miles total.

I will add in warm ups and cool downs, again makes complete sense 👍

I'd also suggest having low expectations for your first couple of workouts, lol. I always find when I shift from just sort of maintenance training to an actual training block, it takes my body a couple of weeks to catch up. 🫠

Ha ha yes my expectations are low I am just hoping to finish but trying to use these sessions to build a habit of doing it going forward.

Thanks again for the good advice 👍
Hope your segue into retirement is smooth. Also, I have never seen a body battery register 100 (or close to it)--probably because I've only seen mine, and it never gets that high.

Good luck with the half training.
Hope your segue into retirement is smooth. Also, I have never seen a body battery register 100 (or close to it)--probably because I've only seen mine, and it never gets that high.

Good luck with the half training.
Thanks 🙏
Congrats on your retirement! You’ll have lots more time for running 🙃 or whatever other hobby fills your time such as spending time with grandkids or DIY projects.

I pay little attention to my body battery and didn’t even know I could look at the trends over the last 4 weeks. Interestingly, I had almost a week straight of 100. This coincides with when I decided to be mindful of what I was eating and put a focus on drinking more water. I definitely feel better rested, but had no idea I also had data to support my “feels”.

Thanks 🙏 yes I am hoping to do all of those things I am also hoping to pick up where I left of with playing guitar 🎸 many years ago and maybe get to the level where I can be brave enough to do an open Mic 🎤 or something.

As for running I am intrigued to see what I could achieve personally when time is not a factor in training and recovery one last marathon is the big one for me.

Yes it’s strange that these devices on our wrist can something pick up things before we do ourselves 🫨
So headlines for the week

Managed to follow the plan , that rarely happens although days were shuffled about all runs were done ✔️

20 miles for a week is highest since November 23 😮

Weigh loss stalled.

So long run was supposed to be Monday however when I was out for a run on Saturday I felt a few sharp pains in my right Achilles. It disappeared after first mile and I kind of forgot about it.

On Monday morning I decided to use the theragun on it just as a precaution, oh my word I could hardly even touch it, it was so painful. 😣

Decided to rest, massage and put heat on it and by following day felt much less sore. 7 miles long run completed. My DS joined for 5 miles as he is doing the half also.

Thursday was 3 mile run round neighbourhood, took no walk breaks for an average pace of 11.12

On Friday whilst continuing with my house renovations i dropped 5 floor planks on my foot 🦶 It hurt at the time and I was worried it would affect the next 2 days running but it was ok by the next day. I had continued rehabbing the Achilles and it was responding well.

So Saturday was 5 miles down by the river and the Sun came out periodically between the clouds. Some pictures below.




I do like running by the river however i rarely do. I don’t like having to drive somewhere to run if I can help it but that’s probably just me 🤷‍♂️ but we were dropping DS off at work and DW was taking Tilly 🐶 for a walk so it worked out well.

On Sunday I did my first targeted session of the plan (read first ever, no hills , tempos or intervals in 21 years 🫣) I suspect after having done it my hills we’re not steep enough but I chose a hill that I encounter on my main running route which doesn’t look to bad but it is third of a mile and whilst there are steeper shorter ones on the route I hate this one with a passion so I did that.

3 miles with 1 mile warm up and cool down.

So quite happy with progress and looking forward to tomorrow’s long run weather is looking good.

Also I have tempo intervals this week so I’m away to look that up 😂😂😂

Have a great week all.

So headlines for the week

Managed to follow the plan , that rarely happens although days were shuffled about all runs were done ✔️

20 miles for a week is highest since November 23 😮

Weigh loss stalled.

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So long run was supposed to be Monday however when I was out for a run on Saturday I felt a few sharp pains in my right Achilles. It disappeared after first mile and I kind of forgot about it.

On Monday morning I decided to use the theragun on it just as a precaution, oh my word I could hardly even touch it, it was so painful. 😣

Decided to rest, massage and put heat on it and by following day felt much less sore. 7 miles long run completed. My DS joined for 5 miles as he is doing the half also.

Thursday was 3 mile run round neighbourhood, took no walk breaks for an average pace of 11.12

On Friday whilst continuing with my house renovations i dropped 5 floor planks on my foot 🦶 It hurt at the time and I was worried it would affect the next 2 days running but it was ok by the next day. I had continued rehabbing the Achilles and it was responding well.

So Saturday was 5 miles down by the river and the Sun came out periodically between the clouds. Some pictures below.

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I do like running by the river however i rarely do. I don’t like having to drive somewhere to run if I can help it but that’s probably just me 🤷‍♂️ but we were dropping DS off at work and DW was taking Tilly 🐶 for a walk so it worked out well.

On Sunday I did my first targeted session of the plan (read first ever, no hills , tempos or intervals in 21 years 🫣) I suspect after having done it my hills we’re not steep enough but I chose a hill that I encounter on my main running route which doesn’t look to bad but it is third of a mile and whilst there are steeper shorter ones on the route I hate this one with a passion so I did that.

3 miles with 1 mile warm up and cool down.

So quite happy with progress and looking forward to tomorrow’s long run weather is looking good.

Also I have tempo intervals this week so I’m away to look that up 😂😂😂

Have a great week all.

