It's Payback, European Style! A trip to Bavaria & Austria for DIS friends! - A Drive Along the Danube 9/9

Day 7

Today was my birthday. I woke up around quarter to 7AM. Karin & Tom were picking me up at 8:45. I got dressed, messed around with my ice and water bottle and was in the lobby with plenty of time.

When I say messed around with my ice and water bottle this is what I’m talking about. First here is the glass that I froze some ice into. There were two of them in the room, so I would usually have two of these ice cubes everytime that I refilled my bottle. The ice cube goes up to the line where the glass goes from sculpted to sheer.


To loosen the ice from the glass, I would run it under warm water just until it came loose. The giant cube was still a tiny bit too large for my bottle so I would also run it under warm water for a few seconds. When it got to the correct size, I would place it into the bottle and let it melt until it fell inside the bottle.


So after Karin and Tom picked me up, they took me to a bakery cafe for breakfast. As I said, today was my birthday, and Karin had the cafe present me with the world’s smallest sachertorte as soon as I was seated.



I didn’t take a picture of the menu, but there were basically three regular breakfast choices on the menu.

1) The one we got,
2) a healthier option which included Muesli,
3) a mini breakfast (which was pretty much a roll and jam with coffee).

I went with the full breakfast.


It consisted of four slices of ham, four slices of a mild (but tasty) white cheese. Two rolls of your choice, I took Karins advice and tried one that was different than the standard roll. You got your choice of hot beverage, and jam. It came with butter, some vegetables, and orange juice.

For my hot beverage I got what Tom called Grosse Braun which was a double Espresso with cream. It was quite a tasty breakfast. I had never really tried jam on bread. I got strawberry and it was quite good. Later I ordered some sort of a Latte. The Espresso definitely gave me a kick, but this one was easier to drink.


After Breakfast I ate the Sachertorte. It may have been the world’s smallest, but it was absolutely the perfect size for me.

From Wikipedia: Sachertorte is a chocolate cake, or torte, of Austrian origin, invented by Franz Sacher, supposedly in 1832 for Prince Metternich in Vienna. It is one of the most famous Viennese culinary specialties. Main ingredients: Chocolate sponge cake, apricot jam, dark chocolate glaze


On the way out she bought me a tiny Linzertorte as a second birthday cake.


This was the “front” of the cafe where we had breakfast, this place is also known for their cake and confections. Just look at all the amazing sweets they have here!


I also picked out a few different flavors of the truffles, Karamel, Grand Mariner, and Irish Coffee.


I believe that these are made of Marzipan.


More cakes….


Then we got on the road. Along the way we saw several different groups of musicians on their way to May Day Gigs. I'm glad I don't actually live here, I'd be gigging on my birthday every year!


We passed churches…..vineyards, I just didn’t seem to include a picture of the latter….


And then took a detour for a lookout on the Danube.



Here's a map showing where we are. This Is a very famous point as the river curves sharply.


And back on the road we have a Castle.


Here is a river cruise ship. We saw plenty of these along the way.


We drove up to a view point where we could view the river from up high.


And here’s that same cruise ship after it caught up with us again.


And then we took another detour so that I could see the city of Passau from afar.


And here’s a zoomed in shot.


When we arrived in the city, we drove through it and straight up to the top for the viewpoint at the castle. But we had a lovely view of the city.



I was lucky to see the city like this. About a month or two ago, the Danube flooded this region. Just look at this comparison of pictures.





Once we had taken our pictures, we headed back down to the city for some lunch. We found parking in a garage and then walked down the city center.



We stopped at this lovely cafe. At least that's what I think you call it.



They didn't only serve sweets, I think you could have gotten regular food but that's not lunch Karin & Tom style. I got the Apfel strudel. Karin got some sort of Raspberry cake, and Thomas got a Rhubarb cake. Then we all got Gelato. I got chocolate and stracciatella, Karin got Raspberry and chocolate and Thomas got vanilla and strawberry.


I’m going to wrap it up here, but not before I relate a funny story. While in this restaurant, I had to use the restroom, and for some reason I did not bring my phone with me. I left it at the table. Well both the stalls in the women’s restroom appeared to be occupied. So I waited, and I waited, and I waited a little more. Then I knocked on the stall doors, no answer. Hmmmmm…..

