It's Payback, European Style! A trip to Bavaria & Austria for DIS friends! - St. Florian! Plus Travel Day back to Frankfurt 10/15

Following along! I lived in Germany for two years, and am excited to see your experiences and options while traveling around!

Okay, I have a lazy Sunday and now there are TWO updates to comment!! But it’s bedtime here in Germany, I will have to be back for replies tomorrow!!
Following along! I lived in Germany for two years, and am excited to see your experiences and options while traveling around!

I was mostly here to see friends, so we just did things that one might do as a day trip as a German and didn't really hit the big attractions. The important thing was that I had fun!
Okay, I have a lazy Sunday and now there are TWO updates to comment!! But it’s bedtime here in Germany, I will have to be back for replies tomorrow!!

You will have plenty of time to comment. I just wanted to post something other than Planes, Trains, and all my meals. I go home from my parent's house tomorrow morning, and I've got a SUPER BUSY week ahead of me, so you might not see me pop up at all on the DIS until possibly June! :rotfl2:

Although, I just finished writing up the day we pick up the rental car, so that's ready to go once some more folks have a chance to comment!


I was mostly here to see friends, so we just did things that one might do as a day trip as a German and didn't really hit the big attractions. The important thing was that I had fun!
Those are actually he best trips! You get more of a feel for the country and people that way.
And I also have a lot more details that I can add since I'm writing the stuff down as it happens. My memory has become much worse than it was just 10 years ago.
You and me both. :(
OK, well it's going to be coming fast and furious because I have a WBTA in four months and I need to be finished with this TR by then!
I'll try to keep up with you! What's WBTA? (and you've probably told me before... see previous comment.)
I think he really said something pretty similar to that.
No because I'm still dull when I wake up. Ice cream is not my friend anymore. :sad1:
<scrubs one iconic Winnipeg item off the list>

What's WBTA? (and you've probably told me before... see previous comment.)
Since Alison is going to shortly be on a plane...the WBTA is the Westbound Transatlantic cruise. We are bring the Dream home from Europe from Southampton to Ft Lauderdale.

Jill in CO
I'm glad you got a short nap. A tour from a local is the best! Those sausages looked yummy!

Jill in CO
Those are actually he best trips! You get more of a feel for the country and people that way.

That's what I wanted on this trip, no so much being a tourist, but hanging out with my friends and doing things like they did.
I'll try to keep up with you! What's WBTA? (and you've probably told me before... see previous comment.)

Jill answered that already but I'll keep telling you as your memory fades. One of my friends who commented yesterday just got back from the EBTA so I'll be looking out to see if there are any TRs from that. Although I hear their port stop were different.

<scrubs one iconic Winnipeg item off the list>


Well if it's iconic I can make an exception, I'll just be slightly groggy afterwards.....
Since Alison is going to shortly be on a plane...the WBTA is the Westbound Transatlantic cruise. We are bring the Dream home from Europe from Southampton to Ft Lauderdale.

I still have half an hour until I leave for the airport! But you answered it better than I would have!

I'm glad you got a short nap. A tour from a local is the best! Those sausages looked yummy!

The sausages were yummy!

Spoiler alert: that's not the last time you'll see them!
Since Alison is going to shortly be on a plane...the WBTA is the Westbound Transatlantic cruise. We are bring the Dream home from Europe from Southampton to Ft Lauderdale.

Jill in CO
Yes... I did ask already. :sad2:
Jill answered that already but I'll keep telling you as your memory fades.
Eh? What's that? You'll have to speak up. I'm going deef in my decrepitude.
Well if it's iconic I can make an exception, I'll just be slightly groggy afterwards.....
Naw. I'll point it out if we drive by it.

