Just for ONE day?!? A April 2024 TR-Update 6/6-Complete!!

Joining in, wow impressed with a one day trip!
I love the pineapple upside down cake from Aloha Isle. I will need to try the one at AK if it is still there in September
I’m guessing Big Thunder as your next ride!
Joining in, wow impressed with a one day trip!
I love the pineapple upside down cake from Aloha Isle. I will need to try the one at AK if it is still there in September
I’m guessing Big Thunder as your next ride!
Happy to have you here!!! You will LOVE the AK one-excited for you to try it!
Yo ho yo ho…..

if you guessed our next ride was Pirates you were right!!! This is DDs favorite ride in Magic Kingdom and my 2nd favorite!! DD did have a DAS for this but if I remember correctly the wait was 20 minutes in standby.

We all enjoyed our ride and I made a DAS reservation for Big Thunder while we were in line.

We walked towards Big Thunder and stopped to look at Tiana’s new ride, I am so excited for this!!

DD is very much a nostalgic Disney person and she was devastated about the retheming, but once she rides it she will love it! We took a big extended family Disney trip in 2019 and we all rode splash together in one boat so it holds great memories…but we will make new memories on Tiana’s ride 😊

DDBF and I took a restroom break while DD took a break and sat with a Mickey Bar.

*Side note on our spending for the day-I buy enough Disney Giftcards at Sams Club before our trips to cover our meals and souvenirs. I gave each kid $25 in giftcards when we got there and another $25 at lunch so they could get food as they needed. This works great for teens-highly recommended*

We rode Big Thunder and it was, indeed, the wildest ride in the wilderness!


I made a Haunted Mansion DAS while in line for Big Thunder. We stopped at Pecos Bills for ice water and a rest after Big Thunder. DD needed some Advil and she was good to go after a few minutes of rest and water!

We headed over towards haunted mansion but we were all pretty hungry so we stopped into one of our favorite quick service spots-Columbia Harbor House-2nd floor 🤭

The kids each got the salmon meal and I ran over to sleepy hallow and picked up my mobile order for the sweet and spicy waffle. I was SO looking forward to this…sadly it was dry and not nearly as good as last time. I’m sure it was just an off day-I will try again next time LOL!

The kids enjoyed their salmon meals!!

Onto Haunted Mansion and I rode alone…but with 999 Happy Haunts is anyone ever alone on this ride 🤔 it’s my favorite ride in all the parks so I didn’t mind riding with just the ghosts!


I made a DAS for Pooh while leaving Haunted Mansion so we headed over there. DDBFs favorite character is Tigger so he was excited and loved the ride!!

We stopped to watch the castle show on the way to meet Mickey on Main Street.

Watching DDBF meet Mickey for the first time was great-so heart warming! I was so happy to get to witness this!


After this we split up to shop…the kids wanted shirts they saw in Tomorrowland and I wanted to browse the Emporium. We agreed to meet at 7 dwafs at 4pm.

We had a DAS but 7 Dwarfs had been down for hours…would we get to ride it?! Stay tuned!
Wrapping up the best day!

My shopping went great, I got a classic Mickey tshirt in the light grey at the emporium. It’s so comfortable I absolutely love it!

I went to the confectionery to get DH a treat and had the sweetest cast member who helped me wrap and double wrap the Mickey cookie so it would travel safely. I told her that DH and I always bring food gifts to one another if we travel not as a couple and she gave me some marriage advice, it was just the best interaction. She was probably 80 and you could tell she just really enjoyed her job and her life. It’s so refreshing to see that!!

I met up with the kids at 4 and we went into Sir Mickeys and I thought we were ALL getting pixie dusted but turns out just I was getting pixie dusted because they “had work tomorrow and were afraid one shampoo and shower would not remove all the glitter”. Unreal. What teenage boy doesn’t want to go to his mechanic job after school covered in glitter?! 🤣. DD thought her manager would give her a hard time about serving food with glitter stuck to her…who doesn’t want pixie dust with their fries?!?! Anyways…

With me freshly dusted we headed to Mine Train which had just re-opened. LL was insane but we chose to stick it out…if it was the last thing we did we were all ok with that.

LL only took about 25 mins. After that the kids gave the sword a try but despite all the time they spend at the gym…it didn’t budge. Boo.

We had time for one more ride and they wanted to end where we started with space mountain. I made a DAS and we got coffee/waters/donuts from the Joffreys stand.

DD needed a rest so we hung out near monsters inc laugh floor while she laid/sat/stretched. Caffeinated, hydrated and limber we headed to space again.

While we were sitting there I said to the kids…PLEASE remind me

To get my backpack out of the lockers on our way out. If I forget that we are in deep trouble…

Moving right along- Space was just as fun as the first ride of the day!!!

DD grabbed an ice cream from sunshine seasons and I mobile ordered 2 mini corn dogs and fries from Casey’s. We found a standing table and started eating-it was so good…until….

Now this is truly unreal and I still can’t believe this happened but it did. The man sitting at the table beside us took off his socks and sneakers…put his bare foot on the table and started picking his toes. We all saw it at the same time and it just went from bad to worse.

I want everyone reading to keep down the last meal they ate so I won’t go into anymore detail but it was horrid and we just took the food we didn’t eat and threw it away. There was just no coming back from that for us.

Waved goodbye to Main Street andheaded out to the monorail…our day was coming to an end…
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Corn dog nuggets yum, gross feet on a table yuck 🤮 honestly what is wrong with people!
I hope you grabbed your backpack 🎒
The one mistake…

We waved goodbye to the castle and jumped onto the monorail. At this point it was about 6:30pm.

