So headlines for the week
Managed to follow the plan , that rarely happens although days were shuffled about all runs were done
20 miles for a week is highest since November 23
Weigh loss stalled.
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So long run was supposed to be Monday however when I was out for a run on Saturday I felt a few sharp pains in my right Achilles. It disappeared after first mile and I kind of forgot about it.
On Monday morning I decided to use the theragun on it just as a precaution, oh my word I could hardly even touch it, it was so painful.
Decided to rest, massage and put heat on it and by following day felt much less sore. 7 miles long run completed. My DS joined for 5 miles as he is doing the half also.
Thursday was 3 mile run round neighbourhood, took no walk breaks for an average pace of 11.12
On Friday whilst continuing with my house renovations i dropped 5 floor planks on my foot

It hurt at the time and I was worried it would affect the next 2 days running but it was ok by the next day. I had continued rehabbing the Achilles and it was responding well.
So Saturday was 5 miles down by the river and the Sun came out periodically between the clouds. Some pictures below.
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I do like running by the river however i rarely do. I don’t like having to drive somewhere to run if I can help it but that’s probably just me

but we were dropping DS off at work and DW was taking Tilly

for a walk so it worked out well.
On Sunday I did my first targeted session of the plan (read first ever, no hills , tempos or intervals in 21 years

) I suspect after having done it my hills we’re not steep enough but I chose a hill that I encounter on my main running route which doesn’t look to bad but it is third of a mile and whilst there are steeper shorter ones on the route I hate this one with a passion so I did that.
3 miles with 1 mile warm up and cool down.
So quite happy with progress and looking forward to tomorrow’s long run weather is looking good.
Also I have tempo intervals this week so I’m away to look that up

Have a great week all.