It's Payback, European Style! A trip to Bavaria & Austria for DIS friends! - Staying Local, Part 3 9/3

After the Opera House tour we sat on the bench in the lobby deciding what to do. My legs were killing me! It was just before 4PM. Magdalene suggested that we get some coffee at the gardens that Wilhelmine (the one who built the Opera House) had created. They were just a few miles away. Originally, walking the gardens was in the plan for today, but I didn't have the strength. Since there was no admission fee for the gardens, Michael agreed to keep it on the list.

On the way we stopped by the home of Richard Wagner and his burial site. I hopped out of the car to take a picture and then we were back on our way. There were too many people and my legs were too tired to tour the site.


Had I known that the “coffee shop” would involve a serious hike, I might have had second thoughts! Germany and the people there are very different from Southern California and it’s residents. In So Cal, it is very common to visit one business in a shopping center, and then drive from one part of the same parking lot to another part to visit a different business. On this day, we for sure walked the length (and then some) of several parking lots that in So Cal I would only traverse from end to end in a car!

Take this tree lined pathway. There were many of these on the grounds. We walked to the end of this on our way to the café.


Little did I know what Grandeur lay on the other side of this building!


The cafe was on the left side. See the umbrellas?


Evidently it was too early in the season for the fountains to be running.


The café was self service and Magdalene brought our beverages to the table. They also offered pretzels, sandwiches, and cakes, but I was still full from the gourmet lunch and Gelato. Magdalene and I had Cappuccinos. Evidently Michael only takes his caffeine in chilled form and they didn't offer it in any other option than soda.


Now normally at home, my rule is no caffeine after 3PM. I'll generally have my one large cup of coffee in the morning and I'm good. But with the way these two have been walking me around an extra pick me up in the afternoon isn't a bad thing. Is this how the rest of the world lives? Am I just lazy at home?

Well, I digress, the view was very nice.


It was about 5PM that we finally left and made the drive back to Nuremberg. Here’s a shot of the gardens on the way out. The curators evidently liked these little tree lined “hallways”.


We actually were in a bit of a rush. We had a 7:30 dinner reservation, and would be cutting it very close. We had to turn in the rental car at the airport on the way back, and then take the U-Bahn back to the city center. We made it to dinner in the nick of time. Here’s a shot of another beautiful church in the City Center on our way to dinner.


As I mentioned earlier, Michael was sick of German food, so they had planned for an Italian dinner.


We all ordered beverages before dinner.


I had pasta. Tagliatelle al Ragù.


They split a pizza.


Here’s that same church at night.


They walked me back to my hotel so that I would know how to reach the City Center the next day when I came back to explore it on my own. Back in the room I ate some of my chocolate biscuits.


I played around on my electronic devices and went to sleep just before midnight. Here’s our timeline.


And my stats.


Be back with the last day in Nuremberg soon!
On the way we stopped by the home of Richard Wagner and his burial site
Oh! Cool!
Had I known that the “coffee shop” would involve a serious hike, I might have had second thoughts!
Uh, oh...
In So Cal, it is very common to visit one business in a shopping center, and then drive from one part of the same parking lot to another part to visit a different business.
Wait... what? Really?
That's common?
Take this tree lined pathway. There were many of these on the grounds. We walked to the end of this on our way to the café.
Okay, that does look like a pretty long distance.
The cafe was on the left side. See the umbrellas?
Took me a minute, but... ::yes::
They also offered pretzels, sandwiches, and cakes, but I was still full from the gourmet lunch and Gelato.
mmmm... I'd be hard pressed to pass that up!
Evidently Michael only takes his caffeine in chilled form
I'm with him on this one. Soda. Iced tea.
Now normally at home, my rule is no caffeine after 3PM.
Hmm... I'm getting to that point. I try not to have any after about 6pm.
Is this how the rest of the world lives? Am I just lazy at home?
That looks surreal, the way it's squared off like that.
As I mentioned earlier, Michael was sick of German food,
so they had planned for an Italian dinner.
Okay... I'll accept that. Yum. :)
I had pasta. Tagliatelle al Ragù.