Heading back up to read the update...
I thought I had connected my phone to the hotel Wi-Fi but after an hour's nap and a quick shower, I realized that I'd received no responses from Michael and Magdalene to the texts I'd sent before my nap.
M&M were done at their doctor appointment and ready whenever I was.
Were they wondering why you weren't answering texts? Or did they just assume you were napping?
I had a couple minutes to spare before I had to leave and decided to try some of my newly purchased wine.
How was it?
I remember this! (And it's been a long time.)
Such a fascinating city, going back to the Roman Empire.
We passed through this cool medieval tunnel which put us out onto a square.
I don't recall the tunnel... but it's quite possible I was in it.
I really like this shot of you. You're in your element!
And soon became a Protestant island in a catholic surrounded region.
Did not know this. Huh.
One of the defining things about the Medieval buildings was that man was not supposed to display his wealth and opulence through his home. But it was OK to display such wealth when worshiping God. Hence the large and beautiful churches everywhere.
Really! Well, I'm sure glad they did that with the churches, because they're spectacular.
Also in the line of worshipping god, people would build these elaborate Bay windows as altars to God, and that was OK.
Huh. I've seen those and just assumed it was a design choice and not rooted in worship.
Jump forward to World War II.
One thing that saved some of this history is that these elaborate Bay windows were removed and stored in a labyrinth of cellars underneath the city which were interconnected.
Huh. That explains why they seem so different from the rest of the building, I guess. Huh!
I think she said that this is the courthouse.
Not quite. That's the "Rathaus" or city hall. :)
We walked a little farther towards the city centre where the famous Christmas Market is held.
And it's wonderful. I was there with my dad back in '04. Best gluhwein (hot mulled... red! wine) I've ever had. Yum!
This Church was almost completely destroyed, however enough was left standing that they were able to rebuild it in the same style that it was originally constructed.
I find it amazing how they did that. I visited Dresden in '94 and again in '04 and there was a church that was completely rubble in '94 and restored in '04... Was very moved by it.
I don’t remember what this spire is, but you turn something for luck. Perhaps Magdalene can give me more information to add later.
That is a fountain. Schöner Brunnen (translates as beautiful spring)
There is a golden (possibly bronze?) ring that you can turn to bring you good luck... or fertility. :rolleyes:

(from the internet)
The place featured Nuremberg sausages cooked over a wood fired grill.
I remember those sausages. I thought they'd be the same size as everywhere else. I think I got 4... and no side.
I was hungry by the time I finished eating!
Here we are waiting for our dinner! Can you tell I’ve been 24 hours in transit with just a quick nap?
Nope. You look great. :)
The sausages are best eaten (in my opinion) with a mix of yellow mustard and horseradish.
Not a horseradish fan... but yellow mustard is a must(ard)!
Surprisingly I ate all six sausages!
No surprise. They're tiny!
I didn't quite join the clean plate club like Michael & Magdalene, but I was close.
Shame on you. :laughing:
I took that exact same shot. :)
I mean ride the underground and walk me from the train station to my hotel.
I don't remember the ubahn, so must not have taken it. I know we had a rental car the 1st time and just walked from the train station to our hotel the 2nd.
By the time they got me there, evidently it was obvious in my face, and body language that I was “done”. It was just after 8PM and I'd only slept about 3-4 hours in the last 31 or so hours.
I was a little taken aback by the fact that my seat was backwards.
I would be too, glad it didn't bother you
The seat was awesome, you could put it at any angle you wanted.

Slick little control to show you everything!

The salad had absolutely no flavor.

Sure doesn't look like it has any flavour!
She also kept my Chardonnay glass pretty full, so by the time I finished dinner I was pretty drowsy.
Atta girl! That would help me with the possible sleep as well
Another nice looking brekkie
Once I got on the train, of course someone was in my seat. Michael had warned me about this (well he kvetched about it in one of his and Magdalene’s joint TRs.) But I paid 5 euros to reserve that seat and there weren't many others available.
I'm glad they moved and you had a row to yourself
First we hit up a grocery store where I purchased two bottles of wine, and a box of my favorite chocolate covered biscuits. The total in US dollars for this was $12.57!
When I got back to my room, I found a cigarette butt on the floor. It wasn't next door, they were smoking in my room!

I picked up the butt in a piece of toilet paper and brought it downstairs. I asked if they could switch my room.
Gross! I hate the smell of smoke also, how were they getting into your room?!
I settled in, turned on the TV, and found out that the only English channel on the whole TV was CNN. Michael had alluded to this several years ago, but it didn't really sink in until today.
Uggg so much of the orange idiot I'm guessing
and maybe post my own TRs again
@dizneeat that would be excellent!! I love your TR's!

I might be tempted to share some of our adventures on the DIS again as last year we spent 5 weeks in California,
@dizneeat please do!!

Wow! I especially love the round tower
people would build these elaborate Bay windows as altars to God, and that was OK.


Here’s an even more spectacular one.

Cool, thanks for pointing this out
Can you tell I’ve been 24 hours in transit with just a quick nap?

Well done for being awake!

I didn't think there was any way I could eat all six, but they assured me that they were small and easy to eat. I did put a fork in the first picture to give a concept of size.
I would never have thought you could either, but they were quite small, yum!

Great start!
was a little taken aback by the fact that my seat was backwards. I’m not sure if you can tell from the picture, but in the end, it didn't turn out to be that big of a deal.
That would definitely throw me for a loop, too! I don't think I ever realized there were backward plane seats!!

