"Let's See What We Can See!"- Surviving WDW With Three Under 3! COMPLETED 2/18!

Following along! I see we were Accidental Vacation Buddies of a sort- I arrived May 5th and left May 17th so our trips overlapped by a ways! Hope you guys liked the heat better than I did that first week!
Following along! Our trip countdown is still over 80 days and I've been scrolling the DIS to get my Disney fix until then. I loved your PTR so I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of your trip went!!
Following along!!! I am SO impressed with your plans!!! We are taking a big family trip in January and my plans are…get 10 people to Orlando and return to Pennsylvania with 10 people 😂 Anything else will be a bonus 🤭

But seriously I need your trip report so I can learn ✍🏼
But, I can safely say that it was one of the most magical trips I have ever taken.
I'm so excited you started your report and to hear that it was such a great trip! I know it was complicated with all the various schedules and people coming and going but it sounds like you all had the best family time!
We secretly added them to our reservations and they were able to surprise Haley and Ryan with their appearance! I don’t think I’ve ever heard Ryan squeal so loud :laughing:.
That is so sweet!! Can't wait to read more about that surprise moment!
Molly, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!


SOOOOO excited for this one!

There is so much anticipation and excitement on Day 0; you have your whole vacation ahead of you and you basically feel unstoppable!

Of course, this comes with a price. For me, that’s…crippling insomnia ::yes::

:wave: The moment you wake up in the middle of the night and remember it's your last day before Disney is the moment you cease to be able to sleep until you're on the plane/in the car headed towards WDW!

I scarfed it down before remembering to get a pic, but here’s a picture from the website. It tastes as good as it looks!

Okay, color me intrigued. I've never heard of a bismark before! This looks absolutely delicious -- we have so many great bakeries in my area, I wonder if any of them carry anything like this!

I had bought some packing cubes for the first time, and they really helped me keep everything organized!!


The photos of these suitcases scratch my brain in all the right places. 10/10

Love that Kendra Scott-esque Mickey necklace!

I was really hoping for a restful night of sleep to prepare for our travel day tomorrow! However, the realist in me knew that it was NOT going to happen :rotfl:. Will I at least get a few hours of sleep in?? Stay tuned for Day 1- Part 1!

Can't wait to read more!!! So excited to hear about WDW through the eyes of Evie and Ollie, they are just too cute!!!
Dance Moms is one of those shows that I can re-watch an infinite amount of times, and it was so cool to see the girls all grown up and turned into fantastic adults.
Ahh I love this show! Cant stand Abby, but I love the girls and the moms. I want to be besties with Christi and Kelly :rotfl2:

That is a very busy day 0, but it must have helped the day go fast! I often find day 0 to be such a loooooong day.

The 1245-ish flight is often our favorite, but it is such an odd time I always think I am forgetting something, but not heading to the airport with my brain barely turned on for the day is always a plus!
I ended up watching the Dance Moms reunion special for a bit. Dance Moms is one of those shows that I can re-watch an infinite amount of times, and it was so cool to see the girls all grown up and turned into fantastic adults.
I love Dance Moms, too!! Such a ridiculous guilty pleasure (much like all the Bravo shows I'm addicted to, LOL)! I feel shows like that are a much needed escape from the stress of regular classroom life though, so I don't even feel bad for loving them so much!
Hi Molly, following along as I did with your Hawaii trip...remember me, 18 times there and going again next year!
We go to Disney July 30 and cannot wait! Its been 2 years and super excited!
Day 0 is always fun to read about. You can feel the excitement in everything that has to get done. ::yes::

It warms my heart to hear you enjoy your career and what it provides. I've got a kiddo who just began services for ASD, and I have only the highest praises for the people working at that job. :goodvibes

Ah! I totally forgot until you mentioned Vanderpump. I finally got caught up! I had no idea about Scandoval. I reached the end of Season 10 the night before I was supposed to volunteer all day at my kids' field day, and I stayed up way too late watching the reunion episodes. :rotfl:Now I'm telling myself not to start watching the Valley.