That looks really different from what I would think of as a Ragu.
They split a pizza.

That looks good!
Here’s that same church at night.
Pretty shot. :)
Wait... what? Really?
That's common?

Well, I'm pretty sure it is. I know I've done it before, and other people have confessed to it. Jill did it when we were in Florida. We dropped off her package at the UPS Store and then drove to a spot in front of Publix! :laughing:

Okay, that does look like a pretty long distance.
It was!
Took me a minute, but... ::yes::

And after walking all the way there, I walked even farther to get that shot! :laughing:

mmmm... I'd be hard pressed to pass that up!

Michael had a pretzel, I was just so full from eating three meals a day. At home, I just don't eat that much, but the whole trip I was rarely hungry.

I'm with him on this one. Soda. Iced tea.

I get it. But I don't get that kind of a pick me up from Iced Tea, and I rarely drink soda. I had one yesterday because it came with my Costco hot dog. I got diet Pepsi in honor of Fran, and only drank half of it.

Hmm... I'm getting to that point. I try not to have any after about 6pm.

By 6PM, I'm drinking wine, and at 3PM at home, I'm waiting to drink that wine! :lmao:

That looks surreal, the way it's squared off like that.

All the walkways were like that, you just couldn't quite see it in the first picture.

Okay... I'll accept that. Yum. :)

It was pretty good!

That looks really different from what I would think of as a Ragu.

Yeah, I would have expected it to me far more "ground up", but when I'm in a foreign country, I give them a lot of leeway on what I would expect.

That looks good!

They seemed to enjoy the pizza. I really did not need to be eating pizza in Germany.
Well, I'm pretty sure it is. I know I've done it before, and other people have confessed to it. Jill did it when we were in Florida. We dropped off her package at the UPS Store and then drove to a spot in front of Publix! :laughing:
Well, there ya go. :)
And after walking all the way there, I walked even farther to get that shot! :laughing:
Michael had a pretzel, I was just so full from eating three meals a day. At home, I just don't eat that much, but the whole trip I was rarely hungry.
I don't either. One or two is enough for me.
I get it. But I don't get that kind of a pick me up from Iced Tea, and I rarely drink soda. I had one yesterday because it came with my Costco hot dog.
I don't really get a pick me up either... unless I have one in the evening and then suddenly find I can't sleep.
I got diet Pepsi in honor of Fran, and only drank half of it.
By 6PM, I'm drinking wine, and at 3PM at home, I'm waiting to drink that wine! :lmao:
Yeah, I would have expected it to me far more "ground up", but when I'm in a foreign country, I give them a lot of leeway on what I would expect.
They seemed to enjoy the pizza. I really did not need to be eating pizza in Germany.
I don't think I had any there... ever... So, no. I don't need to either. But wouldn't say no if someone suggested it.

And I see you've updated all your tickers. :)
I don't really get a pick me up either... unless I have one in the evening and then suddenly find I can't sleep.
I definitely get one from my morning coffee (which is why I don't have it in the afternoon).
I don't think I had any there... ever... So, no. I don't need to either. But wouldn't say no if someone suggested it.
I'm pretty sure I didn't have any on this trip. Although others did. I did have it in Italy on a previous trip. I'm all for eating like a local (for the most part).
And I see you've updated all your tickers. :)

Yes! It's exciting to have plans!
Day 5

I woke up at 5AM and was trying to go back to sleep, but when Jenny texted our group at 5:17AM, I decided this was a sign that I wasn't meant to sleep anymore. Besides, I wanted to wash my hair. I hadn't had a chance to wash it since I'd bought the bottle of conditioner. If I took a shower this early I'd have plenty of time for my hair to dry before getting the day started.

I went down to breakfast around quarter to 8AM. I did my American Waffle again this morning. I also tried a meatball, it was very good! I should have taken more!


