"If I Was Any Better, I'd Be Twins!" - A Diabolical, Divalicious September '24 Solo Trip *FINISHED! 02/28*

You’re a doll, of course you got an upgrade! 😊. And I’m enjoying your f&w reviews, I’m going to be there soon and need to know what to try.
New follower!
Just want to tell you to plan returning to the terminal C early if gift shops are Open… because the new Disney Stor is awesome but the Universal Gift Shop is incredibly EPIc and you must walk up those stairs to have the dragons fire and look up to the ceiling to watch it fly away !

If guests are not flying out of Terminal C you will need to register with security a few days in advance to receive clearance to enter Terminal C . And then you will receive the Digital Code on your phone the night before …
Do not miss exploring Terminal C !

Also the Brightline Terminal is very clean and modern .
If you plan a trip on Brightline be sure to purchase the premium seating !
It’s worth it . Register online with Brightline because they send discount alerts all the time ! Currently MCO is building a duplicate entry bridge and expansionfor Terminal C but it is not creating any problems except for parking…If you drive try to get level 5 … Brightline is to the left and Terminal C is to the right !
I love Brightline and have already taken 2 trips !
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Popping over from the PTR. Following along and looking forward to reading more. I have been on several solo WDW trips and love the freedom. My next one is in Feb . Finally going to Festival of the Arts.
I am the same way

This is why I always go to the check in counter. You just never know. It was awesome that you got such a great up grade.

Yes!! It's always worth it to pop by the desk, never takes more than 5 minutes of your time and you never know what type of magic could happen!

You’re a doll, of course you got an upgrade! 😊. And I’m enjoying your f&w reviews, I’m going to be there soon and need to know what to try.

🙈🙈🙈 You are the sweetest EVER!!!

I hope you have the best time at F&W! Not to spoil anything, but I was not a 100% fan of anything else I tried at the festival except for the Mango Lassi at India. The Mac & Cheese at Macatizers and the Bison from Bramblewood Bites ended up being the best things I ate, and the Mango Lassi was the best (and only, I guess) thing I drank. If I could do things over again, I would have skipped the China booth and gotten something else to eat at India, like the samosas or the chicken.

I also didn't get to try Mexico at all (have heard very, very good things about it) and skipped out on the "big zebra dome" (forget where it's from!) because I was staying at DAKL, but heard that was good as well!

New follower!
Just want to tell you to plan returning to the terminal C early if gift shops are Open… because the new Disney Stor is awesome but the Universal Gift Shop is incredibly EPIc and you must walk up those stairs to have the dragons fire and look up to the ceiling to watch it fly away !

If guests are not flying out of Terminal C you will need to register with security a few days in advance to receive clearance to enter Terminal C . And then you will receive the Digital Code on your phone the night before …
Do not miss exploring Terminal C !

Also the Brightline Terminal is very clean and modern .
If you plan a trip on Brightline be sure to purchase the premium seating !
It’s worth it . Register online with Brightline because they send discount alerts all the time ! Currently MCO is building a duplicate entry bridge and expansionfor Terminal C but it is not creating any problems except for parking…If you drive try to get level 5 … Brightline is to the left and Terminal C is to the right !
I love Brightline and have already taken 2 trips !

:welcome: You are the BEST! Thank you for following and for these epic tips!

I fly JetBlue, which I guess has been re-homed to Terminal C, at least for the Newark routes, so I got to fly in and out of Terminal C this time and I loved it. Very clean and very convenient, and even though I missed the "faux-norail" ride, I loved being welcomed by Mayor Buddy Dyer as I was walking that long hallway to baggage claim :laughing:

I probably won't go into this in too much detail at the end of this TR, but I had some time on my hands to explore the Disney Store and Universal Store as I was waiting for my flight home! I definitely agree with you-- the Disney Store was great, but that Universal Store was truly epic 🙈 I went upstairs to see the Harry Potter part of the and was very impressed with the selection, but I didn't know about the flying dragon! I will have to keep an eye out for him next time I fly into MCO!

And thank you for the Brightline tips! Going to have to register so I can see what types of deals are available next time I visit Orlando!

What a great start to a fabulous Disney solo trip!!! Following along.

:welcome: Thank you very much, appreciate this!!

