We are going to be in WDW during the free dining period, but we have AP's and a room with AP discount, so we didn't get the DDP. Every single restaurant that we wanted to eat at is booked solid. Since they look up one resaurant, one day at a time, it would take a very long time to find a TS restaurant with openings.
I'm wondering if there is a list of restaurants that don't take DDP (rather than taking a list of all restaurants and cross referencing the list of DDP resturants)
With a list of non-DDP TS restaurants, I can start looking there first, since I'm assuming that they won't be filled.
I'm wondering if there is a list of restaurants that don't take DDP (rather than taking a list of all restaurants and cross referencing the list of DDP resturants)
With a list of non-DDP TS restaurants, I can start looking there first, since I'm assuming that they won't be filled.