Is the Porch Open Yet?


DIS Veteran
Oct 3, 2017
Just wondering if it is and if the old guy (Frank?) has come back. One of you regulars please report. 😊

I know people have mixed feelings about hm but I thought he was sweet.
I don't know if the porch is open or not as I haven't been in a month. But Frank is still in the parks plenty even when the porch isn't available. You can usually find him at Jolly Holiday in the mornings. (And he is a very nice man! Always there for a fistbump or handshake or quick conversation. I get why some people get irritated because they think he's a porch hog, but he's a good dude.)
Yes, it was only closed for a very short time.

I saw Frank after it re-opened. However, I was there all day both Saturday and Sunday last weekend and I didn't see Frank at all. There were, however, other families on the porch that didn't look like they were in any rush to leave.
I don't know if the porch is open or not as I haven't been in a month. But Frank is still in the parks plenty even when the porch isn't available. You can usually find him at Jolly Holiday in the mornings. (And he is a very nice man! Always there for a fistbump or handshake or quick conversation. I get why some people get irritated because they think he's a porch hog, but he's a good dude.)
Thanks for update 😊. Glad he found a new place to perch…he really is a sweet old man.
Yes, it was only closed for a very short time.

I saw Frank after it re-opened. However, I was there all day both Saturday and Sunday last weekend and I didn't see Frank at all. There were, however, other families on the porch that didn't look like they were in any rush to leave.
Thanks @LKing!! You are always so great at answering our questions and queries!
How’s out the Clapping Man. 👏 ? Is he still around? I worry about these guys cuz they’re not exactly spring chickens 😊
How’s out the Clapping Man. 👏 ? Is he still around? I worry about these guys cuz they’re not exactly spring chickens 😊
I don't know who the clapping man is. I'm going to the parks today but won't be there until later this afternoon. I'll be there tomorrow morning and can look for someone if you want.
Oh, I was there in June…I’ve never gotten to see him. Glad to know he’s still kickin though. 👍
I'm ashamed to say that when I first saw Peter Tu, I found him annoying. I considered him an attention hog. But I kept seeing him, and he was always smiling and people really responded. I think it's great that he has found a way to entertain and be entertained--and enjoy his '90s!!
We got to ride Indiana Jones with him once and I actually got to sit next to him. He is a lovely old guy and I love that he has a safe and happy place to visit in his 90's. I hope I am as fit and healthy if I am lucky enough to hit 90. The cast members love him too, they were interacting with him and we all clapped along. He is a legend.


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