I was planning on leaving around 9:30, but when I texted Magdalene that, she told me not to rush, because the stores don't open until 10AM. So I worked on the TR for a while, and finally left at 10AM. Here I am approaching the Old City Center.


This is one of the entrances to the U-bahn (and train) station. This was the first and only scooter I saw on my trip!




There was this quaint little produce stand, just on the plaza. Now that I look at the prices for the Asparagus they're pretty decent. I like to buy it when it is either $1.99 or $2.99 per pound. as a kg is about 2.2 pounds (I think) that's right in my price range. Too bad it's the super thick version that I don't care for as much as the thinner stuff.


A very beautiful and impressive building.


I strolled through the city center until I reached the kitchen shop. This was my destination.


I found my späetzle maker immediately but this shop had so much cool stuff in it, I looked through all four floors.


I also found this single serve fondue cup.


I have used it since arriving home and it works quite well. No I didn’t make the fondue “in” the cup. I made it in my cooking blender and served it in the cup. These were actually leftovers, and it was just the perfect amount.


Once I was satisfied with my purchases at the kitchen store, I checked out. It was nearly 11AM and Magdalene and I planned to meet at 11:45 for lunch. I walked in a couple other shops, and wandered around the City Center, but I didn't find anything of interest.



Finally I just sat down on a bench in the shade to wait. My legs were still sore from the day before.

When Magdalene met me, she gave me several options, some fast food German seafood, some Turkish fast food, a place with “bowls”, or we could have some more sausages. What do you think I picked? I happen to like German food!

She said that the sausage place she had in mind was in a section of the city that was like the Epcot Village of the City Center. It was stylized to look like a traditional Bavarian Village.



It was super cute inside too.


We took a selfie.


And we ordered the exact same thing we had the other night. However everything here was better! The sausages and the potato salad were definitely better than the restaurant a few nights ago. Magdalene said she had tried to get a reservation here but it was all booked up.


Here I did join the clean plate club. I guess it was all that walking!

This restaurant was also at the very edge of the city center and somewhat close to my hotel. We went back to my room to drop off my purchases and pick up the duffel of dirty laundry that I had prepared that morning. Then we took the train back to their place So I could do laundry.

Magdalene went back to work for a few more hours while Michael and I played on our electronic devices while I did laundry. Around 3PM there was some talk of going to get a coffee. Since I had no trouble falling asleep the day before after a late cup of coffee I agreed. Besides I had already walked a fair amount in the morning by myself, and could use a pick me up about now.

Had I known how far they were willing to walk for coffee, I might have reconsidered! My Google timeline says we were only walking for 12 minutes, but to me it felt a LOT longer. The name of the place was Espresso Lab, and a coffee here was about the same price as I'd been paying for a glass of wine in many places! But the iced coffees did come in these cute little beakers!


By the time we got back from the coffee break my laundry was finished and I folded it up and put it back in my duffel. It was just after 5PM. We had a 7PM dinner reservation, so Magdalene went back to do some more work for a while and Michael and I continued to sit on the couch playing on our devices.

We decided to head to dinner around 6:45. This was the strangest Thai menu I had ever seen. There were no names of dishes that I recognized. I'm wondering if the names of the dishes were literally translated into German from their Thai descriptions. I had an English menu so the description of the dishes were explained in English. I picked something that was Chicken and Vegetables with Rice Noodles. It was very tasty.


Following dinner we went back to their place So I could try this very interesting liquor. Michael said it was made from ginger. It had a very strong taste. I diluted it with some of my water and that helped the flavor.


Magdalene had special shot glasses to drink from!


By now it was getting late (for me) so Michael and Magdalene accompanied me back to my hotel on the U-bahn. We said our goodbyes for now, I'm sure I will be seeing them again.

I packed up my clean laundry in the suitcase as well as anything else I wouldn't need in the morning.

Tomorrow I would be off on a new adventure! But for now, here’s my stats for today.


