Jack Bauer is a Sissy Pants. 24- Disney Edition **** updated 9/22 (almost)

Pixie Princess

DIS Veteran
Nov 23, 2009

Welcome Agents. Jake Ryan, Division Commander MTU (Magical Trip Unit) here. You are about to read a report of an assignment carried out by two of my top special agents. The details you are about to read are still largely classified, so only individuals with security clearance of 626 or higher, such as yourselves, are approved to read and discuss the contents of this report. Sharing of this information with unapproved individuals will lead to…well let’s just say the Big Cheese won’t be happy and you know what happens when he is displeased. (Limited Time Magic..need I say more.)

As you know on May 24, 2013 Disney Parks kicked off its Monstrous Summer promotion. My division was tasked with a mission of great importance (is there any other kind?): visit Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom on May 24 for the 24 hour extravaganza to ensure the kick off to Monstrous Summer was magical and only monstrous in a good way. The agents were to take in as many attractions as possible, take in the special events and merchandise, and interact with CMs to assess the magicalness.

The agents assigned to the mission were:

Special Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkess-Ood


Skills: Happieness efusement, communications and diplomacy. Show volunteer specialist.

Special Agent Michelle Scarn
Skills: Tech, crowd navigation ninja, and visual ops and documentation.

The agents were headquartered at Disney’s Pop Century resort for this assignment.
In order to appear as “typical tourists,” the agents traveled from Georgia to Walt Disney World. As is typically with Special Agent Michelle Scarn, the departure was delayed. In this case departure from their undisclosed location in GA was 3 hours late. Yes, 3 hours. We should fire her, shouldn’t we? As a result the agents arrived to their room at


That’s 12:22 May 24

Permission was initially denied for sleep. The agents needed to be at the Magic Kingdom for opening, and also would need to swap the tyvex Annual Passes provided by Division for the new RFID passes. Why not just give them RFID passes? Well that was the pre-assignment, or in Disney parlance, pre-show. Would the process be easy? Would the guest Services person be friendly? And of course we needed the agents to gather data on the ease of use of the turnstiles with the RFID readers. Therefore, permission for sleep was denied because we needed that agents to be able to complete these assignments prior to the official open.

As the evening wore on it was clear that Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood would not be at her excitable best without a cat nap. So permission to sleep was granted. An hour later the agents awoke, fixed a quick breakfast and headed to the bus stop. At 4:50 they were on their way to the Magic Kingdom.

They arrived at the Magic Kingdom to see Mickey and Minnie taking the last of their publicity shots on a stage placed nearish the turnstiles. There were many people there who had attended an early morning party. Most of them wearing Sully ears and Mike sunglasses. A couple of radio stations had remote broadcasts going. The agents proceeded to a Guest Services booth and exchanged the Annual Passes without hassle and proceed on to join the “after- party” (they got buttons and stood around waiting). They weren’t able to try out the RFID turnstiles at this point. A CM scanned their passes instead, so that assignment would have to be saved for later. It was about 45 min before the 6:00 a.m. open so the agents played “typical tourist” and took some photos.



At approximately 5:50 what is known as the “Magic Kingdom Welcome Show” began. Unique to this running of the show was the addition of the Monsters themselves, Mike and Sully complete in their Monster U attire. Unfortunately our agents were not in a position to get photos of Mike, but assure us that he did have on his gear.


The 6:00 hour drew near and the countdown was underway, and our agents were off...


With background out of the way, on to the report from our agents.
The following takes place between 6:00 a.m and 7:00 a.m. on the day of Disney’s Monstrous Summer 24 hour kick-off.

We entered the Magic Kingdom with a good sized crowd of folks. While much of the hoard entering the Magic Kingdom headed off to parts of the park, we joined an equally large crowd making an bee line for the Emporium. Objective: Obtain event specific merchandise.

The first room of the Emporium quickly filled with those looking for t-shirts so Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood and I head to the women’s section where there are fewer people. Along the way we grab some Sully ears and Mike glasses



We reach the section and people are mobbing the one little rack of t-shirts. Black Friday at Wal-Mart is a tea party compared to what we encountered. The size selection was really limited. It was very odd. Then I spied out of the corner of my eye a huge rack of t-shirts just sitting off to the side. Most had not noticed it, so I grabbed Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood, and we slipped over to the rack and grabbed a couple of shirts before the masses realized there was a whole other rack to be had.