Popping over from the PTR. Following along and looking forward to reading more. I have been on several solo WDW trips and love the freedom. My next one is in Feb . Finally going to Festival of the Arts.

:welcome: Great to see you again! I can't wait to hear all about your February trip -- Festival of the Arts is a great time to visit Epcot!
The Chicken Dance

I walked back to the mouth of World Showcase and took a quick detour through Port of Entry and Disney Traders. While I was in Disney Traders, I saw a Pandora charm set with the Muppets that I fell in love with. It was a 3-charm set featuring Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Animal. It was $250, so I ended up not buying it, but I thought about it the entire time I was there!

As I was coming out of Port of Entry, I saw Asha and her Photopass Photographer and her Character Attendants all standing at the entry to her little gazebo, waving to the people who were walking by. I was so confused because there were no guests in her line! I looked at her Character Attendant and tried to communicate “Hey! Is this line open?” with my face and some hand gestures, and she gave me an enthusiastic head nod, so I went up the gate to say hi to her.


“It’s so great to see you!” Asha said. “Are you having fun adventures today? Star and Valentino and I are going to have so many adventures later!”

“Yes! What are Star and Valentino up to?” I asked.

‘Well, Star is looking for new dreamers and wishers, and Valentino is off to train his chicken choir!” She explained.

“Okay. So, dreaming and wishing I’m definitely qualified for.” I told her. “I was in choir in high school, but it wasn’t a chicken choir, so I don’t know if I’m qualified.”

“You’re definitely qualified.” She nodded, “Valentino will help you hit all the right notes and all the right moves.”

“Okay, important question. Will I have to chicken dance?” I asked.


She gave it a thoughtful moment of consideration.

“Mmm, no. I don’t think so. Valentino will teach you how to shake your tail feathers!”


Then we said our goodbyes. I half-paid attention to Wish when I watched it, so I’m not the expert on this movie, but I had a lot of fun meeting Asha! Some face characters are more reserved and some are more outgoing. Asha is more on the outgoing side so she’s easy to talk to and a lot of fun.

On my way back to the front of the park, I stopped at a stand that I could see was selling the Food & Wine Festival Beaker & Honeydew shirt, pin, and glass. I remembered that my friend really a shirt and a pin, I wanted one for myself, and I wanted one for my sister (shout out to Grace!) so I stopped by to buy my first official real souvenirs of the trip. I ended up talking to an awesome CM who had some One Direction tattoos, and we got to bond over our favorite 1D boys!

Then I saw a Photopass guy without a line who had some type of frying pan, and I decided to take some photos with him, too.



And, heck, there was nobody in line to take a photo with my favorite statue, so I got a photo with him, too.


I did a quick walk through of Creations, but didn’t see anything I needed. When I got back to the front of the park, I saw low wait times for The Land. It was a walk on, but I’ve noticed it’s not always a walk on these days! I’m a Living with The Land superfan, so I’m glad she’s getting the recognition she deserves.

After LWTL, I decided to go on The Seas with Nemo, which was another walk on. One of the things I said I wanted to do this trip was see the manatees at SeaBase, so I stopped by to say hi to them on my way out. They’re so cute!


With that, I decided I had had a nice day at Epcot, but it was looking like it was gonna rain, so I should probably head back to the bus stop.

… Okay. I saw Pluto at the front of the park, so I stopped to say hi to him, and THEN I said I was going to head back to the bus stop.


… Okay. So as I was walking away from Pluto, I saw that Spaceship Earth had a 5 minute wait and no one in their queue, so I stopped to go on Spaceship Earth and THEN! I said I was going to head back to the bus stop.

As I approached the part of the ride where we’re talking about TV (“that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”), the ride stopped. I’m no stranger to stops/starts on these conveyorbelt rides, so I thought nothing of it. But then we got the “your ride could begin moving at any time” spiel a few times.

If you don’t know this about Disney rides, there is a BIG difference between “your ride will begin moving immediately” and “your ride could begin moving at any time.”

Your ride will begin moving immediately = we stopped the ride to help someone get on/off and we’re starting again now.

Your ride could begin moving at any time = the ride might have stopped on its own and we might not know why.

So about 4 minutes later, the ride does continue moving… and then 10 seconds later it stops again and starts giving us the “your ride could begin moving at any time” spiel again.

Ya’ll, I was excited! I thought this would finally be the day I got e-vac’d off of a ride!

