Mickeystoontown's Cheers to 40 years! 18 days, 10 park days, 2 parties and a lot of fun! Updated 3/13

All caught up and ready for the ride! I love how you decorated your window.
Congratulations on 40 years! I love your sign & window decorations & that John helped you with it. We're at 39.5 years and I doubt my hubby would go along with decorations.

I love your spirit & joy being at your home away from home. Can’t wait to read more!
All caught up and ready for the ride! I love how you decorated your window.
You are here! Thanks for joining in again!
Congratulations on 40 years! I love your sign & window decorations & that John helped you with it. We're at 39.5 years and I doubt my hubby would go along with decorations.

I love your spirit & joy being at your home away from home. Can’t wait to read more!
Thank you! John enjoys helping out with decorating the window. We usually decorate Thanksgiving/Fall themed but went all out with the anniversary theme this time.
So near but yet so far! Move it! I ain't getting stuck in that!
When you take the monorail from the Polynesian, you must go through security first. Of course, something made the beeper go off and they wanded me. I was given the all clear and I was through just as a monorail glided in. We found a car and scooched in with the others and were on our way to the Magic Kingdom. We made a quick stop at the Grand Floridian and pulled into the Magic Kingdom station right at 10:00 p.m.

The timing was perfect to see some of the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party fireworks





We were standing there watching and then it hit us....those tapstiles may be empty right now but the crowds were probably going to be pouring out of there. Move it! I ain't getting stuck in that! We hotfooted it over to the bus station and were on a bus and back to the resort right around 10:30 p.m. Easy Peasy and so much better than if we had stood around and watched the rest of the fireworks.

Back at the resort, I got out our things for the next day. It was going to be our first park day!

**UP next: Ahoy there mateys!
Ahoy there mateys!

Today was our first of ten park days and I could think of no better way to start than with the Magic Kingdom! One of the reasons I love longer trips is I don't feel the need to rise and shine super early. We were up about 7:45 a.m., showered and dressed and out the door around 8:30. Once again, we walked over to the Old Port Royale bus stop because, well, just because. Our bus came soon after and we were walking into the Magic Kingdom right at 9:00 a.m. Not bad!

The Christmas decorations were up and they were so pretty.




I think I said this earlier but we aren't big breakfast eaters. Sometimes, I'll grab a banana or eat a couple peanut butter crackers but, most times, I just wait until lunch to eat anything. Today, however, we stopped at the cart at the entrance of Adventureland and picked up one of these little beauties. Cheeseburger eggrolls:


I looked at the wait times while we were eating and saw that Pirates of the Caribbean line was short so, once we were done and our trash was tossed, we walked down and were boarding our boat in no time at all.





Ride done, we exited and were greeted with a wall. The majority of the store was blocked off and we exited to the left and started towards Frontierland.

**Up next: Beignets and Bears oh my!

Beignets and Bears oh my!

As we walked the little path between Adventureland and Frontierland, we saw that Goldenoak was open and beignets were on the menu. Heck yeah, beignets? Who can pass up beignets? Not us. We placed our order and found a little table outside by the archway by Pirates and dug in. They were just okay. Keep in mind that this comes from a lifelong Louisiana resident where beignets are always served. Even with them being just okay, we finished them off and made a quick restroom break before heading to our next attraction.


What attraction are we headed to next? I bet you guessed by the title of this installment. Yep, we were going to see the "new" Country Bear Jamboree. The first change that we noticed were the displays in the waiting area:




And the classic picture hanging on the wall:


We didn't have to wait long and the doors were opening. We were seated towards the back and close to the end so we had a good view of these guys hanging out:


It looked as if they had pertied thangs up as it was more colorful:


Oh, here we go!


Continued in next post

Beignets and bears oh my! continued

When Disney announced that they were making changes to the Country Bear Jamboree, I was skeptical and knew there was bearly a chance I'd like it. We've been fans of the bears even when others were complaining about the sound quality, the show was getting boring, etc. We were really wondering if we would like it or not.

It was sooooo good! It was also nice to see the kids and adults alike knew the songs and could sing along. Good job, Disney! Good job!










**Up next: Where are you, you little P-ascal?
I really like the new Country Bears. I haven't been to the old show in probably 15 years. But I saw the new show twice at Thanksgiving. It is back on the list!!
Where are you, you little P-ascal?

After watching and enjoying the new Country Bear Jamboree, we continued making our way in a clockwise circle. John's not a fan of Haunted Mansion so I didn't even ask him to stand in the line and the lightning lane passes weren't until later in the day. So, I asked him what he wanted to do next. His choice was Hall of Presidents. I know a lot of people skip this attraction but even though we aren't big history buffs, we really enjoy the show.

Even though we had two snacks already today, we were getting hungry and decided to mobile order our lunch. We just had to decide where to eat. We could have turned around and gone to Pecos Bills, or stepped around the corner to Columbia Harbor House. Instead, we ordered from Pinocchio's.


We had a little time before our arrival window so we made a stop at the Tangled themed restrooms and then searched for that little rascal, Pascal. Do you see him?

How about now?

I know that this is just a restroom and a place to sit and relax for a minute but Disney did a great job with the theming in this area.



I chose to wear my Tiana themed shirt and the ears that I made with a bow tilted to the side complete with a fleur de lis gold accent.
I checked the app and they were still preparing our order at Pinocchio's.


**Continued in next post
Where are you, you little P-ascal? continued

We found a table outside and waited for our notification that the order was ready. Just as my behind hit the seat, I got my notification. I told John to hold the table and I'd go to the pickup window. We had only ordered three things to share so it wouldn't be hard to get by myself.