Sounds like things are going well! On most Saturdays (long run day for me) I typically drive to where ever the local running store is doing its long run from and run with a group. After 4 days of the same loops around the house I need something different for the longer miles and its always nice to have others to talk to. More times than not we pass along what everyone hear calls the LSU lakes. Very popular running area around Louisiana State University's campus. It's also close enough to the Mississippi River to run on the levee. Its just nice to run near water lol.
Tempo runs are fun! My understanding of them could be wrong but its usually a run in which you warm up for about a mile or 10 minutes, and then run a certain distance at either 10k or HMRP for 3-4 miles. If you have a lot to do, then after 4 miles you could do a .5 mile recovery before doing another 4 miles. Or something like that.... Thats at least what I have been calling them lol. I am interested in what you found out online about the subject.
Keep working hard and look forward to checking back in on you soon.
Sounds like things are going well! On most Saturdays (long run day for me) I typically drive to where ever the local running store is doing its long run from and run with a group. After 4 days of the same loops around the house I need something different for the longer miles and its always nice to have others to talk to. More times than not we pass along what everyone hear calls the LSU lakes. Very popular running area around Louisiana State University's campus. It's also close enough to the Mississippi River to run on the levee. Its just nice to run near water lol.
Tempo runs are fun! My understanding of them could be wrong but its usually a run in which you warm up for about a mile or 10 minutes, and then run a certain distance at either 10k or HMRP for 3-4 miles. If you have a lot to do, then after 4 miles you could do a .5 mile recovery before doing another 4 miles. Or something like that.... Thats at least what I have been calling them lol. I am interested in what you found out online about the subject.
Keep working hard and look forward to checking back in on you soon.
Thanks 👍 Yes ill let you know what I find out. The LSU Lakes sounds like a great running spot. I agree about running by the water, either the river or the ocean I love it.
Next weeks plan

So I have been dealing with some injury issues over the last few months.

I had spend the 8 weeks or so of lockdown only walking and Elliptical training and last week had worked back up to 3 miles running with no pain. Unfortunately on Thursday I was doing some lifting in the garden and reinjured it. It is feeling somewhat better today and I could probably head out but to be extra sure I will not risk it. I am working a 12 hr shift tomorrow so will begin my training week on Tuesday.

I am adopting the following initial strategy. Using Gallsoway I will be run/walking a 2.30/30sec split. 3 miles every other day. Once my mile time is under 10 mm I will add half a mile a week to one of the runs to build up a long run then take it from there just gradually building mileage and stamina.

Hopefully by the time the park runs reopen I will be in reasonable shape to do them.

So next week will be

Tues - 3

Thursday - 3

Sat - 3

Total 9 miles


Good plan
Hi folks

This week’s running notes.

Since January training status is mainly productive 👍


23 miles planned 23.2 completed for a total time of 4hrs 28.

Tuesday 8 miles long run

Chased by dog x 1 Inconsiderate motorists x 2

Weather 51 degrees and sunny ☀️ no cloud.

Felt quite stiff first 4 miles, a factor of the 20 mile week last which is the highest in around 18 months.

Completed in 12.01 pace which I was happy with. Translating to a 2.37 half although I am aiming for 2.30 or less as a C goal, the B goal being to Finish and the A goal is completing the training plan consistently. DS didn’t join me as he rolled his ankle the night playing basketball 🏀

Thursday 3.1 miles 12.02 easy run in pleasant conditions

Friday 3 miles 11.29 easy run but no walk breaks.

Saturday 4 miles 11.41 easy run minimal walk breaks

Sunday 5.1 miles (2 miles Tempo)

1.25 Warm up 12.22

1 mile Tempo 9.48

0.5 mile cool down

1 mile tempo 10.08

1.35 cool down 10.03

Felt challenging but really enjoyed it. I feel like i am making progress.

So all in all a good week happy to have met the plan and seen some improvements in the metrics as well.

Also Vo2 max and I are in the same decade 👏 (3 years to go and we will be in sync)


Some random stuff I saw while out and about.
If this was solar and not electrical it would be in my garden by now 🤣

Also does this remind anyone of anything ?

Have a great week everyone

Almost forgot, on the Garmin my V02 Max improved 1 point from 35 to 36 😀 why does this make me so happy, well that is the threshold between poor and fair. Fair sounds so much less harsh than poor and that makes me feel better (even though it doesn't really matter. Its the little things 🤣🤣
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Almost forgot, on the Garmin from my V02 Max improve 1 point from 35 to 36 😀 why does this make me so happy, well that is the threshold between poor and fair. Fair sounds so much less harsh than poor and that makes me feel better (even though it doesn't really matter. Its the little things 🤣🤣

Totally get a reference, I posted in the running thread about age graded performance and the fact that 1 or 2 % just makes a mental difference. Even if the numbers don't really mean a great deal, those little changes seem to have a big mental impact.

I find it hard to believe my Garmin re: VO2 max. Mine currently sits at 45--which is a level I have never had before that I can recall, and yet my fitness age has recently decreased, so go figure.
Totally get a reference, I posted in the running thread about age graded performance and the fact that 1 or 2 % just makes a mental difference. Even if the numbers don't really mean a great deal, those little changes seem to have a big mental impact.

I find it hard to believe my Garmin re: VO2 max. Mine currently sits at 45--which is a level I have never had before that I can recall, and yet my fitness age has recently decreased, so go figure.
Yes. ! Those percentages do make a difference both positive and negative, most negative recently so a small change was a boost even though I know it’s no big deal it’s impact is disproportionate.

I saw your post but the only age graded charts I have are from 20 years ago so didn’t have much useful to contribute.

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