We then stealthily made our way to a register with a short line. Sadly appearances would be deceiving as the CM at the register was have a terrible time. Among other problems, apparently there was some sort of rule that if you bought more than one t-shirt they had to be the same size, and you couldn’t buy more than two of single special item. Huh? Eventually a CM with experience arrived to help her with the issues with the register she was having, and then opened up a second register. The second CM placed a call to get verification on this same size rule and minimum of two items rule. Luckily, she called me and my fellow agent over to check us out before she received such confirmation. We each had a shirt…not the same size, plus we had a Sully ear hat and Mike glasses.

Who knows how many separate purchases would have to be made! The purchase went smoothly. To test the CM we had an AP discout applied to the purchase, and had the purchase sent to be held at package pickup, with the exception of the Sully ears. My co-agent decided to wear those.

Happy to report the CM was flummoxed by neither request and handled both efficiently and happily. Form filled out and ears on, we headed on out to see dawn's early light spreading throughout the MK.


We headed immediately to the enjoy the wildest ride in the wilderness, BTMRR. Since our last mission here, new queue elements were added, and we were excited to see those. We saw some as we whizzed past- there was no line to speak of- but couldn’t find the dynamite plungers. We would’ve been disappointed, but we didn’t have time because we went straight on a to a waiting train. Great ride as always. Prior to embarking on our wild west adventure, the CMs told us if no one was in line for our car when we pulled in to the station we could just stay put and ride again. We almost got to stay on for a second ride, but at the last minute a family ended up picking our car to get in so we had to leave. Boo! We decided to go another round, and as we were heading back to the entrance we noticed there were dynamite plungers along the pathway marked for wheelchairs. We asked the CM if we could come up and blow some stuff up and he said sure. So we blew us up some rock! It was great.

We went two more round on BTMRR with no wait. We chose to ride in the rear of the train so of course people were waiting to board there. (It is the best ride location after all.) No riding back to back.

After our third time around we walked over toward Splash Mountain to see if the water cannons were going full throttle. They were not, and for moment we thought the ride was closed as log after log was coming down the drop empty.


But then we spied a log with one lonely rider. Yes, the ride was that dead. I tried to convince my fellow agent to ride, but she wasn’t having it. The decision was made to check out the action in Tommorwland instead. We headed off in that direction.

I'm here !! So glad you are doing this !! Can't wait to read all about it.

We liked riding in the last car until I had to use the scooter time and time again and then you HAVE to sit in the last car. And then you WANT to site in the front car and they won't let you is you enter through the wheelchair line. We did get to make use of the plungers while we were waiting though. I think I posted some Vine videos of that.

Can't wait to

I'm here !! So glad you are doing this !! Can't wait to read all about it.

We liked riding in the last car until I had to use the scooter time and time again and then you HAVE to sit in the last car. And then you WANT to site in the front car and they won't let you is you enter through the wheelchair line. We did get to make use of the plungers while we were waiting though. I think I posted some Vine videos of that.

Can't wait to


Yay!!! Glad you're along!! :banana:

I can imagine riding in the back with an injured ankle is no joy. You really get thrown around back there.

On one of our pass throughs we saw the plungers in the queue line, but that part of the queue wasn't opened. :( No need to route the line to where they were due to the low crowd level. I really liked the interactive stuff they added.
The following takes place between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.

Stop one in Tomorrowland would be Space Mountain&obviously. Along the way I stopped to capture a few pictures in the post dawn light.





This was a our first visit since the opening of the Tangled Toilets. This area is gorgeous! Well done Disney, well done.


If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it...a 10 minute wait at Peter Pans Flight. I tried to persuade Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood to ride, but she wasnt having it. The mission had been set, and that mission was Space Mountain. So on we went.