The flatbread:


And truffle fries with parmesan and garlic aioli:

John did not like the fries at all so I ended up eating the majority of them. While neither entree was that bad, it wasn't that good either and we both agreed that it would be a while before we ate at Pinocchio's again.

**Up next: Shoppin' and park hoppin'
Don't think I would like liked the fries either 😫 What was item #3? Anxious to see the new Country Bears!
I really like the new Country Bears. I haven't been to the old show in probably 15 years. But I saw the new show twice at Thanksgiving. It is back on the list!!
I liked both the old and new version. I was nervous about the change but I'm cool with it.
Don't think I would like liked the fries either 😫 What was item #3? Anxious to see the new Country Bears!
Just a Coke. Nothing exciting. :teeth:
Shoppin' and park hoppin'

The park was going to be closing early for those not attending the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party which was okay to us because we were going to the party later on in the trip. We had plans in another park anyway. I'm OCD when it comes to planning my outfits when in Disney. I like my ears and my shirts to match what park we are visiting for the day. When I realized that we were going to be park hopping, I had a dilemma. If I am hopping from one park to another, what do I do about changing my shirt and ears? Before we left that morning, I rolled up my Epcot shirt and ears and put them into my backpack so that I could change out when I got to Epcot.

We went from Fantasyland to Main Street USA to do a little window shopping and get some prices for a fellow agent.

Isn't she lovely?!?!


Cute bags that I was checking prices on:







We also went over to the jewelry section because I'm a sucker for jewelry. I couldn't decide if I wanted this or not so I snapped a picture and said that I'd be back later. We were only a few days into the trip and I wanted to look in more places and see what I liked before I made the purchase.


Window shopping done, we moved on towards the entrance/exit and I snapped one picture.


**Up next: Ballin', sippin' and sittin'
I hear you about the jewelry. I hadn't really done any until the trip last April. I got myself a Mickey ring and the obsession began. I fell in love with the Bauble Bar stuff. I bought 3 pairs of those at Thanksgiving!

And bags! Oh how I love a park bag. Luckily, I am somehow on the Loungefly mailing list. They just did a sale with some things up to 40% off. I got myself a new Evil Queen/magic mirror backpack and matching wallet.

I love your custom ears!! They are adorable. I can't wait to see the Epcot outfit change.
I hear you about the jewelry. I hadn't really done any until the trip last April. I got myself a Mickey ring and the obsession began. I fell in love with the Bauble Bar stuff. I bought 3 pairs of those at Thanksgiving!

And bags! Oh how I love a park bag. Luckily, I am somehow on the Loungefly mailing list. They just did a sale with some things up to 40% off. I got myself a new Evil Queen/magic mirror backpack and matching wallet.

I love your custom ears!! They are adorable. I can't wait to see the Epcot outfit change.
I got my love for jewelry from my Mama. She had her "good jewelry" a/k/a gold or sterling silver, diamonds and gemstones and her "costume jewelry" which was just things she would pick up at various department stores. I haven't otten any Bauble Bar stuff yet but I have seen it all over and need to look at it now that you give it a big thumbs up.

I used to take an assortment of bags with me to Disney until I found a leather backpack by a company whose name escapes me. It has plenty of room to put all my stuff and since it is leather, I don't mind taking it to some of the nicer restaurants we visit.

Thank you! I am so particular about my ears and matching outfits. My kids laugh because I even have to match my socks.
Ballin', sippin', sittin' and spinnin'

We took the monorail to Epcot which is something we hadn't done in years. Our car was pretty full so there's no pictures of the ride from one park to another. We made it through the tapstiles and, while I headed to the restroom to change, John called and checked on his mom and dad again. As you may recall, his dad had been having some health issues and he felt the need to check on them every day or two.

I went into the stall dressed for Magic Kingdom and came out ready for Epcot. My hair was a bit of a mess but I rectified it the best I could and put on my second set of ears for the day. While John was finishing up his call, I took a couple of pictures of the Spaceship Earth a/k/a the big ol' ball.



Phone call done, we hopped in line for Spaceship Earth and, in no time at all, we were making our selections on the screen.



Isn't there supposed to be a hidden Donald here?


Usually my pictures in Spaceship Earth suck. Luckily, some actually turned out pretty good this time:





Continued in next post
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Ballin', sippin', sittin' and spinnin' continued

On our last trip to Epcot, the walls were still up around the "new" space so we hadn't seen it since it had opened. I was excited to see the transformation even if that meant the Fountain of Nations was gone. BOO! HISS! We stopped and got us both a couple of drinks from Starbucks

and found a table to sit and relax for a bit which is exactly what the majority of these people near us were doing. The lady on the scooter was sound asleep, the lady in the chair to her left was sound asleep, the lady in front of the two standing ladies was sound as was the person to the right of them. When I say sound asleep, I mean the kind of sleep where you head bobs to the side and you get scared asleep.


While we were relaxing, we looked at the menu for the restaurant in Mexico. Apparently, I took just one screenshot which was probably because I did it to remember what we were doing at the time.

Break time over with, we checked the app and Living with the Land had a short wait time. We love that attraction and we had another purpose for riding as well. I'll get to that in the next update. As we were cutting through the little park type area (the name escapes me), we saw these ladies on this swirly, twirly, spinning thing. They were quite good.


**Up next: That's what I remembered! Take a picture of that and that and that.

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