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I definitely get one from my morning coffee (which is why I don't have it in the afternoon).
I envy those who can drink coffee, especially in the morning. It seems like such a decadent treat.
Oh well.
I'm all for eating like a local (for the most part).
Yes! It's exciting to have plans!
when Jenny texted our group at 5:17AM, I decided this was a sign that I wasn't meant to sleep anymore.
I also tried a meatball, it was very good! I should have taken more!
I kinda laughed at that... one meatball.
But then I saw that you had a good serving of food, so... why wouldn't you? Heck, when at a buffet, I do exactly that.
This was the first and only scooter I saw on my trip!
This doesn't surprise me. I don't recall seeing any at all.
I note the rainbow crosswalk.
Too bad it's the super thick version that I don't care for as much as the thinner stuff.
I wonder if that's the preferred size over there?
I strolled through the city center until I reached the kitchen shop.
Hello? Kitchen shop??
I found my späetzle maker immediately
Good. :) Now you just have to make some. With Jaeger sauce or cheese?
I looked through all four floors.
Four floors???????

I also found this single serve fondue cup.
I like it. Glad you've used it. :)
Finally I just sat down on a bench in the shade to wait. My legs were still sore from the day before.
You've been getting a workout.
When Magdalene met me, she gave me several options, some fast food German seafood, some Turkish fast food, a place with “bowls”, or we could have some more sausages. What do you think I picked? I happen to like German food!
Heh. I'm on the same page. The others pique my interest, but...
She said that the sausage place she had in mind was in a section of the city that was like the Epcot Village of the City Center. It was stylized to look like a traditional Bavarian Village.
It does!
Nice shot of y'all. :)
mmm... looks sooooo good. Those are Nuremberg sausages, right?
Around 3PM there was some talk of going to get a coffee.
Yes! 3pm coffee and torte. (Although I skipped the coffee part.)
Had I known how far they were willing to walk for coffee, I might have reconsidered!
More long distance coffee!
I do not see any torte on the table. This is patently unacceptable.
This was the strangest Thai menu I had ever seen. There were no names of dishes that I recognized. I'm wondering if the names of the dishes were literally translated into German from their Thai descriptions.
Huh! I would've thought the names would be the same.
I picked something that was Chicken and Vegetables with Rice Noodles. It was very tasty.
It looks good. What's on top? Crispy chop suey noodles? Or sliced carrots? (Or something completely different.)
Following dinner we went back to their place So I could try this very interesting liquor. Michael said it was made from ginger. It had a very strong taste. I diluted it with some of my water and that helped the flavor.
Never heard of that one. Ginger based? Huh.
Magdalene had special shot glasses to drink from!
Take this tree lined pathway. There were many of these on the grounds. We walked to the end of this on our way to the café.

This is super pretty, thank you for your walk to get these pictures!

Little did I know what Grandeur lay on the other side of this building!

The buildings you show never disappoint!
The curators evidently liked these little tree lined “hallways”.

Yes, he really liked these tree hallways!
I need to try an aperol spritz one of these days...never have I don't think
Looks very meaty!
I did my American Waffle again this morning. I also tried a meatball, it was very good! I should have taken more!
Trust there to be meatballs on the breakfast! Yum!
Too bad it's the super thick version that I don't care for as much as the thinner stuff.
Agree, I much prefer "thin" asparagus
I found my späetzle maker immediately but this shop had so much cool stuff in it, I looked through all four floors.

Have you used it much? If so, does it work well?
It was stylized to look like a traditional Bavarian Village.

Super cute again!

Busy! Must be good then!
But the iced coffees did come in these cute little beakers!

Those are really cute indeed!
Magdalene had special shot glasses to drink from!

Nice! I do prefer liquor out of larger glass, good thing I have my own fancy one
Tomorrow I would be off on a new adventure!
Woohoo! popcorn::
Wow! You really got your exercise! You earned all those delicious sausages!