If you were dealing with insomnia the night before, I'm going to take a guess that sleep was hard to come by the night before your flight.
Now that you're home, how did you like the packing cubes? I'm seriously debating getting some for our DL trip.
Love that you give us a glimpse of Day 0! So excited to read more! (And it’s getting me excited for our trip in 19 days!)
I always love reading about Day Zeros- they set the stage for an awesome trip :) SO excited for you- your trip is coming so soon!!
Great description!

This is me too. I have every intention of getting enough sleep but never do.

This looks so good.

You have a very rewarding job! Thanks for all you do.

I have packing cubes too. I love how easy it makes to organize outfits for certain days.

I do this too.

Of course, this too.

Love your calendar!
Thank you!!! The packing cubes were a bit of a pain on the way home, but SAVED MY LIFE on the way there! When I'm flying back home, I usually just "toss all my clothes in my suitcase" and call it a day :rotfl: It was a bit more time-consuming having to sort through all of the dirty clothes and re-fold them, haha!
Following along! I see we were Accidental Vacation Buddies of a sort- I arrived May 5th and left May 17th so our trips overlapped by a ways! Hope you guys liked the heat better than I did that first week!
Haha, hi Accidental Vacation Buddy!! Thanks for reading along- hope you had a great trip!! The heat definitely got to us at times... it would get SO humid, especially after some of the rain that we got!! But, the last time I went to WDW was in July last year... and NOTHING was as bad as that was :laughing:
Following along! Our trip countdown is still over 80 days and I've been scrolling the DIS to get my Disney fix until then. I loved your PTR so I'm looking forward to reading how the rest of your trip went!!
Thank you so much for being here! :) I've loved reading your PTR- you'll have a great time at POR. We walked over there from POFQ and loved both resorts so much! Very jealous about the Royal Room ::yes::
Following along!!! I am SO impressed with your plans!!! We are taking a big family trip in January and my plans are…get 10 people to Orlando and return to Pennsylvania with 10 people 😂 Anything else will be a bonus 🤭

But seriously I need your trip report so I can learn ✍🏼
Thank you!! HAHA- I love your sentiment!! At times, we were purely focused on survival as well ::yes:: I wonder how we did it?? BUT WE DID!! And had a magical time!! Hoping I can ease your worries a bit- it's totally doable!
I'm so excited you started your report and to hear that it was such a great trip! I know it was complicated with all the various schedules and people coming and going but it sounds like you all had the best family time!

That is so sweet!! Can't wait to read more about that surprise moment!
HI Jessica!! SO glad you're here and reading along!! There were definitely stressful moments, but it ended up going (I think) as smoothly as it could have! We had a blast :)
Molly, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!


SOOOOO excited for this one!

:wave: The moment you wake up in the middle of the night and remember it's your last day before Disney is the moment you cease to be able to sleep until you're on the plane/in the car headed towards WDW!

Okay, color me intrigued. I've never heard of a bismark before! This looks absolutely delicious -- we have so many great bakeries in my area, I wonder if any of them carry anything like this!


The photos of these suitcases scratch my brain in all the right places. 10/10

Love that Kendra Scott-esque Mickey necklace!

Can't wait to read more!!! So excited to hear about WDW through the eyes of Evie and Ollie, they are just too cute!!!
YAY you're here!! It was such a magical trip and Evie/Ollie LOVED every second of it! Ethan also did amazing which was such a relief!

AHH thank you haha! I've become quite organized in my age, and even I was impressed with myself. However, the suitcases did NOT look like that on the way back :laughing:

So, a bismark is basically just a fancy name for a filled donut :) This one was strawberry cream filled and it was HEAVENLY. It tastes like strawberry milk (Nesquik), if you're into that- personally I love it!!
Ahh I love this show! Cant stand Abby, but I love the girls and the moms. I want to be besties with Christi and Kelly :rotfl2:

That is a very busy day 0, but it must have helped the day go fast! I often find day 0 to be such a loooooong day.

The 1245-ish flight is often our favorite, but it is such an odd time I always think I am forgetting something, but not heading to the airport with my brain barely turned on for the day is always a plus!
HAHA this show is my comfort show for some reason. I want to reach through the screen and hug all those little babies when Abby is yelling at them!