So then I looked at the door to the restroom itself. There was a note on it written in German. Just then another lady came to use the restroom. She evidently spoke German and was able to decipher what it said. Basically it said that the women’s restrooms were out of order and to use the Men’s restroom. I probably could have figured out the gist of it on my own, but that’s when I realized that I should bring my phone with me, in case I need to use Google to translate!
I recognize many of those sweet shops! Too bad the Dackelmuseum moved to Regensburg or you could have seen some dachshunds in Passau!

Jill in CO
As long as you're not lugging a 35lb suitcase!
Oh, I was. Closer to 50lbs, actually. At least on one occasion. On another, I had no bags at all.
Could you imagine if I was still traveling like Fran and I used to.
I still don't know how you managed all of that!
I don't mind paying for a clean toilet. I paid for dirty ones in Egypt! It was having all the baggage that was the problem.
I can see that.
I get them here at home too!
Just pronounced slightly differently.
I really like it. I need to have it at a pretty good establishment, I mean I wouldn't order it from a gas station convenience store.
Karin explained the differences in her reply.
Went back up and looked. :)
Today was my birthday.
I don't remember which way I did it, but I'm sure I wished you a happy birthday that day. :)
To loosen the ice from the glass, I would run it under warm water just until it came loose. The giant cube was still a tiny bit too large for my bottle so I would also run it under warm water for a few seconds. When it got to the correct size, I would place it into the bottle and let it melt until it fell inside the bottle.
You are very determined to have your ice! :worship:
As I said, today was my birthday, and Karin had the cafe present me with the world’s smallest sachertorte as soon as I was seated.
It's so tiny!
That's my sister's favourite torte. She had one shipped from the Sacher Hotel to Winnipeg for a special occasion. :)
1) The one we got,
2) a healthier option which included Muesli,
3) a mini breakfast (which was pretty much a roll and jam with coffee).
:lmao: I love how there's a mini one and a healthy one and you're all like... "Nope!"
Very nice shot of the birthday girl. :)
For my hot beverage I got what Tom called Grosse Braun which was a double Espresso with cream
Whoa! How wired were you after that?!?!?
I had never really tried jam on bread.
I'm sorry... what?!?!?!?!?
You've never had jam on bread???
After Breakfast I ate the Sachertorte. It may have been the world’s smallest, but it was absolutely the perfect size for me.
On the way out she bought me a tiny Linzertorte as a second birthday cake.
What's better than birthday cake on your birthday?

Second birthday cake.
This was the “front” of the cafe where we had breakfast, this place is also known for their cake and confections. Just look at all the amazing sweets they have here!

I believe that these are made of Marzipan.
::yes:: Almost certainly.
When I was little, we had relatives that would send us marzipan animals.
I'm glad I don't actually live here, I'd be gigging on my birthday every year!
That's true! Never thought of that.
Here's a map showing where we are. This Is a very famous point as the river curves sharply.
Any idea what makes it famous? Other than the curve?
And here’s that same cruise ship after it caught up with us again.
Some day I'd like to take a cruise on one.
And then we took another detour so that I could see the city of Passau from afar.
I haven't been, myself, but I'm sure my folks have. At least I recall them talking about how much they liked it.
When we arrived in the city, we drove through it and straight up to the top for the viewpoint at the castle. But we had a lovely view of the city.
I was lucky to see the city like this. About a month or two ago, the Danube flooded this region. Just look at this comparison of pictures.
Yikes! :scared:
We stopped at this lovely cafe. At least that's what I think you call it.
They didn't only serve sweets, I think you could have gotten regular food but that's not lunch Karin & Tom style. I got the Apfel strudel. Karin got some sort of Raspberry cake, and Thomas got a Rhubarb cake. Then we all got Gelato. I got chocolate and stracciatella, Karin got Raspberry and chocolate and Thomas got vanilla and strawberry.
:laughing: I need to go back and hang out with your friends!
I’m going to wrap it up here, but not before I relate a funny story. While in this restaurant, I had to use the restroom, and for some reason I did not bring my phone with me. I left it at the table. Well both the stalls in the women’s restroom appeared to be occupied. So I waited, and I waited, and I waited a little more. Then I knocked on the stall doors, no answer. Hmmmmm…..

