Magic Kingdom photo session?


<font color=purple>I got the cute kids AND <font c
Aug 14, 2001
I know you can hire a photographer through Disney to shadow you in the parks and take pics of your family on rides and such. From what I can understand it is $100 and hour with a 2 hour minimim. Has anyone done this? How did it all work? How do you get on rides with the photographer? Was it worth it and how much did the photos cost?

Any info on this would be great. Thanks!
Is this true? I have never heard of anything like this! Does anyone have any experience with this? A bit pricey, but possibly worth it........Please post pics if you have any! :goodvibes
It is true. I have already spoken to one woman but I missed a call from someone else. I left a second message and have yet to hear back. The first woman was the one who gave me the price range. I actually saw this on a commercial which is where I got the idea. The photog was taking pics of the family on Dumbo and just doing candids as they walked MK. I would assume they bypass the lines to get you on rides for pics since you are paying but these are the things I want to know. I dont want to pay $100 an hour to stand in line.

The pics they showed of this family were adorable BTW!
I'm sad that no one seems to have done this. I was hoping for info or a review.
Wow..I have also never heard of this:confused3 :confused3 . I have only heard about the resort photo sessions. This woud be great. I would do this BC it is just myself and my son and to get us together in pics I have to use photopass photographers. Please fill us in.popcorn::
Never heard of it either. Although I think it would be a very cool thing to do. Even with the price I think the candid photo's would be well worth the money. Would love to hear more if anyone knows anything. :)
I have some phone numbers. The woman I spoke to who gave me the $100 an hour price was at one number but I have 2 others to try tomorrow since I have yet to get a call back from someone named Ashley.

A friend found this info but I can't seem to find the same thing so I can't give a link. Here is what she copied though:

Photographic Services
A Professional Disney Photographer will meet your group at the Walt Disney World Theme Park or Resort of your choice to snap your group in several poses. The planner of your group will receive the session proofs in a bound proof book, including pricing and order forms for prints. These images will also be posted on a secure website, where prints can be purchased. Reservations required. Park admission not included.
I have some phone numbers. The woman I spoke to who gave me the $100 an hour price was at one number but I have 2 others to try tomorrow since I have yet to get a call back from someone named Ashley.

A friend found this info but I can't seem to find the same thing so I can't give a link. Here is what she copied though:

Photographic Services
A Professional Disney Photographer will meet your group at the Walt Disney World Theme Park or Resort of your choice to snap your group in several poses. The planner of your group will receive the session proofs in a bound proof book, including pricing and order forms for prints. These images will also be posted on a secure website, where prints can be purchased. Reservations required. Park admission not included.

That sounds like one of the packages offered by Disney for the Fairy Tale Weddings. We had one-- it was the Honeymoon shoot, I think it ran about $350 normally, but we swapped it out to have an outside photographer to do out wedding. I can't imagine they wouldn't do this for regular people who would pay for it.. but I think that's the catch... it's EXPENSIVE!!
I was wondering this myself. There was a short segment/commercial on, I think after Jon and Kate that showed a guy following a family around taking pictures for a girls birthday. He got pictures of them on the rides and walking around the park. The pics they showed were of the girl on BTMR, they looked awesome. No where on the little segment did they mention who he was or how to get this service though. I was a little bummed cause I wanted to know.
Oh wow I wonder how you can book it, it looks awesome! I would pay for it! I always wished I had photos that looked like the ad photos on rides, not the standard rollercoaster shot!
YES!! John and Kate Plus 8! That's where I saw that commercial! That is when I got the idea that we should do it. It looked awesome. They were a party of 4 in that ad so it isnt just Grand Gatherings. I think it is being advertised as a What WIll You Celebrate thing.

I am going to call today to a few other numbers I have and see what I can find out. I will keep you all posted. If anyone finds anything out let me know!
These spots were actually produced to air on Food Network/Fine Living. The photographer that you see in the Short Story is actually an official park photographer and more than likely not for hire. This was a special situation as part of the production of the spots to promote celebrating special occasions at Disney. I work for Scripps Networks (HGTV/Food/DIY/Fine Living/GAC) and I am glad you all like the spots. :banana: We love producing them!!
These spots were actually produced to air on Food Network/Fine Living. The photographer that you see in the Short Story is actually an official park photographer and more than likely not for hire. This was a special situation as part of the production of the spots to promote celebrating special occasions at Disney. I work for Scripps Networks (HGTV/Food/DIY/Fine Living/GAC) and I am glad you all like the spots. :banana: We love producing them!!

I'm not so sure about this though. The photog in the video talks about how he follows families around to catch the shots. He says it's his job to capture special moments. And I do already have someone through Disney who told me it's done. Of course that would be an official DIsney photog if booked through DIsney. I am calling them again in about an hour. I will post right after I find anything else out.


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