… But then it did start up again 6 minutes later, so I ended up just having a super long ride on Spaceship Earth. No evac this time. Oh well, maybe next time!

Then it was truly time to head back to the bus stop, so that’s what I did.

There was an Epcot bus waiting for me as I approached the station, and I was very happy to see the driver waving as I walked up to it.

“How are you sir?” I asked as I sat down on the bus.

“If I was any better, I’d be twins!” He cheerily responded.

Sorry to break the namesake of this TR so early into our report, but I had never heard that before and I loved it. I would end up thinking about it so many times throughout my trip. I thought it really captured the essence of my solo trip. I was just one person, but I really was doing so well that if I was any better, I would have been twins. He really got me with this one.

“If I was any better, I’d be twins. I love that! I’ve never heard of that!” I laughed.

We were sat at the bus stop waiting for him to depart on his schedule for a while, so we ended up talking about Cast Member life, what it was like to drive the buses, what it was like to live in Disney World. I don’t have photos but he gave me these two wooden coins which were super cute. It was nice of him to do that, I knew they existed from previous reports but had never seen them and it was a neat thing to collect. Overall a very pleasant bus experience that ended up christening this TR. 10/10.

Anyway, two more people hopped on the bus and 10 minutes later, we were back at DAKL. I thanked the bus driver and told him it had been a pleasure being on the bus with him.

On my way into the building, I stopped at Zawadi Marketplace to grab a few bottles of water for my hotel room, then it was finally time for me to meet my home-away-from-home for the next week

Don’t go anywhere, we’re just going to bring this update into two different posts to accommodate DISboards picture restrictions! Scroll down or click here.
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Meet 4236
Here she is, folks: Jambo House 4236.


First of all, she was in a prime location, located conveniently just a few doors down from the Kudu Trail elevator bank and only one story above the lobby floor. I would have never complained about a location since Tiana was kindly upgrading my room, but this location was also such a relief to me because when I originally booked my room at DAKL, I put in a “close to lobby” room request knowing that the hallways here were so long. Tiana was a GODSEND securing this room for me. Legit so thankful for her because this room (and DAKL itself) was a huge part of why this trip was so great!

Let’s get into it.




She was wonderful. You literally couldn’t find anything to complain about even if you wanted to. This was my first time staying at a true “Deluxe Resort Room” since 2017 and I was very quickly reminded that Disney takes very good care of these rooms. The DVC studios are lovely, and I love the space and accommodations they provide for my family, but the refurbishment schedules have a longer lead time than the Deluxe Resort rooms do and it’s not unusual to run into some wear-and-tear on the hard goods and quirky plumbing/HVAC.

This room was in immaculate condition. I had one (1) issue the week, and it was that a prong was broken on the hairdryer in the room. I called the front desk to see if they could bring one up and housekeeping quite literally teleported to my door to hand me a new one.

I know we talk about homogenization and the “de-Disney-fying” of hotel rooms across the board at Disney, but I really loved this room. It felt like it was a good blend of “theming” and “luxury,” it was bespoke like a Deluxe room should be while still having some of those safari & animal-esque elements that you booked a room at DAKL for.

And of course, the view from the balcony was simply a dream come true.



Now, I won’t say I cried over this, but opening the door and seeing the Zebras felt like something out of a movie. My iPhone is older than the hills, so you likely can’t see it, but the two foals were there and I was obsessed with them. I had been telling my family that week that I hoped I would be able to see them on the Safari, so the fact that they were “greeting me” just felt like the perfect start to my trip.

Overall, it was a great room at a great resort. The perfect place to start and end all of the perfect days I would have this week! In the iconic words of little orphan Annie…


Click here to continue
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Congrats on the room upgrade ... that's amazing! Great to hear that you didn't find the buses to be an issue. That is what I hear most about this resort. Fun first afternoon at F&W!
Great update! Love the story about the bus driver! That was a favorite saying of a man I worked with :-) Your room looks perfect. I'm glad you treated yourself to a deluxe resort and you have the room all to yourself. I can see why solo trips are appealing.
Congrats on the room upgrade ... that's amazing! Great to hear that you didn't find the buses to be an issue. That is what I hear most about this resort. Fun first afternoon at F&W!