So then I looked at the door to the restroom itself. There was a note on it written in German. Just then another lady came to use the restroom. She evidently spoke German and was able to decipher what it said. Basically it said that the women’s restrooms were out of order and to use the Men’s restroom. I probably could have figured out the gist of it on my own, but that’s when I realized that I should bring my phone with me, in case I need to use Google to translate!
:laughing: I wonder how long you would've waited?
Ever seen the movie Dumb and Dumber?
:welcome: I'm glad you were able to find some time and catch up a bit! I miss reading your TRs!
It's been forever since I could take a few minutes to read through. I gave up on commenting through each chapter.

And I miss doing TR's too!

Well also, I'm not sure if you ever invited me to come visit Delaware.... :rolleyes1 I'm on my way to Winnipeg in a couple of days.....
As if you ever need a reason! You have a standing invitation, of course. I just figured Delaware was probably boring enough that you'd have a hard time thinking of a reason to come out this way.

Unless you're interested in the general area, like Philly, DC, etc. It all depends on what you want to do!

Say hi to pkondz for me!
When it got to the correct size, I would place it into the bottle and let it melt until it fell inside the bottle.

Love all those little cafe/sweet shop pictures. Such a fun selection of goodies.

The flood pictures comparison--just wow!

My in-laws just returned from a river cruise, and they have raved about it endlessly! Such gorgeous scenery.
messed around with my ice and water bottle

When it got to the correct size, I would place it into the bottle and let it melt until it fell inside the bottle.
I smiled at this comment, and looks like your solution worked well (although a bit of work involved)

It consisted of four slices of ham, four slices of a mild (but tasty) white cheese. Two rolls of your choice, I took Karins advice and tried one that was different than the standard roll. You got your choice of hot beverage, and jam. It came with butter, some vegetables, and orange juice.
This looks very yummy! Simple and fresh
Main ingredients: Chocolate sponge cake, apricot jam, dark chocolate glaze
Could you taste the jam well? I fruity, chocolatey taste?
I saw this pic and thought "Wow! that girl is talll!"

When we arrived in the city, we drove through it and straight up to the top for the viewpoint at the castle. But we had a lovely view of the city.

Lovely view indeed! nice day for it!
Yikes! Was there much serious/perm damage from this flooding? Did K/T say?
So then I looked at the door to the restroom itself. There was a note on it written in German. Just then another lady came to use the restroom. She evidently spoke German and was able to decipher what it said. Basically it said that the women’s restrooms were out of order and to use the Men’s restroom. I probably could have figured out the gist of it on my own, but that’s when I realized that I should bring my phone with me, in case I need to use Google to translate!

Good you got there in the end! I don't think I know any German (D used to know some) so I'd have been doing the same!
I guess when you bioengineer most of your food it can cut the costs. From what I understand, in the US we don't eat anything natural unless you grow it in your own yard.

I have to agree. Even your bread is .... let's just say questionable. And you're right I have not yet found any flavourful fruit in US supermarkets.
Lucky as there is lots of organic and yummy produce here in Austria.

I think it's awesome! I can't wait to make fondue again and have more!

I think I gave ours to goodwill. Chocolate fondue has somewhat gone out of fashion here.

Actually those are bubbles from the candle being so hot.

Could it be that even your chocolate is somewhat modified? Here, if you heat chocolate to a temperature where it bubbles it definitely burns and gets bitter.

Tip your waiter! :rockband:

Something you learned here too! Tips are part of service in Austria too!

I just wasn't feeling salady.......yet.

You didn't have to - it was mine anyway. :lmao:

You pulled the birthday card......

Yes, our birthday present for you - we paid for your expenses for the first two days.
When it got to the correct size, I would place it into the bottle and let it melt until it fell inside the bottle.

And they did not melt for a long time, going by the "clonk, clonk" your bottle would make all day long.

So after Karin and Tom picked me up, they took me to a bakery cafe for breakfast.