We arrived at Space Mountain. A ten minute wait was posted, but in truth there was no wait to speak of. We all but walked on to the ride. There was barely enough time for my co-agent to remove her earrings before boarding our space capsule. She has lost an earring to the Space Yeti on a previous visit. Speaking of losing things on the ride, I discovered something particularly helpful during this trip about riding Space Mountain. If one is wearing flip flops, take them off and store them after boarding the ride. I have the worst time getting out of the ride in flip flops. I always feel as if they are going to either catch on the space capsule or are going to fall off into the never never land of the track. Made disembarking the capsule much better.

We took another ride through space, again without a wait. We decided not to FP the ride for the future, and instead chose to ride something we havent ridden in a while- the Astro Orbiters. We joined a small group of guests waiting for the next elevator to take us to our orbiters. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harnkess-Ood and I rode separately.


Sun over Space Mountain from my orbiter.


It was an enjoyable ride, however upon disembarking Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood dropped her sunglasses, and didnt realize it until the next flight was about to lift off. The lovely CM had us wait to the side until the sunglasses could be retrieved. While we were waiting I took the time to document the castle in the full morning light.


Sunglasses in hand, we headed to Space Ranger Spin. Unfortunately, the documentation of our adventures fighting the evil Emperor Zurg disappeared into cyberspace. (In other words, we played poorly. I mean POORLY. I think the scoreboard at the end of the ride said people who score as low as we did might want reconsider this whole space ranger thing and opt for a desk job.)

Following our adventure in space, we felt like it was time for a chuckle and headed to the Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. The audience was small, but a good one. Im sure my fellow agent felt certain shed be picked for audience participation, but alas even with the small crowd it didnt happen.

After leaving the Laugh Floor we decided to save the TTA Peoplemover and Carousel of Progress for later as well as Storybook (oops almost said Storybrooke which I inevitably will call that area at least a dozen times during any one trip) Circus, and opted to head off and check the action in Adventureland!

7:58 ......7:59.....

I love your Jack Bauer theme. Good Stuff.

No one in our group ever wants to do the Carousel of Progress. Maybe you will ride with me in Sept ??

I haven't been on the Astro Orbiter since our very first trip. DD loves it though and has ridden several times with DH. Maybe We will try and ride it next trip.
I love your Jack Bauer theme. Good Stuff.

I wish I could put sound effects in it. I would love to have the ticking clock sounds!

No one in our group ever wants to do the Carousel of Progress. Maybe you will ride with me in Sept ??

My DD will ride anytime you want to! She LOVES Carousel or Progress. We have a deal- I ride CoP, she has to ride Living with the Land. :rotfl: We will definitely have to make it happen in Sept!

I haven't been on the Astro Orbiter since our very first trip. DD loves it though and has ridden several times with DH. Maybe We will try and ride it next trip.

We don't do Astro Orbiter too often. I don't know why. I really like it, but we just seem to pass it by. :confused3
The following takes place between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.

We began our journey over to Adventureland. The crowds were starting to pick up just a bit, but nothing crazy. Then as we closed in on the hub we noticed a huge crowd of people walking in our direction. On the edge of the crowd I noticed a cameraman, and then we saw this.


Yes, Disney Channel stars Roshon Fegan, Adam Irigoyen and Laura Murano were visiting the park for the Monstrous Summer kickoff and had a crew along to document. Cries of “Ally” (Laura Murano’s character) filled the air, and she kindly obliged by turning and waving to various children calling out to her. It should be noted that Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harnkness-Ood is fan of the shows which star these actors. I suggested following them, but she said no. Oh well. Hope that doesn’t end up being a mistake.

Here’s a link featuring the footage shot that day.

We passed by the gathering crowd following the young actors and made our way to Adventureland. First stop, the World Famous Jungle Cruise. It was foggy on the river this morning.


However this did not stop our intrepid riverboat skipper from pulling up to the dock for our amazing journey. We boarded the boat. Unfortunately some of our fellow passengers made the mistake of not following CM instructions about crossing the boxes in the center of our vessel, and they were given a good natured ribbing, by our skipper. Perhaps that scared some people up from sliding all the way forward in the boat. My fellow agent and I walked all the way forward down our side of the boat and sat right up front. Our appropriate boarding behavior was pointed out by the skipper. :thumbsup2 We then took off on our journey down the rivers of the world. However, the most important sight on our journey would be the rare and wonderful sight of the backside of water. This spectacle was given its proper fanfare and due by our skipper/tour guide/social director/snake charmer/ etc. etc.

