Overall Thoughts
The race was not perfect by any means. I'm so grateful it was cold, because by Western Way I felt so hot with the sun blazing overhead. After the race I asked my husband how hot it was and he said 52. I was like, are you kidding me??? It felt like 90. While I like running in the cold, I'm really not used to it for such a long period of time. I was drinking a lot, but I wasn't sweating, so my body felt very discombobulated at the end with the sun out.
My legs started hurting before the halfway mark, and while I know your legs are pretty much always going to hurt during a marathon, it really drove home that I can't skimp on strength training next time. (Yes, I said next time, lol.) Pace wise and energy wise, I felt fine throughout. But my legs felt SO heavy.
While the race wasn't always enjoyable, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I was so proud of myself for toughing out the hard parts. Mental toughness really is a huge part of the marathon and I never felt myself spiraling or thinking I couldn't finish. I definitely WANTED to stop, but I repeated my mantras and listened to my playlists and tried to soak in the Disney environment as much as possible. Plus, the wonderful people from this board both cheering me on and running with me at the end were invaluable.
During the Western Way part of the race, I thought to myself, I don't know if finishing will be worth all this misery. After finishing, I told my husband "never let me do this again." And, well, I've already signed up for next year's marathon through a charity.
I know, huge shock. I feel like so much of this race for me was learning and getting that first marathon under my belt. I'm an overplanner and while I trusted my training, there was so much unknown after the halfway point, both mentally and physically. Every race is different, but knowing is half the battle. (Yo, Joe!)
Here's the list I made not long after the race.
- No cramping! I was worried about getting leg cramps later in the race, but this was never a problem. I had some knee pain during training, and calf soreness, but everything was fine for the race. The taper works! Also, in the week leading up to the race, I had bad stomach cramps like I was getting my period, but it never came. I worried they would persist into the race, but thankfully, they went away beforehand and I haven't had them since. Nerves? Quite possibly!
- Related, I didn't have any other soreness during the race, like my back or shoulders. I made sure to take stock of my posture every mile or so, which helped me avoid slouching or clenching my fists.
- My fueling before, during, and after the race were all great. I never felt hungry or weak or close to bonking. After the race, I prioritized rehydrating and refueling.
- I finished! That was my main goal. I also made four character stops, two photo stops, and three bathroom stops.
- My bathroom stops were waaaaay too long, mostly because of pushing down and pulling up my leggings with all my fuel stuffed in the pockets. I don't mind running with stuff in my pockets, and my shorts can hold SO MUCH STUFF, but it would have been so much easier to take off a belt and quickly push down my leggings/shorts. So I need to learn how to run with a belt at least for marathons. (My last half I didn't have any bathroom stops at all, but I don't think I could go an entire marathon without one.)
- Like I said, my legs felt heavy before I hit the halfway point. I know I need to strength train. I just need to find exercises/a program that works for me.
- I should have slathered on sunblock when I stopped in AK to see my husband. It might have kept me from feeling so overheated.
- I wore a new hat and while it didn't bother me, I realized that my usual visor really helps keep my sunglasses in place. They kept falling down and I really needed them on Western Way. So definitely stick to visors.
- My phone battery got really low due to me taking video and texting. I need to carry a small charger next time.
- Related, my AirPods died in AK. I was able to charge them enough to get me through Western Way, but I need to remember to put them back in the case when I'm not using them so they can stay charged for longer. (Also, I will probably be asking for the next gen AirPods next Christmas which have longer battery life!)
- And the worst - I developed a humongous blister on my right heel and one on my right toe. The one on my toe didn't really bother me, but I definitely felt the heel blister during the race, and thought it was just my foot hurting because I was, you know, running a marathon. I still don't know whether I should have stopped at a med tent or not. If I had, and realized I had a blister, that might have messed me up mentally. But they could have taped it for me and stopped it from getting worse. Anyway, I will definitely have to tape that area next time, and experiment with different socks/shoes. I'm not sure if those were even the problem, or if my shoe just wasn't tied tight enough. Anyway, it's mostly healed by now, thankfully!