Keys to the kingdom shoes?


Earning My Ears
May 9, 2014
Very excited to be doing the keys to the kingdom tour next week.
Instructions say that they recommend closed toe shoes for walking. I’m more comfortable in sandals - will these be ok or are closed toes a backstage health and safety requirement?
Generally when any type of tour recommends a particular type of foot ware, I would suspect it is safety related (perhaps walking stairs, uneven or unpaved pathways or someplace that might be slippery, etc.). Whether or not they refuse to let you on the tour without the recommended shoes I have no idea.
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We just did the tour in April..didnt look at everyones feet..but did not see any reason not to have is a 5 hour tour..lots of walking..wear whats comfy
Very excited to be doing the keys to the kingdom tour next week.
Instructions say that they recommend closed toe shoes for walking. I’m more comfortable in sandals - will these be ok or are closed toes a backstage health and safety requirement?
There is a difference between the words recommended and required. A recommendation is merely a suggestion.
I wore sturdy but open-toed sandals and no one said anything.
There is a lot of walking - some uphill/downhill, some stairs.
There is also a LOT of standing - so wear what's going to be comfy for that.


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