It definitely helped that today was a busy day- I always try to work in some capacity on Day Zero. I would had been pacing the floors of my apartment in agony all day if it wasn't working :rotfl:
I love Dance Moms, too!! Such a ridiculous guilty pleasure (much like all the Bravo shows I'm addicted to, LOL)! I feel shows like that are a much needed escape from the stress of regular classroom life though, so I don't even feel bad for loving them so much!
AH it is such a guilty pleasure!! I'm the exact same way! Sometimes my job gets so heavy and it feels really good just to numb out to some dumb TV, LOL!
Hi Molly, following along as I did with your Hawaii trip...remember me, 18 times there and going again next year!
We go to Disney July 30 and cannot wait! Its been 2 years and super excited!
HI- YES I remember (and am still jealous of you :laughing:). Hooray on your upcoming Disney trip, hope you have a great time! Something tells me you will, since you're leaving on July 30th (my birthday :goodvibes)
Day 0 is always fun to read about. You can feel the excitement in everything that has to get done. ::yes::

It warms my heart to hear you enjoy your career and what it provides. I've got a kiddo who just began services for ASD, and I have only the highest praises for the people working at that job. :goodvibes

Ah! I totally forgot until you mentioned Vanderpump. I finally got caught up! I had no idea about Scandoval. I reached the end of Season 10 the night before I was supposed to volunteer all day at my kids' field day, and I stayed up way too late watching the reunion episodes. :rotfl:Now I'm telling myself not to start watching the Valley.

If you were dealing with insomnia the night before, I'm going to take a guess that sleep was hard to come by the night before your flight.
Now that you're home, how did you like the packing cubes? I'm seriously debating getting some for our DL trip.
YES! I'm so productive on Day Zero because it's like "LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL! ALMOST DONE" :rotfl:

Sending BIG hugs to you as you navigate your journey ahead! PLEASE don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/want to vent/etc. It's parents like you that bring me such joy and satisfaction in my job, so thank YOU :) (this is for you too, @Woth2982 ❤️ )

OMG HOW did you not know about Scandoval! That is some impressive spoiler-avoiding! When Jake and I first found out we were like up until 2 AM that night researching all of the things :laughing: And Please, DON'T watch The Valley. We got about halfway through one episode, and it was awful. 0/5 stars, do not recommend ::yes::

SO the packing cubes on the way down were glorious! BUT, the way back, it was a little rough. I didn't like sorting through and re-packing/re-folding my dirty clothes and it was hard to keep them separated from the clean ones since I was taking clothes from all different cubes. I will definitely continue to use them though and they have been a great investment!!
Day 1 (The One Where Everyone is Rude and Stinky!)- Part 1

Today, my day started at 3:40 AM :eek:


Yep… not exactly ideal when you have a jam-packed travel day planned :scared:. Usually, we try to take the first flight of the day when leaving on a trip, so we are used to getting up at this time anyway on a travel day to make an early flight! But, Jake had to work a quick 9-11 AM shift today, so we decided to do a 12:45 PM flight to save him some PTO but still try to get the most out of our first day!

I had the day off, so in theory, I had all the time in the world to sleep in and have a leisurely day. But, I was just too excited!!

I watched some of my favorite Disney vlogs on Youtube (shoutout to Bosox2001 and Jeff Smith), and managed to get back to sleep around 5:15.

Right when I got into bed, I heard Jake stir and start to sleep-mumble. He sounded very stressed, and exclaimed, “It’s not today, it’s later!” :confused::rotfl2:

I could tell that he was excited about the trip; Jake’s sleep-talking really ramps up when he’s anxious about something! :laughing: I myself had some crazy dreams once I fell back asleep. Finally, I woke up at 6:50 AM and determined that I was up for good. 5.25 hours of sleep in total… not ideal but enough to get me through the day paired with good old *Disney Adrenaline*!