Sorry to correct you again - bakery bakes bread (at least here in Austria) and some sheet cakes and danishes. This is a full blown Konditorei, or Patisserie if you would like to use the French word.

As I said, today was my birthday, and Karin had the cafe present me with the world’s smallest sachertorte as soon as I was seated.

Well, I ordered the Petit Four for you and it is NOT a Sachertorte. It's a chocolate Petit Four, Sacher Art which means it is chocolate cake with jam, but cannot be called a Sachertorte.

ad6e1336-a063-4c57-8b25-b15d2207a265.jpg 1d14c494-b4ed-448d-9349-7d418907fc34.jpg

Picture 1 = Petit Four
Picture 2 = Sachertorte - needs to be a round cake, cut into triangles to be called Sacher Torte and needs to be made with its special recipe, which is not your regular sponge cake.

Grosse Braun

Grosser Brauner - and you asked for strong coffee. We warned you that our coffee culture is different from your Starbucks stuff.

Later I ordered some sort of a Latte. The Espresso definitely gave me a kick, but this one was easier to drink.

Way more similar to US coffee

After Breakfast I ate the Sachertorte.

After breakfast you ate the Petit Four.

Main ingredients: Chocolate sponge cake, apricot jam, dark chocolate glaze

It is a lot of whipped egg whites with sugar, into which you fold the egg yolks, chocolate which has been carefully melted with butter - not hotter than body temperature or the chocolate will burn easily and lastly a tiny amount of flour is folded in.
Sponge has a different recipe - at least here.

I also picked out a few different flavors of the truffles, Karamel, Grand Mariner, and Irish Coffee.

All part of your birthday gift from us paying for your expenses for the first two days.

Passau actually is in Germany. It's a border town to Austria and famous because three rivers meet there, the Donau, the Inn and the Ilz. They all have different colours and if you look at the left side where two of the rivers come together you can also see the different colours. The third river would be behind us.

I think you could have gotten regular food but that's not lunch Karin & Tom style.

Hm, it was you who told me you didn't want a big lunch as it is common herek before you even got here. And your kind of lunch was just a liquid one, we had to talk you into getting some cake. When we go to Passau we always have a savoury lunch there and some cake for dessert.

Karin got some sort of Raspberry cake, and Thomas got a Rhubarb cake.

Mine was actually plum, but you are correct, Thomas had rhubarb.

For those who asked me to start writing Trip Reports again - I did it. Started posting our 2024 trips. The link is in my signature if you care to follow along.
Oh, I was. Closer to 50lbs, actually. At least on one occasion. On another, I had no bags at all.

Yikes! I don't know how you dealt with that! I can't deal with bags that heavy any longer. Need to go to the gym!

I still don't know how you managed all of that!

Me neither! That was a crazy time in my life!

I don't remember which way I did it, but I'm sure I wished you a happy birthday that day. :)

Yes, I'm sure you did! I would have remembered if you did not! :snooty: :lmao:

You are very determined to have your ice! :worship:

I sure am! I don't know how I survived Egypt!

It's so tiny!
That's my sister's favourite torte. She had one shipped from the Sacher Hotel to Winnipeg for a special occasion. :)

Well evidently I was wrong! :sad2:

:lmao: I love how there's a mini one and a healthy one and you're all like... "Nope!"

I'm not one for healthy (see above comment needing to go back to the gym).

Very nice shot of the birthday girl. :)

Thank you. :blush:

Whoa! How wired were you after that?!?!?

Actually not very. But it did take me a while to settle in to what sort of coffee to have in the morning to get the right coffee buzz.

I'm sorry... what?!?!?!?!?
You've never had jam on bread???

Well not really. We didn't eat it in my parent's house, and so since I didn't grow up eating it, the thought to try it never really occurred to me.

What's better than birthday cake on your birthday?

Second birthday cake.


::yes:: Almost certainly.
When I was little, we had relatives that would send us marzipan animals.

I never heard of it until I went to college, either from a friend of mine who introduced me to it or when I went to Europe for the first time.

That's true! Never thought of that.

Yeah, not my favorite way to spend my birthday.

Any idea what makes it famous? Other than the curve?

No. Clue.

Some day I'd like to take a cruise on one.