Jill in CO
Wow! You really got your exercise! You earned all those delicious sausages!

Jill in CO
I really like this. This will be my new mantra.
"I have exercised. I have earned sausages!"
It is always amazing going to other countries and how their normals are just so different than ours. We are definitely spoiled by our cars here but I like the change of pace with all the walking.

Interesting museums to visit and very important parts of history that I wish people paid more attention too. Glad you shared!
I envy those who can drink coffee, especially in the morning. It seems like such a decadent treat.
Oh well.
I do enjoy my morning coffee
I kinda laughed at that... one meatball.
But then I saw that you had a good serving of food, so... why wouldn't you? Heck, when at a buffet, I do exactly that.
Well, I don't have that big an appetite and if I didn't like it, I didn't want to have a plate full of them!
This doesn't surprise me. I don't recall seeing any at all.
Yeah, if one were riding a scooter, you'd have to know exactly where you were going because so many routes were not at all accessible.
I note the rainbow crosswalk.
That's why I took the picture! :teeth:
I wonder if that's the preferred size over there?
Must be. I never saw anything else. Or perhaps it's just the variety that they grow. Over here every thing is GMO.
Hello? Kitchen shop??
Good. :) Now you just have to make some. With Jaeger sauce or cheese?
I did make it twice, but I didn't have it with a German menu item. I made something I call Madiera steak. Its very similar to a Jaeger sauce, but has Madiera wine in it.
Four floors???????

I like it. Glad you've used it. :)
I need to use it again!
You've been getting a workout.
Heh. I'm on the same page. The others pique my interest, but...
Of course I'm going to want the most traditional option.
Nice shot of y'all. :)
mmm... looks sooooo good. Those are Nuremberg sausages, right?
Yes they are, and they are super tasty!
Yes! 3pm coffee and torte. (Although I skipped the coffee part.)
And I skipped the torte!
More long distance coffee!
Yes, they like walking.
I do not see any torte on the table. This is patently unacceptable.
I was still full from the sausages!!!!!!!
Huh! I would've thought the names would be the same.
What I think happened is that the chef was a "home cook" who made her family recipes and I think she literally translated the dishes into German. Like "noodles with chicken, and vegetables
It looks good. What's on top? Crispy chop suey noodles? Or sliced carrots? (Or something completely different.)
It was shredded carrots.
Never heard of that one. Ginger based? Huh.
It was weird
I do enjoy my morning coffee
I think there’s one or two others out there rhat do as well.
Well, I don't have that big an appetite and if I didn't like it, I didn't want to have a plate full of them!
Yeah, if one were riding a scooter, you'd have to know exactly where you were going because so many routes were not at all accessible.
This doesn’t surprise me.
That's why I took the picture! :teeth:
I did make it twice, but I didn't have it with a German menu item. I made something I call Madiera steak. Its very similar to a Jaeger sauce, but has Madiera wine in it.
That sounds like it would be good.
And I skipped the torte!
Yes, they like walking.
I do too… but I’m not in their league!
I was still full from the sausages!!!!!!!
Not an excuse!

What I think happened is that the chef was a "home cook" who made her family recipes and I think she literally translated the dishes into German. Like "noodles with chicken, and vegetables
Makes sense.
I would have been happy to walk around the little lake behind my hotel, for maybe one day and grocery shopping is always fun! Especially if we had returned to your place and cooked up a feast!

I now really regret not taking you home to a darkend living room full of outdoor furniture and a kitchen full of my outdoor plants!!
As we told you they were working on the balconies above our flat. We had to empty our loggia and all the outdoor furniture was in the living room (which is not really large in the first place). The metal blinds needed to be closed so the windows would be protected - makes for a nice dark room.
Since I have a lot of flowers and bushes and small trees in pots - they all ended up in the kitchen where they had daylight! And guess what they were on the counters and the dining room table.

Would have been really comfortable.

I would have also been happy just doing every day kind of things like sitting on the patio enjoying beverages and meeting your sometimes kitty kat, but that was just not meant to be.