Jake woke up shortly after I did, and I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day. I was so excited to finally put on the travel outfit that I had been planning for months! Of course, it was sunny and hot all week long in Milwaukee leading up to the trip, then, this morning, it was 55 degrees and raining :rolleyes:. So, I was a little chilly in my Florida outfit!

Had to get a special picture of my Disney Baublebar earrings- I found them at TJ Maxx back in March for like $10!!

Jake and I left the apartment right at 8:30 AM. This was our plan: I would drop Jake off at work, then meet my mom for a quick breakfast date, leaving from the restaurant for the Milwaukee airport at about 10:30 AM. Then, I would park the car, check my bags, and go through security. Since Jake just had a personal item, he would take an Uber to the airport from work right when he was done at 11:00 AM, then quickly go through security and meet me at the gate for our 12:45 PM flight.

I dropped Jake off at work a couple minutes before 9:00 AM. I bid him goodbye and told him that I’d see him at the airport!

I gassed up the car, then drove to the restaurant to meet my mom (Nana) :goodvibes Even though Mom wasn’t leaving until Saturday, she had off of work for the rest of the week, so she was on vacation time too!

We decided on Honey Berry Cafe. This is a popular chain around the Milwaukee/Chicago area and is one of my absolute favorite restaurants! They have a great selection of both sweet and savory options!

Shortly after arriving at breakfast, my phone pinged with a notification from Jake. The text message read:

“My only patient canceled their appointment today. Looks like I’ll be done early!”

WOOHOO! :banana:That meant that I could pick up Jake right after breakfast and we could head to the airport together, instead of having him take an Uber!! Our travel day was starting off to be nice and smooth.

To drink, I went with an unsweetened iced tea, and Mom decided on hot chocolate. We cheers’ed to the start of a fabulous vacation!!

This was such a sweet start to the trip. It was so nice to have some 1:1 time with my mom. We chatted about all things Disney, and the time flew by!

To eat, we decided to split the churro french toast sticks and an omelet with figs, bacon, and Havarti cheese, with hash browns on the side!

The food was absolutely delicious and left us feeling very full and satisfied! Perfect combination of sweet and salty. I knew that I’d be mostly good for the rest of the day until Jake and I’s late dinner reservation at Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’!

After breakfast, I gave my mom and big hug and kiss goodbye, squealing , “See you in Disney!” I quickly scooped Jake up from work, and we were on the road by 10:50 AM. The airport is about a 30-minute drive from Jake’s work, so we passed the time by jamming out to Disney music (our favorites are “Stand Out” and “I2I” from A Goofy Movie!).

We arrived at the airport at 11:15, and Jake decided to go ahead and park the car while I checked my bags (which took a total of about 2 minutes). Jake got the car parked in no time, and met me up in the main terminal at 11:25.

Milwaukee has a library in their airport, where you can check out and return books for your trip! They had an impressive variety.

We made it through security in a record 7 minutes!

I love this area of the Milwaukee airport :laughing:. This is where people put their shoes back on and get their lives back in order after the stress of security ::yes::. The TSA agents are always so nice in Milwaukee; they are saints compared to the grumps at O’Hare and MCO!

Well, by now, it was 11:35, and we still had quite a bit of time before our flight boarded at 12:10. We passed the time by downloading some shows on our devices and grabbing some water from Hudson News.


So excited to board our flight! One thing we noticed was the sheer amount of CHEERLEADERS, all on our fight to Orlando. Haley had mentioned the week prior that there was supposed to be a big cheerleading competition going on in Disney World that weekend. I had been to Disney once during this event back in 2019, and it wasn’t too disruptive, so I was hoping that we would have the same experience this time. I mean, I was a cheerleader for 4 years of my adolescent life!! We’re not that bad, right?? Uh oh, dramatic foreshadowing…

Flashback to 13-year old Molly :scared:. The awkward stage was in full force. WHERE ARE MY EYEBROWS???

Right on time, we boarded our flight! We ALMOST chose the emergency exit row, since it had a two-seat row and we don’t like to sit next to strangers on flights if we can help it. But, at the last minute, we decided to grab a window and middle seat in one of the last rows on the plane.

We were ready to leave this gloomy Milwaukee weather!