Upon returning to civilization we decided to check out the Aladdin’s flying carpets.




Happily the camel that is especially good at expectorating missed us. That is never a pleasant surprise.

Having taken several pictures of the Tiki Room while in flight, I suggested we visit there next, but my fellow agent wasn’t interested. So we instead decided to try something new. I had some intel that a new pirate adventure interactive game was in Adventureland. Unfortunately the intel had lead me to believe that the game was live during our visit. Sadly after some searching, we discovered this was not the case. Nothing worse than faulty intel (or than agents who only vaguely remember the details of the intel and don’t bother to double check before they leave on their assignment).

Since we were still feeling pirate-y, we decided to head off to Pirate of the Caribbean. After PotC, we decided to head back to Fantasyland and checkout some attractions there before it got too much more crowded.


My kids love that show, too. How cool that you saw them.

I wanna do Tiki Room, too. Never done that one. We need to send my DH off with the kids so you and I can do these things. :thumbsup2

If it makes you feel better, I play the ticking sounds in my head at the end of your post, so it is just like you put the sound bite in there to me :goodvibes

Looking forward to more !!
My kids love that show, too. How cool that you saw them.

I wanna do Tiki Room, too. Never done that one. We need to send my DH off with the kids so you and I can do these things. :thumbsup2

For realz! We will definitely do Tiki Room! We don't go to it every trip, but I do love it in all its corny kitschiness!

If it makes you feel better, I play the ticking sounds in my head at the end of your post, so it is just like you put the sound bite in there to me :goodvibes

Looking forward to more !!

I do feel better! Thank you for playing the sounds in your head. Make sure Kieffer is saying "The following takes place between...." in your head too. :thumbsup2
The following takes place between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

We quickly made our way back toward Fantasyland. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood still wasn’t interested in Peter Pan, so we didn’t bother to grab a FP for it, and the decision was made to wait and ride It’s a Small World later. We decided to check out New Fantasyland, maybe pop in to Gaston’s for a quick snack. However, we were derailed on our mission to get the “shadow of its former glory” cinnamon roll. As we passed Enchanted Tales with Belle the wait time was 20 minutes. It was decided we must sieze on this opportunity. As we joined the line we heard some people leaving the show remark that their wait had only been 10 minutes despite the 20 minute posted wait. Score! Well, as we all know with timey wimey stuff, past performance is not always indicative of future events (or is that the stock market???), and our wait was pretty much 20 minutes. But no matter. I was able to take some pictures in the holding room. On our last visit to EtwB we pretty much walked into pre-show area so I missed out in soaking up all the magic this attraction has too offer in its queue and waiting area.




Love this portrait! Shame I didn't do a better job photographing it.

Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies of all time. While my fellow agent isn’t as gaga over Beauty and the Beast as I am, she does think the magic mirror effect in this attraction is pretty cool, so she was on board.



As we entered the pre-show room, we immediately decided our mission with this attraction would be to get selected as chip and Mrs. Potts for the show. We tried in vain last time, and this time it appeared it would be equally challenging because there were more people, and more children for this viewing. The CMs seemed to be favoring the kids in role selection. Of course there weren’t any adults volunteering, but well..me. The big moment came, and sadly we were not selected for Chip and Mrs. Potts despite our effusive jumping up and down. All was not lost though! Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood was selected for the most important role of all…..the Wardrobe!! She does a very good Joanne Worley impression apparently.

We were then invited in to the Library and waited for Belle to make her appearance. Finally she does, and the storytelling begins.


The story goes on and oddly the wardrobe doesn’t play as an important role as she lead us to believe, which is to say, she does nothing but stand there. LOL! Who knew a piece of furniture was so self-involved. It was wonderful, though and the young lady selected to play the beast was marvelous. Very intimidating roar! The story wrapped up with a parade around the room.


Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood then had her picture taken with Belle and received a bookmark. I was only able to capture a quick video because unlike our last visit to EtwB they didn’t announce the presenting of the players to Belle.


We left EtwB and decided to go ride Ariel’s Undersea Voyage Little Mermaid Adventure and Journey…or some such name. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood commented that she thought I said we really didn’t need to ever ride this attraction again. What?!!! Not sure where that notion came from. I told her no, what I said is it wasn’t a must do for every trip, and with that we went off to enjoy the ride.

The last time we rode it, during a passholder preview, I spent much of the ride taking pictures. So this time I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. There was a small ride stoppage. Right in front of Ursula. (Ooooo, scary!) We were on our way soon enough, and enjoyed the rest of the voyage/journey.

After leaving the ride we took some time to take in the progress on the Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster, and then my co-agent mentioned she was hungry. Hmm..seems like at one point we were on our way to get a snack….


The following takes place between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

Lunch plans for the day were the Be Our Guest restaurant. The plan had been to eat around 11:00 since we were up so early. As we approached the village area of New Fantasyland, we noticed the line for the restaurant had already formed and extended over the bridge rounded the corner back toward Ariel and was pretty much the length of the bridge in the other direction. From our previous experience dining here, I knew the line moved pretty quickly, so while this was long, it wouldn’t take long to get inside. I was prepared to move on, but Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood was hungry and wanted to go ahead and line up. I figured it would take us about 15 minutes once they opened up the line to get inside to order, then the time to get our food would put us pretty close to 11:00 eating. A little earlier than I liked, but my co-agent was quite hungry so why not.

We joined the line. Some people behind us commented about how they couldn’t believe how long the line was already, and wondered what time it opened. I turned and told them 10:30, but then a woman in front of me piped up and said, “They open at 10:15.” Hmm. I am pretty darn sure my intel was 10:30 on the opening, and I certainly hoped 10:15 was wrong. I figured we’d be through the line and ordering around 10:30 and have our food by 10:45 at the latest. That just sounds too early for lunch..no matter how hungry you are. Oh well, my intel was otherwise so I didn’t sweat it too much. Until…. Well as it turns out we were both wrong. They started letting guests in at 10:20. The line moved fairly quickly and in no time we’d rounded the corner and were at the gates to BOG.

As we moved across the bridge, my co-agent needed to pause and get some pictures with a few friends.



Mr. Bro




Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood named these gargoyles on our first visit to BOG. This time she was very concerned because she noticed they were not staring at each other. Weird. We were inside the great hall within 20 minutes where the feast for the eyes begins.




There wasn’t much time for stopping and staring as we were in the ordering room within short order.


We were given our “rose” and a assigned a register to begin the ordering process. The rose is an electronic device that “syncs” to your order and allows the serving team to find you once you select a seat. Yes, here all one does is place an order on a kiosk and then find a table. It is wonderful. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood had the ham and cheese sandwhich without the cheese, or any other condiments. The cheese is not plain old fake American cheese, so she doesn’t care to try it on a sandwich. Because she is a tater hater, she ordered mixed veggies for a side. She got this the last time we visited and enjoyed it very much. I settled on the tuna nicoise salad.

It had been a long day, so I decided that we should eat in the mysterious West Wing. This room is dark and small making it more quiet than either the Ballroom or Rose Gallery.



We picked a table and got our drinks from the drink station. Another reason I love BOG is that it is the only QS place where one can get a decent glass of tea! It wasn’t long after getting our drinks and settling in that our food arrived!


Ham sandwich- This picture is from a previous visit. It was so dark where we were that the pictures didn’t turn out well. Thus no picture of my tuna nicoise salad. It was beautifully presented though.

We were pretty hungry so we dug in. My co-agent said the sandwich was just as good this time as the last. I was just eh about my salad. It was okay. I think for me the issue was that I really would have preferred the tuna be uncooked. A nice sashimi tuna on that salad would have been perfection.

We continued to enjoy the quiet darkness of the West Wing as we ate.


