IMPORTANT: FAQ- What's happened to my signature?


DIS Legend
Mar 9, 2002
If you want to test your signature, please post on the Technical Support TEST forum, or reply on the Signature test thread. Please do not make "test" posts on this thread, as it makes finding questions and problems that require responses much more difficult. Thank you!

Q. What's wrong with my signature?
A. HTML style tags, those that use the <> characters, can no longer be used on the DISboards. Elements in your signature that used them need to be changed to use vB code.

Q. But I spent ages getting my signature to look just the way I wanted it! Why are you changing this now?
A. In a word, security. HTML code in posts and signatures opens lots of security risks, and we want to be sure that we provide a safe computing experience and keep the boards running as smoothly as possible. We know that changing your signatures is an inconvenience, but the risks of continuing to support HTML code are far greater.

Q. What are HTML style tags used for?
A. In signatures on the DISboards, <IMG> tags were used to control the size of images, various font tags were used to add color or size or motion to text, and other HTML and javascript tags were used in countdowns.

Q. Where do I find information about what vB codes I can use?
A. Here's a link to an explanation of available vB codes and their syntax:

Q. So what do I do to fix my signature?

To display a photo or image:
First, you'll need to make sure your photo is the actual size (dimensions, in pixels) you want to display before you link to it. Then use the
codes before and after the URL to your photo.

You can have up to THREE individual images in your signature. The maximum IMAGE SIZE (the area in pixels that each image has to fit into) is 550 pixels wide by 200 pixels high.The total maximum FILE SIZE for all the images in your signature added together is 50K (about 50,000 bytes.)

For your own photos, you'll need to edit them on your own computer to meet the file size and image size rules, then upload them to a sharing site ( is our PhotoPost site, or you can use another web or photo server.)

You can find more help for editing images and adding them to your posts here: Clipart and Photo Primer.

To recreate a countdown:
The countdown generator we used before won't work now. There are several sites that will allow you to create countdowns and then link them in your signature here. Some that other users are using already are , , , .

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not support or recommend any of these sites, but are providing the information to get to them as a convenience to our users. It is still your responsibility to be sure that anything you link in your signature meets the DIS signature guidelines.

Each countdown will be counted as an image (remember, you can have up to three images in your signature.)​

To fix your text:
The valid vB text codes are - bold, - italic, - underline, [color], [size], [font], . See for examples of how to use these codes.

vB codes do not allow for moving text.

Get the whole story on the DIS Signature Guidelines here: Signature Guidelines

If you want to test your signature, please post on the Technical Support TEST forum, or reply on the Signature test thread. Please do not make "test" posts on this thread, as it makes finding questions and problems that require responses much more difficult. Thank you.
lorelai- Click on "Quick Links" then "Edit Signature"

PrinceJohn- check out the DIS SIGNATURE GUIDELINES (link in the first post.) You can only have 8 lines of text in your signature.
Does imagestation work for the photos? Or is the DIS photoshop the only one we can use?
Imagestation is fine. :)

This doesn't change where we can link from, just the the format of the codes we use to point to them. :sunny:

Since we can't have moving text are we now allowed to have more lines?
Oh well, at least there is an alternative for the countdowns.
Diane =0)

This may sound dumb - but I am confused. Is there anywhere to get the type of counter that automatically countsdown for you?

Thanks and have a magical Disney Day!!
Hi all, I have a few questions, but first, chrismiss56 here are the links from the first post in this thread where they create the images (hint, you can copy the BBcode...PM me and I will help if you can't figure it out... , , , .

Suggestion, Why not make a thread for questions about this (and not testing). ;)

Actually, since the "old Count-Down Timers" were a script, they were not graphic images. Each counter has a dimension and size. You addressed the width issue, but do the tickers count in our 420x400 and 35K?

If I might be so bold as to make a suggestion...
These tickers are all about the same size, why not say that they count as a line of text and increase the number of lines by 2? or just say 2 Tickers in addition and not change the width to 420...

I guess this is an excuse to finally learn Flash; I want my Marquise back...

Oh, and on the FAQ page there is a link back to a users dorum on Vbulletins website (FYI)


Help! On what do you hightlight & copy!!! Most people I have it as a link?? Help!

Please I want a ticker that shows days not months. That's NO FUN! Someone let me know if you find one out there. Than-you.
Keokagal said:
Please I want a ticker that shows days not months. That's NO FUN! Someone let me know if you find one out there. Than-you.

Me too!
zen1 said:


does anyone know the new code for moving marquee text? i made it a few days ago and now its totally gone!!!!

OK WELL, if anyone knows please post back!!!
On other BBs I frequent, there is a BB code [countdown=my vacation ]value[/countdown ] without that space before the end bracket. When you type the value (date) you spell out the month and do not put a comma in the date so today would be February 24 2005 Maybe that code can be programmed in here? I don't think it takes much to add codes. It would be much less bandwidth than the tickers and they are very similar to the html ones we had. Just a thought :)
can you please put an announcement about this at the top of each forum. There are tons of people who have html gibberish and doubt they realize there was a change.
Sorry for being so stupid, but I had a countdown clock . I understand that I can't have that one anymore, but how do I get rid of all that garbage that comes after my posts?
My signature caught me by surprise tonight when I posted to a thread so I headed on over here to fix it. Thanks! :)


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