Pretty much as soon as we took those pictures, a man sat down next to Jake. And… we were immediately engulfed by an ABSOLUTELY FOUL odor.


UGH. Jake always quips that he attracts the worst seat partners on flights. And sadly, this one was no different. Not only did this guy hog both armrests for the entire flight, but he also smelled like a mixture of funky body odor and an illicit substance :laughing:. I get it, everyone gets anxious on planes… but maybe next time, eat a gummy? :rotfl2:.

Poor Jake was bummed for about 2 seconds, then remembered that we were going to Walt Disney World! We got all settled in for the 2 hour, 45 minute flight.

Ugh, everyone on this flight was so RUDE! People were watching movies on full volume with no headphones (despite multiple announcements from the staff telling them to quit it), constantly getting up during the “seatbelt fastened” portion, screaming across the aisles to one another… it was rough ::yes::.

Luckily, the flight went by really fast, although it was quite turbulent due to the thunderstorms across the Midwest as well as some storms in Atlanta. I slept soundly for the first hour and 45 minutes, then occupied my time by watching an old episode of Dance Moms. It felt really good to catch up on sleep, since my sleep schedule had been so wacky in the days leading up to the trip. Jake watched The Roast of Tom Brady and claimed that Nikki Glaser blew the other roasters out of the water!

I took this photo about 30 minutes before landing. I was getting ANTSY. This is my "perturbed face." :laughing:

FINALLY, we landed right at 4:30 PM. CHECK OUT that Florida sunshine!!

A bit different than our Milwaukee runway picture, no? :thumbsup2

As soon as we landed, I got the text with our room assignment for CSR!

We had booked a Standard View King Bed room in Gran Destino Tower for the next 3 nights. This was going to be my first time staying at CSR! Jake and his parents went to Disney a few times when he was in middle/high school, and every time, they stayed at CSR because they loved it so much.

Jake was very excited to be back, and I was excited to stay at a resort I had never stayed at before! I tend to be a “Deluxe Snob,” but I was actually very intrigued to stay at three different Moderates this trip. I had stayed at POR for my very first trip wayyyy back in 2000, and CBR back in 2015, but it was time to experience some new resorts and try out the Mods!

I always love the pretty mosaic flooring when you disembark the plane!!

We headed to the fake-o-rail for our first ride of the trip! Immediately, once we boarded, we were HIT with another terrible smell of body odor! Come on, people :faint:. I get that Florida is hot, but DEODORANT. That is all ::yes::. Jake and I were practically gagging the whole ride. Jake said, “Why does everyone in Florida smell bad?” :laughing:

After we disembarked, we took a quick bathroom break and got my suitcases from baggage claim super fast; I feel like it’s always a gamble on baggage claim at MCO. One time, I waited almost an hour for my bags! We got a bit turned around trying to find the rideshare pick-up (I’m still salty that they took away DME), but we were eventually on the road soon enough.

When we were in the Lyft, I realized that I had multiple missed calls and a voicemail from Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’. The voicemail was asking us to call back about our 10:50 PM reservation for tonight, and I was slightly nervous, worried that the restaurant was closed or something. However, we called back, and the lady simply stated that the kitchen closed at 11:00 PM that night, and asked if we wanted to switch our reservation to earlier. Yes, please! How silly that the system even let us make a reservation that late in the first place??? We switched our dinner to 9:15 PM. It sounds crazy late, but I am a late dinner-eater at home so this doesn’t bother me at all.

We passed through these lovely gates at 5:56!

Next stop: home for the next 3 nights. Disney's Coronado Springs Resort- Gran Destino Tower! :cloud9:

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5.25 hours of sleep in total… not ideal but enough to get me through the day paired with good old *Disney adrenaline*!

This should be the DIS official motto: 5.25 hours of sleep -- not ideal, but enough to get you through your day when paired with Disney Adrenaline!

To eat, we decided to split the churro french toast sticks and an omelet with figs, bacon, and Havarti cheese, with hash browns on the side!

Sounds and LOOKS ah-mazing!

