Just off the Fantasy


DIS Veteran
May 12, 2005
I just got off the Fantasy and one the bus to the airport, ask questions I will try to respond later
We are boarding the Eastern Carribean cruise NEXT Saturday on the Fantasy!!!:cool1: How much fun did you have?!?

Also, can you post what was showing in the Walt Disney Theater on each night? Also, which night was formal and semi-formal?

If you have navigators, we would love to see them!

How did you like the Fantasy? I know you have cruised many times before, so would love to know your thoughts against the other ships.

Did it feel more crowded than the classic ships (this is my fear!)

Navigators would be great when you have time....

Best and worst things about this cruise?

I'm so exited to hear about your time on the Fantasy. We do the Eastern Cruise on the Fantasy on May 19th! We are so excited. 3 weeks to go!
Also leaving on the fantasy next saturday.
How was the weather?
How full was the ship?
What was your favorite port and why?
welcome back!!

i’m trying to figure out which AP show is “first” - crush or the animation!
I don't really have any questions just can't wait to hear your take on the cruise. Also, can't wait to see navigators!
Hello to all my fellow shipmates for next week! I am almost beside myself with anticipation for our cruise! I am subscribing here because I don't want to miss a thing!
I can tell you the cruise staff was some of the best ever this trip. Max, Kat, Pierre-Luc, Matt, Mattie, Matthew, and Tina were all so friendly each and every time I saw them around the ship
Welcome back!! OR should we hand you some kleenex!! I know it's never easy leaving your home away from home! :)

Did you do Eastern Carib? Can you share your pros/cons of excursions or diy events? What are your top three tips for people who are new to the big ships? Is there 1 or 2 shows that are better to miss than others? We just can't seem to fit them all in, but don't want to miss the good ones :)

Thanks a bunch!!
Yes, please please please please show us the navigators!!! Hope you had a great fun time!
Also May 5th cruisers! So excited! I would like to know what nights the shows are. Navigators would be very appreciated :)


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