I know I quoted other things besides the seat, LOL, but somehow they've disappeared. That's quite a long travel day! But off to a really nice start. What a beautiful place! Those intricate churches are so beautiful! I hope you had a good night's sleep in your new accommodations!
Yes... I did ask already. :sad2:

I seem to remember explaining it to you before.....

Naw. I'll point it out if we drive by it.

I had ice cream a couple days ago with no deleterious effects! :)

Were they wondering why you weren't answering texts? Or did they just assume you were napping?

I guess they just assumed that I was napping.

How was it?

I had no bad wine while I was over there, so it was good. I also didn't have anything that knocked my socks off, but it was all good.

I remember this! (And it's been a long time.)
Such a fascinating city, going back to the Roman Empire.

Yes it was very fascinating. And Magdalene was a great tour guide with all the history she shared.

I don't recall the tunnel... but it's quite possible I was in it.

I thought it was really cool!

I really like this shot of you. You're in your element!

Thanks! Michael took it.

Did not know this. Huh.
Really! Well, I'm sure glad they did that with the churches, because they're spectacular.
Huh. I've seen those and just assumed it was a design choice and not rooted in worship.

Yes, that was very interesting little tidbit that she shared.

Huh. That explains why they seem so different from the rest of the building, I guess. Huh!
Not quite. That's the "Rathaus" or city hall. :)
Thanks! That was a stupid mistake on my part, I fixed it. I should have known better. She took me to the courthouse the next day. That's where she works.
And it's wonderful. I was there with my dad back in '04. Best gluhwein (hot mulled... red! wine) I've ever had. Yum!
Huh. I've had gluhwein here, and it was pretty good.
I find it amazing how they did that. I visited Dresden in '94 and again in '04 and there was a church that was completely rubble in '94 and restored in '04... Was very moved by it.
Nice that they can do that.
That is a fountain. Schöner Brunnen (translates as beautiful spring)
There is a golden (possibly bronze?) ring that you can turn to bring you good luck... or fertility. :rolleyes:
Yes, there is a guy in the picture who is turning the little ring. But I didn't remember what it was called.
I remember those sausages. I thought they'd be the same size as everywhere else. I think I got 4... and no side.
I was hungry by the time I finished eating!
I kept commenting before I left that I didn't think I could eat six of them, but M&M assured me that I could because they were small.
Nope. You look great. :)
I think I look exhausted! :laughing:
Not a horseradish fan... but yellow mustard is a must(ard)!
I love horseradish!
No surprise. They're tiny!
They are tiny!
Shame on you. :laughing:
I took that exact same shot. :)
Great minds!
I don't remember the ubahn, so must not have taken it. I know we had a rental car the 1st time and just walked from the train station to our hotel the 2nd.
If you walked around the city than perhaps you didn't use it. I was too tired most of the time to be able to walk from their house to my hotel. It wasn't far if you're used to walking 8-10 miles a day, but for me the 6-8 they were walking me already was pushing it.
I would be too, glad it didn't bother you
Yeah, it was new, but not a big deal.
Slick little control to show you everything!
Yes, and I liked it because I could set it in almost any position.
Sure doesn't look like it has any flavour!
and the dressing was even worse.
Atta girl! That would help me with the possible sleep as well
And then there was a report on the news this morning that drinking wine before taking a nap on a plane causes heart problems.
Another nice looking brekkie
Yeah, but I was getting a little bit sick of fruit.....
I'm glad they moved and you had a row to yourself
It was nice, even if the row only had two seats.
I know! All the wine there was very affordable.
Gross! I hate the smell of smoke also, how were they getting into your room?!
I think it was the previous person in the room and the maids were sloppy.
Uggg so much of the orange idiot I'm guessing
Yeah, way too much.
Wow! I especially love the round tower
There were quite a few of them around the city center.
Cool, thanks for pointing this out
Well Magdalene is the one that really pointed all this out.
Well done for being awake!
Barely! :laughing:
I would never have thought you could either, but they were quite small, yum!
And I hadn't eaten much all day either!
That would definitely throw me for a loop, too! I don't think I ever realized there were backward plane seats!!
This was evidently a very new plane, and in business class they did all sorts of interesting ways to get the seats in.
I know I quoted other things besides the seat, LOL, but somehow they've disappeared.
I hate when that happens.
That's quite a long travel day! But off to a really nice start.
It wasn't nearly as long as Jordan/Egypt for a travel day. But it was a good start.
What a beautiful place! Those intricate churches are so beautiful! I hope you had a good night's sleep in your new accommodations!

I actually don't get inside any churches until I get to Austria, but I see the outside of a few!


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