Our plane boarded at 9:15pm, leaving at 9:50pm.

We got to the Uber area around 6:50 and I reached into my backpack to get my phone…and I didn’t have my backpack.

“My backpack is in the lockers” I said to the kids. “My car keys are in there we can’t get home without it”

We go back through security and I go off. I need a bag check. And it takes FOREVER. I probably looked incredibly suspicious as I was so upset and nervous.
I told the man checking/sweeping/swabbing/cavity searching my bag my situation.

“When’s your flight” he says

“We board at 9:15” I say

He makes a scared face. Hands me my Fanny pack and wishes me luck.

We head back to the monorail-quickly….

The monorail is down.

Take the boat they say.

We get on the boat. And wait and wait and wait. 710….715….720…

Now if I am being honest, at this point, if this had just been DD and I…I would have booked a room at a value resort, changed our flight to tomorrow and been done with the entire thing.

However, I had DDBF with us who had in person school and work in the morning and I just could not do that…unless we missed our flight of course which at this point I thought was probably going to happen.

Finally the boat pulls away and we position ourselves at the 2nd level right by where they attach the bridge/walkway so we can be the first off.

Except they don’t use the walkway.

We are the last people off the boat.

I tell the kids to stay at the bottom of the monorail ramp and chat with the cast members and ask them what we should do-wait for the monorail or take the boat.

I scan in, grab my bag and go back out of magic kingdom in less than 3 minutes.

Fast walking back to the kids I…fall. My knee cap dislocated and I fall-right into the arms of a young cast member who probably weighed 80lbs

“OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OK?!? I’m going to get medics and a wheelchair!!” She said

No no thank you I tell her. No time for that I’m having a flight emergency.

She offers that I take a rest on the nearby planter while she sits with me and I thank her but tell her I just have to go.

I drag my leg back to the kids who gasp in horror as they see me staggering to them like zombie wearing Mickey ears.

“What the heck happened to you?!?!” They both screamed!

I asked if the monorail was up and they said it was, so I promised to tell them all about it once I was sitting…I just needed to sit…

They confirmed it was up and running so I drug myself up the ramp…and the monorail car is having a maintenance check.

Just a minute they kept saying…just a minute…

Tick tick tick…

FINALLY at 7:46 we are back at the Uber area and on our way to MCO.

At 8:15 we were in line at MCO for security.

It was, absolutely manic.

It took us a hour to get through security.

Incase you need a reminder-plane is boarding at 9:15 and it’s now 9:15 and we are putting our shoes back on after TSA.

However, the other day trippers were in security with us -I could see them all scattered around in different lines- so that relieved my panic a tiny bit.

We get to our gate they are boarding zone 3 we are zone 4.

I run to the bathroom because I had been waiting to go for hours and there is a line because it’s…closed for cleaning.
However, again- other day trippers from our flight were in line with me so I felt kinda ok…just keep my eye on that plane door to make sure it didn’t close…

The bathroom opens. Women clap and cheer. The male custodian looks both annoyed and honored.

I hear them boarding zone 4 as I wash my hands…

I get back to the gate and we are on the plane.

We sit down and look at one another and bust out laughing. What the actual heck just happened 🤣

DD and DDBF make me promise to drag myself into the orthopedic urgent care in the morning and I agree to. We pass out for the entire flight.

*Side note, Magic kingdom was not the cause of my knee issue-it was just the most severe episode I had ever experienced. My knees had been locking up for a few months and it would cause me to trip and cause some pain…but I recovered quickly. This is the first time I had a dislocation and actually fell. I am seeing an orthopedic doctor and they are helping me and working through stuff with me!*

We were home and in bed by 1:30am! A 22 hour Disney day-start to finish!
The question everyone asked me-would I do this again?

For $50 and under round trip flights-absolutely. DD and I will have annual passes from October 2024-October 2025 and we will do many trips like this that year, for sure.

What would I not do again?

Use a locker. Keep everything on your body. That is my only advice.

Thanks friends for following along!!! What’s next for us…we have a trip with my sister and niece October 2024 and a big family trip(kids and grandkids Christmas gift) January of 2025! That’s all so far but like I said DD and I will have APs so I am sure we will make the most of them!!

See you all real soon!!!
Oh good grief I about had a panic attack reading this! So glad it all turned out OK in the end and that you guys had so much fun. Good luck with your knee issues!
My goodness, I was so stressed out reading that! So happy you made your flight, and sorry about your knee! I love that even with all that you're up for doing it again. I'm so tempted to try it either this year or next with our APs, but right now there aren't many super early or late flights from my area which makes it hard.
Oh good grief I about had a panic attack reading this! So glad it all turned out OK in the end and that you guys had so much fun. Good luck with your knee issues!
We really had so much fun and thankfully my knee is so much better!!

Thanks for reading 😊
My goodness, I was so stressed out reading that! So happy you made your flight, and sorry about your knee! I love that even with all that you're up for doing it again. I'm so tempted to try it either this year or next with our APs, but right now there aren't many super early or late flights from my area which makes it hard.
It was SO crazy 🤪 luckily my knee is SO much better!! Totally up for it again-the only downfall was that dang locker and I will NEVER do that again!!

You totally need an early/late flight to make it worthwhile! BWI just cancelled our early flight in October and moved it to 10:10am so I am hoping they bring back the 5/6am flights while we have our APs!!! Thanks for coming along for my report 😊
As I said above, I hope you don’t forget your backpack 🎒 :rotfl:
Very stressful glad you made the flight!

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