Maybe I'm just tired but this is the funniest thing I've ever seen an airport do. An OFFICIAL "Recombobulation Area." This is amazing, and I need all airports to designate an area as such.

Ugh, everyone on this flight was so RUDE! People were watching movies on full volume with no headphones (despite multiple announcements from the staff telling them to quit it), constantly getting up during the “seatbelt fastened” portion, screaming across the aisles to one another… it was rough ::yes::.

Gross behavior + a gross smelling guy. Omg. I'm so sorry for you both! Hopefully your return flight wasn't like this!

I slept soundly for the first hour and 45 minutes, then occupied my time by watching an old episode of Dance Moms.

I love this recurring theme of "passing the time by watching Dance Moms" in this TR

Next stop: home for the next 3 nights. Disney's Coronado Springs Resort- Gran Destino Tower! :cloud9:

YAY! I can't wait to hear about GDT!!!
I could tell that he was excited about the trip; Jake’s sleep-talking really ramps up when he’s anxious about something! :laughing: I myself had some crazy dreams once I fell back asleep. Finally, I woke up at 6:50 AM and determined that I was up for good. 5.25 hours of sleep in total… not ideal but enough to get me through the day paired with good old *Disney Adrenaline*!
Disney Adrenline has gotten me through many a Disney travel day.
Jake and I left the apartment right at 8:30 AM. This was our plan: I would drop Jake off at work, then meet my mom for a quick breakfast date, leaving from the restaurant for the Milwaukee airport at about 10:30 AM. Then, I would park the car, check my bags, and go through security. Since Jake just had a personal item, he would take an Uber to the airport from work right when he was done at 11:00 AM, then quickly go through security and meet me at the gate for our 12:45 PM flight.
Great morning plans!
This was such a sweet start to the trip. It was so nice to have some 1:1 time with my mom. We chatted about all things Disney, and the time flew by!
So nice to have 1:1 time with your mom!
To eat, we decided to split the churro french toast sticks and an omelet with figs, bacon, and Havarti cheese, with hash browns on the side!
Yum!!!!! I would love both those choices. :)
Milwaukee has a library in their airport, where you can check out and return books for your trip! They had an impressive variety.
A library in the airport???? That's the best thing ever!!
Pretty much as soon as we took those pictures, a man sat down next to Jake. And… we were immediately engulfed by an ABSOLUTELY FOUL odor.
Ugh, everyone on this flight was so RUDE! People were watching movies on full volume with no headphones (despite multiple announcements from the staff telling them to quit it), constantly getting up during the “seatbelt fastened” portion, screaming across the aisles to one another… it was rough ::yes::.
What in the world is wrong with people? Seriously that behaviour is too, too much!
We headed to the fake-o-rail for our first ride of the trip! Immediately, once we boarded, we were HIT with another terrible smell of body odor! Come on, people :faint:. I get that Florida is hot, but DEODORANT. That is all ::yes::. Jake and I were practically gagging the whole ride. Jake said, “Why does everyone in Florida smell bad?” :laughing:
Ewwwwww!! Personal hygiene people! It's not that difficult.
Yes, please! How silly that the system even let us make a reservation that late in the first place??? We switched our dinner to 9:15 PM. It sounds crazy late, but I am a late dinner-eater at home so this doesn’t bother me at all.
Much better! Although I need to eat earlyish IRL as I am usually in bed by 9:30.
You have to tell me about this Dance Moms reunion from when the girls are older. I loved watching and over 2020 I watched all the seasons with my daughter.

Your travel day sounds like it was a really nice day and everything went as planned.
OMG HOW did you not know about Scandoval!

I knew Tom cheated but had no idea it was with Raquel!!! I lost a lot of time following that story. :rotfl2:
So my husband and I like to send each other gifs throughout the day to get a laugh, and he tried a few times to send me Vanderpump ones. But he had to ask me, "Why are most of them this British kid yelling?" And then curiosity got the better of him and he wanted to see the It's Not About the Pasta scene. Pretty sure I'm close to getting him to fall down the VPR rabbithole.:rotfl:

Good to know about the Valley. I ended up watching Vanderpump Villa. It was okay.