The following takes place between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

We were still giving our feet a rest and enjoying the quiet darkness of the Mysterious West Wing, and what better way to enjoy this quiet time than with the dessert. In generally, desserts at QS establishments are pretty lacking, and we opt not to get them. BOG, however, is a shining star in this area. Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood opted for the strawberry cheesecake cupcake.


She pronounced it devine.

I went with the lemon raspberry cream puff. (picture from a previous visit.)



We enjoyed our dessert and enjoyed the dark and air conditioning for a little bit more before heading out. On the way out, I snapped some photos of the beautiful ball room



When we left the line was noticeably shorter. It was just extended the length of the bridge. I found this surprising. Will have to make a note of that for future reference.

I consulted the My Disney Experience app, and we saw the wait for the Haunted Mansion was 20 minutes, so we decided to go ahead and visit the attraction.

We joined the queue and two teenage girls and a teenage boy got in line behind us. The conversation between the three went as follows:

Boy: You like that show Shake it Up?
Girl 1: Yeah.
Boy: You know the guy from it.
Girl 2: Yeah, the cute one.
Boy: Yeah. Well he's here.
Girls: Oh m' God!! Where?! Right now?!
Boy: Yeah, I saw him just before I came over here.
Me: Both Adam and Roshon from Shake It Up are here. We saw them in the hub a few hours ago. Look (show them picture on phone)
Girls: Oh m’ God. Are you kidding? He’s sooo cute!!
Boy: (obviously put off) I saw them over at Dumbo. I was talking to the guy while waiting to ride. He was a pretty cool guy. I got to ride it with him.
Girls: Cool

The girls went on to talk to each other and the boy just stood there. At this point Agent Donna Rose Warpstar Harkness-Ood pulled me aside and informed me, “He was trying to impress them. You just wrecked his game.” Upon hearing this I feel the following:

1. Old
B. Concerned my fellow agent was clued in to what was going on. She shouldn’t realize that. :sad1:

Okay, and I couldn’t help, but laugh a little that I wrecked this kid’s game….what there was of it. At this point the queue split and the teens headed off through the grave yard, and we went the other way. We never saw them again, so whether he recovered with the girls who knows. They were probably better off if he didn’t. He had a troublemaker aura about him.

Also it should be noted, that if this boy is to be believed, he had the opportunity to ride (video evidence suggests not in the same elephant) the ride with these individuals. I believe my co-agent declined to follow these folks earlier, and also declined going to Storybook circus when that appeared to be the direction they were heading. Missed opportunity? I think so.

We go on to enjoy the ride, and depart. We decide to head next to Mickey’s Philharmagic.



DD didn't want to do ETwB last trip so I hope you girls can talk her into it. We have a ressie at BOG, but I am worried that the kids won't like the food there. Plus, it doesn't always get the most glowing recommendations. But I am willing to give it a try.

Looking forward to the next hour !!
DD didn't want to do ETwB last trip so I hope you girls can talk her into it. We have a ressie at BOG, but I am worried that the kids won't like the food there. Plus, it doesn't always get the most glowing recommendations. But I am willing to give it a try.

Looking forward to the next hour !!

Whaaatt? Not want to do ETwB??!! Oh we'll have to fix that. If she's up for group participation, she'd be a great Beast! They would absolutely pick her for it. The girl they picked on this last trip appeared to be your DD's age. My DD could really care less about doing it. She puts up with it for me and to see the magic mirror effect.

If you want to give that BOG ressie up, I'd be happy to take if for you. ;) I don't think there is much there mine will eat either. They do have a rotisserie chicken, so I know she'll eat that. The only thing on the lunch menu she'll eat is that ham sandwich, but I figure I've put up with enough pizza and nuggets places, that she deal with BOG. The lunch really is good. Next time I'm trying the quiche.
You are referencing 24, that equals so much win in my book

:thumbsup2 (Hope you were playing the sound effects in your head as you read)

I miss 24. Such a good show. At least they are going to bring it back short term next year. I'm bummed at the shortened format, but to see Jack Bauer again...

Oh, and how great is it that Dennis Haysbert is going to be narrator for CP this year??!! I have GOT to figure out a way to get down for that! LOVE his voice!


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