Thank you very much! The buses at DAKL were great, never had a problem except when it came time to visit MNSSHP. Heck, I even loved the shuttle that ran between Jambo House and Kidani Village!

I’m sorry you didn’t get to evac yet. But you’re young, there’s still time for atttactions to break down on you. Keep the dream alive!

:rotfl: I LOVE this! Keeping the dream alive!!

Great update! Love the story about the bus driver! That was a favorite saying of a man I worked with :-) Your room looks perfect. I'm glad you treated yourself to a deluxe resort and you have the room all to yourself. I can see why solo trips are appealing.

Thank you very much!!! I had never heard that saying before this bus ride... and now I think about it all the time. Waiting for a good time to use it on someone. It really was the perfect room and having it all to myself was heaven!
Jiko, ft. Shannon
Once I was finished drinking in the views of my hotel room, I FaceTimed my family to show them the views, then I called bell services to have my bags brought up. Then it was an hour of watching the Disney Resort TV stations and unpacking all my bags. That was the BEST PART of having this room to myself for a week... unpacking everything on Sunday and organizing the room to the way I liked it! Eventually it was time for me to get ready for dinner, so it was a quick shower, makeup, doing my hair. I still had 45 minutes left until I could check in when I was done, so I headed down to Ziwadi Marketplace for something. That was another thing I loved about DAKL: It was 3 minutes to get to Ziwadi Marketplace. Usually, my family stays at Resorts where if you want to buy something or get food, you have to walk 10 minutes outdoors to get from your room to the main building.

When I got to Ziwadi, I went directly to the cashier and asked if she could help me get some Pandora charms out of the jewelry case. I wanted to commemorate the start of this vacation (and my first dinner at Jiko) with the DAKL charm!



Sorry, I know these are hard to see! It's a flat, circular charm with the DAKL logo on the front and a drawing of the resort on the back. I bought one for myself and one for mom, since she's the real Pandora collector of the family and likes to collect charms for all the Resorts she stays at.

I went back to my room and actually put this charm on a silver necklace chain (I'm not a huge bracelet person, so sometimes I'll put a single charm on a necklace and wear it pendant style!), then it was time for me to actually head to Jiko for dinner.


I checked in online, and decided to go right to the desk once I was done checking in to make a request for my seat before they could tell me my table was ready. I guess it was obvious I was the only solo diner they were expecting for a little while, because a woman looked up from her iPad and said, "Kaitlyn?"

I stepped forward and she told me that I had options for where I sat tonight! I could sit at a table, or... I could sit at the cooking place! :hyper: Which is exactly what I was there to request!

So if you're not familiar with Jiko, it's a signature dining experience at Animal Kingdom Lodge. The restaurant is open for dinner nightly and features ambiance & spiced flavors that are reminiscent of African dining. To quote Disney's own website, "Vibrant spices, crackling wood-burning ovens and boutique South African wines transport you to the heart of Africa."

The full name of this restaurant is Jiko: The Cooking Place. "The Cooking Place," pictured below, is where I sat for the evening:



It's almost like bar-style seating, except a little closer to the ground and much more comfortable (if you're a short person OR a big girl like me, you know the struggle of bar-style seating, but this was Kait Approved for comfort). Instead of an actual bar in front of you, there is as small open-concept kitchen where two chefs prepare appetizers, flatbreads, and other small plates for guests. And at the far end, right where I was sitting, there are two twin fireplaces -- this is where the flatbreads are baked!

Because I was sitting at the Cooking Place, I did not get a good look at the rest of the restaurant (I'm told there are birds hanging from the ceiling that signify good luck), so I can't comment on the rest of the ambiance here, but I so loved sitting at the Cooking Place this evening. The two chefs this evening were Jake and Clarke, both very lovely. I remember Clarke was from Zimbabwe, but I had most of my conversations with Jake, who prepared the flatbreads. We spent a little time talking about Guardians of the Galaxy. Clarke was on the salad station and I caught a passing interaction with the patrons down by him where he offered some sliced peaches to them. So this is overall a very fun place to sit, especially if you're a solo traveler. I know we talk about how bar seating is often better for solo travelers, so this is just an elevated version of a bar and you can be as introverted or as extroverted as you'd like.