BUT, the way back, it was a little rough. I didn't like sorting through and re-packing/re-folding my dirty clothes

This is exactly why I've been hesitant to buy some! Good to know.

That meant that I could pick up Jake right after breakfast and we could head to the airport together,

That's awesome! I'm glad you were able to go to the airport together.

This was such a sweet start to the trip. It was so nice to have some 1:1 time with my mom.

A great way to start vacation. I'm sure you both were so, so excited to be headed to Disney (at different times, but still).

Milwaukee has a library in their airport,

What?!?! This is awesome!

Not only did this guy hog both armrests for the entire flight, but he also smelled like a mixture of funky body odor and an illicit substance

Oh dear. That's very unfortunate.
When I lived in Europe, Germany especially, this was a constant battle. Summertime, no a/c, deodorant not being a popular item, conserving water a big deal...:crazy2:
Hopefully the people at Coronado and Disney Springs were more cognizant and didn't make Jake suffer any longer.:laughing:
After breakfast, I gave my mom and big hug and kiss goodbye, squealing , “See you in Disney!”
This was such a sweet little moment, it brought a tear to my eye! What a great way to start your day, and even better that Jake was able to join you for the ride to the airport after.

Milwaukee has a library in their airport, where you can check out and return books for your tri
This is so awesome; I had no idea!!! What a great idea. I would definitely take advantage of this if Chicago offered one! PS It made me laugh when you mentioned the cranky TSA at O'Hare--it is SO noticeable, isn't it?!! They're better at Midway :)

I feel like I need a Recombobulation Area for my whole life. Especially right now at the end of the school year!

I always love the pretty mosaic flooring when you disembark the plane!!
ME TOO!!! That's where I like to run ahead to the bathroom, too :)
Oh this is too funny, I sent my mom a picture of this like a month ago since she's always saying she's discombobulated after going through TSA, and I told her she needs to find this airport to fly into from now on! I had no idea where it was! Apparently we need to take a trip to Milwaukee!

And what was with all the stinky people?!?! I'm not sure if I could handle that for a flight, flying is stressful enough without having to deal with a stinky neighbor plus all the people watching movies without headphones! I'd lose it, I'm so impressed you kept your cool!
Had to get a special picture of my Disney Baublebar earrings- I found them at TJ Maxx back in March for like $10!!

I need to remember to go there. I got my DD some earrings for Christmas but haven't bought myself something. Yours are very cute and your travel outfit looks great.

WOOHOO! :banana:That meant that I could pick up Jake right after breakfast and we could head to the airport together, instead of having him take an Uber!! Our travel day was starting off to be nice and smooth.

What a great way to start your vacation.

This was such a sweet start to the trip. It was so nice to have some 1:1 time with my mom. We chatted about all things Disney, and the time flew by!

One on one time between mothers and daughters is special. I have 2 daughters and it's tough when I'm dealing with both in Disney. It's fun to be all together but they both pull me in different directions.

Milwaukee has a library in their airport, where you can check out and return books for your trip! They had an impressive variety.

I love this idea.


I had been to Disney once during this event back in 2019, and it wasn’t too disruptive, so I was hoping that we would have the same experience this time. I mean, I was a cheerleader for 4 years of my adolescent life!! We’re not that bad, right?? Uh oh, dramatic foreshadowing…

I'm feeling some foreshadowing here.

You're a very cute cheerleader. There's no way you would have ruined anyone's Disney trip.

Pretty much as soon as we took those pictures, a man sat down next to Jake. And… we were immediately engulfed by an ABSOLUTELY FOUL odor.


As soon as we landed, I got the text with our room assignment for CSR!

I love this text!!!

Looking forward to more.

Nonstop Discount Monitoring!

Dreams Unlimited Travel is here to help you plan your ideal Disney or Universal Orlando vacation, with no additional cost to you. Our Authorized Disney Vacation Planners offer expert advice, answer all your questions, and constantly seek out the best discounts, ensuring you get the most value for your trip. Let us handle the details so you can focus on making magical memories.

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