For atmosphere, probably San Angel or food quality and service, La Hacienda. They have crowded more tables than they used to have into San Angel so it's really close in, the noise level is pretty high too since it's in the same area as the gift shops. The food used to be a lot better but the last two times we've done it, it was just so so. The service is not very good. La Hacienda has a little more mixed menu, it's pretty bland looking inside but you do get to see the lake. The service is much better. San Angel used to be a must for us but through the years we stopped going as often. The second to the last time we went we swore we would never go again. A few years later we got to thinking maybe we just had a bad experience, we were wandering around trying to figure out where to eat, they had open ADRs so we tried it again. Last time for us, we do love the tequila bar though.