My server this evening was the very lovely Diane. So fabulous, friendly, and knowledgeable. She dropped off some rose-water warm towels for me to wash my hands with and then took my drink order. I knew that Jiko had a very impressive selection of African wines, so I asked her to recommend a red wine that would pair well with the boar and steak dishes I was ordering tonight. After collecting some preferences from me, she recommended this Pinotage:


This was outstanding, she really nailed it for me! It was a very light red wine, very easy to sip and good for someone like me who typically chooses a white or pink wine.

A little while later, she dropped off their signature bread service: giraffe bread.


The giraffe bread was outstanding. It was fresh from the oven and so fluffy and light, with that perfect "crunch" on the outside. The butter I could do without -- it was very acidic. I don't know what all the details to the butter were, but I know that the black stuff sprinkled on top was powder from a Baobob tree. That's the type of tree you'll find on Kilimanjaro Safaris and the same type of tree that inspired the Tree of Life, so I liked that it was kind of a Disney touch that still spoke to African dining.

My appetizer this evening was the Braai'd Wild Boar Tenderloin, served with Creamy Pap, Tomato Chakalaka, Herb-smoked Oil.


I really loved this. It had been highly recommended from the vlogs I watched prior to my trip, so I knew I had to go with it tonight. Just outstanding, I would argue the best thing I ate all trip. The meat is so unlike pork, it was more like steak. This won't sound as fancy as the Boar was, but it almost reminded me of how Chipotle prepares their steak, so nice and chewy with a very mild crust of spices on top. I actually don't have notes on the tomato, creamy pap, and the oil, but I remember eating this entire plate. With Diane's recommendation, I dipped my bread in the leftover pap/tomato/oil mixture and it was heavenly. So I really cleaned this plate.

For my dinner, I ordered what is arguably one of the most iconic steak dishes in Walt Disney World: the filet with macaroni. This is listed on the menu as From the Oak Grill: Choice of Bone Marrow-crusted Filet Mignon or Braai New York Strip, Four Cheese Macaroni, Seasonal Vegetable, Chocolate-Red Wine Demi-glace.



It was exactly as described. A filet mignon crusted with some sort of bone marrow topping, broccolini (boo!), and parmesan crusted macaroni and cheese. The steak was good, not as good as Shula's. Certainly much tougher than the Shula's filet that I enjoyed back in May, but to Jiko's credit, the bone marrow and chocolate red wine demi glaze really elevated this dish. Any bite that had bone marrow and the glaze was very good, the bone marrow added more texture and there were different salty and sweet flavors happening, so it was a bit more exciting than the Shula's steak in that regard, the meat was just not as easy to cut or eat.

The broccolini was broccolini.

I liked the macaroni a lot. There was nothing super exciting about it, but it reminded me of my homemade macaroni and cheese, which is my all-time favorite comfort food. I love a macaroni and cheese moment where it's not soupy, this one was more on the dry side with a thin coating of cheese and bits of cheese sauce hiding throughout it, which I love because I can enjoy the al dente pasta better that way. Again, this did not trump Shula's macaroni and cheese, which had that delightful cheese pull and blend of flavors and crust on top that I dream about at least once a week, but for a true Disney restaurant macaroni and cheese, this was very good.

So as I was waiting for this lovely steak dinner to be brought out to me, another solo diner was seated right next to me. Her name was Shannon, and from the moment Shannon sat down, we had an hour of just the best conversation together. From the start, it was seriously like two old friends connecting for the first time in years. She just sat right down and we somehow dove into things. Our jobs, our travels, how often we visited the parks solo, what we liked and didn't like about each park, even more personal topics like weight loss and parents getting older. At the end of the meal, she turned to me and said, "If I order a dessert, will you have a few bites?" as though we had come to this restaurant together and it wouldn't be weird for two strangers to be sharing a plate. Talking to her was a pleasure -- a privilege, even! -- that made Jiko such a special night for me. She's the type of solo traveler I always strive to be: friendly, curious, outgoing, made another person who was traveling alone feel like they weren't alone. Hats off to you, Shannon! Thank you for a great evening, wherever you are in the world.

Unfortunately, I couldn't entertain Shannon's request to split a dessert, I was getting very tired from a long day, but Diane insisted I took a dessert to go and I agreed to get the Malva Pudding boxed up to go. I won't share my photo of that, since I opened it back in my hotel room and the presentation in the box was not as good as it would have been on a plate. I ended up regretting ordering this, it was just not that good by the time I got around to eating it in the hotel room. I don't think I even have any notes on this dish other than, "had a few cold bites and it wasn't worth it."