Me too!


I haven't been, myself, but I'm sure my folks have. At least I recall them talking about how much they liked it.

We didn't get to see much of the town being that it was closed on the holiday.


Thanks for correcting me! :lmao:

Just kidding......

:laughing: I wonder how long you would've waited?
Ever seen the movie Dumb and Dumber?

No, I never saw that movie.....
Yikes! I don't know how you dealt with that! I can't deal with bags that heavy any longer. Need to go to the gym!
I have a story about a heavy bag, actually...
Yes, I'm sure you did! I would have remembered if you did not! :snooty: :lmao:
I sure am! I don't know how I survived Egypt!
Come here in winter. All the ice you want. Just walk outside.
Well evidently I was wrong! :sad2:
Me too! I just assumed that anything made with the exact same ingredients and in the exact same way... but on a smaller scale, would qualify to be called by the same name.
Then again, just sayin "I had a Sacher torte" is a lot less verbiage than saying "I had a Petit Four, Sacher Art". Time is money, people! :laughing:
Actually not very. But it did take me a while to settle in to what sort of coffee to have in the morning to get the right coffee buzz.
That just goes right over my head. I wonder if I could even tell the difference between "good" and "bad" coffee. :confused3
Well not really. We didn't eat it in my parent's house, and so since I didn't grow up eating it, the thought to try it never really occurred to me.
I understand. But you must've seen people with PB&Js or on TV or... something.
Nevertheless... now that you've had it... did you like it? Or was it too foreign for you?
Me too!

I came this close to doing a cruise fragment on one.
Thanks for correcting me! :lmao:

Just kidding......
No, I never saw that movie.....
I'm not sure if I can post the required photo on the DIS... but I don't want to spoil it for you if you've never seen it and might.
If you want the deets... just ask. :)
It's been forever since I could take a few minutes to read through. I gave up on commenting through each chapter.

I get that! I'm having a hard time keeping up!

And I miss doing TR's too!

Too bad you have the high falutin job and don't have the time anymore. :laughing:

As if you ever need a reason! You have a standing invitation, of course. I just figured Delaware was probably boring enough that you'd have a hard time thinking of a reason to come out this way.

Unless you're interested in the general area, like Philly, DC, etc. It all depends on what you want to do!

Well, you know.....the 2026 Band Convention just happens to be taking place in Philly....perhaps I can make a detour or something! It's over Memorial Day weekend, but I was planning on extending my stay afterwards.

Say hi to pkondz for me!

Oh, I think you two have said enough to each other! :lmao:
Thank you very much! :worship:
Love all those little cafe/sweet shop pictures. Such a fun selection of goodies.
There certainly was!
The flood pictures comparison--just wow!
Yeah, I don't know how they live through all of that year after year!
My in-laws just returned from a river cruise, and they have raved about it endlessly! Such gorgeous scenery.
I smiled at this comment, and looks like your solution worked well (although a bit of work involved)

I now respect countries that value ice! :worship:

This looks very yummy! Simple and fresh

Yeah, but after a couple days, it gets a little old. At least in my mind.

Could you taste the jam well? I fruity, chocolatey taste?

The jam was very prominent in the flavor.

I saw this pic and thought "Wow! that girl is talll!"

She certainly is, she dwarfs the guy behind her.

Lovely view indeed! nice day for it!


Yikes! Was there much serious/perm damage from this flooding? Did K/T say?

K/T didn't send me these pictures, Jill did.

Good you got there in the end! I don't think I know any German (D used to know some) so I'd have been doing the same!

Yeah, I realized that what I know in German was woefully insufficient.
I have to agree. Even your bread is .... let's just say questionable. And you're right I have not yet found any flavourful fruit in US supermarkets.
Lucky as there is lots of organic and yummy produce here in Austria.

Go ahead send it my way! I'd love to try it!

I think I gave ours to goodwill. Chocolate fondue has somewhat gone out of fashion here.

Chocolate fondue never goes out of fashion in my house.

Could it be that even your chocolate is somewhat modified? Here, if you heat chocolate to a temperature where it bubbles it definitely burns and gets bitter.