Again - NO loggia. And since it was pretty loud all day no kitties day or night either!

I was also told that AC is regulated in Italy and can't be turned on before a certain time.....weird.

NEVER heard of that - especially in Italy where it is pretty sunny and hot. But I don't know who told you and what hotel they were staying at. Because old ones might not have AC (think Venice), but a reasonably new one would have a working AC for you to choose your room temperature. They might not be as cold as they are in the US in the first place, but you can sure turn them down.

I didn't even know this was an option! That you would drive me all the way to Vienna. I was trying to be independent and take care of myself so that I didn't ask too much of you as such gracious hosts!

Because when I brought it up you shot me down immediately that you didn't want to do that. Flying out of Vienna was a hard NO.
And yes, we would have driven you there, but why mention it when you weren't interested in flying out of Vienna in the first place.

Yes, I do remember that, but if I'm just sitting around the room in the evening sipping wine, I don't see the need to have expensive wine. Especially when the €2.99 bottles are better than the $5 in the US.

You might have misunderstood. My comment was not meant towards your drinking habits, but the comment you had made that "you didn't experience a wine that knocked your socks off".
And I still stand by my comment that you get what you pay for. If you opt for cheap you cannot expect highest quality that knocks your socks off.

We will head to the airport when we disembark because we will both have been gone so long on this trip, we need to get right home. Neither of us can take the extended vacations that you and Tom enjoy.

We both worked hard for 40+ plus years and scrimped and saved so we would not have to penny pinch once we retired.
And given the length of our vacations - if you had to pay and not fly on points you would make the most of a several thousand dollar flight as well.
It is not pronounced Beirut like most Americans would think, but it is pronounced “Bye-royt”.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Thankfully I reread! I mistook what you named pyramids for something else. :rotfl:

There were lots of strange ones, then I saw Stracciatella! I remembered that was my favorite flavor 35 years ago

Yeah, I remember. This was very hip when we were kids. Vanilla with shaved chocolate.

Take this tree lined pathway. There were many of these on the grounds. We walked to the end of this on our way to the café.


Love those "Laubengänge" - very romantic.

And since we never made it to Vienna here are a few similar views of Schloss Schönbrunn.




Schloss Schönbrunn from close to the Gloriette


Close up



State rooms


Gloriette from Schloss grounds


Close up


Aerial view
It's a hike from the castle through the grounds up to the Gloriette, but beautiful!

Is it just the way this was photographed or does that pizza look a little bit too burned?

Back in the room I ate some of my chocolate biscuits.


The way it should be - German "Keks" being eaten in Germany. :goodvibes


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This is super pretty, thank you for your walk to get these pictures!
Well, technically the walk was actually to get coffee! :lmao:
The buildings you show never disappoint!
Thanks! There's a lot more beauties to come!
Yes, he really liked these tree hallways!
It was a woman who designed the gardens, but as Karin pointed out there were lots of them in this part of Europe.
I need to try an aperol spritz one of these days...never have I don't think
I'm not really sure you need to....they're popular, but I'm not sure I find them that tasty. And generally, I'm looking for potency in a drink. Then again maybe others aren't.....
Looks very meaty!
Not sure what the meat was, but it was good.
Trust there to be meatballs on the breakfast! Yum!
They were only there that one day.....
Agree, I much prefer "thin" asparagus
Have you used it much? If so, does it work well?
I've used it twice and it makes very tasty spaetzle. What I need to remember is to rinse it out immediately before eating dinner. The last time I used it, I set in "half in-half out" of a pot of water in the sink. The "half in" part cleaned up nice and easy the next day, the "half out" part, not so much. :sad2:
Super cute again!
Busy! Must be good then!
As I said, Magdalene wanted to get a reservation here my first night, but it was all booked up.
Those are really cute indeed!
Nice! I do prefer liquor out of larger glass, good thing I have my own fancy one

Yes you do!


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