So overall thoughts on Jiko: Very good. Exceptional for a Disney restaurant even. Not as elevated as other Signature restaurants on property that I've been to, namely Shula's and California Grille. That's not a good thing or a bad thing, just a note. Some people want to go somewhere special but would feel uncomfortable at Victoria & Albert's or even CG, Jiko is perfect for that. I, personally, was one of those people! But for the price point, I just wasn't "wow"ed with anything except for the boar.

If you go here, you will certainly have a pleasant evening, I just found this a bit more casual than other Disney restaurants that have "Signature Dining Experience" branding. This is obviously no "Beaches & Cream," but falls a bit more closer to the experiences I've had at "Steakhouse 71." I think it sits in a category of it's own in between "Table Service" and "Signature" restaurants, and I'm just not sure the price point was worth it for this experience. It was $88 for me (glass of wine, appetizer, entree, dessert), so it would have been closer to $350-400 if I was with my family. At that same price point, we went to Shula's and had an evening that blew our minds and sits in a class of its' own.

Sorry to keep comping Jiko to Shula's. It's really not a fair comp, given that Jiko is run by Disney and they do things differently than Shula's does. To Jiko's credit, I was sitting at the Cooking Place, which I absolutely adored and was perfect for me, but I have a feeling that a family who sits at a table will have a more elevated experience than I did.

TLDR: Very pleasant evening, loved it dearly, best restaurant experience I had this week. For the price point, I just won't be back with the Newsies family any time soon. But if you are a solo traveler looking to just dress up and do something nice for yourself... Jiko is your place!

With that being said: it had been a very long day. I went back to my room, decompressed, and fell asleep so that I could get to rope-droppin' in the morning!

Click here to continue!

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Interesting read about your dining experience. It seems very fair and should help prepare people planning to dine there. How lovely you could chat with the other solo diner. Sitting at the cooking class sounds pretty perfect!
Appreciate your detailed review of Jiko, it has always been my go to restaurant. I'm a solo traveler and enjoy sitting at the bar and having a glass of wine and an app or 2 (love those South African wines!). I'm staying at the Dolphin next month, so I think I will give Shula's a try!
Ya’ll, I was excited! I thought this would finally be the day I got e-vac’d off of a ride!
Awww sorry you didnt get your evac! I got stuck on Splash many years ago on a hill and had to be evaced! It was not a comfy wait, they made three adults sit in the one row, we fit, but barely!
he gave me these two wooden coins which were super cute
How fun! I did not know about those!
The DVC studios are lovely, and I love the space and accommodations they provide for my family, but the refurbishment schedules have a longer lead time than the Deluxe Resort rooms do and it’s not unusual to run into some wear-and-tear on the hard goods and quirky plumbing/HVAC.
I noticed this with the carpets. I walked down a DVC hall this week and noticed how worn out the carpet was compared to the carpet in our hallway!
I had one (1) issue the week,
Not bad at all! We also had one issue, and it was one that stumped EVERYONE! Somehow our door got deadbolted from the inside! Facilites could not figure it out. Management could not. We had 4 people trying to open our door at one point! They had to go get a master key to open it! I am jealous you had a tub! We just had a stand in shower, so it was tough for my little guy. He was scared of the shower head.
A little while later, she dropped off their signature bread service: giraffe bread.
Oh my gosh that is so cute!
So as I was waiting for this lovely steak dinner to be brought out to me, another solo diner was seated right next to me. Her name was Shannon, and from the moment Shannon sat down, we had an hour of just the best conversation together.
How fun! It is always great when a solo seatmate is good conversation and make the evening pleasant!

Also, you can definitely see a difference in your journey with your shirt! I have been taking Zepbound since NYE and have dropped about 30 lbs and hit my goal weight, so I am right there with you on the healthy living path!
I’m really enjoying reading along! You’ve got me seriously considering another solo trip 🤔 Looking forward to your next update 😊
I really appreciate your Jiko review. I am planning on doing it with DD18 on our arrival night at AKV. I thought about possibly doing the cooking table but now I wonder if we should do the cooking table or a regular table.

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