Next time I use the single serving fondue, I will make sure to turn down the heat! :teacher:

Something you learned here too! Tips are part of service in Austria too!

Who'da thunk?

You didn't have to - it was mine anyway. :lmao:


Yes, our birthday present for you - we paid for your expenses for the first two days.

Yes, thank you very much. Due to your generosity I was able to stick to my budget of US$50 per day for food.

And they did not melt for a long time, going by the "clonk, clonk" your bottle would make all day long.

And such a glorious sound it is! :goodvibes

Sorry to correct you again - bakery bakes bread (at least here in Austria) and some sheet cakes and danishes. This is a full blown Konditorei, or Patisserie if you would like to use the French word.

Well what do you expect from a stupid American? :crazy:

Well, I ordered the Petit Four for you and it is NOT a Sachertorte. It's a chocolate Petit Four, Sacher Art which means it is chocolate cake with jam, but cannot be called a Sachertorte.

See comment above......

Grosser Brauner - and you asked for strong coffee. We warned you that our coffee culture is different from your Starbucks stuff.

I was completely aware that European coffee is different than what we have in the US. I just had to find a balance of coffee that had enough in the cup for me to drink, and also gave me that jolt I'm used to in the morning.

Way more similar to US coffee

But not enough kick to be drank on it's own.

All part of your birthday gift from us paying for your expenses for the first two days.

Actually I purchased the truffles myself because I had a charge for Jindrak on May 2 (bank holiday on the 1st), and I gave you my receipt so that you could apply it to your "rewards" program with them.

Passau actually is in Germany. It's a border town to Austria and famous because three rivers meet there, the Donau, the Inn and the Ilz. They all have different colours and if you look at the left side where two of the rivers come together you can also see the different colours. The third river would be behind us.

Yeah, I didn't have all that in my notes, and didn't want to make a guess.

Hm, it was you who told me you didn't want a big lunch as it is common herek before you even got here. And your kind of lunch was just a liquid one, we had to talk you into getting some cake. When we go to Passau we always have a savoury lunch there and some cake for dessert.

Honestly at home, I have a meal in the morning, and a meal at night. Rarely do I eat three meals a day and if I do, one of them is just a snack.

Mine was actually plum, but you are correct, Thomas had rhubarb.

Again, poor notes.

For those who asked me to start writing Trip Reports again - I did it. Started posting our 2024 trips. The link is in my signature if you care to follow along.

I'll try and get there as soon as I can. Busy busy busy with four different bands this season.
I have a story about a heavy bag, actually...
OK, spill it!
Come here in winter. All the ice you want. Just walk outside.
:sad2: I would be afraid that it could be like yellow snow. Not sure I'd want to put ice from outside in my water bottle.
Me too! I just assumed that anything made with the exact same ingredients and in the exact same way... but on a smaller scale, would qualify to be called by the same name.
Then again, just sayin "I had a Sacher torte" is a lot less verbiage than saying "I had a Petit Four, Sacher Art". Time is money, people! :laughing:
Preach it brother!
That just goes right over my head. I wonder if I could even tell the difference between "good" and "bad" coffee. :confused3
Yeah, I'm not sure if you could.....
I understand. But you must've seen people with PB&Js or on TV or... something.

Funny story. The first movie that I remember seeing in a theater was the Aristocats. My friend's mother picked us up from Summer School and took us directly to the theater. Know what she fixed us for lunch?

PB&J - it was the first time I'd ever had one. For whatever reason I liked my sandwiches just how Fran used to eat her Peanut butter foldovers. Butter on one side, peanut butter on the other side. I gagged when I tasted the combination of peanut butter and Jelly. 🤮 I don't remember if I just tossed it or what, but I don't think I've tried one since!

Nevertheless... now that you've had it... did you like it? Or was it too foreign for you?

No, it was pretty good. I won't be seeking it out to have at home, but if it is served to me, or I see it on a buffet, I may eat it again.

I came this close to doing a cruise fragment on one.

Well good luck on doing one someday......

I'm not sure if I can post the required photo on the DIS... but I don't want to spoil it for you if you've never seen it and might.
If you want the deets... just ask. :)

Is it worth watching? I have a loooooong list of movies I need to see!


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