Just when you think you have a strategy...


Running, Disney, Aladdin...
Jul 11, 2000
I have been combing these boards for weeks, trying to figure out my strategy for my next contract. I started this whole process thinking I was going to do re-sale for sure (likely at SS). I put in some offers that were rejected as too low (I don't think they were too low based on what I am seeing on the ROFR thread but I digress...). And just when I think I know my way forward, my DVC guide Terry calls me to walk me through some of the current direct incentives. He talks me through the math of a 150 point contract at RIV (which I love btw but didn't want to own such highly restricted points in a resale contract). Between the welcome home package and magical beginnings offers, I am thinking a direct contract at RIV might work out well for me. Yes, it's more but not THAT much more. I love the idea of being able to have 11 month booking priority for busy times of the year (RunDisney weekends) and also knowing I can use these points at any new resorts. Ugh.....how am I questioning everything so far? 🤣Does this happen to anyone else? Buying DVC is a roller coaster ride like no other....
LOL I know I commented on your other thread but had to again on this one. RIV is the only resort we own direct points at. We love it there as well………so DO IT! Does that help?? 🤣
Ugh.....how am I questioning everything so far? 🤣Does this happen to anyone else? Buying DVC is a roller coaster ride like no other....
Heck yeah it does!! Omg, I am driving my husband crazy right now. Like, PICK A RESORT ALREADY. 🤣
Welcome to it... its a symptom of Addonitus, & yes we all have it. ;)
The current Riviera incentives are great! Join the RIV direct plus resale gang. 🤣

I hear you on the agonizing - you'll find old threads of mine on here absolutely obsessing and overthinking what to do! We ultimately decided we wanted a hybrid approach, of ~150 points direct and then to supplement with ~100 points resale. (Although I'm already wishing we had bought more, hello addonitis.)

A good BLT contract came on the market so we jumped on resale first back in February, and then I agonized over whether to buy Riv or wait for Poly. With this incentive round, we bought a 153 week point contract (Favorite Week 7 at Riviera) purely to lock in a standard view studio for the future. We'll probably rarely use the actual week booking, but it is a good thing to look at if you are open to a little 3 points more! (Read the All About Fixed Weeks thread for more info on how it works.)

We also did a delayed close so that in the event Poly goes on sale prior to our closing in mid-September, we can consider switching over to it. However, I LOVE the serenity of Riviera and the overall peaceful vibes of the resort. So I'm back to talking my husband into a Poly resale contract to supplement our RIV and BLT contracts.

Long story short, I've quickly learned the addonitis never stops. Maybe it will once my dues statement arrives?
Long story short, I've quickly learned the addonitis never stops. Maybe it will once my dues statement arrives?
Pro tip from the Budget Board: just start buying Disney gift cards for $50 or $100 here or there if your local grocery store or whatever has a promotion, or you get strong credit card rewards. Then when dues come out, just pay from the gift cards you already built up!

I figure that reduces the pain somewhat…
I own Riv Resale and love it. I feel the difference in direct and resale price is so big that I rather own restricted RIV only points vs direct at RIV. I think the time to buy direct is when the difference between direct and resale price is maybe $15-25 per (I can live with that premium for the mouse) AND it's a resort you want more points at. Thus so many jumped on the AUL Direct deal a few years ago or the recent GF2 super sale towards the end of sellout there. And most recently the OKW Direct 2057 deal.
I'm not sure it will ever get to a $15-25 difference between direct and resale for RIV. The resale restriction makes the direct points worth too much of a premium. I don't see the resale price rising much until maybe after direct sells out, and I don't see Disney giving much more of a discount than they are right now. Resale usually is around 120 right now, and direct is around 158 with all incentives and MB for 300 points. It was close enough for me
If you’re financially able to, I’d go direct. Our last resale contract took so long to close, it really pushed me away from resale.
As long as you know you like RIV, that’s the route I’d go.

I actually booked a stay there, since I’m hoping they’ll have some decent incentives once they’re getting close to selling out, which should line up with when I’ll get the itch to add on again. Just need to make sure it’s the right resort for us.
My strategy in 2018-2019 was to "buy restricted RIV resale at around $100 pp" since my previous resale points were all grandfathered (even could book RIV).

We bought RIV pre-opening at a price per point around around the best RIV deal so far, and have had 5 years' use of those points, mostly at RIV but not always.

5 years later, RIV resale still hasn't gotten to $100 pp and ... uh ... I sorta wish we'd gotten more RIV points at the time.
direct is around 158 with all incentives and MB for 300 points.
ok this is better than what we got pre opening (which was around 165-166) ... too bad I don't need 300 points ....
Have you seen the "well the resale contracts you buy are restricted to just the OG 14 so technically those points are restricted too"? I thought that was a compelling argument and used it on my husband and he shot it down real quick.
Yeah 14/17 resorts (I think?) is still a lot more options that 1/17. It won't be that big of a deal until further into the future, either when Disney opens substantially more resorts or until 2042 when the original ones start to close and maybe reopen with further restrictions
What's the cost of RR right now and what's the incentives? What minimum? I love RR. Would a 50 pointer get incentives?

ETA: I see it's 150 min. And that saves $13 pp plus another $1K.
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